When Mu Yan received the secret decree from His Majesty the Emperor, the whole person was dumbfounded.

"Didn't you say that your majesty agreed?" Mu Yan's hands holding the emperor's secret decree were shaking.

Su Yi thought for a while, patted his head, and said, "Isn't that you disagree? You agree, why should I beg your Majesty?"

Mu Yan's mouth opened and closed, and she was speechless for a long while.

"I will not interfere with your command of the war. I will provide you with some novel weapons at most. You are equivalent to bringing an extra staff member. Do you still need to tell your majesty?" Su Yi said, "I don't have an official position, no Restricted on personal freedom, go wherever you want, right?"

Mu Yan gritted her teeth and said, "Did you plan it long ago?"

Su Yi smiled slyly.

Of course he planned it, and this was probably the hardest time he had spent his mind. Coaxing Mu Yan with a well-thought-out attitude, convinced him that the emperor's father would definitely agree with him to join the army. After Mu Yan agreed, he followed the army and let the soldiers know the news of his trip. So even if the emperor's father didn't want him to go, there would be no way. Calling the celestial master in a hurry will make life suspicious and shake the military's mind.

Of course, if Mu Yan disagrees, Su Yi has a second step plan. He would let the emperor agree first and make an order to Mu Yan, but it was a little troublesome and wanted to take advantage of the people in Beijing who wanted him to die.

But with the second step, after Su Yi returns to Beijing, it is estimated that he will be mixed doubles by the emperor and queen, right? The prince would hold his waist and cry, right?

Uh, it's terrible. Fortunately, it's not that far.

Mu Yan was so angry that he squeezed the cheeks of the guest house and pulled it to both sides. Su Yi knew that he was wrong, and obediently told him to pull him. He did not resist. He only looked at Mu Yan pitifully, and Mu Yan couldn't help but let go for a while.

"I will write to your Majesty to make it clear." Su Yi rubbed his face and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm very precious of my life, it won't be messy."

Mu Yan looked up to the sky and sighed. What can he do? He was also desperate.

After Su Yi wrote to the emperor, the emperor...what can the emperor do? Of course he is also desperate. Su Yi has already traveled with the army, and the army knows about this, and morale is high, can't let Su Yi come back halfway? The emperor was the one who personally led the troops in the north and south wars, and he knew what it would do to morale.

In a letter to Su Yi, the emperor severely criticized Su Yi's stealing behavior, then emphasized safety and discipline, and told Su Yi that there must be punishment after returning.

Mu Yan glanced around, and knew that the emperor was softened. What punishment, I will definitely forget it when I look back.

As for the letter to Mu Yan, the emperor once again complained that Mu Yan didn't take Su Yi well, but the emperor said in the letter that it would be good to go with the army so high-profile, lest Su Yi secretly keep up, and accidents occur instead. The emperor felt that Su Yi had done something like this.

Mu Yan didn't think it at first, but when the emperor said so, he felt a little bit too. So he asked Su Yi: "If I disagree, Your Majesty disagrees, will you sneak in?"

Su Yi was surprised: "You have so little confidence in your army? Is it possible to get in if you want to get in?"

Mu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course I hired the boat myself, followed by secretly, and then I would contact you when I was about to arrive." Su Yi joked.

Mu Yan squeezed the host friend's cheeks and pulled out again.

Su Yi was wronged, he was just joking. How could he fall into that kind of state? According to his plan, it will definitely succeed.

No matter what, Su Yi had already set off with the army. At this time, the boat had no engine and carried waves, and only relied on manpower. Of course, the speed was very slow. However, although the speed is slow, it is very secretive. Because there is no precedent for blocking others on the coastline.

Although Su Yi came to think about it, starting from here slowly and slowly appearing on the sea level without any obstruction, this is too conspicuous, how can it be said that it is hidden? Is this the so-called military blind zone?

Well, it might be so. After all, in the Ming Dynasty, the group of Japanese pirates and pirates was very annoying, and attacking from the sea was indeed a very new and awkward thing.

Su Yi was not idle on the boat either, there was a boat full of the "raw materials" he wanted. If this pile of "raw materials" is ignited, it can directly blow the ship into the sky. The pile of "gunpowder barrels" was specially watched, and the entire ship was strictly prohibited from fire, even if the food was delivered from another ship.

After listening to Su Yi's various exaggerated shocks, he couldn't be too careful.

There were actually some Mohists who were traveling with the army this time.

Although the Mohists advocate "non-offensive", in fact they are the most diligent school on the battlefield apart from military strategists. The Mohists are opposed to unrighteous wars, and they often help the side that they think is just.

