The Master of Uradan

Chapter 61 - Back To Train

Rohan opened his eyes. Through his blurry vision, the large brown beast skin which surrounded his sleepy body defended him against the outside world.

He was now lying on the fur, still groggy with sleep. All his surroundings were made of brown, the tent of the chief clan, what could be called a bed, all made of karags' fur. Rohan yawned and sat down to chase away his need to sleep.

Now that the Blackwolf Clan had found an area to rest for a few months before taking back the road, Rohan would continue his old habits. Of course, he would still not meditate for the time being, but that wouldn't stop him from training his body.

He would have to pay attention to not unveil the fact that he wielded more power than a simple rank 3 Beginner Warrior, but at least it will train him to control his body in a better way.

Even though he was sleeping inside the tent, he still kept a tunic with long sleeves. There were still three other people sleeping in this tent, and even though what could be called rooms were separated by a large skin like a wall, Rohan preferred to play it safe.

He changed and put on his leather armor, and with his scabbard in his hand, he finally left the tent. This one was empty, and the leader and his children weren't inside anymore. The moment the sun burned his eyes through the trees around the encampment, he heard a shout not far away.

The camp was now much larger than what the Blackwolf clan made in the middle of the desert and was taking a large area. The camp was beginning to be lively, and every member was occupied.

Some of them went to cut trees with axes on their shoulders, while others walked toward the lake not far away. And on the right of Rohan, who was situated in the center of this camp, he could distinguish some people training there. Among them were the children of the Chief.

The young warrior walked, his step crushing the grass below him. Some trees arose here and there in between the tents, hiding a bit the sun lighting the camp. Rohan bypassed the few people and headed toward the shouts.

Rohan decided to meet them, and as he approached he saw the daughter of the chief, Daina, fight a duel with a young man. They were both normal humans, but they fought with spears with an extreme technique.

Those were simple-looking weapons, and Rohan was pretty sure that the blades of these spears were not even made of iron, but some special rocks. He was not an expert, but he could still be called a blacksmith, and it was easy for him to recognize the matter.

Now that he thought about it, Rohan couldn't imagine iron to be found out there, and it also explained why only the warriors were wearing swords. It should be weapons won in battle against people of the other side as they called it.

Daina rushed on her opponent with a wild cry before her weapon thrust forward, making the wind protest at its passage. Rohan looked curiously at her way to use the spear. He was only good with a sword and had never trained in any other weapons. Maybe he should try one day.

The man in front of her jumped on the side to dodge the tip and slash with his spear from the left to the right with a large movement. But Daina only smirked at this sight. She dropped to the ground to let the blade travel above her head, and as her left hand touched the ground, she propelled her body and threw herself on her opponent.

Seeing the woman charging at him, the man could only try to jump back and bring his weapon to him to defend, but unfortunately, she didn't let him do so.

She approached like a bolt, forcefully landed on the ground by stomping it with her left foot, and used all her strength and inertia to sweep the air with a large blow. The spear made a semicircle, and with the sharp edge too forward, it was the wooden part that struck the side of the man.

The power of the blow sent him flying on his right and he landed on the ground with a muffled groan. As he tried to stand up, he saw in front of his face a pair of boots.

"Rohan!" Deidros, seeing the newcomer, walked leisurely with a big smile to greet him. "Do you want to train as well? All the warriors are already taken but I'm sure you will find an interesting fight against one of them. I can't fight myself."

Rohan looked at the frail boy, with his long black hair flowing on his back and his bright smile. He looked weak, and Rohan believed him when he said he couldn't fight, but he wouldn't make the mistake of calling him weak.

Rohan was a rank 5 Beginner Warrior, and he was able to feel the mana around him in a better way than before. It wasn't incredible, but it was still enough to know that the seemingly weak boy in front of him wasn't as weak as he tried to make it.

"Tssk. Even if you're a warrior. If you don't use any skills, then even me, I can beat you easily!"

Behind her brother, Daina was also approaching, and for an unknown reason, she radiated the urge to fight against the warrior. She seemed to be pissed off by Rohan's presence. Did he kill her mother when he was looking away?

Rohan took a look at this woman, with her black hair tied in the back at the warrior way, and her spear at her side. From what Rohan had seen, she was indeed a good fighter, but did she know that a rank 3 Beginner Warrior was at least four times more powerful than a normal human?

Even if he restrained himself, she wouldn't be able to win at all. But he didn't comment anything about it. Since the brother and sister were waiting for an answer, while the small group waiting behind were also listening, Rohan didn't have the choice.

"Sure, I am also interested in your spearmanship anyway."

He wasn't lying. He only used the sword for more than six years now, and he had never used any other weapons.

The warrior thought of himself to be somewhat good at the sword, but he knew that in a lot of fights, it wasn't his skills that had made a difference. That was enough proof to say he wasn't so good. At least, that was what he believed.

Rohan moved past them to position himself in the center of what could be called an arena, which was simply a circle of grass delimited by the few spectators. He unsheathed his sword and looked at Daina walking in front of him.

He would have to pay attention to not put too much strength. He would need to take control of his reflexes and refrained to aim at a vital area. He would also have to pay attention to not breaking this rudimentary weapon they called spear with his sword made by Horim.. All in all, now that he thought about it, that wouldn't be an easy fight if he wanted to not create any problems.

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