After Su Yi followed Mu Yan back to Qingzhou, Jingzhong was very confused.

Right now, those who want Su Yi to die will either die or be exiled. They thought that after Su Yi was enshrined in the country, His Majesty the Emperor should keep him in the capital. After Mu Yan, the **** who had occupied Master Su all day, returned to Qingzhou, they would be able to get close to Master Su Tian.

Who knew that Su Yi Le followed Mu Yan, and His Majesty didn't stop him.

The officials were indignant and asked His Majesty the Emperor to be optimistic about the national teacher. How could the national teacher not stay in the capital?

Although the prince did not want Su Yi to leave, he was not happy when other people said that. So the prince fought against the officials.

Guo Shi was originally an expert outside the world, and he chose to join the WTO for the sake of the people. The national teacher has already made such sacrifices, and we actually restrict the freedom of the national teacher. Isn't this panic and conscience? Go wherever the national teacher wants to go. The court should worry about the safety of the national teacher at most, and don't worry about the rest.

If the national teacher wants to travel to famous mountains and rivers, as long as he is willing to bring someone to protect him, and he is willing to send a message to them when he is willing to go to a place, they should agree.

The emperor said that the prince was right. The national division is free and unrestricted. The national teacher does not make a name or profit. They have received the blessing of the national teacher and have to take care of other people's private affairs. They really don't know good or bad.

The second prince ridiculed directly. Are you really a minister or minister? The national teacher is the national teacher. It is not someone's courtier, nor is it a Taoist priest in captivity. Please be respectful.

The mouth of the second prince is really a lever of hatred.

However, as the three of the father and son sang and sang together, the officials understood how much freedom the father and son gave Su Yi, and it seemed that they had no intention of controlling it.

So some courtiers disagreed, and some courtiers sighed, no wonder Su Tianshi would come to help this father and son. If you change yourself, an expert like Su Tianshi will definitely find ways to control it.

And since Master Su Tian is an expert, wouldn't he be aware of other people's malice? of course.

So Master Su chose the current emperor.

So the officials changed their opinions one after another, saying that it was right to give the national teacher freedom.

The emperor wanted to say that his own son is already with his godson. When the godson comes back, his son will come back. You can't separate the young couple. But can the emperor speak? Of course not. So the emperor could only say that Su Yi, the butler, seemed very satisfied with Mu Yan.

Qunchen could not laugh or cry.

The dignified state governor serves as the steward of the national teacher, and I don't know if he envy the national teacher or the governor.

Sure enough, you should still envy that governor, right?

Mu Yan, who was far away in Qingzhou, sneezed.

Su Yi, who was scratching her head and ears, raised her head and said, "What? Chill?"

Mu Yan shook his head: "It's just that the nose suddenly feels itchy. Haven't you thought about it?"

Su Yi pushed the book in his hand and said, "Can you think about it so quickly? I'm compiling a book. Others have been compiling for more than ten years. Can I finish the outline in a few days?"

Mu Yan said: "Since you all know, why bother in such a hurry?"

Su Yi pouted. That's because he could have compiled the outline so quickly, because he was too useless.

Su Yi exchanged many things and drew several prizes. After drawing a few pieces of waste paper, a special prize was drawn.

Su Yi actually got a full set of compulsory education mathematics textbooks.

When Su Yi told the Prince to promote culture and education, he also thought that what he learned could be compiled into books for promotion, especially basic scientific knowledge, such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

Physics and chemistry may not be so easy to promote to the whole people, but mathematics is possible. Even scholars are among the six arts of gentleman.

Su Yi was originally afraid of this and that, thinking that if the things he took out were not learned by his family and learned by others, the Chinese National Congress would lag behind others. Later Su Yi figured it out. If you are worried about this, wouldn't it be the same as the Qing Dynasty, which has been closed to the country? I was worried that others would learn it, so I didn't even study it myself. He used to scold the Qing Dynasty for being stupid, but he was stupid.

However, although Su Yi figured it out, it was not so easy to compile a book. He knows a lot, but it is not easy to write it systematically.

There are so many people who know this knowledge in modern times, how many can compile books?

Su Yi thought it would take many years of his own efforts, and perhaps only when he was old enough could he come up with initial results. Who knows that I can pull out a set of mathematics textbooks.

God helps me too.

Although compulsory education mathematics textbooks have been drawn, they cannot be taken out directly. Su Yi will adapt this textbook according to the current writing and language, as well as customs and habits.

And the outline needs to be adjusted. Mathematics textbooks for compulsory education are also difficult for people of this age. Su Yi needs to divide the knowledge into several levels, compile books separately, and show them to different people.

