There was a reason why the Huns were so arrogant. He didn’t know where he got the cannon’s range. He rode his horse and stood out of the cannon’s range. He smiled and watched that the extremely lethal cannon and powder barrels were either dropped into the open space or dropped into the group of "Southern" slaves. middle.

Ma Chong just wanted to intimidate, and when he saw that he could not fight, he stopped, waiting for the group of Huns to approach.

If you want to break into the border, how can the Huns get close?

So the two sides confronted each other like this, and no one could do anything for a while.

Although the Hun Da Khan had long known the extremely lethal weapons made from the hands of Master Su, hearing it and seeing it with his own eyes are two different things. After seeing the power of the powder keg and the cannon, and remembering the power of the minefield, he was in a dilemma for a while.

He thought that there were a group of "Southern" slaves and armored cavalry, no gunpowder could break his line of defense, now it seems that he might be able to break it?

But he had all personally recruited. If he just retires like this, let alone the ugly face, there will be people making noise after returning to the grassland. The grassland is not monolithic.

When the Huns were hesitating, Su Yi had received the news. After he knew that the Hun’s profuse sweat was probably because he knew he was here, he couldn’t wait for someone to take him out and smash the Hun’s sweat with Durian Hill.

There is a distance limit when the system throws things out. The range of five meters is not as good as the range of cannons and gunpowder barrels.

After the Huns provoked that day, the two sides did not fight again. One side stays in the border, and the other camps out of the artillery range, thinking about ways.

In contrast, Yu Chao is less anxious here. After all, they were the one who defended the city, not the one who came to fight from a thousand miles away. As long as the Huns retreat, it will be their victory.

Ma Chong and others discussed whether or not to rush out. If they can win the Hun’s profuse sweat, the "birthday gift" given to the emperor this time will be beautiful enough. But after considering the dangers, they gave up.

Still waiting for this group of people to call.

So this war style became "Come and hit me, come and hit me!", "If you don't come, don't you ask me to come and I will come, isn't it very faceless", the scene was very embarrassing for a while.

The soldiers of the Yu Dynasty in the city did not go out, nor did the Xiongnu army come. The two sides were in such a stalemate, and no one wanted to move forward.

"In general, we still won." Mu Yan said, "So Kangle, you don't have to think about it."

Su Yi sighed. He couldn't help but think about it when he thought of the Hun's profuse sweat. If the Huns can keep the profuse sweat here, the Huns will not be afraid for a short time.

But the Huns were not stupid, so how could they rush into danger?

In the end, it was the Huns' army that moved first. After all, they took the initiative to attack. If they retreat like this, it means they have lost. The Huns sweated so much that he declared internally that he would capture the Yuchao State Division and personally lead his troops on the expedition. If he did not go back with such a result, his own people's hearts would be scattered.

The Xiongnu Khan thought, if you can't break through from the front, then let's make a surprise attack. So in the day and night, the grain and grass in the Yuchao barracks burned.

It was Su Yi who first discovered that the grain was burned. Su Yi hasn't slept very well these few days, and her heart has been under great pressure. He would go to inspect the grain and grass nervously every night. Someone happened to be sneaky with a torch.

The guard next to Su Yi immediately rushed over, but the man had already thrown the torch into the granary. Su Yi couldn't care about the secret of protecting herself, and with a wave of his hand, a pile of watermelons was thrown on it. Because of not enough points, he only threw a hundred. The torch was just thrown on, and the fire was not big enough. A hundred watermelons were enough to “squeeze” the fire out. The moment Su Yi threw out the watermelon, he took back the already broken watermelon. Fortunately, the system did not mandate that the watermelon received in the system space must be intact.

The guard rushed to take down the person who set fire, and all of them were very nervous and did not notice that the fire suddenly went out. After all, it was dim at this time and I couldn't really see it. When they noticed, the fire had gone out. They only acted as if the fire hadn't burned up.

