In fact, all the officials knew that His Majesty the Emperor sent people to explore overseas. Tianzhu is not far away, if someone sent by the emperor found cotton, it would not be surprising. It's just a collection of detailed "guides" from the emperor's dreams, Mu Yan's folds, and planting to processing.

His Majesty the Emperor: Anyway, I say dreaming is dreaming.

Qunchen: Your Majesty, just be happy.

Su Yi, who knew about the matter in Qingzhou, was stupefied with a smile: "Why does your Majesty always use an excuse? Anyway, it's a change, or it's true that someone who has come back from Tianzhu can do it."

"Your Majesty did this, naturally there is your Majesty's reason." Mu Yan said.

The emperor’s reason, in fact, wanted this kind of overwhelming effect. Su Yi did not want to have much credit, but His Majesty wanted to let everyone know that this was Su Yi's credit.

Of course, the excuse of "dreaming" can also increase the emperor's reputation among the people. Therefore, those people sitting in the upper position will think a lot in their heads, which is not what Su Yi's simple little head can understand.

Su Yi knew that he was not that piece of material, and did not intend to figure it out. He has his own things to do.

He has already made a good start on the salt drying, and he has become a formal one. The rest of the work can be handed over to others.

In shipbuilding matters, he really didn't do much except to provide design drawings. He, a layman, doesn't add to the chaos either.

After Su Yi "inspected" the glass, the craftsmen finally figured out a way to improve quality and output without Su Yi's intervention.

Speaking of glass, Mu Yan's jewelry shop has opened. Those glass "jewelries" were sold out and were very popular.

With the support of Suyi's mature technical guidance, the glass can be directly made into various colors. The purity of the glass is very high, and Su Yi's cutting technology is used to assist it, which is a bit brighter than today's jewelry. And although the glass was made artificially, it was only made by Mu Yan's family workshop, which was rare in the local area and Yu Yuchao. So the tightness can also be imagined.

Even Yi Ran and Mu Yan brought accessories made of glass and felt that they were particularly beautiful. Zhi Suyi, a person who has traveled from modern times, felt very uncomfortable with the expensive glass products sold.

However, the current glass manufacturing process has not yet reached the point of manufacturing colorless and pure flat glass. Although there are related technologies in the technical guidance pamphlet given by Su Yi, they have not yet been manufactured.

Therefore, Su Yi wanted to use glass to make all kinds of instruments and take Mu Yan to see the real moon.

You can leave these things in the hands of others, and you don't need to follow up at any time. But he is still very busy.

Su Yi is busy making various textile machines that can be used for cotton and wool.

Although cotton has not been planted yet, it has already been planted and will be harvested in the second half of the year. Before that, some textile talents can be cultivated. Suyi can exchange materials for learning.

His remaining points are not enough to directly redeem a batch of new crops—a batch here refers to more than 10,000 plants. Only when this order of magnitude is above, there will be planting and processing guides. However, it is still possible to exchange cotton raw materials to teach people how to process them.

Su Yi couldn't bear to squeeze his labor force after seeing his bruises, even though Yang Xu's body hadn't been well developed. However, people from the Mohist school have arrived one after another. As soon as they arrived, Su Yi grabbed them and started to get busy.

Zhang Fu didn't know whether he should be dumbfounded or flattered. Approximately more flattered.

There are not many descendants of the Mohist school. The direct descendants are only a few dozen, and the number of direct descendants from the outer sect is no more than fifty. The Mohist school is now divided into three factions. One focuses on logic, or philosophy, which studies logical relations, dialectical relations, and naive materialism; the other studies various scientific knowledge, such as machinery, such as physics knowledge, such as mathematical knowledge; The remaining one turned into a ranger, guided by Mohist thought, doing all kinds of chivalry and righteous things.

Due to the limited number of Mohists, there are not many people in each genre, but the people left in each genre are top talents, which makes Su Yi very happy.

