After Su Yi cried with a hoarse voice, he stumbled to his feet, walked to a tree, and rubbed the trunk of the rope with his hands.

After grinding for a while, Su Yi found that using tree trunks was too inefficient. At this time, it happened that the moon came out of the clouds. With the bright moonlight, Su Yi found a large protruding rock on the ground. Su Yi grinds the rope with the edges and corners of the stones while biting his teeth, finally breaking the rope that bound his hands.

Su Yi moved her body, looked at the durian piled up like a mountain, and said to herself: "It's been so long, it must be dead."

This is Su Yi’s first murder. He used to have nightmares for a few nights when he saw a corpse. Now he is extremely calm, calmer than he was normal, as if all the mood swings were crying in the bitter tears he was just in. NS.

Su Yi asked the system and knew that when the system recovered the durian, he could choose to remove all foreign objects on the durian. Su Yi collected the durian hill and did not dislike this pile of durians.

Su Yi doesn't like to eat durians, but these durians can be recycled and continue to serve as self-defense weapons without having to spend achievement points to redeem them.

These people were camping on a high ground by the river. After removing the durian hill, Su Yi walked to the river, took the river water with his hands, moistened the crying throat, and walked to the corpses of the few people.

The death of the crushed corpse was very terrifying. Even if you couldn't see it in the moonlight, you could feel the horror of the crushed corpse.

Thirty tons of durian, even if the weight is scattered, is enough to cause a comminuted fracture of the whole body and massive intracranial hemorrhage from the internal organs, showing that the whole body is soaked in blood.

Seeing such a terrible corpse, Su Yi was strangely not afraid or disgusting. He still remained calm to the point that there did not seem to be any emotional fluctuations. After reaching out for a few people’s breathing and neck arteries, and after confirming that they were all dead, he began to search for luggage that would still be crushed in the tent.

Everything on Su Yi's body has been searched. If you want to go to a place where there are people and report to the capital, the necessary luggage is indispensable.

Su Yi first found the fire sickle, and then found the still intact fire scythe from the crushed bamboo tube. Coming to this era for so many years, Su Yi has often done experiments that require fire, and has been able to use ancient ignition tools proficiently. He lit the tinder with flint and then lit the fire fold. After the fire was burning, Su Yi reignited the extinguished fire, the light returned to this place, and the tragic condition of the corpse could be seen more clearly.

In order to keep the fire from going out overnight, these people had picked up a lot of dry wood and returned. Su Yi used dry wood, hay, and rope to make a simple torch. He lit the torch and continued to collect things.

A few sets of clothes, some money, some dry food... Su Yi hesitated and searched for the corpses.

Slimy still stained Su Yi’s hands with warm blood, but Su Yi’s expression looked ignorant. He quickly rummaged through these people to find out more things. In addition to the money, Su Yi Yi also found a guide to disguise and a simple map.

Su Yi wanted to find the letters to and from the Huns from these people, but apparently they were very alert. After receiving the letters and reading them, they destroyed them.

Su Yi selected the weapons of the three people again, because some of the weapons of the three people in the tent were lying flat, and they were buffered by the human body, leaving some weapons that were not crushed. Su Yi wanted to carry a big sword, but if he entered the city with a conspicuous weapon, he would be caught. These people also used cloth strips to wrap their weapons in disguise.

And even if Su Yi held a weapon, he couldn't use it.

In the end, he only chose a dagger, a dagger, a cooking tool in his bag, and a dagger around his waist to frighten Xiao Xiao. People who walk alone will wear a sword to defend themselves. Generally, swords with a more ornate scabbard will not attract attention, but broadswords, spears, and the like will be interrogated.

But these are useless. Su Yi's self-defense method is 10,000 durians in the system space.

One achievement point is required to retrieve something from the system space once, and ten achievement points are required to recover it. In the past, Su Yi didn't care about this achievement point, and there was nothing to take back. Because the retracted items must be intact items taken out of the system space, and cannot be used as portable space.

Now Su Yi wants to use it for self-defense and take food from the system space, so he needs to do some calculations. Su Yi found that the system accesses things according to the number of times, not the quantity. That is, if you take out 10,000 durians and one durian, you only need one achievement point. However, although the maximum number of accesses at one time is 10,000, they must be of the same type.

Su Yi decided to take out more dry food every time, instead of taking them one by one, so that he would not reveal his "supernatural powers" when he was hit by someone, and also save some achievement points.

Although he still has more than six thousand points, but who knows where else achievement points need to be used.

After Su Yi had packed everything he was about to take, he walked to the river and washed the blood on his hands first, then took off his clothes, pulled up his hair, and jumped into the water to take a bath.