After pondering alone for a while, Su Yi felt that he was really not this piece of material. It was he who used the current language to copy a copy of the catalog of the nine books, and then summoned the teachers of the academy to discuss the compilation of the book.

The predecessor of Xuegong was originally a place where a group of Mohists gathered to study. Later people from other schools also came. Finally, Confucianism and Taoism were unwilling to show weakness, and they came, and even people from Buddhism also came to see it.

This other courtyard feels a little bit contended during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. Because Mu Yan indulged, they studied all kinds of knowledge that may not have anything to do with the court, and the mainstream of society did not necessarily recognize it, so they were very happy.

Even Su Yi pays attention to guiding the knowledge of these people into output, such as selling books, selling patents, selling tickets, etc., so that not only does it not cost money, but also makes a lot of money.

When it became more and more prosperous, the outside called it "Study Palace" to show respect for it.

However, it is only called by the outside world and not listed. The name here is still "Wuthering Heights".

As for why it is called Wuthering Heights, it is obvious that Su Yi took this name. Others gave the name of this villa 11 million sources. For Su Yi, it was probably just a whim, or a spoof.

Su Yidao doesn't know how to write martial arts, so he only has some thoughts on calculations. And counting is not only the most basic skill for calculation, but also something that is used in all walks of life in society, including the country, so he took out the most simple number book, hoping to spread it to the people. Not to mention promotion, as long as people in need see it, it will benefit the country and the people.

It's just that he is not good at compiling books, and what he has learned may not be applicable here. So he called everyone together to look at the choices.

When Su Yi took out the catalog, everyone was confused.

Counting is a very important thing, whether it is ordinary people or high officials, it will count. Nowadays, arithmetic is also paid more attention, and there are already mathematical works such as "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic". The mathematics of China is ahead of the world today.

According to Su Yi's unreliable memory and knowledge, Hua Guo should have paid little attention to arithmetic during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and even the Ten Books of Mathematical Classics were almost lost.

Su Yi said that he wanted to publish what he knew about mathematics, and scholars from all schools of thought were very interested. Some of them were very confident in their arithmetic skills and wanted to ask Su Yi for advice.

But when Su Yi took out the catalog, they were a little speechless. This is the most obvious? This can also be called the most obvious?

Although they also know much of the knowledge, Su Yi's catalog is only more systematic. But aren't these all high-level knowledge?

They looked up at Su Yi's serious expression, unable to ask any questions. I always feel a little embarrassed to ask.

In the eyes of Master Su, this may be really superficial knowledge?

These people said, let Su Yi explain to them the knowledge of these outlines in detail before they know how to compile them.

Su Yi is sad. He can't copy all the nine books in the language of this world, right? He will be crazy. Why does the system not provide automatic translation?

Su Yi thought about it, and decided to tell everyone. This is better than copying a book, right?

However, although Su Yi's eloquence is particularly good when he is fooling people, he fails to give lectures. It's just that most of the people who teach at this time are based on the text, so the people below are also used to it. Moreover, even if Su Yi only reads from the book, it is enough to attract these scholars.

The people present are all people with arithmetic foundation. Su Yi has a lot of knowledge in textbooks, such as the Pythagorean theorem, prime numbers, etc. Although there is no generalization and summary now, it has already begun to be used in practice.

"Nine Chapters Arithmetic" has matured as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty. Historical changes have lost Liu Hui. Maybe he was not born yet, maybe he didn't study mathematics, maybe he changed his name, but there are still many ancient mathematicians who make notes on "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic." In "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", the knowledge involved has already included a lot of junior high school mathematics knowledge, and even some high school or even university knowledge.

Compared with modern basic mathematics, "Nine Chapters Arithmetic" only appears to be more messy, and there is no clear context between each other's knowledge points to link each other. "Nine Chapters Arithmetic" is more practical than theory.

Su Yi's "explanation" is systematic, from the shallower to the deeper. After all, it is the mathematics textbook that the later generations of China have studied and experimented with for many years, specially for children to learn.

On the premise that most of the knowledge present is understood, Su Yi finished nine books (excluding the exercises), and it took more than ten days.

Most of these ten days were spent when talking about knowledge points that are not available today, Su Yi gave more in-depth explanations and examples.

This group of people is worthy of being the big cows in the industry. Even people who say they are not good at mathematics can understand the general content of these nine books.

Su Yi thought to himself, these ancients are really awesome after nine years of knowledge in ten days.

Although they have learned most of the knowledge.

After clarifying the contents of these nine books, everyone present said that they can write books based on these nine books without much change. At most, it can be divided into shallow, introductory, advanced and other levels, so that people can choose to learn. The exercise book can be listed separately and does not occupy the space of the theory book.

