Although the temple is full of incense, everyone is busy with their livelihoods. It is not a good time to go out and watch the scenery, nor is it a festival. There are not many people in the temple.

Su Yi pretends to be a scholar, and the guards around him pretend to be entourages or small servants, riding a horse to the temple. The temple is halfway up the mountain, and there is a road for horses to walk directly to the temple.

By dressing up Su Yi, he knew he was a powerful and powerful man. As soon as he arrived at the temple, a little novice monk greeted him and led the horse into the Mayuan for Su Yi and others.

The noble princes came up to the mountain basically not for the sake of worshipping the Buddha, but for Su Zhai. The people in the temple are not dissatisfied with these people's "impiety". If it hadn’t been for Na Su Zhai to attract so many wealthy people to the temple, their temple would not be famous far or near.

In any case, attracting people first is the most important thing.

Su Yi was also not welcome, and he bluntly said that he was for Su Zhai. He was very lucky. Today the great monk happened to be fine, and he was the only guest, and there were new dishes. Su Yi chuckles, maybe this time I can really fill my mouth.

Su Yi had eaten vegetarian food many times before crossing. Some of the elders in the family eat vegetarian food all the year round and lose weight all the time, and eat a lot in famous vegetarian restaurants everywhere. Most vegetarian restaurants do not taste very good. The vegetarian dishes eaten on weekdays are the same, even because of the addition of inferior fast soup or greasy things, they are even more unpalatable than the normal fried vegetables.

The vegetarian restaurant that Su Yi has eaten can make him compliment it for something delicious without a slap.

In Su Yi's view, vegetarian dishes must be delicious, first of all, the raw materials must be as fresh as possible, and secondly, the seasoning must not be overwhelming. Eating vegetarian dishes. Most people can’t make them so delicious that they don’t look like vegetarian dishes. They should try their best to ensure the fresh taste of vegetarian dishes.

But it is very difficult to do so, and the condiments used are also very demanding. A plate of vegetarian dishes can cost a plate of seafood.

However, the delicious vegetarian banquet is mostly made with Shanzhen, so the deliciousness is taken for granted.

Su Yi didn't know what kind of vegetarian food the great monk here would make.

When Su Zhai put it on the table, Su Yi first gave the great monk a compliment, looking at the very beautifully decorated plate. Judging from the color and lustre, Su Zhai here is well-known far and wide.

A good meal cannot escape the careful selection of materials. Most of the meal on this meal is fungus and fruits. Even the seemingly ordinary green vegetables, there are petals and dried fruits on it, and they are poured. The soup can also be seen in its delicate degree.

Su Yi tasted every dish. These vegetables are cooked with fungus soup, nectar, and juice. Although they may not meet his tastes, they are indeed novel and can't taste the least meat.

Nowadays, most of the main ingredients of vegetarian dishes are vegetarian dishes, but the ingredients are the soup of big fish and meat. If it is not a bit of meaty fish, it will be too bland to eat.

Su Zhai here is indeed very rare.

If Suyi is not wrong, the cooking utensils for these dishes are also exquisite, or many of them use scented wood, leaves, petals, bamboo tubes, etc. For example, this rice is simmered in a bamboo tube.

Su Yi's eyes fell on the new dish and said, "This bean jade is good."

Tofu desserts made with various juices and honey, the monk is interested.

The great monk folded his hands together and said: "It's good for the donor's taste."

Su Yi nodded and continued to enjoy Su Zhai happily. The great monk sighed in his heart. This is another person who only eats and is not interested in Buddhism. Generally, a donor comes to taste vegetarian food, no matter how much Buddhism the person knows, he will always talk to the monk. Even if the great monk thinks this person's **** doesn't make sense, but if he knows a little bit, he can be regarded as being inspired by the Buddha's light.

But Su Yi didn't say a word except talking about the dishes, and didn't talk about Buddhism with the great monk at all.

The monk waited for a long time, Su Yi was still eating food slowly, he sighed and found an excuse to leave.

Su Yi looked up at the great monk. He didn't know what the great monk was waiting for him to say, but he just didn't want to say it. If he really wants to pull something, he can pull it too, but it's not necessary. He didn't want to bother his brain while enjoying the food.

But when he finished eating, Su Yi became a generous pilgrim, and the monks in the monastery were finally satisfied. Although he is not a sincere person to worship Buddha, it is not bad to be a local tyrant anyway.

But when he went down the mountain, Su Yi touched his stomach. Hey, I'm not full.

Although the taste of Su Zhai is still good, a big man eats a table of vegetables, and each dish has only a very delicate small dish. It is strange to be full.

"If the national teacher is not full, there is a tea shed on the footpath down the mountain, which will sell some roasted game." A follower said, "When the subordinates pass by, they will always go there to taste it. The taste is very good."

