It has been closed in recent years. Last year, the war in northern Xinjiang was closed, and the Central Government had no plans to celebrate the New Year.

After a year of **** battles by frontier soldiers, the war in northern Xinjiang has stabilized, and the DPRK and China thought that this year could finally have a good year.

After the cotton was planted in Qingzhou, Su Yi discussed with Mu Yan that the cotton harvested from the manor was not sold, and the cotton was purchased from the people, made into cotton clothes, and shipped to northern Xinjiang.

Naturally, this matter was approved by the emperor, and it was also an official purchase in the name of the emperor.

Mu Yan and Su Yi didn't want any credit, but because they had something to protect against the cold, they just thought that the soldiers of the northern border could use it.

After obtaining cotton products and affirming its role, the emperor has already ordered that all hemp should be replaced with cotton in the beginning of the spring next year. Most of the barley and wheat grown in northern Xinjiang are replaced by potatoes and corn. The most important thing for frontier soldiers is to eat first, and then talk about taste. And the taste of potatoes and corn is also good, at least better than the taste of crude flour.

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even generals, during the garrison, it is impossible to eat fine food.

The soldiers garrisoned in the frontier are really bitter now. To say that it is corrupt and degenerate, it will probably wait for several generations of emperors.

With warm clothing, soldiers in northern Xinjiang can also have a good year. They fought **** battles on the front, and the rear was fully prepared.

But perhaps the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. On the New Year's Day, war broke out in Liaodong.

Goguryeo took advantage of the Yu Dynasty to pass the New Year, and when the guard was slack, he went down to several cities in eastern Liaoning.

In fact, it is wrong to say that this is the pot of Liaodong garrison.

As mentioned earlier, at the end of Han Dynasty, the local tycoons of Liaodong occupied land as kings. Mu Yan was battling him to death, and the emperor was about to ascend the throne, and he was anxiously recalled to Beijing. So now a piece of land in Liaodong is segregated by local tycoons.

When Yu Chao's internal stability is stabilized in these places, and the national strength has improved, they will definitely have to be recovered.

Who knows that this has not been recovered, it was first taken by outsiders.

No matter how he fights, it is all his own business. If it is occupied by outsiders, it is impossible for Yu Chao to swallow it. But when should this be dealt with, it has become a problem.

Although the war in northern Xinjiang is stable, the Hu people still look at them. The Tu people in the southwest are also a little unstable, and a group of them have just been suppressed. Now the main force of the army is in the north. This is why Yuchao reacted after the cities of Liaodong were occupied by Goguryeo, not just because of the New Year.

There are two factions in the DPRK. One faction is that although it is segregated by local tycoons, it is still the original China’s land. It cannot be taken by anyone and must come back. The other faction focuses on the war in the north. Resting and restoring is the most important thing, and those cities do not belong to the Yu Dynasty.

At this moment, Goguryeo sent another person to ask for peace and was willing to be a minister of Yu Dynasty. The latter faction's momentum is even greater.

Su Yi was almost happy.

This scene has also happened in the world he lives in, and he saw it just to find out the so-called "historical facts" of the TV series.

Back then, Goguryeo took away a few cities from the powers of Liaodong, but because the Central Plains was still in chaos at that time, no one took care of it. Later, the Tang Dynasty helped Silla, the weakest country on the Korean peninsula, destroy Goguryeo and Baekje, and helped Silla unify the Korean peninsula. But Silla was a white-eyed wolf, and in a blink of an eye he occupied the cities that Goguryeo had taken from China. But because the main force of the Tang Dynasty was in other places at that time, Xinluo quickly became a minister, said a few good words, and gave some local specialties. The Tang Dynasty had to pinch his nose to recognize it.

Very similar to today?

When you say Goguryeo is willing to be a minister, you just talk about it verbally. Since you are a subject country, you took away the host’s territory before, at least to exchange it back.

Moreover, these vassal states have worked very well one by one. With the idea of ​​"Heavenly Kingdom" by the ministers of the Central Government, each time they brought some local specialties, and then weeped poorly. When I left, I took a cart of gold, silver, jewellery, and precious porcelain back. This is really a good deal.