Needless to say, those who study science and technology were all arrested by Su Yi to play the textile machinery. In addition to textile machinery, Su Yi also threw his own physics and mathematics knowledge to this group of people, let them study it, it is best to organize the mathematics and physics theory knowledge suitable for people nowadays, and he will be responsible for publishing and printing. .

Because Mohist thought is diametrically opposed to Confucian thought, Su Yi can't help promote it, but these purely intellectual fields are fine.

Su Yi racked his brains for those who studied philosophy and wrote down all the theories that can be remembered, such as later Confucianism and dialectical materialism, and handed them to them for research. Whether it is criticism, inheritance, or development, the truth will become clearer and clearer.

Su Yi was originally worried that supporting the Mohist school would disgust the Confucianists and endanger himself. After discussing with Mu Yan, Su Yi found that she was thinking too much. The current Confucianism is far from covering the sky with one hand, and it is not the supreme truth in the hearts of the people. What doctrines prevail in the world depends on what doctrines the emperor and nobles support. If the Mohist removes some empiricism and extreme ideas, it is not impossible to gain a foothold in the world.

Although this castrated Mo family made Su Yi a little sad. But whether Confucianism, Taoism, or other schools are to be passed down, how can there be no castration, or "improvement"? Even if it does not reach the point where a hundred schools of thought are contending, there are multiple voices in the world that are stronger than just one voice.

His Majesty the Emperor also meant this. Nowadays, the family is opposed to the imperial power, and the elders of the first court are also ready to move. In order to ensure the implementation of his own policies, the emperor cannot have only one voice in the world.

Most of the elders of the previous dynasties practiced Confucianism, and most families practiced Taoism. His Majesty the emperor did not necessarily choose the Mohist school, but he would definitely win the strengths of three or even more families and choose the part that was beneficial to him to implement.

In this context, Su Yi's incident will not cause much backlash. Moreover, Suyi itself has a higher status in the hearts of the people than the world. Although it is a Taoist, everyone knows that Taoism is not necessarily equal to Taoism. Su Yi stood at a very high position, and no matter what theories seemed to him, they were nothing but the voice of the world. Whether he listens or doesn't listen, there is nothing to blame for the people next to him.

Moreover, Su Yi did not support the Mohist school. He possessed both the free and easy way of Huang Lao's learning and the Confucian Kuang-supporting Sheji's deeds. It is difficult to evaluate which school he belongs to.

In other words, none of them belong. No school can pull the aloof Su Tianshi off the mortal world and force it into its own range of cognition.

Master Su Tian is a school of his own.

Therefore, the fact that Su Yi took in the Mo family did not cause much disturbance. If you really want to talk about the waves, it is that other schools of thought have secretly gathered towards Su Yi, even Confucianism.

Because Confucianism is now in decline.

These are all things to do. Now everyone is waiting and watching. Only after Kong Yan returned home, the Kong family was a little moved.

Nowadays, the people of the Mo family are obsessed with studying every day with what Su Yi gave them. Su Yi also dragged them out of the research to toss about the machinery, causing Zhang Fu and others to complain.

When they are studying, they should have no distractions. They don't want to devote their energy to other things at all.

This is probably a common problem among scholars.

However, Su Yi is the boss, and Su Yi is a parent of food and clothing. They can only throw away their studies and help Su Yi toss these things.

I thought it was nothing more than tossing, but I didn't expect Su Yi to let them teach, teach the artisans, and then let the artisans spread it out.

In the small peasant economy, every family cherishes their own skills and rarely spreads them to the world. Artisans who spread to the world will leave a fortune in the history books.

Su Yi did not have this kind of thinking. His purpose is to promote, and that is naturally to teach people.

But teaching is not free, but Su Yi knows the harm of free. They won’t cherish the money if they don’t give it, but take it for granted to help them for free over time.

All people who come to study, regardless of their origin, status, or nationality, have to pay tuition. The tuition is only a few coins, and the people can afford it, but they can’t help it. And each time the tuition is only for one day, if you can learn well, it will be one day. If you can't learn, please continue to pay.

