The Master of Uradan

Chapter 149 - Traitors

Riveras, the biggest city of the duchy of Barnes. After the duke Chrisfold who was probably killed in the battle or captured then executed, Rohan didn't know who had replaced him. Obviously, it was a close member of the royal family, and now this territory could be said to be completely under the king.

As Rohan entered the city without any difficulties, the first thing that shocked him was the atmosphere. The people seemed to be healthy and smiling. The famine that was supposed to hit the whole region had been restrained by the supply coming from the other duchies.

If the kingdom hadn't put an embargo for a couple of years, the situation would never have climbed up to such a level. The thousands of soldiers wouldn't be dead for no reason.

Rohan couldn't even fathom the reason for such foolishness, apart from if the king was mad enough to try everything to have a grip over another duchy.

The young crossed the street with a dark cloak hiding his face. He wasn't daring enough to travel with his face visible, as the kingdom was still searching for him.

Instead of going immediately to the territory, his family was supposed to govern, he decided to head over to the mansion which was his living place for a couple of years.

He didn't know what happened to his family, but since they have not directly participated in the war, he believed they shouldn't be executed. However, it wouldn't be strange if they had lost their title.

Although he had lived inside this city for many years, he wasn't very familiar with it. Most of the time, Rohan was simply reading in his mansion back then, so finding the way toward the mansion was quite fastidious.

He could ask the way to someone, but unfortunately, he didn't know if it was still the mansion of his family. The less he attracted the attention, the better it would be.

After several hours of turning around this huge city, with countless people walking around, Rohan finally appeared in front of the building.

Almost nothing had changed. There were two guards at the portal, while the large building behind stood there with all its splendor. Of course, the two guards were people he had never seen. This thought made Rohan remind of his personal guards, as well as Makin pushing him out of the cliff.

He chased away those useless memories and walked toward the two guards.

"What do you want, it is the mansion of the Countess Sharkan!" The guard yelled when he saw the man approaching.

It was practically an obligation for the guards to shout the name of their master, and it gave Rohan a great amount of shock.

He was almost sure that his family should have lost its title of nobility! His father and himself had participated in the war against the king, it was a trahison, nothing more. How could his family leave unharmed?

"Do you know if the butler Jonas is working here?" Rohan extinguished his doubts and expectantly asked the guard.

"Jonas? Don't know this name, sir. I think you asked in the wrong place." The guard politely answered. The manner of speech of the man in front of him was enough to tell him he wasn't just a nobody.

"He was the former butler of Rohan, the son of the countess Sharkan." He took the risk to ask this question. If anyone were searching for him, it might bring him trouble, but he couldn't stop him from asking.

Hearing this question, the guard looked around him before answering.

"The previous staff of the mansion had been fired after the former count Sharkan and his son had betrayed the kingdom, sir. It isn't a great thing to ask around here if you want my opinion, sir."


'I hope nothing bad happened to Jonas, I wonder where he went?'

Rohan thanked the guard before decisively leaving the area. Since his mother was still countess, at least his brother, Luke, should be in great form. His father demanded to protect his brother and mother, but since they didn't seem to need it, maybe he should depart from here?

Still, the fact that his mother was countess made him feel uneasy. Thus, Rohan took the initiative and left the city in the direction of the family's estate.

As Rohan was leaving the city, a conversation between two men took place inside the mansion of the new duke. One of them was the new general, a rank 12 Advanced Warrior, while the other one was a soldier doing his report.

"General, the Lord Hanshen has been right. A suspicious man had asked about the whereabouts of Jonas, the former butler serving Rohan Sharkan." Seeing the general without reaction, he continued. "We believed this man to be Rohan, as he had disappeared a few days ago from the city of Blanche, inside the kingdom of Daksina."

"The lord is indeed incredible." The general stood up from his seat. "We have confirmation he left without any horse. With such speed, he is indeed far stronger than a simple rank 3 Beginner Warrior, and that also explains the movement from Daksina. Where is he going now?"

"We can't be sure, but I believe his next destination will be his family's estate, general." The soldier confidently declared.

The last report he had heard from the ones following the target only said he was heading toward the exit of the city, the soldier could only guess.

Seeing the general nodding his head while thinking, he knew it was almost the start of the operation.

"You order, General?" The soldier straightened his back.

"We leave right now. I want someone to monitor every movement of this young man, but he has to pay attention. No one is to act before my order." Since the Daksina kingdom needed to deploy an Advanced Warrior, it meant there was the need for one. He wouldn't look down on them, and the fact an Advanced Warrior had failed to capture the young man was proof enough of the target's abilities.

"Yes general!"

Rohan rushed toward the city that was under the governance of his family. He didn't know that his simple question had triggered a large operation behind him, and he didn't know that a man mounted on a horse was following him, with a stunned expression.

Even with his horse, he had difficulties keeping up with his target, and in the end, he could only hope his direction was indeed the Sharkan's estate.

Soon enough, Rohan reached the territory controlled by his family. The city was a small one and should initially only be governed by a baron. He didn't directly head for the mansion and was simply strolling around.

There wasn't any difference with the inhabitants of Riveras, and it was as if the war a couple of years ago was but a dream. The people on the market were smiling and lively, and the food didn't seem to reach a whopping price.

All in all, the situation inside the duchy of Barnes had become smooth. All of that could have been achieved without the war if the kingdom was willing.. Unfortunately, the blood of ten thousand soldiers had been spilled for this peace, but everyone had forgotten this, only treated as traitors.

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