They are very interested in the concepts such as axioms and theorems and their derivations, and think that describing these derivations in the book is a pioneering work. Knowing this, but also knowing why.

After the Yuan Dynasty, Su Yi would be regarded as ignorant in promoting mathematics, but now both the court and society value mathematics.

In the world of Su Yi, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, arithmetic was still a compulsory subject in the Imperial College, and its textbook was "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic."

In this context, Su Yi's book compilation process was very fast. However, the people who compiled the books all came to borrow the "Book of Heaven" in Su Yi's hands. They actually guessed a lot of the characters with missing arms and legs, but the symbols made them puzzled.

Only after accepting those symbols, he called it "Indian numerals" with Na Suyi—the Arabic numerals were actually invented by Indian mathematicians around 500 AD, but they were only passed to the West by Arabs and were mistaken for them. Arabic numerals were invented by the Arabs. If Su Yi wants to promote it, it is natural to rectify its name.

However, Su Yi, a liberal arts scum, doesn’t know that India is not called India yet, so others don’t know why Indian numbers are called Indian numbers. Later generations will be referred to as "Indian numbers", and they have written many magical legends to explain this. name.

"Prints" has now been promoted in Qingzhou and spread to other parts of China. Just like "printing numbers", after figuring out other symbols in mathematics books, these symbols were quickly accepted by scholars who studied and taught their students. In their newly compiled mathematics book, there are also explanations of these symbols.

In the capital, the emperor and his son were still discussing with courtiers how to implement the cultural and educational matters mentioned by Su Yi. Su Yi has already begun to compile books. His mathematics knowledge spreads out to teach students. Many people travel all the way to learn new mathematics.

Who made Su Yi pretend to be forced when introducing this math textbook, saying that it was the basis of his calculations? Some people may not be interested in mathematics, but they are interested in Su Yi’s "calculation", so they may look at the "Book of Changes" and the like with the idea of ​​learning this, and they will have a different harvest. threshold.

Suyi sent people to collect tickets, class hours, books, accommodation, etc., and made a lot of money.

So those training schools in later generations make money, and Su Yi now tastes the sweetness.

The fee for learning superficial knowledge is low, and the fee for learning advanced knowledge is higher; for large classes, the fee is lower, and small class teaching even charges more for individual lectures. As for those who have no money, it doesn't matter, you can teach yourself.

After the compilation of our textbooks is completed, bookstores will be opened in various places. Poor students can come to the library to borrow books for copying, and only accept pen and ink, which is considered a public welfare undertaking.

After Su Yi's craftsmen have perfected printing, the bookstore has been launched, and it was first implemented in Qingzhou Prefecture. Of course Mu Yan was under the name of Su Yi, and Su Yi of course said that this was a gift from the emperor and an order from the emperor.

The emperor's reputation has been greatly improved without knowing it, this time it is still among the scholars who are extremely difficult to improve.

But even if Su Yi said it was a gift from the emperor, they still knew that Su Yi also played a great role in it. So Su Yi's reputation has also improved.

At least Su Yi is not only a celebrity, he is already everyone, and he is recognized as a top scholar.

Su Yi said that from a literary point of view, compared with the scholars here, he is really only slightly better than the illiterate.

But no one believed it, not even Mu Yan.

"Although the outside is a bit more powerful, even if you are not a celebrity, Kangle you are full of talent." Mu Yan said.

Su Yi said: "A person has self-knowledge, I really can't. It's like you are so bad in mathematics. I have told you more than a dozen times, but you can still make half of the problem wrong. I doubt your IQ problem."

Mu Yan clutched his chest and retreated.

Su Yi looked up to the sky and sighed. He always thought that Mu Yan was a great man in Wen, a great general in Wu, and a minister of power in the middle of the DPRK. He also formulated the Mu family business plan. Now the Mu family has gone out to sea to do business with the sea ships and the soldiers who were guilty of public welfare. There seems to be nothing Mu Yan can't.

As a result, when compiling Yu Chao's mathematics textbook this time, Su Yi taught Mu Yan by the way, but found that Mu Yan was so talented in mathematics.

It's not that Mu Yan couldn't memorize theorems and formulas, nor was he careless in his arithmetic, but he just didn't know how Mu Yan's clever head would be dead when doing questions. Obviously, as a great writer, he should pass reading comprehension, right? But as long as he changed the subject, set a little trap, and turned a few turns, Mu Yan was confused and didn't know how to do it.

Su Yi did the calculations, and only simple questions with formulas were required. Mu Yan was able to do all of them; for medium questions with a few turns, Mu Yan could do 80% of them correctly; for difficult problems, Mu Yan could only memorize the solution steps by rote. To put it another way, Mu Yan would not.