At the beginning, it also caused some confusion. Mu Yan was busy sending people to maintain order with weapons before he controlled it.

Such large-scale classes for craftsmen, not to mention in Yu Dynasty, are also rare in China. Just because it involves weaving, farming and weaving has always been the focus of the country, and even the emperor and empress will personally farm and weave to imitate the world. In order to promote weaving, although the form is a bit special, not many people take it to the point.

Although Su Yi did not have any foresight, he had a small animal-like instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and he also had a kind of good luck. Every time he does something, he can cut into the point that is acceptable to the public, and then slowly leverages everyone's cognition. When he does something that was previously unacceptable to others, the world can already accept it.

This is the case today.

Su Yi first started by disseminating farming and weaving techniques, followed by all kinds of mechanical and scientific knowledge. In the later years, the world has become accustomed to Su Yi's way of teaching people and will not ask questions.

Su Yi didn't think about anything. He didn't think about the impact of this incident on people now or in the future. He just thought it would save time and effort.

It's just that those Mohist scholars who hold the "world truth" given by Su Tianshi in their hands, but don't have time to study and study, are really too uncomfortable.

The Mohist line that studies science and technology is so hard-working, but the line that studies philosophy is much better. They can be immersed in the ocean of philosophy every day, and their hearts are filled with all kinds of fantastic ideas, as if they have gained a heart.

The giant Zhang Fu felt very upset.

As a tycoon, he has all the three factions. So he knows the most, but he has the least time to study. Although he is a giant and a leader, Zhang Fu is also a scholar, an ancient scientist, and a philosopher. He also hopes to be immersed in the ocean of knowledge every day, but he is too busy.

So Zhang Fu "evil comes from the heart" and transferred the group of Mo people who tossed about philosophy to the "training center." Although you don't study it, it doesn't mean you don't understand. We are improving the machinery, so you will be responsible for teaching.

People underneath complained constantly, but the Mohists were a disciplined group. The giant gave the order, and these people could only obey.

How to put it, although it feels good to be needed, now they would rather be quiet and enrich themselves first?

Su Yi pitted one faction, Zhang Fu pitted another faction, and the third row of rangers was not idle.

Although Su Yi didn't know how to arrange them, Mu Yan knew.

After Mu Yan passed the school examination, he found that these people were all talents. Mu Yan is a celebrity and a celebrity general. He suddenly felt his love for talent and used all these people.

These rangers of the Mo family have advantages that ordinary soldiers do not have. Not only do they have high military value and high cultural literacy, but they also have scientific literacy and debate ability. And they can quickly blend in among ordinary people and get news.

After thinking about it, Mu Yan formed a separate team for this group of people, and handed them over to train them, and cultivated them in terms of cultural quality and scientific literacy, that is, eloquence and so on.

Su Yi saw their training one day, and wondered, is this the oldest special force?

Su Yi didn't know much about military affairs, but as a man, he couldn't help but understand. Even if he has half a can of water, he can pour this half of water to Mu Yan, and Mu Yan must know how to use his half of water.

Sure enough, Mu Yan got a lot of inspiration from Su Yi's "pointing", and it really gave him a different team. This team later made amazing achievements in various battlefields. After Mu Yan succeeded, he handed over this training method to His Majesty the Emperor, and His Majesty gave the generals with troops. So this kind of "special forces" developed rapidly. Although it is difficult to train, it cannot be used on a large scale. But as an attacking force, it also played a big role.

These people of the Mohist school were active in the forefront of the army, and it became a common practice.

However, these people still maintain their own thinking, that is, if the country is divided, they will not show up, and will not help others to beat others. But when the country is unified or encounters foreign enemies, they will appear. "Non-attack" is understood by them as not fighting unjust wars. If you are to guard China and guard the frontiers, you will be duty-bound.

This kind of thinking has brought them disasters. Afterwards, Huaxia also had a period of global expansion. And this kind of war was considered by the Mohist school to be an unjust war, and they did not want to participate. This made the emperor very angry at the time, and the Mo family suffered a lot of losses and went into dormancy again.