After washing off the smell of blood, mud and sweat, they put on the clean clothes of the few people found in the tent. In a state of unconsciousness, he was taken by someone for a day. Not only was his own clothes dirty and not decent, they were also worn out in several places.

The texture of the clothes Su Yi's new put on was naturally not as good as his own, but the entourage mixed up with Su Yi a lot of good things. Even if the clothes prepared for fleeing can't be extravagant, they are all cotton, and at least they won't rub the skin like coarse hemp.

Su Yi was not drowsy at first, and after taking a cold shower, she became more awake. These people are taller than him. Su Yi used daggers and cloth strips to take care of some inappropriate clothes, then walked to the place where the horse was tied, and brought a horse that had been awakened and looked the most docile.

Fortunately, the place where the horse was tied was far away from the tent. Another place near the river was not affected by Durian Mountain. Otherwise, the horse would be crushed to death, and Su Yi would have to walk by himself.

Su Yi glanced at the corpses. He wanted to burn them with a fire, but thought that this was also a big project, and his physical strength was not very strong, so why waste this energy. He didn't care about these people, letting them run into the wilderness.

Su Yi made a few more torches for backup, then tied the baggage to the horse, put out the fire, held the torch, and rode out of this place. Before leaving, Su Yi wrote on the cloth with charcoal that these people were spies of the Huns. If anyone sees the corpse, please report to the official immediately. After reporting to the official, please report to the peak. The person they held has escaped safely. The left word is "Kang Le".

Su Yi was not sure whether the North Korean Central Committee would make the matter of his being held hostage public, but even if it did not make it public, he would definitely send someone to look for it, and the person looking for it would always pay attention to the abnormal intelligence all the way to northern Xinjiang.

Since he could guess that it was the Huns' spies who had taken him away, the group of people in the court would surely be able to guess too.

Therefore, Suyi's word is "Kangle", not Suyi. Those who know the word Su Yi are all friends of Su Yi. Outsiders did not know the words the emperor took for Su Yi. Therefore, Su Yi has shown his identity again, and will not divulge the news of the attack on the celestial master.

And if someone sees this banner and can report it to an official, just relying on the sensitive words of murder and the Huns spies, they should take the initiative to report it.

The premise is that someone finds a cloth strip that has not been destroyed by natural factors and has the courage to report to the official. Su Yi knew that people in this era were very afraid of reporters.

Su Yi just tried to leave clues.

Although I found a map, it was too simple to say, and it didn't mark the current place. Su Yi can only walk down the river, even if he takes more detours, he can always get out of this forest. Moreover, villages are generally built along the river.

There are many unsafe factors in the forest at night. Although Su Yi is riding a horse, he only allows the horse to walk, not to run, so as not to have a bad vision and encounter danger.

I don't know if the direction of the river is wrong, or the forest itself is very big. Su Yi walked all night and used up all the torches. Then he walked out of the forest when the sky was up. He ate two roasted corns, nibbled an apple, and walked for a little while before he came to a small village with humans.

Su Yi does not have a guard by his side now. Although he has the strong support of Durian Mountain, one is that summoning Durian Mountain out of thin air can not be used indiscriminately, which will reveal his secrets; second, it is easy to hide the secret and difficult to defend with a spear. Su Yi is now a little suspicious. He doesn't know how many people the Huns still have to respond to. He doesn't know if the officials of the Yu Dynasty will really protect him from entering Beijing, or if he will encounter another interceptor.

When I returned from the battlefield of Goguryeo, those interceptors were very arrogant, like leeks, and soon after cutting a crop, another crop emerged. Although knowing that the Xiongnu would send out all the nails hidden in the Yu Dynasty to assassinate him in order to kill him?

Su Yi thought for a long time with his not-so-smart mind, only to conclude that the higher the status of the official, the less likely it is to betray Yu Chao. His target is at least officials of the prefect level.

Su Yi also thought about whether the military barracks stationed would be safer, but now he does not have anything to prove his identity, and it is not easy to get close to the barracks. Everyone knows where the magistrate lives and is easy to find. As long as he gives enough money to let people send the letter to the prefect, it is possible to contact the capital.

Su Yi would not divulge his identity. He would only say that he was the person responsible for the intelligence of Northern Xinjiang, but he recovered from the Huns after nine deaths and lost all his proofs. He hoped to use the prefect to report the news.

He does not ask for others, but only asks for a message to be delivered. Even if the prefect has doubts in his heart, he will do this easy task just in case.

If Su Yi’s identity is fake, someone from the top will be able to expose it. What's more, the fake person doesn’t have the courage to do something that will be exposed directly; if Su Yi’s identity is not a fake, he will have great credit. .