However, on Su Yi's side, he used watermelon to extinguish the fire, but there was still a granary on fire. Although it was quickly discovered and organized to fight it out, the barracks fell into chaos for a while.

At this time, the Huns began to organize an offensive. Even if there were artillery and powder barrels, they also discovered that the accuracy of the artillery and powder barrels was not large. If they were close to the city gate, the artillery and powder barrels would not have much effect.

The range of the artillery is fixed. If the gunpowder barrels are too close, they may blow up their walls.

When they approached, it was an ordinary bow and arrow attack.

However, artillery and gunpowder barrels still killed many Huns, and the newly made muskets also played a big role. Although the army was confused because of the burning of grain and grass, Mu Yan kept guarding the city gate, only noticing the movements of the Huns, and he played a powerful role in long-range weapons for the first time.

After extinguishing the fire with a watermelon, Su Yi went to another place where the grain and grass were burning and ordered people to put out the fire. There were so many people at this time, he couldn't take out the watermelon and smash it again. But just a piece of food and grass will not hurt your muscles and bones. It will only cause chaos in the barracks and disperse their forces.

But if only one granary is burned, it will not have much effect.

The north was dry, and the fire was not easy to extinguish. Su Yi immediately ordered to dig ditches and fill soil around the granary to let the fire go out naturally and leave the matter alone.

"There is a lot of grain and grass, don't worry. These grains and grass should be regarded as sacrifices to the Huns." Su Yi said calmly.

The burning of grain and grass is a very serious matter. But seeing that Su Yi was so calm, the soldiers around also calmed down. Although Su Yi did not serve in the army, he did not know how his reputation was very high, and the soldiers were also willing to listen to him. Su Yi said not to put out the fire, as long as the flames were prevented from spreading, they would obey.

It only prevents the fire from spreading and does not require much manpower. The rest returned to the city gate battlefield, Su Yi looked up at the extinguishing fire. Only a few torches were thrown, and there were no other combustion-supporting materials. Even the granary was not so easy to burn. The old straw and wheat straw may be easier to burn, but the piles of potatoes here are. The granary where he had just arrived was filled with corn.

"Potatoes can be eaten even if they are roasted." Su Yi said, "When the fire goes out, go to the granary and take the potatoes directly to the battlefield to give them meals. If they are not fully cooked, put them away and wait for battle. When it's over, add meat and stew it into a soup."

The logistics officer smiled and said: "Fortunately, it is not wheat that is burned. If it is burned, it can't be eaten."

"Bring this incident to the front line." Su Yi said sternly, "The Xiongnu burned our granary with great effort, but the result was potatoes, which happened to be an extra meal for our soldiers. Grilled potatoes are very delicious."

The logistics official said: "Yes, the national division."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows at Mars, which had not yet been completely extinguished. Don’t you seem to burn our grain and grass and shake our military spirit? Even if the rear is our base camp, the loss of food and grass will indeed cause some turbulence in the military, but what if it is potatoes?

I'm sorry, but a batch of potatoes is cooked on the surface, but the potatoes inside are still raw.

Potatoes don't seem to burn well.

I don't know how the soldiers who Yu Chao was fighting would feel when they heard this scene?

Soon, the potatoes were delivered to the tower, so that the group of soldiers who took turns to eat the hot barbecue potatoes, and told them that this was just burned by the Huns.

"They burned our granary, and it turned out to be potatoes. It was delicious with some salt."

This sentence spread among the frontline soldiers.

Originally, the grain and grass were burned, and the generals were no more. The ordinary soldiers were still a little panicked. But when I heard this, I suddenly felt very funny.

"Well, it just happened to have a meal with us."

Mu Yan shook his head: "This is passed on by Kangler."

"There are still Huns' nails in the army." Although two places were burned, one was not burned, and the other was burned potatoes, Ma Chong still felt very embarrassed.