My Da Yu Dynasty regained the lost ground and punished Xiao Xiao. Of course, it was the righteous side. The Mo family also sent some people with the army to guide the use of various equipment.

Zhang Fu originally wanted to send the group of rangers to travel with the army, but Mu Yan asked him to stay and hand it over to Qi Yun. After Mu Yan left, Qi Yun settled in Qingzhou. Because Qi Yun is not a general, although he has the power to mobilize the remaining defenses of Qingzhou, he is not good at this aspect. Mu Yan's own cronies were all taken to the battlefield, and the Mo family's people were more trustworthy for the rest. After all, they have received a great favor from Su Yi, and they are the people who know the gratitude and will do their best to help Qi Yun.

People like the Mo family also hold military posts in Qingzhou, so they can do anything cheaply.

Although Qingzhou cannot be attacked by an enemy, public security issues still need to be maintained.

After several days of sailing, the boundaries of Goguryeo can be seen. After the expansion of Goguryeo, several important cities were seen along the coast, and the army of the Yu Dynasty had to choose one of them to land.

According to Su Yi's idea, he must first log in from the wilderness, and then slowly push the city. But Mu Yan directly chose the most prosperous one.

Su Yi didn't understand strategy or something, so he waved the flag and shouted, and handed gunpowder to the big guy behind.

Even if Goguryeo is blind, such a big team of strange ships should have seen it. Although their army did not come, there were soldiers guarding the city. The group of soldiers came to the coastline, intending to block Yu Chao's fleet in the ocean. They also recruited ships, ready to go out to sea to take the initiative to attack. But their boat rolled ashore after swaying around.

At this time, let alone the navy, even shipping is underdeveloped. There are more merchant ships in Baekje, but there is no such concept of maritime military power. Although there are robbery pirates, there is not yet a large-scale maritime army. Since there is no maritime armed force, it is naturally difficult for the ship to go to sea to fight.

Yu Chao came suddenly-Su Yi had reservations about this and caught Goguryeo by surprise. They knew that Yu Chao would send troops, and it was where Chen Bing and Yu Chao bordered. Naturally, there is no preparation at all here, let alone whether you can requisition a useful ship in such a short time, even if you get on the ship, you don’t know how to drive it. The boatman was recruited, and the group of soldiers didn't know how to fight on the boat.

So they retreated to the shore.

The Goguryeo soldiers who returned to the shore prepared to wrap the tarpaulin with bows and arrows and attack Yu Chao's army with fire.

This is not bad. The boats are all made of wood and ignited with fire, which is indeed dangerous.

At this time, we must know the importance of understanding science. Anyone who has studied high school geography knows that during the day, the wind blows from the sea to the land. At this time you are shooting arrows towards the sea, that seems a bit difficult. As for fire or something, not to mention it. Don't mention that you can't reach Yuchao's ship, even if it arrives, that little fire can't lighten Yuchao's big ship.

Fire attack is not like this.

Generally, fire attacks involve pushing ships on fire towards enemy ships, locating the wind direction and launching intensive rain with rockets, etc. Or maybe you can try it with a strong siege weapon like bed crossbow with fire on it. There are few soldiers here, few bows and arrows, and the wind blows backwards. It is impossible to burn the ships of Yu Chao.

In this era, apart from driving a boat to catch up, the two boats collided with each other, otherwise there is really no good way to deal with the warship.

After probing, it was Yu's turn to attack.

Mu Yan is also ready to release arrows. Now long-range attacks are all arrows. They are downwind, and the arrow flies far.

Su Yi poked Mu Yan on the back, and handed him a black ball: "While the opponent has fewer people, help me test this. When there are more enemies, it will be difficult to do the experiment."

Mu Yan looked at Su Yi helplessly, fighting, don't you feel so nervous? Don't be kidding.

Mu Yan looked at the sparse soldiers from the other side and sighed. Although he can't get nervous now.

Bypassing the defense line of Goguryeo and the temporarily piled earth wall, cough cough, the Great Wall of China. It's just that the defensive power of a city that is a non-military important town is too weak, not to mention that most of the young people have been transferred to the border to wait for Yu Chao to attack.

"Okay." Mu Yan compromised.

Su Yi gave a big smirk, and then asked the soldiers to take out the big guy made of steel, fix it with a shelf, and prepare to start the experiment.

No way, Su Yi hasn't figured out how to reduce recoil, let alone bursting and increasing power, let alone noise reduction. From Su Yi's point of view, this thing is just listening. During the experiment in the suburbs, although the Mo family and soldiers were terrified, Su Yi stepped forward and saw that it was a small pit.

It's better to hit a stone, Su Yi thought with disgust.