When Su Yi was still in the capital, he had complained to His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty patted his chest and said that he is definitely not that stupid. The vassal country is supposed to support the suzerain country. How can anyone come to the master’s house empty-handed to fight the autumn wind?

Su Yi knew that with his emperor father's temper, he was definitely not the one who just let it go. It's just that the main force of the Yu Dynasty is now in the north, and now it's the season of violent crime and looting of property. It is not realistic to say that the main force is brought back to fight against Goguryeo.

"Goguryeo is looking for a good time at this time." Su Yi said angrily. "It stands to reason that they shouldn't choose this time. The war in the north has been settled. How did they know that our main force was taken away? This should be a secret act. That's it."

This secret act is not against Goguryeo, but against the rich family of Liaodong. In ancient times, our great dynasty could only value our own family. The cities in eastern Liaoning were still segregated, and the emperor had always been on guard, worried about its expansion. So I have been sending people to stay there.

The defensive force was taken to the north this time, and it was also acting secretly, worrying that those tycoons in Liaodong took the opportunity to make trouble.

Who knows that those tycoons in Liaodong didn't make trouble, but were picked up by foreigners.

After hearing Su Yi's complaint, Mu Yan was about to say something, and suddenly turned pale.

Su Yi questioned: "He Qing?"

Mu Yan took a few deep breaths, and said: "Someone in the DPRK has stolen news."

Before turning the corner, Su Yi just nodded and said, "I think so. How can Goguryeo know the confidential information of the DPRK. Even we only know when we exchange information with your Majesty."

Mu Yan frowned and said, "I want to present this matter to your majesty."

Su Yi nodded without understanding. It should be known to the emperor's father, but I don't know how the local garrison leaked the news.

When Su Yi turned his head and left, and was about to go back to his laboratory to tinker with something, he suddenly reacted and was shocked in a cold sweat.

He remembered that he had "worried the world under the hood" before, but nothing was found out.

The feudal prince had contact with foreigners, and Su Yi suspected that they had fornication with foreigners at the time. This time, the news was leaked. Could it be the feudal prince or some family?

It's just that these people do it, what good is it for them? Did you get gold and silver? Still got any promise? Or simply want to weaken the emperor's prestige? Or maybe you want Yu to fight on both sides so that they can take advantage of it?

Su Yi couldn't understand it, but if these people really did it... Su Yi had such a good temper, he wanted to kill.

After those dark years, all Chinese with a conscience and a brain have an obsession that "every inch of land must be contended" in their hearts. Su Yi considers herself a normal Chinese.

How many cities in Liaodong did you sell because of your own personal interests? These people think that place belongs to the edge, the bitter cold place, does it matter? In other words, for the sake of their so-called power, they can cede even more land?

How similar is this to the thoughts of those rulers in the late Braid Kingdom?

In history, there are always people who have no concept of family and country, and only see immediate benefits.

During the Warring States Period, China established Liaodong County to govern the land of Liaodong. Even now, in that land, we can say "since ancient times". Since ancient times, our land, the fertile black land, is now sold to others because of the "measure of interest" of some people?

"Traitor..." Su Yi frowned, and walked around the house with his hands behind his back.

Mu Yan must also want to understand the joints, and was about to discuss with the emperor's father. Then can he do something? What can he do?

The Yu Dynasty is no better than modern ones, and can send troops directly regardless of weather conditions. Even if they send troops, it is not his decision. What can he do?

Su Yi went around the house a few times and accidentally hit the bookshelf inside the house.

"Ouch!" A book was smashed down, hitting Su Yi's head. Su Yi covered his head with one hand and picked up the book with the other. Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he walked toward Mu Yan's study happily.

Perhaps, he can really do something.

Mu Yan was thinking hard about how to write a book to His Majesty, when Su Yi opened the door suddenly.

Su Yi sat in front of him and said, "He Qing, I suddenly thought of a way. Although we can't send troops now, we don't have to swallow our breath."

Mu Yan rubbed his brows, smiled, and said, "Quickly talk about it."

Su Yi generally doesn't mix these brain-burning things, but once you make any comments, there will always be magical effects.

