The Master of Uradan

Chapter 43 - A Lovely Party

The night had already fallen on this part of the world, but the inter-city of Blanche wasn't asleep as it should be. Coming from all the streets, from all the roads, contless carriages with different crests and emblems on it were all driving in the same direction.

All the noblemen of the area had been invited by the count to celebrate the victory against the group of bandits that had lurked inside this city for a few years. Of course, that was mainly pure hypocrisy coming from the members of the nobility, as a large part of them had already asked for services to these 'bandits'.

After all, a group of powerful warriors working only for money and able to do almost anything, it was a great deal for all these people with a lot of money in their bag.

But now that they have been invited by the count himself, it would be a disgrace to not come. Plus, as this celebration was for the warriors who had participated in this clean up, it means all the most powerful people around the city would be present. the ones wanting to bond with them wouldn't miss the occasion.

Among these carriages running on the paved roads, one of them was visibly more conspicuous than the others. On it, the family crest of the viscount Noir was on display, proving that this person was the man who had initiated all of this, and also one of the most influential persons of the city.

Inside this carriage, three people were sitting. One of them, looking through the window with a bored expression was of course Rohan, obviously enchanted to go to this gathering. Next to him was Delia, who, for this occasion had put on a much more flashy habit than usual, shocking Rohan as he thought it wasn't even possible to accomplish such a feat.

This one felt as if there was a sun at his side, and he swore to himself that the instant they would enter the main hall, he would flee at lightning speed from this people magnet.

In front of them, it was the father of Delia, the viscount Noir. In contrast with his son, this one was much more sober with a serious expression on his face. The moment he had seen Rohan, his first action was to thank him for participating in such a difficult mission to kill the group of thugs.

After a few minutes of traveling through the whole city, the carriage finally arrived in front of the count mansion, which was the largest and richest of the whole city, standing on the center of this city and overlooking and governing all the area.

The moment this carriage appeared, all the other nobles quickly put themselves on the side to let this figure enter while cursing on their head.

After all, the etiquette was to arrive before the most prestigious person, but they had failed to do so. One of the butlers serving the count rushed to the carriage which had just stopped in front of the mansion, and opened the door before bowing his head to greet the people inside.

But the first one to go down was a young man, with black hair tied back with a purple ribbon, and a simple black purpoint.

The butler was shocked as he had never seen this person, but he still showed all his respect. It was at that time that he discerned the emblem with a shiny 3 hanging on his chest. A rank 3 Beginner Warrior!

After Rohan went down, Delia followed and left the place to his father, who took all the attention of the onlooker the moment he descended the car. The noblemen surrounding the area with all their family were like wolves, wanting to pounce on him to strike a conversation the fastest possible.

Just seeing this scene was enough to make Rohan want to puck.

When he had to participate at these parties, all the son and daughter of a noble who was his age had tried to come near him to be friendly. He was still the son of a count after all, even if this one was sometimes considered as a false nobleman.

The first time he had seen that friendliness, he was happy to talk with so many interested people. But his enthusiasm at this time had only lasted for a few minutes before his face had shown all disgust he had felt, making the people around him speechless for a few seconds.

Now that Rohan thought about it, it was probably after that time that he had awakened a revulsion toward the noble's kids. And even the nobles in general in fact.

Without minding what Rohan was actually thinking, the viscount Noir began to advance, led by the butler toward the main entrance where an unbearable cacophony could already be heard. Delia and Rohan followed behind, both of them with an extremely different face.

The large doors opened on the three men arriving, and with a shout encompassing the whole hall, the butler yelled the name of the viscount, making all the guests turn their face toward the newcomers. Maybe if Rohan became a wizard he would be able to teleport away in a single breath? With a new reason to find if he had a mana stone or not, Rohan entered the room.

The floor was made of a white shiny marble, further illuminated by the candlesticks hanging on the ceiling. Even with so many people inside this room, the whiteness of the room gave the impression to be spacious enough to welcome all the inhabitants of the city.

On this floor and separating the guests, large and long tables were standing here and there, with a lot of food and drinks on it, waiting to be consumed.

The guests were already gathered, distributed among their social level, and Rohan and Dalia didn't wait to separate themselves from the viscount.

The discussion he would have and the people he would meet had nothing to do with them, even though Delia would later inherit the title. Which actually wouldn't be that far in the future, though the young man in his twenties with a bright dress didn't really want to become a viscount.

The discussion bursted all around them, filling the ears of Rohan as he followed Delia here and there. but there was something he had forgotten, and that was to get out as far as possible from this magnet.

Only a few seconds after they had entered the room, all a lot of people, without a doubt children of the other noblemen, rushed on Delia and Rohan, striking a conversation with the son of the viscount, and this young man they didn't know, a rank 3 Beginner Warrior.

After a few minutes of an intense torture, Rohan found a light opening in their tight formation and rushed on it to make a tactictal retreat. With a sigh leaving his mouth, he walked toward one of the tables near his position. At least, he would take pleasure in eating.

But before he could reach it, he stopped in his tracks. In front of him was standing Elia Macker, with Matthew behind her. She glanced a bit at his chest before looking back at his face.

"Hello warrior Rohan! I hope you are feeling well and that you have been able to heal yourself a bit during the past few days!" A deep voice, coming from the abyss, murmured at Rohan to get out of here the fastest possible. "Matthew had told me what had happened, and I must say, I didn't know you were a rank 3 Beginner Warrior! You really are a genius."

It was with these words that Rohan understood. Why this woman seemed to be this interested in a lowly warrior like him from the beginning. He reckoned that it probably wasn't a difficult feat, and that he should have used another name that time.

This girl. She already knew who he truly was. He squinted his eyes, looking at the beautiful woman smiling at him. If she ever wanted to say to anybody that he was Rohan, son of the count Roland Sharkan who had participated in the revolt of the duchy of Barnes, he would really be in the deep shit.

"I am not really a genius, Miss Elia, after all I am already 19 this year, I'm just a bit faster than the other warriors."

A lie, and an obvious one at that. But he didn't have the choice, as he would never admit who he was. Maybe it was actually time to leave this city? He didn't know what this woman wanted, but that was starting to become a dangerous situation.

Elia widened her eyes when she heard that. The young man in front of her had said that with a perfectly calm expression, and he could definitely be seen for a man with this age. After all, his physique, forged by years of training and strengthened by the mana, was not anymore the one someone would give to a 15 years old boy who was beginning to leave his familial nest.

For a few seconds, she began to doubt herself. Was she wrong from the start? Was this Rohan really another one and this situation was just a coincidence?

Matthew sighed when he saw the young miss falling for such a ridiculous lie, but looking at this warrior in front of him, who will without a doubt become a true monster one day, he decided that he might as well let Elia forget about him for this night.

The night of the bandits' clean up, once everything was done, the captain of the guards had told him shocking news. Actually, he had even taken a few seconds to understand, since this powerful warrior had congratulated him for having killed the wizard alongside the young warrior Rohan.

But Matthew wasn't crazy enough to forget about what he had done, and he understood easily when he had seen the lifeless body of the wizard and the state of Rohan.

This monster. He had killed by himself a powerful rank 2 Beginner Wizard and had put him as one of the responsable of such a deed. So for this time, he wouldn't say anything. He knew just by seeing the face of the warrior that he wanted to leave, and Matthew would do nothing to hinder this.

Maybe one day, they would see him again. Or maybe they would hear news about this warrior. A young one with black hair tied up with a purple ribbon.. Without a doubt, he knew the world would soon hear about this man.

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