That is to say, now that the number of people on the other side is too pitiful, and the equipment is too pitiful, Su Yi will dare to use this stuff. Otherwise, I don't need to do it, I'm so embarrassed. He has been preparing for so long.

After so many experiments, at least the soldiers who participated in the experiment were not afraid, but eager to try. Everyone wanted to stimulate it, no, it was a fire.

Mu Yan said that he would take the lead and lighted the fire on the grounds that it was too dangerous. The lead wire was quite long, and when the lead wire was lit by the fire fold, the people nearby covered their ears.

Only heard a loud "bang", then the ship swayed under the power of the cannon recoil, and then there was a "pop" that could be heard so far away, Su Yi excitedly took out his simple binoculars. Looking at the situation on the opposite side, I saw that the cannonball, which was not accurate enough, fell behind the defense line. It seemed to be accidental... well, who did it explode?

Although Su Yi could not hear the other party's voice, the binoculars could clearly see the other party's screaming expression in horror. Then some people threw their weapons and started kowtow, some people turned around and ran away. In an instant, the shore was quiet.

Before the expedition, the craftsman made the plate glass. Although it is not a colorless version, it still has a little green, but the purity is enough. Su Yi tossed for a while and made a few telescopes. He and Mu Yan were naturally one person.

As soon as Mu Yan tried it, he knew the significance of this thing on the battlefield. He stopped Su Yi's idea of ​​equipping each general with a handful, put the telescope away, and "lent" it to other generals when it was time to use it.

Rare is precious, which is another good thing to improve Su Yi's reputation and "worth". Through this, Mu Yan wanted to gather a group of believers in the army for Su Yi.

Now Su Yi's reputation is mostly on Wen Chen's side.

Having said that, there are still many benefits to be sent with the army this time. The premise is that Su Yi is not injured. As far as Mu Yan was concerned, as long as Su Yi was injured, no matter how big the benefits were afterwards, it would be offset.

Of course Mu Yan saw it too, and his majestic expression almost couldn't hold back when he arrived on the battlefield.

Weili doesn't know how, it is probably the same as when experimenting on the shore. The accuracy is very poor, I don't know where I flew, but it didn't blow into the pile of soldiers holding weapons anyway. The result... was amazing, and the enemies were all scared away.

Mu Yan twitched the corners of his mouth and ordered to advance at full speed and land directly.

"Could it be the barbarian who tempted me to go deeper?" A pair of brows frowned.

Mu Yan shook his head: "I don't think they seem to be pretending, they are very scared."

The lieutenant breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the telescope in Mu Yan's hand very eagerly: "Can you let the humble servant take a look?"

Mu Yan smiled and handed the telescope to the lieutenant.

These lieutenants had all been used before, and now he picked them up very skillfully, and gazed on the shore with joy. Oops, you can see it so clearly, as if you are right in front of you. Hahaha, there was an old boy crying in fright.

The other lieutenants looked angrily at the person who borrowed the telescope first. This is so shameless! I'm just one step late!

"Hey, have you seen enough, show me."

"Go go, go aside."

"Is your kid looking for a fight?"

"roll roll roll."

"Ahem, I order you..."

"I committed the following."



"That, celestial master..." a young lieutenant twisted.

Su Yi very generously handed the telescope to the officer's hand: "Here!"

Everyone glared. Damn it! This is really shameless! Actually asked the heavenly master for it!

Su Yi retired to Mu Yan, looked at the group of generals who were scratching their heads around the binoculars, and whispered: "Isn't this a bit of a play, battlefield."

Mu Yan glanced at Su Yi: "Who caused the damage?"

Su Yi pointed to his nose, very aggrieved. Blame me?

This... may really blame Su Yi.

They landed on the shore smoothly, and the people who knelt down at the time are now gone. The soldiers began to sweep the battlefield and confiscated weapons. Although not as sophisticated as Yu Chao, but bows and arrows are consumables, they can still be used.

Mu Yan was worried that Su Yi would be frightened again, and wanted to let Su Yi stay on the boat. Su Yi thought to himself that when he went out with the army, he would always see all kinds of tragic scenes. Now he should get used to it slowly, rejected Mu Yan's kindness, and followed Mu Yan to check it out.

They finally saw what they had blown up.

"It's miserable..."

"It's really miserable..."

"So unlucky..."

"It's quite unlucky..."

"Isn't it Tenchu?"

Everyone looked at the general who said "Tianzhu", and then nodded together: "Yes, it makes sense, it's Tianzhu."

Su Yi was initially a little nauseous looking at the flying corpse, but when he heard that, he was amused and felt less discomfort.

Yes, this is really unlucky. Because Goguryeo resembles the Central Plains dynasty, they can also tell the status of each other from their clothes. This person should be dressed as a civil servant, and his status is not low. He might be someone like the city lord.