Su Yi scowled and tapped his fingers on the table. This act of pretending to be a force was learned from his elder brother: "Since Goguryeo is a minister, then he has attacked the rebels for our country. As a fame, it is a matter of course."

Mu Yan immediately showed a clear smile: "That's so. Your Majesty will definitely be satisfied with this nomination."

Su Yidao: "Leave those Koguryo ministers who pay tribute to the capital, and discuss the ownership of those cities. If you want to come to the court, you can do it."

Mu Yan nodded and said, "If they don't want to take out those cities, they are calling their officials false."

Su Yi said, "Then we can detain the envoys and let Goguryeo give an account."

Mu Yan continued: "This time, at least one or two months have passed, the river should be frozen. It's time for the Hu people in the north to go back to graze."

What they worry about now is that the timing is wrong. But if they don't deal with it now, when Goguryeo becomes a minister, they will have no reason to attack their own country. Although Su Yi feels that this kind of face-saving and suffering is very nonsense, but when working in North Korea, the word "great righteousness" is always involved.

But if you drag Goguryeo, there is also no reason.

If you accept or not, you just say something. If they don't accept it, Goguryeo may send troops, leaving Yu Chao facing a two-front battle.

Goguryeo actually didn't want to make Yu Chao anxious. If Yu Chao calmed down, it would be best.

This method of Su Yi is to occupy the righteousness, and can reduce the guard of Goguryeo, dragging off the most difficult time.

After this period of time, even if the main force over there can't come back, Su Yi has a way.

The ship has been built. Although it is not possible to travel far for the time being, it is still possible to run a lap along the coastline. Mu Yan could allow Qingzhou's army to land from the sea on a sea-going ship, without detouring on land.

And if Mu Yan's army were to go on an expedition, Su Yi would invite himself to join the army and display "Thunder Wrath" against Goguryeo's army.

The meaning of this is naturally that the Su Yi will make gunpowder weapons and set off fireworks well.

Su Yi did not take out gunpowder weapons now because he was worried that he would take out too much. As long as he takes it out, if it is leaked out, he is worried that his own family will not be able to seize the advanced, but he will be learned by people from other countries.

Su Yi decided that every time he took out something, Yu Chao had to digest it thoroughly. In this way, even if it is leaked to other countries, Yu Chao will succeed in running away without fear of others.

But if it was just a war, Su Yi could take it out first, but he must be present. Su Yi's presence and the use of gunpowder weapons can be presumed to be "celestial powers".

Just like when he was looking for potatoes, he used white phosphorous to perform fire-free spontaneous combustion and set off fireworks in the air. Such a miraculous thing, until now, no one has asked about its mystery, only that it is a vision from the sky.

If he went on an expedition with the army, it can also be said that the heavens sent thunder and fire to punish these people. After the big deal, he had a "serious illness" and his life was "dying".

Tell Mu Yan about the gunpowder in advance, and Mu Yan will be able to cover it up for herself.

There are sea ships, long-range strike weapons on board, newly-cast steel weapons, and Sutianshi’s special "Thunderfire Bombs" joined forces, and the leader is Mu Yan. Although he is young, his reputation is far-reaching. Veteran and famous, Su Yi does not believe that Goguryeo can't be defeated.

To put it harder, Su Yi would rather bury the gunpowder to blow up the cities than to give it to Goguryeo.

The obsession of "an inch of land must contend" is called obsession because it has become a demon in the heart. It is better not to grow grass than to let it run away. Even if this does not conform to the laws of nature, it does not conform to the humanitarianism, and it does not conform to XXXX, but since it is all obsessive, what are you going to do?

However, there are still people in the city, and Su Yi is still very hesitant. However, he does not bring soldiers to fight, so even if he is soft-hearted, he will not delay the fighter. For generals like Mu Yan, it is too common to bleed when attacking the city.

At the time of the war, the people were indeed like grass.

The people in several cities in eastern Liaoning were first plundered by local tycoons and conscripted. After being occupied by Goguryeo, he killed, burned, and looted again, and all that could run ran away, and the rest couldn't run away. Now the war is on again.

I only hope that after this war, they can regain the opportunity to recuperate.