Su Yi wanted to go back to town to fill his stomach, but the food in the town was average and rough. Now that he heard something delicious, he suddenly hesitated.

The entourage said again: "If the national teacher is worried about delaying the itinerary, you can send someone to notify you, and you can eat together in the tea shed. A little bit in front of the tea shed is the post station, where you can rest at night."

The rest of the entourage and the guard did not speak. After following Su Yi all the way, they also learned that Su Yi was a little bit obsessed with that bite. If conditions permit, they also hope that the national teacher can be happier.

Su Yi’s journey was self-disciplined enough. Some of them had been with other officials. Except for urgent official duties, they had basically never seen anyone on the road honestly. President Su Yi looked worried about troubles others and listened to other people's arrangements as much as possible. Even if he loves delicious food, he gives up on his own as soon as he hears a little farther and troubles.

Today, I have entered the boundary of the capital city, and I just indulge a little bit. It’s already here anyway, so it’s okay to go a little further and eat some game.

What's more, they also knew that the place that the follower said was actually not a detour, but a good way. They would have passed by the inn in front, but now they are resting in the inn at night.

Su Yi had already been aroused by greedy worms, and everyone around him unanimously persuaded him, and he agreed.

Su Yi ordered one person to inform the waiting people in the small town below the mountain, and then went to the tea shed selling game with the others.

The tea shed is a bit far from the town, but close to the mountain where the temple is located. After they arrived, Su Yi's entourage gave money to the owner of the tea shed, booked the whole tea shed, and persuaded others to leave.

There were not many people in this tea shed, and they were all dressed in ordinary people. Su Yi's entourage gave the few people some money as apologetic compensation, and the few people left immediately. If you encounter ordinary powerful and powerful people who want to book a place, and only brutally drive them out for a while, how can they even give money to persuade you? They were very satisfied with the windfall, and praised the literati-like young man as a good man.

The entourage who first introduced Su Yi to this tea shed looked very excited, and very diligently snatched the tea shed owner's buddy, and gave Su Yi and a few of his colleagues tea and water, so that the tea shed owner could go all out and roast more game.

It's just that the tea shed does not do food business, so there is not much inventory. The owner of the tea shed was unwilling to give up this big business, so he hurriedly said that his hut was in the forest, and immediately went to get some game. Moreover, he continues to barbecue here, and he can go to the mountains and forests to fight more.

Suyi's team brought food, and Suyi was not worried that the people would not be full. When the time comes, one person will taste some taste, and then take advantage of the stove here to cook a full meal.

Su Yi agreed that the tea shed owner sent someone to the hut to fetch wild things, but the new hunting was no longer necessary. In order to let the tea shed owner roast first, Su Yi also specially lent someone to help pick wild things.

The barbecue time is not short, and Su Yi is a little drowsy while drinking the special tea here.

The "tea" in the tea shed is naturally not a good tea. Now loose tea has long been spread to the folks, and folk tea sheds have emerged. The owner of this tea shed is a little clever. He knew that his tea was not good, so he mixed some other flowers and the tea tasted good.

Su Yi yawned, wondering if he didn't sleep well yesterday? Why are you so sleepy now, but you weren't sleepy just now.

Su Yi suddenly heard the sound of fright and anger coming from around, then the noise of the noisy table and bench being pushed, followed by a few screams.

Su Yi suddenly felt bad, did he encounter a black shop? But it was completely impossible for him to control his body, his head was so dizzy, he was about to fall asleep.

There is a problem with the tea, is it the legendary Mongolian sweat medicine? Is there really Mongolian sweat medicine in this world? Su Yi was very anxious, trying to bite the tip of his tongue and use the pain to make himself more awake. At this moment, he suddenly felt a heavy blow to the back of his neck, and his eyes became dark, and he fainted.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Say! What's going on!" The person who went to fetch the game returned less than a quarter of an hour. When he came back, he saw the bodies of a few colleagues. Su Yi was nowhere to be seen. Su Yi's head banged and his feet almost rang. A staggered, the whole person fell to the ground.

He found that the tea shed owner was shivering under a table, and he hurriedly kicked over the wooden table where the tea shed owner was hiding, and yelled at the tea shed owner's neck with a knife holder.

The owner of the tea shed knew that he had a major event, and he was so frightened that he was about to pee his pants. The guy who went to fetch the wild things screamed after seeing the corpse in the tea shed, threw down the wild things in his hand, and ran away.

The man knocked the owner of the tea shed with the knife handle, and the owner of the tea shed smoothed his words: "The little one is barbecuing. I don't know what happened. Why did the group of people fight. Later, one of them picked up the young man and rode away. NS."

The man pursed his mouth and threw the tea shed owner aside to check the dead bodies. The owner of the tea shed finally recovered and ran away.