The Huns' nails were actually mixed in the military camp. In his opinion, it was a very face-smashing thing. Didn't the group of Huns steal their information from the nail? Maybe I want to get an assassination or something. The national division is still in the barracks, if it hurts the national division, wouldn't it be impossible for him to face his majesty and the people of the world?

"It shouldn't be that serious, otherwise they would have done other things a long time ago." Mu Yan comforted, "It should be just a small pawn, I don't even know how to eat the potatoes."

Ma Chong was originally angry and couldn't help but smile: "Well, I don't even know how to eat potatoes when they are cooked. Mother, these potatoes are quite delicious."

Mu Yan looked at the Huns who started to attack the city under the wall. The battle was back to normal. The Huns had begun to build ladders to attack the city, and used crossbows and stakes to attack the city gates.

The current form of siege is still stalemate, but because of the bonus of gunpowder weapons, the losses of the Huns are much greater than before, and Ma Chong is not nervous.

Mu Yan looked at the Xiongnu who was already sweating profusely, looking up at the city gate.

This battle was the first time he saw the Huns sweat profusely. The Xiongnu's profuse sweat is worthy of the name of a hero, and its aura and tactical level are indeed better than ordinary people.

With their weapon superiority, there were also landmine formations that were unexpected, but the Huns still looked fierce and undaunted, and the offensive did not weaken at all. They still entered the step of climbing the city wall, and even the Huns themselves came under the wall with profuse sweat.

Mu Yan wanted to use the explosive barrel to greet him, but now that the explosive barrel was thrown down, he might blow up his city wall. This prospect is really worrying.

For the rest, such as bow and arrow stones, the armored soldiers around Hun Da Khan were enough to protect him.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"That's the Huns sweating profusely?"

A familiar voice sounded behind Mu Yan.

Mu Yan's heart shuddered, and he hurriedly turned around and said, "Kang Le? Why did you come up?"

Su Yi said: "Let me take a look. Anyway, the city gate has not been breached, and there is no danger. That is the Huns sweating profusely?"

Mu Yan smiled bitterly: "Yes. Go down quickly. The bow and arrow have no eyes, what should I do if it hurts you?"

Su Yi silently hid his body behind Mu Yan, only showing his head and looking around.

Mu Yan: "..."

I don't know what to say at this time.

However, when Su Yi came to the wall, the morale of the soldiers suddenly increased, and the bows and arrows were shot more vigorously. Others made a fire directly on the wall, boiled the oil and splashed it down, to the Xiongnu who was climbing on the wall. For soldiers, this is more terrifying than bows and arrows.

Su Yi felt a little uncomfortable when he saw that his gunpowder weapons were useless because they were worried about blowing up the city wall.

Although there was a problem with the range, there were so many Xiongnu soldiers, a little farther away from the city wall, and they couldn't blow up their own city wall. They weren't completely useless, or the weapon was taken out too suddenly, and the soldiers were not trained enough.

But these can't be trained now, and Su Yi stared at the big man of the Xiongnu.

The Xiongnu Khan also seemed to have discovered Su Yi. Although he has only seen Su Yi's portrait, although the portrait is a bit distorted, he knows who Su Yi is when he sees the attitude of other people towards Su Yi.

So the Huns profusely smiled at Su Yi.

Su Yi's forehead burst into blue veins.

Oh, you are not in the range of artillery and explosive barrels. Do you think you are awesome and fearless?

"Close to the city wall." Su Yi said to Mu Yan.

Mu Yan asked: "What?"

"Emperor Gang Shennong suddenly told me that he would give me, um, a new crop for Yuchao." Su Yi said, "That crop is called pumpkin, because the flesh is golden, you can also call him pumpkin. "

Mu Yan: "...Uh, what's the matter?"

Mu Yan didn't know how to complain about Emperor Shennong. He has always ignored Su Yi's sudden mystery, but he is now at war.