Those who can be officials, and those who are officials close to northern Xinjiang, are timid and fearless and have no ambitions.

Su Yi came to this village just to ask for directions. It would be better if someone was willing to lead the way. Those people carry a lot of money, enough for him to use for a while, not to mention that he doesn't need to buy food yet, and there is a part of the money left.

Pretending to be a literati traveling around, coupled with the accent of a standard Beijing citizen, Su Yi quickly gained the trust of the village chief. For the price of twenty copper coins, Su Yi hired a man to lead the way to the nearest city.

Su Yi used being lost as an excuse and asked where he was. When he knew that it was actually very close to the frontier, cold sweat broke out.

Su Yi just remembered that although the place where the capital city is now is not the imperial capital where he is, it is also a new city built near Tianjin where a big river leads directly to the Bohai Sea. The emperor whose world was set in the imperial capital was called "the gate of the emperor guarding the country", which shows how close the imperial capital is to northern Xinjiang.

The capital of Yu Dynasty is similar.

In the world of Suyi, the imperial capital was determined to belong to the "Yanyun" area in front of the capital. The sixteenth prefectures of Yanyun have always been the throat of the northern minorities' attack on the Central Plains route. The place where Su Yi was held hostage belonged to the boundary of Qingzhou just arrived in the capital. After a day's swift journey, their journey from the nearest border has been shortened by more than half.

If Su Yi didn't take measures yesterday, if they used the same speed today and were not blocked on the way, they would probably have left the border.

Su Yi went through the generals of Northern Xinjiang in his mind. He was not good at estimating geographic distance at all, and he didn't know where to inform faster. Perhaps he can inform both sides that the prefect here must have a way to contact the army stationed in the state capital, right? Does he remember that Wang Boyuan is here?

If Wang Boyuan can be contacted, then he will be able to get out of the predicament quickly. As long as you meet with Wang Boyuan or the people around him, you can prove your identity, and you can also let Wang Boyuan cooperate to keep it secret.

While thinking, Su Yi chatted with the person who led the way. Su Yi can make the big brothers in Beijing open their eyes and smile, so ordinary people can naturally lead them to be masters.

The person who led the way soon became more talkative and talked about some things about the prefect. The Northern Xinjiang matter is very important, and there is the "magic medicine" in the past. Now the local officials here are carefully selected, and even the place where the important ministers of the DPRK "make merits" in order to cultivate talented descendants.

This prefect seemed to be from a clan, but Su Yi hadn't heard of it. It was probably a small clan attached to the big clan. In terms of political achievements, the prefect did a good job. At least the leader praised him as a good official. Under the promotion of the prefect, the drought-tolerant corn and potatoes have been planted here, and the grain output has been greatly improved. Now their villages can also eat enough.

After the effect of food promotion, the prefect is now promoting cotton, and wants cotton to replace hemp as a new source of clothing for the people.

Because the promotion of food was successful, the people believed in the prefect, so they planted cotton without hesitation.

A good official who is known to the common people is not necessarily a good person. However, as long as the local officials are determined to make political achievements and have a strong ability to implement Beijing-China policies, they are basically people who are loyal to the court and have ambitions to climb up.

Su Yi had been with Mu Yan and the others for so long anyway, even though he thought he was still stupid, he was not good at it at all. But without Mu Yan by his side, his brain seemed to be easy to use. After Su Yi got the news, he immediately analyzed the character of the prefect and improved the success rate of his plan.

Outside the city, the interrogation at the city gate was stricter than before. The person who led the way made Su Yi's money worth spending. He and the soldiers who defended the city seemed very familiar with him. The soldiers who defended the city treated him very well and told him that the martial law in the city was due to an adult. . That adult seems to be a general guarding the frontier, and he seems to be a member of a large family in Beijing, with a great background.

The soldier said this to the lead man to make him be careful in the city and don't cause trouble. Even the dude in the city hides at home with his tail between them. Something happened at this time, and no one could keep them.

Su Yi frowned. Generals from the border? Could it be that something happened to Beijiang? However, if something goes wrong in Beijiang, it should be reported directly to the capital. It is probably just an official assistance for ordinary assistance.

I don't know who the generals are coming from over there, if they are from a family he knows well, they can send messages to them.

There are only a few big families in Beijing.

But the soldier didn't dare to say more, and soon put Su Yi and the person who led the way into the city.

Su Yi was born with fear after another.

The road guide he took out was found from the bodies of those people, and he didn't expect to pass the level so easily. If he hadn't escaped, he might have already been taken out.