But then the emperor also pondered it over. Since these people don't want to go outside, then stay at home. Anyway, even if they are unwilling to participate in a war of aggression, they are committed to guarding the homeland.

How could future generations of China put this kind of thinking aside first, but scholars from other countries in the world commented on it very highly.

Later, when China pursued the policy of peaceful rise, it also upheld this kind of thinking. Although foreign countries don't believe it very much.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After Su Yi came to Qingzhou, his activity soared, and because Mu Yan was the local boss and had a high degree of autonomy, his ability to do things also increased rapidly, and his reputation changed with each passing day.

Now in Qingzhou, when speaking of Master Su, almost everyone's expressions will immediately turn into the appearance of a devout believer, and everyone has learned to change their faces immediately.

Although Su Yi hasn't appeared in front of the world since he "pretended to be forced" last time, and Mu Yan's wish to make him make more celebrity friends has not been fulfilled, but his legends have become more numerous, and his mysterious aura has increased.

Mu Yan gave up the idea of ​​letting him make friends, because after the Mo family came, Su Yi and this group of people fell in love with each other very much. As a technical house, he naturally agreed with this group of engineering students. Rather than talking about piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poems and songs, he is more willing to tinker with those people.

Seeing that Su Yi was more cheerful and happier, Mu Yan stopped mentioning his previous thoughts.

Su Yi is happy, the rest is not important. Even if you don't mix with those celebrities, Su Yi's reputation among those celebrities does not decline but rises.

Probably the more mysterious, the more people look up to it.

When Su Yi was busy, Mu Yan was even busier.

Su Yi did not come up with a new thing, leading a new change, will involve many political and interest aspects. Every time Su Yi implements his ideas, it goes smoothly, but behind the smoothness is Mu Yan's dedication and painstaking efforts.

Dealing with the rich family, dealing with local bureaucrats, dealing with the central government, and even dealing with ordinary families, Mu Yan quickly grew up and became a qualified "official." His level of growth is probably comparable to the time he had just entered the brigade and followed His Majesty’s South and North War.

Mu Yan's edges and corners gradually became smoother and looked much calmer than before. Although it was still that radiant face, it was a little more composed and calm, with no expression of joy or anger.

In Su Yi's words, the little fox is finally about to become an old fox, no, it's a fox.

Mu Yan's ambition for Su Yi's slander was to keep Su Yi from getting out of bed the next day.

This seems to confirm Su Yi's evaluation of his "fox spirit"?

In addition to Mu Yan, Yi Ran also grew rapidly. It's just that his reputation has become "bad".

In the past, Yi Ran was arrogant, but now he is truly ruthless, and some people even say that he is cruel. Yi Ran doesn't care about "benevolence" in the slightest, he just works in a down-to-earth manner. He doesn't bother to deal with people around him too much, and he never thinks about how much backing these people have behind them.

His style is, if your backer is bigger than mine, then try to bring me down. If you can't do it, just follow my rules.

With this attitude, Yi Ran quickly accumulated a variety of experience in handling people and things, and he became more and more "notorious" in the family.

This actually blocked many rumors for Mu Yan.

The emperor saw Yi Ran's growth in his eyes and joy in his heart.

Yi Ran really found a "wise king" path that suits him, although this path is very dangerous for him. But this kind of danger, is it not a kind of safety?

The point is, Yi Ran likes this. He slowly released all his talents and did things that would benefit the country and the people, instead of becoming a captive dragon.

What is the difference between a captive dragon and a worm? Not even as good as insects.

It was not that Yi Ran had hesitated, but Su Yi gave him a reassurance.

"What does it matter what other people say about you now? How can you say that you won't lose a piece of meat. After a hundred years, everything will come to a conclusion." Su Yi said, "Ercao's body will be destroyed with fame, and the river will not be destroyed. flow."

Ercao's body and name will die, and the river will not be abandoned forever.