As for whether Goguryeo would return those cities obediently, Su Yi thought he was naive and kind, and he didn't believe it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After Mu Yan sent Zhezi to the capital quickly, Su Yi no longer worried about the situation in the capital. Because of Goguryeo's move, which may have been linked to the feudal lords and some of the aristocratic families in Beijing, the emperor's father would not be able to let his strategy succeed.

Mu Yan promised that after the weather became warmer, he could send troops to fight back these cities, without the need to divert the main force from the north, and also gave the emperor reassurance.

However, Su Yi was still worried about the saying that "the cities of Liaodong should be abandoned for the sake of the overall situation". If this kind of voice in the court takes up the bulk, although the emperor can go his own way, he will always be restrained.

Su Yi also has a solution to this.

At that time, his forehead was smashed by a book, but it was not just that.

Su Yi convened those from the Mo family, especially those who were good at debating, and asked them to dress up and go to local restaurants and other places to find people to debate, emphasizing the importance of fighting every inch of the land.

Rationally, it can be said that the national interest and the face of the country; emotionally, it can be sensational to the local folks, and the homeland is hard to leave.

Who doesn't have a homeland? The country of China has always settled down and relocated, and has a deep feeling for the hometown. Liaodong and Qingzhou face each other across the sea, and the cities of Liaodong's separatist regime have also fled many people to settle in Qingzhou, many of them celebrities. Inciting these people's homesickness and letting them know that these cities have been taken by barbarians, they will be very angry and sad.

Su Yi wants this kind of anger and sadness.

Anger and sadness are transformed into beautiful articles, good poems, and all kinds of simple ballads. Let us let you listen to the voice of the people and take a look at the power of public opinion.

After igniting the fire in Qingzhou, Su Yi will burn the fire to the capital.

Mu Yan also talked about inciting people's emotions in the book to the emperor, and he also wrote several letters to his close friends, hoping that they could help him to instigate public opinion in Beijing.

Su Yi hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to take the muddy water personally. He personally wrote to some of his friends in Beijing, hoping that they could "stabilize the mood of the people," and said that he would make a calculation. After one month, this matter will surely turn around. Those cities will definitely take back. When people instigated this section, they gave away their own land.

Su Yi knows that some of the aristocracy who have no interest in this matter hesitated not because of lack of patriotism, but simply because of the "big picture" considerations. Indeed, compared to the cities in eastern Liaoning, the north is more important. Even after this period of time, Yu Chao might not be able to fight on two fronts. Su Yi wanted to give them reassurance.

He promised that as soon as this straw was pressed, the hearts of these neutral families would lean towards the main battle group.

Mu Yan was extremely opposed to this matter. Su Yi should not have anything to do with him in the war. Su Yi should be aloof and be compassionate. In this way, it will make people respectful and at the same time not feel threatened.

"If you can take back these cities, even if my image as a celestial teacher collapses?" Su Yi shook his head, "No need to persuade, my heart is determined. And if I send troops, I will go with me. There are some weapons, only I can use them. . Even if you disagree, I will ask your Majesty. Even if you are forced to die, I will ask your Majesty to agree."

Mu Yan frowned and looked at Su Yi for a while, and a hint of anger rose in her heart: "I know your mood, but you also need to know my mood."

Su Yi said: "I know you don't want me to be hurt. But I am also a man, and I am also bloody. I am... I am the emperor's eldest son, how can I stay out of the matter? Even without this identity, I I came back because of the luck of China. I abandoned Xiaoyao Avenue, but it was a little dangerous. If I want to be safe and comfortable, why should I come back? An inch of land, an inch of luck. It’s fine to be attacked by someone, and I will come back later. But being sent out by your own family is a loss of luck. If you succeed, you will not be able to make up for it in the future."

After Su Yi talked nonsense, Mu Yan was persuaded.

Even if he was not persuaded, Mu Yan couldn't stop Su Yi.

If Su Yi can really be cruel, no one can stop him. Su Yi was prevented from going to Beijiang before, because Su Yi himself was persuaded. Without him, the war in northern Xinjiang can be settled down, and he is not irreplaceable.

But this time, Su Yi seemed to think he had to. Perhaps there are some secrets that he cannot be humane, but Su Yi is clearly determined.