Su Yi said: "Get close to the city wall to protect me from being hurt by the bow and arrow."

Mu Yan said, "This is no problem, stay close to me."

With Mu Yan's strength, those bows and arrows shot up could not pose a threat to him at all. As for the stones hit by the trebuchet, Mu Yan could also escape. And when the trebuchet was transported, it had been destroyed by gunpowder a lot. There are only a few left.

The range of the trebuchet is similar to that of the trebuchet on Yu Chao's side, that is, if their stones can come over, so can our explosive barrels. Can a stone compare to a barrel of explosives? People can ride a horse quickly across the range of explosive barrels and artillery, but the bulky things of the catapult can't.

Although Mu Yan didn't know what Su Yi was going to do, but seeing that Su Yi was confident, Mu Yan did. Anyway, with him blocking in front, Su Yi will not be in danger.

Although the other generals had some criticisms, Bima Chong and others had already dispersed in all directions when they first attacked the Huns to direct the battle. Everyone here listens to Mu Yan's command. If Mu Yan had already decided, they couldn't resist.

Besides, they also want to see what miracles the national teacher can do.

Su Yi turned on the system range measurement radar and approached the edge of the city wall bit by bit: "It's almost..."

Su Yi stretched out his hand, and the system's radar also moved forward.

Although there is only a five-meter range, and the height of the city wall plus the parallel distance has exceeded this range, we only need to be vertical enough, right?

Su Yi said to Mu Yan: "After this time, maybe someone else said about my magical deeds, He Qing, you have to help me figure out a countermeasure."

Mu Yan hurriedly said, "What are you going to do?!"

Su Yi chuckled and exchanged all the remaining points into pumpkins, and specifically told the system that he wanted the biggest pumpkin.

The system is very dark and accepts one pumpkin and two exchange points at Suyi. Originally, a pumpkin only needs one exchange point.

Su Yi currently has more than 6,000 exchange points. He directly used 6,000 whole numbers in one breath to exchange 3,000 pumpkins.

Although Su Yi said that he wanted the largest one, the system produces delicious pumpkins that can be planted, so they are not as big as space pumpkins. Otherwise, a ton of pumpkins would be too scary.

The pumpkins summoned by Su Yi were only about one meter in diameter, which was very uniform.

Then three thousand pumpkins with a diameter of one meter, from the same height of the city wall, that is, nearly ten meters high, went straight down.

The pumpkin seemed to cover the sky above the Huns. The Hun sweats felt the shadow on the top of his head. He waved his hand and raised his head. The armored soldiers around him immediately formed a formation to cover the surroundings of the Hun’s sweat and the top of his head. Even rocks cannot break through their defenses.

The Xiongnu Khan was very agile. At that moment, he was still turning over, and his body bent slightly to reduce the possibility of himself being attacked as much as possible.

But this is not a bow and arrow.

It's not a stone either.

These are three thousand pumpkins with a diameter of one meter.

Su Yi: I don't want to kill you, I just want to crush you.

Su Yi: Look, God Scourge·Heavenly Pumpkin Technique!

Then the Xiongnu Khan and the soldiers around him were buried by pumpkins.

The Xiongnu soldiers heard a loud noise and looked back and were shocked.

The soldiers of Yu Chao were roaring and fighting, and they were shocked when they heard a loud noise.

"Maybe this won't kill him." Su Yi muttered to herself, waving his hand again.

Scourge! The art of descending durian from the sky!

A pumpkin with a diameter of one meter is about forty catties, and one ton is equal to two thousand catties. Three thousand pumpkins with a diameter of one meter weigh about sixty tons.

Which human being can withstand sixty tons of pressure? Even the sixty tons of pressure will be dispersed.

Su Yi didn't calculate, he just thought that there were 10,000 durians in his system. So he threw another 10,000 durians on it, and buried the other Huns who ran over by the way.