Yi Ran tasted these words, as if he had eaten a weight, his heart was finally settled.

He keeps this sentence in his heart and keeps himself alert. As the prince, he will be the future prince. The father trusts him, and the prince trusts him. It can be said that in the future he will be less than 10,000 people. In terms of fame and fortune, except for the one he had never thought about, he was already the largest person in the world. Since he doesn't lack fame and profit, what is he fighting for?

It means "Ercao's body will be destroyed with fame, and the rivers will not be abandoned forever." He kept his history, immortal, and even better than those unknown emperors.

Here is his ambition.

Su Yi remembered that when he saw Yi Ran for the first time, Yi Ran was just a little clever and fragile teenager disguising himself with an arrogant and reckless mask. Now he is standing there, his expression is firm, his aura is sharp, like a javelin straight into the sky.

Really grown up.

Su Yi sighed and shook his head. Mu Yan has also changed a lot, and Yi Ran has also changed a lot. In just a few months, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

"It seems that only I haven't changed much." Su Yi touched his pink face, and sighed with an old-fashioned sigh.

With such a big change in Yi Ran, the emperor was pleased in his heart, but at the same time he was considering whether to let the prince also go out to experience it.

But the prince went out to practice, not now. Now the prince is following the emperor to learn about the affairs of the court. The Qingzhou incident has moved the whole body. Mu Yan tried his best to balance the power of Qingzhou. His Majesty the emperor is in the court, no more relaxed than Mu Yan.

At this time, the emperor took the prince out to work together.

The prince talked about age, and it was not too early to participate in political affairs. But because the prince was "ill" for five years, many things were delayed. Therefore, many people are not optimistic about the Prince's entry into court.

But after the prince had done a few important things, he made the courtiers look at him with admiration.

The prince’s IQ is there, but he lacks experience. If you only rely on IQ, the people next to him can't play with him. However, his IQ is too high, but mentally lacking. The biggest difference is that it is difficult to trust people and to integrate into the world.

This kind of high IQ person can easily become low EQ or even world-weary because of "the world is stupid."

But the prince has the rein of Su Yi. There is no great love in the prince's heart. As an emperor, this is a taboo. But the prince had little love in his heart, and the only thing he valued was Su Yi. What he is doing now is to realize Su Yi's "ideal".

Su Yi strives for the benefit of the people, and the prince is a good emperor. If Su Yi were to become a corrupt official, the prince would become a tyrant.

In his mind, there is nothing more important to make Big Brother happy.

Seeing him because Su Yi was indifferent to the outside world for five years, he would know.

Even though he behaved very close to his mother, respected his father, and loved Yi Ran. But the prince knew that when he was doing these things, there was no turbulence in his heart.

He knows that he should do it, and he will do it, but he won't have any feelings for doing it.

Only when I saw Su Yi and when I thought of Su Yi, the prince would show all kinds of human emotions just like ordinary people.

The emperor was pleasantly surprised by his ease in government affairs. The courtiers were shocked by his fierce determination in dealing with matters, and the queen was pleased with his rapid maturity in all aspects. But in the eyes of the prince, he was just trying to clear the obstacles for Su Yi.

Suyi wants to promote new crops, Suyi changed the new weaving method, Suyi took out cement, Suyi provided the steel casting method, Suyi made glass, Suyi built ships, Suyi found it useful to go to sea, Suyi Take in the Mo family...

What these Su Yi did was what he wanted to accomplish.

It can only be said that Su Yi didn't care much about fame and wealth, and he had a simple love for the country, which made the prince become a prince, not a tyrant.

But now, no one knows, only that the crown prince is becoming more and more like a crown prince, and that the emperor has successors.

His Majesty the emperor didn't know his son's serious psychological problem, just thinking about how to further sharpen him.

But the prince himself didn't know his true thoughts. He only felt irritated because his younger brother could be with his elder brother, but he could only communicate with his elder brother.

As for Mu Yan's successful entrance into the room, the prince ignored it.