In fact, Su Yi hadn't felt that this war was necessary. He still trusted Mu Yan. But Mu Yan was worried about him, why didn't he worry about Mu Yan? He decided to go out with the army this time and take out the musket, which would reduce the danger of the handover between the two armies, and Mu Yan would also reduce the danger.

In today's battle between the two armies, all generals rushed to the front to kill. Su Yi felt frightened when he thought about it.

As for his own danger, Su Yi also considered it. He has gone, that is, the position of a military adviser and staff, this kind of position will not be on the front line. He hides at the end, unless the entire army is destroyed, or there is a spy around him, otherwise it is impossible to hurt him, but the army may be a little tired.

Su Yi can prepare gunpowder weapons first, and teach others to use them. Even if he is required to personally direct and command long-range weapons, there is not much danger. Bows and arrows can be blocked by wearing metal armor. Although it is inconvenient to move, he does not need to ride a horse to fight.

But if Su Yi said that he had to go because he was worried about Mu Yan's safety, Mu Yan would definitely not agree, and could only talk nonsense.

However, in addition to selfishness, Su Yi was also convinced that his joining could end this war as soon as possible.

The encounter with gunpowder in the cold weapon era scared a group of people to death, let alone beat them.

Because of Su Yi's persistence, Mu Yan had no choice but to agree. However, the letters written by Su Yi were changed by Mu Yan, and they were included in his own letters. Mu Yan deleted Su Yi's request, leaving only his fingertips to calculate, after the beginning of spring, everything will go well.

As long as these few unclear words can make friends in Beijing feel at ease. When they looked at Su Yi's letter, they would only think that it was after Mu Yan pleaded that Su Yi fortune-telling. This will minimize the involvement of Su Yi with this matter as much as possible.

After Su Yi's letter arrived in the capital, as Su Yi thought, it reassures those people who are hesitating.

Although the ancients of China were a little arrogant, this arrogance was also manifested in their unwillingness to swallow their anger. The family despised Goguryeo, so the land was occupied by Goguryeo, making them even more uncomfortable. Before they chose to be patient only for the sake of the overall situation. Now that Master Su Tian said that the situation is on his side, what else do they have to hesitate? And they had also heard that Mu Yan had already accepted the matter, only waiting for the time to come.

As for the timing, it is natural that the weather has turned warmer and the river has boiled and froze. In addition to the soldiers in the northern Xinjiang, the Yu Dynasty was not good at fighting in the cold winter. The armaments can't keep up.

Under Su Yi and Mu Yan's manipulation, Qingzhou was soon overwhelmed by emotions of sadness or anger. The scholars were impassioned, and sad songs were sung in the streets.

At this time, anyone who advocates "just forget it" will become the enemy of the whole people.

Although the mood in Beijing is a little bit more relaxed than that in Qingzhou, the official class does not care about it, and the voice of war among the people is dominated.

Su Yi felt that the voice of public opinion in Beijing was too unremarkable. He printed bundles of Qingzhou's ballads, articles, poems, and poems in bundles, and distributed a copy to everybody, especially businessmen, and asked them to take them to other places.

Through those merchants and traffickers, these voices from Qingzhou quickly radiated, and the voices spread the fastest in Beijing.

Su Yi also handed the printing letter to His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty waved his hand so that his two sons could learn from Su Yi, collecting poems and articles, printing them into books, and sending them out whenever he met. Songs can also make people learn. I sing it to me every day. I sing it at the door of those masters and factions. Singing does not bother you.

His Majesty the emperor's move is more rascal than Su Yi.

As for receiving envoys, His Majesty directly handed it over to the top three in the imperial examination. His Majesty the emperor has the same idea. Since he wants to be the minister of our Yu Dynasty, paying tribute and paying taxes is necessary, right? But this is all after Yu Chao agreed to you as a minister. First of all, we want to take over the cities that you have voted for. If you don’t give it to you, it’s not sincere. Let’s discuss it if you are not sincere.

Have a meeting today, rest tomorrow, study the day after tomorrow, and then continue the meeting. During this period, there are delicious and delicious offerings, as well as singing and dancing to watch, and it can also take you to winter hunting.