Ten thousand durians weigh about 30 tons. In comparison, it seems to be only half of a pumpkin. It's not a big deal, right?

"Kang, Kangle!" Mu Yan said incoherently.

Su Yi said: "Didn't I have said everything, Emperor Shennong is about to send food to His Majesty again. These are the food delivered. Huh? It seems that the head is a bit wrong, right? Well, His Majesty must have dreamed of it."

Mu Yan was speechless for a while.

This is speechless, I don't know if it is too surprised or too...

Is it really good for you to throw the pot like this to His Majesty the Emperor? His Majesty the Emperor is dreaming, there are enough slots, you have to come!


"It seems that the accuracy of the head is indeed wrong." Mu Yan said nonsense seriously, "Find an open space next time. Well, look, it seems that someone has been crushed."

Su Yi said: "Yes, this is really bad. You said that even if you don't crush people, it's not good to crush flowers."

Mu Yan nodded: "It's true."

The two looked at each other and moved away silently.

Even though both of them had thick skins, they seemed to be a little embarrassed to talk so nonsense suddenly.

"This, this is the gift of Emperor Shennong?!" A general trembled.

Yes, there are other people nearby.

Su Yi nodded: "Yes, your Majesty said that Emperor Shennong has a blessing again. When will Poor Dao want to come? Look, it's here now."

"But it's a pity, it's broken a lot, right? And it has a lot of stains, can you still eat it?" Su Yi pretended to regret.

Durian has a cracked shell, right? But the pumpkin must have broken.

The general suppressed the excitement and said, "Eat! You can eat it! You can eat it if you break it! That's the flesh and blood of the Huns! Why can't you eat it!"

Su Yi shuddered suddenly.

What this said... He was already ferocious enough, and summoned pumpkins and durians to harvest the lives of many people. Although there is no unsuitable situation in my heart now. But when the battle is over, maybe I can't adapt, and then I have nightmares and vomit.

Su Yi had no confidence in her own psychological quality.

But the soldiers at the border seemed more brutal.

No, it should have been more cruel than them, right?

It’s just that no matter how cruel it is, it has developed into cannibalism and drinking human blood, or...

It seems that in ancient literary works, there is indeed a similar analogy, one can’t wait to eat the flesh and blood of the enemy, but...

The Xiongnu Khan was crushed to death (as it should be), this battle has been established victory, and Su Yi finally has the mood to think about it.

The accident encountered by the Huns Khan finally spread to the entire Huns army.

Some Huns were very angry and attacked faster; some Huns began to retreat.

In any case, their offensive has been chaotic.

The general was beheaded, and the military's mind was chaotic. Besides, it was not the general who died, but their king.

The Xiongnu died of sweating, who would be able to calm down?

Among the Huns, there are also generals who are in danger. After confirming the accident of the Huns profusely, they began to gather the army and retreat. But the death of the Huns in sweat is too legendary, which makes the Huns very afraid. They didn't listen to the command of the generals at all. When the generals said to retreat, many people panicked and retreated without following the orders, as if they were scattered in sand.

At this time, the artillery and explosive barrels can dominate again. For a time, I don't know how many Xiongnu soldiers died under the power of gunpowder.

Although their generals tried their best to stabilize the formation, it was of no use. In this big defeat of the Huns, not only the Huns sweated here, but also most of their military strength.

Even the whole army was wiped out.

At the order of the chief general Ma Chong, the soldiers of Yu Dynasty stopped the shelling and all of them mounted their horses and attacked.

Mu Yan patted Su Yi on the shoulder and asked him to **** Su Yi back to the rear camp. She also rushed out on horseback.

This battle is probably the most memorable battle of the Yu Dynasty soldiers guarding this border.

Not only is the victory result too great, but the process of victory is also amazing.

Su Yi sighed. This time, I really had blood in my hands, using pumpkin and durian. Then he slipped and rolled down the stone ladder of the tower. He remembered to protect his head when he rolled down.

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