There was some distance from Goguryeo's position against the enemy. The official was sitting on the carriage, watching the battle from a distance. Su Yi even suspected his appearance, should he see the Yu Chao fleet approaching shore, he would immediately run away.

It’s just that the sky doesn’t follow people’s wishes. The inaccurate cannonball flew towards him without knowing how, and it happened to hit his carriage, directly exploding the carriage. The horse was killed by one and the other. The rein of the horse was blown off, and the horse may have run away.

How can people be so unlucky? Is it really a censure of heaven?

"The whole team set off." Mu Yan left some people to guard the boat, and the rest headed towards the city.

The ship is loaded with horses and can be transferred to land at any time. Although it is the navy, no one is attacking them at sea now. The ship serves as a means of transportation and retreat.

This port is part of the city. They have landed ashore, which is equivalent to having entered the edge of the city. Because the official was killed and the others were scared away, Mu Yan and the others went straight in and occupied the city very smoothly.

Not to mention Su Yi, even Mu Yan is a bit embarrassed.

Later, Mu Yan guessed that in order to prevent them from reaching the shore, most of the troops in this city should have been gathered on the shore. Even if they can't resist their army going ashore, they can retreat to the city and continue to resist.

Who knew that Yu Chao had just started to attack, and he was killed by a cannonball on the sidelines? peep? The lord of the city scared away the guards, and now there are naturally no other guards in the city.

Mu Yan felt that this city was a bit unreal. Originally, he felt that Su Yi's "artillery" was loud, slow to launch, and too low-precision. For the safety of the launcher, the power of the cannon was average. Of course, it is better than a catapult. If it is a siege, it should be possible to blow up a few more times or destroy the city wall.

Now Mu Yan felt that the value of the cannon on the battlefield should be improved. Just scaring can scare people away. What is this called? A soldier who succumbed to others without fighting?

"Tell them directly, Master Su went out with the army, and Goguryeo was condemned by the heavens." Mu Yan ordered, "and summon the rich in the city. Dao Goguryeo is originally the territory of China, and now the Yu Dynasty wants to take it back..."

Su Yi interrupted and said: "Call the civilians and tell them about corn, potatoes, cotton and so on. Now that the Yu Dynasty is here, they have a good life, and Su Tianshi brought them new food and returned to Shun Yu for the first three years. There is no need to pay land tax. Tell the people that they are optimistic about the rich people in the city. If any landlord does not obey the Yu Dynasty, their land will be divided equally among the people in the city."

The eyes of everyone looking at Su Yi changed.

Su Yi thought these people didn't believe it, and said, "Your Majesty will still agree to this request. As for the tax exemption, I have already told your Majesty, He Qing, you also know."

Mu Yan's expression is very complicated: "I know..."

But I didn't know you would take a stand and talk about it.

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "I understand, don't you understand why I did this?"

Su Yi said mysteriously: "I will let you know what is the power of the masses. Do you think that Goguryeo ruled the civilians very well? Do they have a strong sense of belonging? They don't have a sense of family and country, they just follow They are full people."

When Su Yi said this, he was actually not so happy, even a little sad.

Su Yi adjusted his expression and said with a sarcasm: "Just follow what I said, and then go to kill a few wealthy businessmen, open a warehouse and share food, and tell them that we not only don't take the ordinary people, but also give them things. And spread these things out."

"Now Goguryeo has drawn a large number of troops to consolidate the border, the defense force of the city in the hinterland is very weak, and the so-called nobles are just homes." Su Yi said, "If the people at the bottom turn back, their life will be difficult. I am. The Central Plains dynasty is a country of etiquette, and the reputation of the Han Dynasty, even ordinary people in Goguryeo know that it is a place to live a good life, but they don’t know if they can live a good life."

"Now, I have to tell them that following our Yuchao, there will be food to eat, clothes to wear, and fields to grow." Su Yi said, "Anyway, after Goguryeo is defeated, these Goguryeo nobles will be cleaned again. During the attack. At that time, these nobles of Goguryeo would resist to the end. Why not use them as a bargaining chip for us Yu Chao?"

When the people's wisdom is not developed, the people don't care about the survival of the country. Goguryeo was originally a vassal of the Central Plains dynasty for a long time, and their own people were sure that their ancestors and the Chinese nation were the same people, and they would not resist any more.

However, following Yu Chao, the common people will indeed be much better than following Goguryeo. The emperor's father is a good emperor.

After a long while, a lieutenant said in surprise: "We are going to take this place? Don't we go back after we capture their capital?"

Su Yi: "...doing white work?!"

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