He knows that sooner or later there will be someone next to his eldest brother, and that other people are not as good as Mu Yan. At least he recognized Mu Yan and felt that Mu Yan was barely worthy of his eldest brother.

Behind the brilliance of Su Yi's name of "Tian Tianshi" is the love and support of many people. He only happily did what he was good at, and all the darkness and distortion were blocked from his sight.

Behind the glory of Su Yi, blood flowed into rivers, and bones became mountains. Throughout the ages, political struggles have been as fierce as the battlefield.

None of these Su Yi knows. No one would let him know.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Su Yi worked hard in Qingzhou for half a year, and gradually it was the harvest season again.

It's time for Yi Ran to return to Beijing. He returned to Beijing with the good news from Qingzhou. Many things in Qingzhou are about to be promoted throughout the country.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the late emperor looked forward to Su Yi's return to Beijing.

But Mu Yan couldn't leave this matter, and Su Yi wanted to stay with Mu Yan. This is the first Mid-Autumn Festival between his two parties. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important day in ancient times. Although he also looks forward to family reunion, Mu Yan is also his family.

In the end, Su Yi decided to stay to accompany Mu Yan and return after the New Year.

The empress and prince wouldn't say anything to Su Yi, but they both wrote and scolded Mu Yan.

Mu Yan saw it and threw it away. If you scold you, you can scold him, why don't you feel happy to accompany him.

The Mid-Autumn Festival coincides with a bumper harvest. This time Qingzhou not only had a bumper harvest of grain, but also a bumper harvest of cotton. The masses spontaneously wanted to celebrate a bumper harvest. In other words, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mu Yan, the local official, could not rest, and wanted to have fun with the people.

Su Yi doesn't matter. It is also interesting to go to the celebration.

The ancient harvest festival was very grand, with dragon and lion dances on stilts, singing and dancing, and parade all the way. Small merchants and hawkers gathered on both sides of the street, and at this time, the things sold by small merchants and hawkers were basically authentic. Although they may not meet the tastes of people at the level of Su Yi, everyone tried their best to come up with the best things. To say it is selling, not to say that it is to let people share their own joy.

For such a grand event, not only Mu Yan, the governor, should participate, but Su Yi cannot be absent.

In order to get Su Yi to participate, the local people elected a respected old man and asked Mu Yan that Master Su must appear and let him feel the gratitude of the people.

Su Yi is willing to participate in this kind of celebration, but he is not too embarrassed to let people thank him. Being surrounded by a group of people thanking me, it was embarrassing to think about it.

In the end, Mu Yan still followed Su Yi's intention and told those people that Su Yi would quietly participate in the celebration, but would not appear in front of others.

"Master Su Tian, ​​he didn't do anything to make people thankful. You just wait to thank God, thank your Majesty." Mu Yan said, "Master Su Tian is very willing to have fun with the people, but he does not want others to bow down and worship him. "

The old man sighed and left helplessly. Going back to his Tao, Su Tianshi Gaode, everyone knows, even if he knew this, he still regrets. Master Su Tian didn't want people to appreciate him, but how could the world not appreciate him? Just hide gratitude in your heart.

Su Yi felt that he was not that great, but what he did was great in the eyes of others.

"Kang Le itself is very good for being able to hold onto my heart." Mu Yan arranged clothes for Su Yi. Su Yi again dressed up as a scholar this time, and also dragged a group of Mo family members to change clothes and go shopping in a mighty manner. .

Su Yi also stained himself with a fake beard, traced his eyebrows, and added a dangling look, which looked nothing like Su Tianshi, who is a fairy-style Dao Bone. Even the scholar-like clothes are extremely gorgeous. It is better to say that he is a scholar than a slutty. It's just that they are neatly dressed and there is no toplessness.

Su Yi was afraid of the cold.

The others, because they have appeared in front of the world many times to teach the usage of new farming tools and weaving tools, their faces are also well known by many people. So they also changed their costumes, which looked very interesting.