After the man counted the corpses, he immediately knew who had taken away Master Su. He picked up the teapot sprinkled in the fight, poured out the remaining tea, smelled it, licked it, and gritted his teeth and said: "Menghan medicine, negligence!"

Except for Su Yi, the person who was missing was the entourage who encouraged Su Yi to come here to eat game. The entourage is the person Su Yi brought from Zhuangzi. Because of good martial arts and clever man, after being trained by Mu Yan, he became one of Su Yi's personal guards.

Although Mu Yan trusted the people on his side more, he knew that all the people in Zhuangzi belonged to the emperor and empress. If Su Yi didn't have anyone in Zhuangzi around him, the emperor and empress would not be at ease. He deliberately selected some people from Zhuangzi with good strength, clever people, and innocent backgrounds, and let them protect Su Yi after training.

The people around Su Yi have all been selected. Even the people who escorted Su Yi last time were these people. The situation was so dangerous last time, there was no problem. But this time, those who oppose your Majesty in the country have been purged, the situation is stable and it should be very safe.

Who knows that there was no accident last time, but it happened this time.

Because they trust each other, if other people send tea and food, they will definitely check it first. But when I went to make water and make tea myself, I was careless.

After understanding the situation, the remaining person wanted to ride a horse to find the remaining person, and quickly went to find Su Yi. The owner of the tea shed said that since the person took away Su Yi, Su Yi should be safe. Fortunately, he was the wild animal that he took the guy to find on horseback, otherwise he would have to sit here and wait. He looked at the place where the horse was tied, and the other horses had been released.

When the group guarding Su Yi learned about the incident, they divided into three groups, went all the way to the capital to report to His Majesty the emperor, and returned along the way to tell Mu Yan. The third road came to the tea shed, and wanted to stay by the entourage who took Su Yi away. The traces below will bring people back.

They wanted to identify themselves and let the local government assist in the investigation. But the disappearance of Master Su Tian is of great importance, and they dare not speak out. And the city closest to here is the capital. Instead of reporting to the capital government, it is better to explain directly to the emperor and let the emperor decide.

The emperor has been on the throne for several years, and finally feels that the days are getting more and more hopeful, and the prosperity of the country is already in sight, and he is happily preparing for a birthday. Whoever knows will encounter this kind of thing.

The people sent to inform His Majesty, regardless of the ban in Beijing, held high the token representing top-secret news, and rode directly to the palace gate, frightening many people along the way, thinking that something was going on in the frontier.

But the news he brought was no better than an enemy coming from the frontier.

The person holding the token can directly pass other people and meet his Majesty the Emperor. After passing through the palace, the man took the token and trot all the way. When he saw His Majesty the Emperor, he knelt down and burst into tears: "Your Majesty, the team is attacked, and the national teacher is gone."

Knowing that it was urgent news, the emperor had prepared for the worst. For example, the Hu people in northern Xinjiang drove straight in, they had broken through the defense line, and had already lost several towns.

But even if the emperor was mentally prepared, when the visitor opened his mouth, he suddenly felt his head buzzing, and he didn't even react for a while. He asked: "You say it again?"

The man choked to the ground and said, "The national teacher was taken away."

The emperor suddenly felt black before his eyes and fainted unexpectedly.

The servants nearby rushed up, some were called imperial doctors, and some pinched people. The emperor quickly woke up and scolded his servants so that they were not allowed to leave or call imperial doctors.

The emperor stumbled to the person who was choking on the ground, stretched out his hand to grab the placket of that person and said, "What? What happened to Kangle? Who was taken away by him? What's the matter!"

The man told the story once, and then said: "The court is worthy of death."

The emperor slumped to the ground. A few years ago, the scene when he learned that the eldest son was sacrificed to heaven appeared in his mind. He was the same at that time, his eyes were dark, and he fell to the ground, his head was blank.

He doesn't believe it...don't believe it! My son finally came back, how could...

The emperor waited for a long time before he gradually recovered his sanity. He kept thinking about whether to make the matter public. If it is an open search, he will not worry about the turmoil of the people. After being the emperor for so many years, Yu Chao has already returned home. What he worries most is that if the persecution is excessive, will the person holding Su Yi see no hope of fleeing, and will kill Su Yi in pain?

The emperor believed that Su Yi was still alive, and he refused to think about the possibility that Su Yi had been killed.

But if you want to find it, can this news be hidden?

The emperor was at a loss for a moment, and he didn't know what to do. Can we only hope that the other party only wants to take away the living Su Yi? What if their order is to kill Su Yi if they can't take the living?

The emperor even thought that no one would be sent to irritate those who held Su Yi.

At this time, it is unlikely that the person who went to catch Su Yi was a person in the court. Even if Su Yi falls into Hu Ren's hands, as long as Su Yi is still alive, he can feel at ease.

The emperor closed his eyes, and after a while, he opened his eyes and said, "Urgently summon Mu Yan to Beijing. Inform the upper court."

