The Master of Uradan

Chapter 72 - Time To Go Back Under The Sun

The days passed one after another and Rohan, who always like to have a routine, had set up another one during this time.

Each day, after waking up with difficulty, he put on his armor and took out his sword before leaving the tent. He headed toward the training ground, which was just an area with yellowed grass crushed by the countless people who had fought here.

Then, like every morning, he fought against the daughter of the Chief Clan. After the first duel they had that day, they were now enjoying these fights. When the other warriors were also training, Rohan would sometimes fight against them and their powerful spearmanship.

They would also use their sword sometimes, but it was in these moments that the differences between the two fighters were fully shown. Rohan, who had learned how to fight with the sword for more than six years, was much more dexterous than the warriors wielding their blades.

In the end, they all chose to fight against Rohan with their spear. Sadly, or at least for Rohan, he didn't have the chance to fight against Garrold or the clan leader and could fight the rank 1 or 2 Beginner Warriors.

But still, this period was much more valuable for him than the two years he had spent training alone inside the shop.

During these fights, he never used any skills, even the skill Overload. The reason for that was because, after the training morning against the Blackwolf clan's members, Rohan walked alone toward the forest.

The goal was of course to meditate, far from their sight. Each day he was progressing, slower than ever. The increase he felt each day was truly nothing. Plus, as the construction of the vortex needed to be absolutely perfect, Rohan could only feel frustration accumulating bit by bit.

After the meditation to advance his warrior rank, it was the time for the wizard one. He could only draw one stroke, and it took less than a few minutes to do so. Sadly, a wizard wasn't like a warrior.

The mana the warrior could accumulate inside his mana core was always growing. Each time Rohan was improving into his session of meditation, the Essence Stone was catching the bit of mana his mana core could contain.

But such a thing was impossible for a wizard, and as far as he would be a rank 1 Beginner Wizard, he would only have 10 mana. He would have to wait for the second rune to be fully drawn before the capacity increased to 20 points of mana.

Of course, such pitiful value was only for the Beginner ranks, and once he would be an Intermediate rank, his capacity of mana would explode.

After his session for both his mana core and mana stone was complete, he left the forest to go back to the camp.

What he was doing most of the time inside was simply reading. Rohan was reading all the books he had on him and was even peeping at the wizards' ones when he was sure no one was around.

Sometimes, he tagged along with a group of hunters leaving the camp and moved with them. His precision was an extraordinary one, and at some point, Daina even wanted to teach him how to use a bow.

Sadly, a longbow broken on the ground later and an arrow planted near the foot of someone, Rohan had let go of the idea to learn anything about it. He was good at the sword, and that was already good to him.

He also learned how to use the spear in his free time. He didn't want to replace his sword at all and wanted to concentrate on it, but learning a bit about the spear could only be useful for him.

That was Rohan's routine, with every day filled with different activities. His relationship with the clan was somewhat easier than before. Training against them, hunting with them, eating with them, in the end, not all these clan members had something against the young warrior.

During this period, one of these members, though, only felt his rage grow and grew, as he saw this parasite, this useless inhabitant of the other side befriend the whole Blackwolf clan. For him, he was the only one seeing what was happening.

This warrior was simply trying to use them all for a devious act!

The weeks and then the months succeeded the days, and soon, it was time to leave.

During these two months, the Blackwolf clan had taken all the resources they could. They had dried enough meat for more than a month of traveling, enough food for a greater period in case of, composed of dry fruits, roots, and vegetables that Rohan had become accustomed to during this time.

They had taken all the water they could, and along with the food, every family would have the same amount. It was the duty of everyone to transport everything for their needs, and it was their duty to ration their resources.

The camp was then dismantled. Nothing was left behind. The fences were taken off from the ground, all the beasts they had hunted were fully used, even the grass was kept with the clan, as it would be stored for the karags.

Each cart then transported everything the family driving it needed to survive, as it was far better than having it stored by a single person.

Like that, after two months of a peaceful life inside this paradise, this heavenly forest permitting them to live a blissful moment, the departure had come.

Rohan was looking at his horse, Barakas, with a face fully saying at which point he wanted to go. These two months weren't near enough to make him forget the pain of this damn sun. Maybe he should just give up his goal and go back home?

He sighed at this thought, and patting his mount, he jumped with a light step to put him on the top. Once again, he had put his cape on him, ready to cover his face with it.

As everyone was then ready to go, the Blackwolf clan took back the road and headed toward the desert.

Their direction was the Kolmos mountain, where the yearly event was waiting for them.

From what Rohan had understood, it should be a festive event, where the clans gathered to drink their magical water of whatever was their thing. But as he looked at the faces of the members of the clan around, what he saw on them made him curious.

Some of them were excited, some of them were in a hurry to go. It was once a year but such an opportunity was a great one for them. Since this magical water was said to improve their chances to rank up as a warrior, it was understandable.

But more importantly, there wasn't only an overjoyed expression among them. Some of the nomads were stressed, and some others were even showing a strange emotion for such a happy gathering: fear, and apprehension.

But after a small reflection, it was a normal occurrence. Even if Rohan had seen a lot of differences between these people and the noblemen he was used to, ultimately humans were the same.

Since there would be the four most powerful clans attending at this gathering, some pressure was to be expected.

Rohan was right in this thought. But not for the reasons he was thinking about.. After all, he had forgotten an important piece of information about the Barren Lands.

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