But the conditions cannot be relaxed.

Xie Zhuangyuan Sima Bangyan Zhao Tanhua showed a smile that "the minister understands". Although they will directly stay in the DPRK and serve in the middle of the country, they will not practice internships like other people, and then they will have to be evaluated before they know that they will be officials there. Maybe they will be released directly. But now they are also in the learning stage, just repairing books, and most of the records of the dynasty meeting are just auditing and miscellaneous.

This is the first big thing they have received for them to do independently, how can they do it well?

As for playing tricks, this is their strength.

Zhao Cui is not familiar with Suyi, Xie Chun and Simahu are familiar with Suyi, and Simahu is one of Suyi's recognized friends. After Su Yi learned that the three of them had accepted the matter, he wrote a letter to Sima Hu with all kinds of crooked ideas.

In front of his friends, Su Yi had already revealed some of his nature, so he wrote to Simahu, and Mu Yan let him go.

After Simahu opened the letter, he laughed and laughed, and then shared the letter with Xie Chun and Zhao Cui. The three of them became friends with each other after they were admitted together.

However, Simahu copied a copy of the letter, saying that it was written by Mu Yan, and picked out Su Yi. Probably all the people who became friends with Su Yi are committed to maintaining the image of Master Su in front of others.

After Xie Chun and Zhao Cui watched "Mu Yan's Idea", they also laughed and laughed, saying that they are indeed Mu adults, which is too bad. No matter what the envoys of Goguryeo said, it was so cool to go back "since ancient times". It’s not enough to pay for the city. How much gold and silver every year, how many women, how many precious medicinal materials, and so on, it’s not bad if you really get your own country.

"This is the country," Xie Chun laughed, "I will follow this standard in the future. How can we not produce something under the blessing of our country?"

Simahu and Zhao Cui couldn't help nodding their heads: "Brother Xie said it was extremely true, what he said was extremely true!"

So these three decided on their attitude towards the outside world. When the three of them became the pillars and mainstays of the DPRK, the surrounding countries of the Yu Dynasty suffered. This is something later, so I won't mention it for the time being.

Based on Su Yi's bad idea, the three of them started to radiate more and more hurtful ideas. The three of them were full of confidence in the envoy who received Goguryeo this time, and they waited for others to hit the door.

Here, we observe a few seconds of silence for the envoys of Goguryeo. This time, Yu Chao was not receiving them from the family who wanted face in the end of the Han Dynasty. These three people had been crooked by Su Yi's letters.

How can face and benefit matter? With interest, there is face.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The reception of the envoys and the subsequent handling of matters have been determined. Although the reception of the envoys is mainly the top three, it is led by the prince.

The temper of the prince will definitely impress them.

The prince was in charge of receiving but the second prince Yi Ran was not idle either.

The emperor also believed that this matter must have been leaked to Goguryeo by the feudal lord. The prince was in charge of receiving the Koguryo envoys, and the secret visits were handed over to Yi Ran.

Yi Ran claimed that he was still in Beijing, but he had actually disguised himself and went out of Beijing to the domain of the vassal to make unannounced visits to the matter.

Previously, the matter of Xu Wangshizi ended with Xu Wangshizi being restrained. It seems that this matter is understood. In fact, the prince continued to investigate and got some clues. Now Yi Ran is following this clue to continue the investigation.

The emperor was very angry about intervening in the feudal lord. It would be nothing more than a conspiracy and trickery by one's own family. It would not be an exaggeration to confuse outsiders and betray the country.

If this matter is found out, even if the emperor's death is left, they will not be able to protect them.

The emperor could keep them alive and confine them, and then look at the square sky. Presumably this will make them more uncomfortable than death.

The emperor had always wanted to find an excuse to deal with all of these princes in order to avenge the enemies of the year, but now he ran into it himself, and the emperor didn't kick them to death.

Even the emperor has decided that regardless of whether it is found out in the end, this matter will be held on the head of the feudal lord. At least those princes who secretly had economic contacts with Goguryeo could never escape.

Now the people in the DPRK are panic, everyone knows that a storm is about to break out.

Naturally, this year will not make it through again. Don't even think about taking this leave.