I don't know who gave that Lu Yin. Even if it is his entourage, he probably doesn't have that great ability. He does not care about political affairs, and the people around him are monitored multiple times. Once someone violates the law and discipline, they will be dealt with immediately. Neither the emperor's father nor Mu Yan would tolerate anyone doing bad things in his name and ruining his reputation.

Are there still people in this group of nails in the court? Su Yi became more nervous.

If he didn't meet someone he knew, Su Yi decided that he would definitely put his identity to death.

There is an enemy in North Korea, but the enemy is still unknown. Even if the prefect reports his news, who knows if the person sent is credible? Unless it is for Mu Yan to pick him up in person.

Su Yi thought of Mu Yan, and his heart was very bitter. Mu Yan must be crazy. Before he thought, maybe Mu Yan would be sent by the emperor's father to find himself. Calm down now, Mu Yan is still in Qingzhou, another provincial governor. Is it difficult to leave so easily? If the governor left his post without authorization, it would be a felony.

I hope Mu Yan can calm down and wait.

After finding the inn, Su Yi gave ten copper coins to the person who led the way as additional money to thank him for taking care of him along the way. The man was very happy, and didn't know where to find Su Yi a simple map of the city.

The detailed map is a military secret, and ordinary people can't even peek at it, let alone take it out. But ordinary people can draw simple maps that only show directions and dotted lines. Otherwise, how would those who travel abroad often recognize the way? The man knew that Su Yi was a foreigner, and he specially gave Su Yi a map of the city, marking some shops and government offices in the city. For outsiders, this map is very useful, but as long as you live in an inn, you can buy it from the inn.

That person gave Su Yi just a wish, lest Su Yi spend more money.

After Su Yi checked into the inn, he called for hot water to take a good bath, and went downstairs to order food. Although the taste is not very good, it is much better than the barbecue with only a little salt on it, at least there are many kinds.

After eating and drinking, Su Yi lay down on the bed and slept well. He thought he had killed people and searched the corpse. He might not be able to sleep, or he might have nightmares. Who knows that he slept very sweetly, maybe very tired.

Su Yi went straight to sleep from one afternoon to three on the next day. After having lunch at the inn, he asked the inn Xiaoer, and according to the map, he found a good clothing store and bought a few sets that looked compelling. Clothes and headwear accessories spent half of his money.

Su Yi knew that the villain was hard to deal with, and dressed a little richer, and those people would pass the word obediently.

People rely on clothing. Although the heavenly master has a high popularity, Su Yi does not expect everyone underneath to be sharp-eyed and recognize his extraordinary. So you still have to dress up.

Fortunately, those people have a lot of money, and they may be preparing money for bribery, otherwise Su Yi could not be so "luxury." Although this "luxury" outfit is no better than the price of a piece of jade he carried with him before.

Su Yi ate some cakes to cushion his belly, and asked for a bucket of hot water, showered and washed his hair, and after taking care of himself, he slept beautifully and had enough energy, and then went to visit the next day. The local prefect.

Sharpening the knife and not chopping wood by mistake, Su Yi made all the preparations for a success. He is now dressed up as a rich and noble son, and he has cultivated his spirit, has the energy to make up stories with the prefect, and he has done all the preparations he can do.

Although I wanted to see the general from the frontier, Su Yi did not rush forward. Even if he missed this time, as long as the prefect was willing to deliver him the letter, the possibility of him getting out of trouble was very high-if he did not encounter a halfway interception. And even if the general didn't leave, he wouldn't be able to see him if he listened to his status.

Su Yi also asked who the generals came, but how do ordinary people know so much? The general performed official duties and acted very low-key, he went straight into the bureaucracy, and then stayed temporarily in the prefecture. The soldiers next to him will not go around talking about who my adults are.

Since Su Yi didn't know who it was, he didn't put hope on that person.

Even if he knew that as a general guarding the frontier, he should be loyal to the Yu Dynasty. But who knows if it is his own political enemy. He is not only Yu Chao's national teacher, but also Mu Yan's "protector" and "lucky thing" in many people's hearts. Some people in the DPRK are unreasonable when they become mad, and they may kill themselves regardless of their concerns.

Su Yi now has this kind of thought, and it is true that after being held hostage, she has some delusions of persecution. As long as he reveals his identity, that person would never dare to attack him unless he wanted to rebel.

But Su Yi now felt that he couldn't be too careful, even if he borrowed the prefect to pass the news, he didn't intend to reveal his identity. He recalled the secret signals and behaviors of those "secrets" when he was in the army, and wanted to pretend to pass on information.

Su Yi’s preparations are very valuable. Although the little servant guarding the gate of the prefect’s residence was told not to let other people come to the door, looking at the noble Su Yi, he was very happy to pass Su Yi’s letter to his family. Owner.

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