Yang Xu's injury was also healed, and this time he went out with him. A group of people wearing gorgeous wide-sleeved long-distance running, with gorgeous hats inlaid with bright glass decorations on their heads, and a paper fan in their hands, looked like a group of wandering dandies.

Mu Yan was overwhelmed with joy, and regretted that she could not participate in it.

"You look like you, you have to do something bullying and oppressing the good." Mu Yan smiled, "This official will be your backstage."

Su Yi closed the fan and raised Mu Yan's chin: "Little beauty, can you accompany Mr. Lang for a drink?"

Mu Yan winks like silk: "I am willing."

The people beside him are not light.

In the past few months, they also knew that Su Yi was not as cold as the rumors of the outside world. Su Yi is sometimes a little confused, and sometimes even more nasty. But in nature, it is consistent with what outsiders say. They watched the friendship between Mu Yan and Su Yi. The two have a lot of time to make fun of each other, and such jokes are not uncommon. They just get goose bumps every time they see it.

But no one doubts that the friendship between the two has another meaning to live under the same roof. Probably because the two people are joking with each other, although they are not afraid of meat and vegetables, but they are too good for meat and vegetables, and they are too calm. On the contrary, people will not think too much.

The feeling of good friends in ancient times was very ambiguous. It is very common to hook and shoulder to each other to sleep and write love letters.

After sending away the busy man Mu Cishi, Su Yi took a group of "funny companions" and went out "to bully the good and suppress the good."

This group of people went out with their servants mightily, and those who saw it knew it was not easy to provoke them, so they gave way to them one after another. But even so, the road is still too crowded. The people behind Su Yi didn't care, but they were worried that Su Yi was squeezed and hurt, so after discussing it, they went to the restaurant to sit down.

The restaurant happened to be on the way that the public celebration parade must pass, and you can have a good panoramic view of the excitement.

Just go now, I don't know if there is a good place.

Who knows that Mu Yan had long expected that Su Yi would rest soon after he went to the restaurant. When Su Yi decided to go to the restaurant, Mu Yan had already set a place for him. The elegant seat by the window was separated from the rest by a screen. It's open.

Mu Yan is so considerate, and Su Yi naturally smiles. So he took a group of people to the restaurant, ordered a few foods, and waited for the celebration to come.

When Su Yi went upstairs, he happened to encounter someone arguing with the shopkeeper of the restaurant.

It turned out that the person wanted to go upstairs, but all the locations on Shopkeeper Road were booked. When Su Yi and the others went straight upstairs, that person was arguing why the others could go up. The shopkeeper had to say again, all upstairs positions were booked, the money was collected early, and the person who booked the positions was over there.

Su Yi ignored this person.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in restaurants, because I have some money and power, I always have to fight for some special treatment.

However, even if Qingzhou is not like the capital city, where the children of the family are everywhere, as the state capital, it can be regarded as gathering the most famous people in Qingzhou. Noisy in this kind of place is just a joke for the disciples.

Some powerful people in Qingzhou, if they want to grab a seat, naturally, like Mu Yan, they will spend money to book a place early.

Su Yiben didn't take it to heart, and was drinking tea and chatting with others-as Su Yi came to Qingzhou, this tea-drinking wind also blew into Qingzhou. This tea brews well, and the side dishes and snacks that go with the tea are also quite delicious. However, except for Su Yi, everyone else drinks small wine.

Suyi's drinking volume is larger than these people, I don't know if this is also the special physique of the traverser. But he just doesn't like to drink, even sweet rice wine, he doesn't like it.

Su Yi was chatting with people, and after guessing what would be interesting about the celebration, the noise from downstairs became louder and even continued upstairs.

Su Yi was very curious: "It's really weird. Does that noisy person really have some status?"

The servant immediately went to investigate and came back, saying that the man was Prince Xu Shizi.

Su Yi thought for a long time before realizing which uncle Xu Wang was from his blood. But Xu Wang Fengyi is not in Qingzhou, so why did Xu Wang Shizi go to Qingzhou for? Messing up?

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