The Master of Uradan

Chapter 6 - Potions

General Edwin took out three vials from the bag and put them on the table. One of them contained a transparent liquid with a slight white color while the second contained a liquid of a bluish color. And finally the last one contained a weak golden color.

What these 3 potions had in common was their transparency. Sign that these potions were very common.

Although they were common, that was in comparison with other potions, and they were nonetheless rare and very expensive for the common people.

Edwin prepared to explain the usefulness of these potions, he started with the bluish one.

"This is a weak mana potion, it was concocted by wizard Mardrick himself. It allows you to recover 10 mana points, so it is useful for beginner and intermediate warriors but also for beginner mages. For any rank above, it is not that useful, but well, it's good enough.

To make potions more powerful, you need rare plants that cannot be found in the kingdom, even for me I can only be satisfied with these potions. I put ten of those in the bag, you can do what you want with them, either keep them to take during a fight, or you can speed up your training."

He switched to the white potion.

"This is a slightly rarer potion than the first. It is a weak recovery potion. It heals the body from mana corrosion. It cannot really be used to actually heal a wound, but it does allow you to slightly increase the speed at which the body heals itself.

After your promotion, you should wait about a month before resuming training because of the mana. With this potion, waiting a week should be enough! I put two in the bag, the first for you to take now, and the second to be taken with the last potion I put for you. "

With that, he gently took the golden potion in his hand.

"This potion is extremely rare, it is a weak mana compression potion. After taking it, creating a meridian is much easier and a meditation session will have multiple times the normal effect.

It is a divine potion for a novice warrior, but it has practically no effect on vortex creations for Intermediate Warriors. Even so, it is still a highly sought after product. The only downside is that it tends to do some mana damage to the body, because it compresses the mana and explodes it toward a meridian, so you have to take a weak potion of recovery at the same time.

This is the only potion of this type that I have, I had kept it for a few years but it is useless to me, so I will give it to you. "

Rohan stared at the potions in front of him in shock. He knew these potions, and he also knew their price. A low mana potion was sold for around 100 gold while a low recovery potion was sold for 200 gold, and someone still had to be found to sell it.

The last one, the weak mana compression potion, just wasn't on the market. He didn't dare imagine what price this potion would have.

"General Chrisfold, this is too much for me, I cannot accept so much."

The general's gift was simply amazing, you should know that the house they were currently in and the land around were not worth more than 1000 gold! And 5 gold was enough for a family of four to live normally for a whole year.

The general laughed and put the potions back in the bag. Then he pushed a bag towards Rohan.

"Take them. Anyway they are useless to me, I have no interest in keeping them. And you are not going to refuse the gift of your future master right?"

Rohan stood up and bowed deeply before this man's generosity.

The three continued to talk for a while. Then, seeing that it was getting late, the general got up. It was about time to go. The count and his son walked him and his guards back to the door. After he left, Roland turned to his son.

"Well, I'm also going to have to go back to the estate, my homework won't wait until tomorrow. What are you doing? Are you staying here or are you planning to come back to the estate?"

"No, I'm fine here, I'll continue my training quietly, until the time comes."

The count's gaze darkens somewhat on this remark.

"You have two years left to get stronger, to become at least a rank 2 warrior, and if you can push to rank 3 it would be even better."

"Two years? I thought we still had at least four or five years?"

"No, the duchy cannot wait that long, the lands are dying faster than we thought. And the kingdom acted as we imagined: it stopped selling us food. The people are starting to become difficult to restrict. We do what we can to prepare everything in secret, but the kingdom risks noticing it at any moment. A revolution is not so easy to hide. "

Back in his bedroom, Rohan enters to put the bag on his bed. Although he was a nobleman, Rohan had always appreciated simplicity, and his bedroom followed this precept perfectly.

As we entered the room, a bed was against the middle of the left wall, a wardrobe for clothes on the right wall, a rack for his armor and nothing else.

He took the white potion out of the bag and sat down in a meditation position on the floor. There was no point in waiting, so he might as well take it as quickly as possible.

He uncapped the vial, and a faint white smoke came out, bringing in a gentle and sweet smell. Without hesitation, he raised the potion to his lips, and threw his head back to drink it sharply.

He felt the liquid flow down the esophagus and, a few minutes later, a feeling of coolness invaded his body from top to bottom. He felt like it came from his stomach as a source, and this freshness reached every part of his body, passing through his arms, legs and even his head. He felt himself being purified from within.

This freshness did not take long to disappear, but the feeling of purification remained, as if a weight had been removed from his body.

He examined his body again and found that the mana wounds were now healing much faster than before. In view of the speed, he judged Edwin's approximation to be correct. In a week, he will be perfectly recovered, and will therefore be able to start his second promotion.

After he finished examining himself, he turned his eyes to the vial he had in his hand. At first glance you might think it was a rounded vial of normal glass with a cap on the top. But something made Rohan very curious about this one.

There were a dozen of these vials in the bag, and yet when he had lugged the bag around, no ringing could be heard. It wasn't that he had worn it without shaking it once either, he wasn't well known for taking care of his things, Jonas could attest to that.

Besides, putting such a large number of glass potions in a simple leather bag was risking disaster.

He didn't see anything special when he looked at the bottle, so he pulled out another potion to experiment. He banged the two bottles between them. No sound was heard.

He tilted his head to the side, he didn't understand. He tapped the empty vial with his finger, and a characteristic sound of glass was heard. Yet when the two potions collided, nothing happened. A truly surprising object.

He capped the empty vial and threw it on the ground, he did not put all his strength into it, but still enough to break a normal glass. However the expected result did not arrive, or maybe it was, as the vial bounced on the ground and let itself roll a few centimeters before stopping, without any cracks.

A truly surprising object indeed! Could this be the first magical object Rohan has in his possession?

The idea seemed a little disappointing to him when he thought about it, but he remembered that he already has an Essence Stone, which was supposed to be very precious. He felt better for a second, then he suddenly thought about the price of the potion.

It wasn't because of this special vial that it cost so much right ?! Couldn't they just put it in a normal vial?

"These wizards are really born with a silver spoon in their mouths!"

After Rohan, son of a count who lived with money and everything he wanted since his birth, complained about the money wizards had, he picked up the empty vial and decided to keep it safe. He will not let this treasure go away !

He put the potion away in his hand and put the bag in a corner. According to him, he wouldn't need it for quite some time, as his training would probably go without difficulties.

During the following week, Rohan got up at dawn, somehow, to go and train with the guards. Jonas waited for him every day with something to eat before going, of course. He was also practicing the strengthened blow skill against the captain, his mana filling up every day.

After morning practice, he spent the rest of the day sitting in an armchair, juice in one hand and a book in the other. History book, fiction, or more specialized knowledge, he had always spent his time reading, and that since he was born. What better thing than reading ? nothing of course !

Some afternoons, he was going outside to train his horse riding skills, as he was not particularly good at it. But he didn't train more than a few rounds, before going back to his reading session.

If most of the warriors who had to spend their whole day training hard and taking lots of potions just to hope to promote themselves, saw how this guy was spending his days, more than one might have vomited blood.

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