Compared with the tension in Beijing, Qingzhou is better here.

Although facing Liaodong across the sea, people now have no idea of ​​coming over from the sea. In terms of land area, Qingzhou and Liaodong are far apart. If Su Yi and Mu Yan hadn't deliberately promoted the affairs of Liaodong, it would not have caused such a big storm in Qingzhou.

However, even if the people pay more attention to the affairs of Liaodong, it does not prevent them from celebrating the New Year.

This year’s harvest was great. Qingzhou was full of joy and festivities. The people put on their rare new clothes and walked the streets and alleys and blessed each other.

In this atmosphere, even if Mu Yan was anxious and irritable, he would appear to be happy and beaming with the people on the surface. He even had to seal his pen, and he had to rest. Otherwise, his governor will not rest, and the other officials will not be able to rest. The people still think that something major has happened in Qingzhou.

On the surface, Mu Yan was on vacation, and of course he was not idle in private. He began to rehearse the navy. Although it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, the sea is not frozen, so you can train your troops.

Mu Yan wanted to familiarize his soldiers with naval battles in just one month, and fight them when the weather became warmer.

Mu Yan wants to train soldiers, so naturally the soldiers can't let go.

Su Yi felt that the soldiers were working hard, so he specially sent people to the barracks to cook New Year's Eve dinner and planned some entertainment activities. Due to the military order, Su Yi naturally did not let people perform, but let the military perform their own performances, sing, dance, perform sketches, tell jokes, and perform various sports activities. For this reason, Su Yi also did football basketball. As a result, football and basketball were all turned into rugby by these guys, which is really uncontrollable.

Mu Yan and Su Yi stood in the army to celebrate the New Year with the soldiers. Such an approach naturally won the hearts of lieutenants. That's it for Mu Yan. This person has been leading soldiers for a long time, and it is quite common to eat and live with soldiers. But what is Su Yi's identity? The dignified celestial master actually spent the New Year with them, and the soldiers were really flattered.

Moreover, the programs planned by Su Yi are quite interesting, much more interesting than just eating and drinking before. Especially Mu Yan was sent to the stage by Su Yi to sing a song, which really made the soldiers feel that it was worth not going home this time.

Su Yi wanted to bring his piano to play for everyone, but because of the long distance and the damp sea, moving the piano would be too wasteful of labor and not beautiful, so forget it.

Su Yi was very regretful at this time, why didn't he learn national musical instruments at the beginning. National musical instruments are easy to carry. Even if it is not a national instrument, what saxophone violin is good.

Su Yi wondered if he wanted to go up and sing a song, but Mu Yan stopped him.

Su Yi has enough to let herself go, and the remaining image must be retained in the army. Although Mu Yan knew that Su Yi did not actually have an image at all, he had to keep the celestial master cold in front of others. It is amiable enough now. If he is more close to the people, it will not be a surprise to these soldiers, but a fright.

For those in positions of power, proper kindness is required. But majesty and mystery are also necessary. Otherwise, we can't convince the public.

Su Yi had to give up regretfully. In fact, he really wants to go up and sing "Happy New Year, Happy New Year". What a good atmosphere, how happy everyone is, he wants to scream too.

Mu Yan couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you a wolf or a puppy? Howling? When you go back, you can howl and sing all night. I will cover my ears."

Su Yi hummed with anger. Is this a song that laughs at him? The ancients didn't know how to appreciate and didn't know him in general.

However, although Su Yi could not sing a song, he made other things.

In order to prepare for the "sky thunder and earth fire" with his army, Su Yi specially made fireworks this time, saying that he would show some festive miracles to the soldiers. In order to reduce the fear of the soldiers, Su Yi also deliberately made the fireworks only one sound. Just bloom once in the sky.

Su Yi pretended to be mysterious, walked up to the high platform, lit fireworks, and with a "coax", the fire rushed to the sky, blooming gorgeous flowers.

Su Yi looked down triumphantly and found that except for Mu Yan, everyone was kneeling and kowtow.

Su Yi:? ? ? It seems that the development is different from what you imagined? ? ?

Mu Yan: …please tell me in advance before getting into trouble, so that I am a little psychologically prepared! !

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