Obviously, he finally found Mu Yan's weakness. He thought he was not weak in jealousy, so he was stingy. Comrade Su Yi, who had a gloomy mind, should have cheered and used this to beat Mu Yan. But Su Yi, who became Mu Yan's teacher, couldn't bring up the feeling of hitting Mu Yan at all.

He just teaches people and wants to hit people.

Why are you so stupid?

Mu Yan also looked up to the sky and sighed. People have what they are good at and what they are not good at. He thinks he is good at math, who knows that Su Yi can solve so many strange problems. What can he do? He is also very helpless. However, he absolutely does not admit that he is poorly learned in mathematics. This is not a direct formula question, right? He only needs to be able to do these questions. Do those so-called difficult problems have anything to do with him?

In this regard, Su Yi said ha ha da. This is probably the place where liberal arts students and science students often confuse each other.

However, the group of Mohists really liked the problems presented by Su Yi. They even put aside their research on physics and chemistry, and came to study mathematics, and said that mathematics also has a great auxiliary effect on these two knowledges.

Of course this Su Yi knew. Mathematics is the foundation of all immediate subjects, and the development of these subjects will only occur after the development of mathematics.

I hope that after I promote mathematics, I can stimulate research in other disciplines. Even if the emperor has changed, the dynasty has changed, the policy has changed, and the development of other disciplines has begun to be suppressed. At any rate, these books and studies will remain, and when the ban on thinking needs to be lifted, it will not be too far behind others.

Mathematics has begun to be promoted here in Su Yi, and the fact that mathematical symbols have become popular soon spread to the capital. The emperor sighed, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

He is an emperor anyhow, and there are a bunch of clever ministers under him. In other words, there are more capable people than Su Yi, and the promotion efforts are higher, right? Even if the writing is a bit more difficult, but he is still wrangling, and he has not yet decided on a candidate, Su Yi is already on the right track.

For the report written by Su Yi (show off), maybe Su Yi's book has been compiled, but the people on his side may not have chosen it.

Why is the efficiency of the subordinates so low? The emperor was puzzled at all, but ultimately it was attributed to the inability of ministers to do things, and there were too many mistakes in his heart.

At this time, the emperor finally showed his mentality as the emperor and the center of the country and the world. Anyway, it was not me who was wrong, it was the minister, it was the world.

Of course, it is not my son's fault.

So the emperor was furious, and cursed the minister of Korea with blood and said that these people were too inefficient and the corpses were vegetarian. The emperor directly set deadlines for these people. If there is still nothing to discuss, he will just call them.

Anyway, now that the emperor is aware of the obstacles in the imperial court, the opposing families and the jumping vassal kings are already belching, and the emperor's power is strong, and it is basically impossible to shirk himself if he thinks of someone to do something.

The ministers didn’t know how the emperor was stimulated, or after banging on the side of the prince and the second prince, did they know that the national teacher was in Qingzhou, patted his head, suddenly wanted to integrate mathematical knowledge and perfect the mathematics book, and after only a month or so, he was on the right track. Now the first book has been published and is already in print.

His Majesty decided to compile a calligraphy book a long time ago. Although it is a bit more difficult than the arithmetic book, he hasn't even learned the candidate well. So His Majesty the Emperor felt a little embarrassed and became angry.

Could it be that the collective efforts of the hundreds of civil and military officials in the Manchu dynasty are no better than the whim of the Qingzhou scholars who were randomly gathered by the national teacher?

The ministers felt bitter. Can this be compared? For the court to compile books, the difficulty was not in the process of compiling books, but in the distribution of benefits. Now they are talking about this, and when they get on the right track, they will definitely be fast.

However, the National Teachers' Family is a non-governmental academic organization, and it is directly on the right track. There are no disputes over interests, of course it will be soon.

Your Majesty, compare the time when you are on the right track with non-governmental academic organizations. Isn't it difficult for a strong man?

However, one of the meanings of His Majesty's existence is that it is difficult for a strong man.

So the ministers had to speed up the interest discussion in private, and those who knew about it from Su Yi took advantage. They have already prepared all the candidates and reported them to the emperor, and the rest must consider them now.

So when the people were finally selected, in addition to the emperor stuffed a few well-educated but ignorant political affairs and likes to be a celebrity who likes to be a dung stick to come in, basically they were divided by these families or related people. The number of books.

The emperor didn't care. Anyway, he and the prince are the last big names.

The prince has something to do and has a reputation to earn. The emperor patted his forehead and felt that the second prince was a bit idle recently. In Qingzhou, let the second prince take charge of shipping matters.

Prince Erkang: Wait! Let the younger brother stay and make up the book and go to the loneliness!

The second prince's burden model went out of Beijing overnight, slipping faster than the rabbit.

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