The Master of Uradan

Chapter 125 - Just A Child Compare To Them

Rohan frowned at the buzzing sound. The situation wasn't as smooth as he had expected it to be. Two wasps as fierce-looking as the one he had fought earlier had appeared in front of the three men.

'Should I help them?' If Rohan wanted to find a city or anything, he would have to keep those men alive. They would know he was here, but Rohan could subdue them without problems anyway.

Before Rohan stepped forward to kill the wasps, the man leading the trio spoke nonchalantly.

"Graan, kill them." Rohan felt like he must have heard wrongly, but after a few seconds, he felt his own world crumbling as sweat flowed out of his forehead.

The man named Graan put his hand on his saber before he moved his right foot forward. With his body leaning to the front, he glanced at the wasps rushing at high speed to attack them.

He disappeared. The moment he appeared again, he was on the other side, behind the wasps. His saber was fully unsheathed, held in his hand, pointed to the ground.

The two wasps had no chance since the start, they were cleaved apart and the four pieces fell to the ground as pale yellow color blood painted the ground along with a disgusting stench.

Rohan lowered his body behind a bush and held back his breath. He had observed this man since the leader had asked him to kill them. His eyes were staring at him from the beginning, but he hadn't seen anything. It was as if he had teleported behind the wasp. There was no strike nor was the sword drawn.

Or at least, it was what his brain was screaming at him. But the dead bodies of the two wasps were enough proof. The speed of this man was far above anything Rohan had seen.

The death wasn't even the same one after he had killed himself the wasp. Those were simply dead, without any time to put on a fight, to evade anything, or to struggle. How was this possible?

"Seems like there's some wasp here. Since we have time before going back to report, let's destroy their nest."

The words spoken by the man made Rohan nearly break out in tears. If he continued to follow them toward a wasps' nest, he would die from terrible pain. The strange part was that the man seemed to be happy saying that, as if he was telling the other two they were going on for some fun.

"Alright," Rohan watched through the bush as one of them closed his eyes for a few seconds. "They are coming from this way, not even a few kilometers away."

He pointed his finger in a direction, burning Rohan's mind. How the hell could he know in which direction the nest was? Who were those people?

The trio moved under the order of their leader, and they headed toward the nest of wasps. Rohan didn't move. He needed to follow them if he wanted to discover where they were coming from, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to. The mana around them wasn't reacting to them, but they were much more powerful than Rohan. They were maybe even stronger than a rank 10 Intermediate Warrior with such a speed.

Rohan gritted his teeth. He wanted to get out of there. Since it was his only way, he got up and followed after the three men. His body was even more lowered than before, and he put extra carefulness at every move. Rohan certainly didn't want them to see him.

As he kept following them, Rohan saw his mind going blank. There was only numbness, and nothing else anymore. The trio encountered more and more wasps, but they easily killed them all.

Even when it was a large group of dozens of wasps, the one named Graan killed them all with a single movement. Actually, it was even in no movement as Rohan couldn't see anything. One instant, he was in front of the wasps, the one after he was behind them, with all of them cut in halves falling on the ground.

The two other men of the group were equally strong. The leader was called Vaal while the third one was called Yuun. Such strength was unheard of. They weren't warriors, nor paladins, not even wizards. They didn't seem to be mana users either, and their physics didn't seem to be incredible.

After more dead wasps and an hour of traveling, an extremely loud buzzing sound came from the front. Rohan gulped down. It was still hidden behind the dense vegetation, but he was sure there were hundreds of those wasps with this terrifying noise.

Even one was quite tough to kill for him, if some wasps were going back to their nest from the rear and fell on Rohan, the situation would be catastrophic.

But even in this situation, Rohan advanced after the trio. He hid behind a large tree surrounded by bushes and watched through the space in between the branches and leaves. What he saw made him sense despair.

A large sphere was posted on the ground, between three tall trees surrounding it with a triangular formation. The sphere with countless holes on it was simply gigantesque, and Rohan needed to lift his head to look at the top as it was even higher than a house. The terrible buzz came from this place while tens and tens of giant wasps were flying around.

The three men seemed to be unfazed as they spread around the huge nest. The moment the wasps saw the fresh meat delivering itself for them, they rushed to kill them. A slaughter followed.

The leader of the trio, Vaal, advanced forward and drew his weapon. It was the first time since he was following them that Rohan saw one of them drawing his saber. The move was simple, but it was also incredibly exquisite. On the side, the two others also unsheathed their blades.

Once the countless wasps reached them, none of the three saber wielders stepped back, they continued as if they were taking a stroll. Suddenly, their sabers tore the air and slashed those insects. Every heartbeat, Rohan saw a large number of wasps falling on the ground.

The nest buzzed louder and louder, and countless wasps left their home to attack the intruders. But the number wasn't helping them in front of such a power. The three men killed them all in a single move.

It was only at this moment that Rohan realized an important point. The instant he saw this, his eyes nearly fell from their sockets. The bodies were all cleaved apart as they hit the ground, and their blood and body parts flew all around. But no matter how much the area was full of disgusting fluids, the three men wearing a white dress wrapping their bodies weren't touched a single time by anything.

In the mind of Rohan, those three men were like immortals cleaning the mortal world of a few insects. The worst thing was that those men weren't old. They should be in their twenties. All the pride Rohan felt with the ranks he had reached only seventeen years old disappeared like snow under the sun.

In front of them, he was like a child wielding no power.

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