In any case, I want North Korea to know about this matter. This cannot be concealed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The news that Su Yi was taken away soon became known to the ministers of the DPRK, but there were no rumors among the people. In this era, as long as the people in North Korea don't talk too much, the people will not know these confidential information.

The people who the emperor called to the dynasty were important ministers and cronies. This night, all those who knew the news had insomnia.

When Yu Chao was unstable inside and fighting outside, Master Su was fine. Now that the Yu Dynasty is stable internally and the frontier is peaceful, has Su Tianshi been arrested? Or was it taken away from the boundary of the capital?

They were in the same mood as the emperor. They wanted to find Master Su quickly, but were also worried that they would irritate the gangsters, which would kill Master Su's life.

"I would rather the national teacher fall into the hands of another country, but also to guarantee his life." The emperor set a rule for this matter, "All things give priority to the life of Su Tianshi."

Hearing the emperor's words, the prince and some of the courtiers who were closer to Su Yi were relieved. Although the sky does not necessarily follow people's wishes, as long as the emperor is willing to make the decision to let Master Su fall into the hands of others and protect his life, the safety of Master Su can be guaranteed.

I was worried that the emperor was worried that Master Su would fall into the hands of others, and if he could not bring it back, he would kill Master Su's order.

After all, what Master Su Tian brought to Yu Chao is obvious to all. If Master Su falls into the hands of another country, will it make other countries stronger?

"Father, maybe you don't need to worry too much." The prince said in a deep voice, "The national teacher has no power to resist because he has been poisoned by Mongolian sweat. When the national teacher wakes up, there will be a way to get out of trouble. Even if he can't, he will definitely have a way. Leave a message."

"I hope so." The emperor knew that the prince was comforting him. Seeing the prince's expression, these words were completely self-comforting.

Although Su Yi often has magical methods, he himself is very weak, sick and injured very often, and does not know martial arts. Saying he escaped by himself, the emperor didn't believe it at all. He only hopes that Su Yi is smart and can give some clues to those who follow.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Although the emperor did not plan to find someone with great fanfare, he was worried that it would be irritating to hold hostage people away. But he sent a lot of people, and after meeting the people left in the tea shed, they followed the traces all the way.

But when the trace reached the river, it disappeared. The river was uninhabited, and no one saw the ship.

They had to ask around, looking for ships that might pass this place during this time period from upstream and downstream.

Externally, the emperor made people claim that the birthday gift he had sent was robbed, and he was arresting the gangster. A few days later, the emperor asked people to pretend to be Su Yi to enter Beijing, causing everyone to think that Su Yi had returned to the capital.

Mu Yan soon learned that Su Yi was taken away. Before he received the emperor's order to let him return to Beijing, he handed the matter to his deputy and drove the horse to the capital.

Even if he was blamed by the emperor, Mu Yan couldn't sit in Qingzhou waiting for news.

On the way, he happened to meet the person who came to pass the decree. The person who passed the decree knew Mu Yan. When he saw Mu Yan from a distance, he greeted him, handed the decree to Mu Yan, and then returned to Beijing with Mu Yan.

After Mu Yan returned to Beijing, he got the latest news about the search from the emperor, and then hurriedly led a team to search for Su Yi.

The emperor knew about the relationship between Mu Yan and Su Yi, and knew that Mu Yan could not have the mind to do other things at this time. Moreover, Mu Yan should have been responsible for Su Yi's return to guard. Su Yi was caught in the attack, and Mu Yan couldn't shirk the blame. He asked Mu Yan to lay down all his duties, search for Su Yi with all his strength, and gave Mu Yan a token to mobilize troops, so that Mu Yan could act cheaply, and could mobilize troops anywhere if needed.

When Su Yi was still in a coma, Chao Zhong had already turned into a pot of porridge because of his disappearance.

The people who took him were worried that Su Yi would wake up and give Su Yi Mongolian sweat pills all the way. Su Yi slept for a whole day, and then the people who took him were afraid that Su Yi would be hungry if he didn’t eat for a day. Wake it up.

After all, the person who gave the order was to let them take back as much as possible.

When Su Yi woke up, he found six people around him. One of them was the entourage who encouraged him to eat game, and he immediately knew who the traitor was.

While worrying about the rest of the guards in the tea shed, he thought about the voices he heard before he passed out. He knew that those people were bad luck.

After Su Yi woke up, she didn't panic, didn't ask repeatedly, didn't even say anything. He sat up silently and rubbed his aching nape and other painful areas on his body.

Being taken all the way and running wildly, Su Yi felt that she was about to fall apart.

Seeing Su Yi rubbing his body very quietly, he took the water and dry food and ate silently without saying a word. The few people who held Su Yi were very strange in their hearts.

The author has something to say: Su Yi: QAQ is easy for me to stutter me?

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