The Master of Uradan

Chapter 79 - Dracass

The two chiefs of the clans were currently speaking with their advisors and a couple of people, while the members of the clans were talking all around. Deidros and his sister, Daina, were both talking to each other as Rohan was headed to them.

From the Blackwolf clan or the Greybat clan, everyone seemed to act as if the apocalypse would destroy the whole world in a few minutes. The young warrior was almost expecting to see these members flee in all directions at any point.

Since he still didn't understand what was happening, and since the two chiefs were talking about the surety of their members, Rohan decided to let them together and to find answers with the children of Darias.

As soon as he approached the siblings, Daina turned her face toward the warrior. There was still disdain that could be seen in her eyes, but there was also respect, as well as something else. But Rohan didn't care about her and instantly asked Deidros about the dracass or whatever it was. This one showed a peculiar face when he heard this question.

"Don't you know about it? It is without a doubt the most dangerous creature out there. Don't you have them as well on the other side?"

"I know about them. That's why I ask you this question. So, what are they exactly, and why did everyone seem to be this frightened?" Rohan resisted the urge to roll his eyes at this ridiculous question.

Hearing this answer, the two siblings showed to the warrior two distinct reactions. The brother laughed to the sky while the sister gnashed her teeth and looked with anger at the warrior.

Before Daina decided to throw herself against Rohan to fight him to the death, Deidros answered his question after his smile faded away. The dracasses weren't to be taken lightly. His first sentence nearly made Rohan shout out loud.

"They are magical beasts, and they have the habit of living in a pack, with the strongest of them being the leader."

Rohan watched stupidly at the frail young man in front of him while this one was telling everything he knew about this beast. Wasn't it said that these lands had zero mana? Wasn't it said that the inhabitants couldn't become warriors? Wasn't it said that magical beasts couldn't exist here?

Rohan swore to himself that once he would go back to Daksina, he would track and hunt every single person responsible for these stupidly wrong pieces of information. At least he would punch Horim who had declared to him that he wouldn't encounter any troubles out there.

'Well, maybe not punch. I don't want him to strangle me back.'

"...a description of the beast, I haven't seen one myself, but everyone knows what they look like. They have dark scales with four powerful limbs. Each of these limbs is ended with sharp claws that could tear through leather as if it was nothing. But the most important point is that they are always in a pack."

That wasn't helpful for Rohan to have a visual of this beast, but he continued to listen to Deidros, currently moving his hands at extreme speed to show at which point this creature was so fierce and incredible.

"They are the only magical beasts we can encounter inside the Barren Lands, and they are extremely rare. The Blackwolf took this path every year to go to the gathering, and it is the first time to seen these prints here. You don't have those beats on the other side?" He curiously looked at the young warrior. He had always believed that this creature was a nightmare for everyone on the continent.

Rohan shook his head. He didn't know if these dracasses could be found in his kingdom, but he knew that the magical beats were extremely rare in the south. So rare, that it was impossible to encounter them.

For a beast living in a pack, Rohan would have heard about them. Maybe the powerful warriors of the different duchies simply killed them all. Since he was young, as well as a son of a nobleman, he didn't know what was the goal of the warriors under the duke other than the protection inside the cities.

Plus, Rohan had never encountered any magical beast. The black tiger he had fought back then probably wasn't one since there wasn't any core, and the corpse he had seen inside the wizard's room was already dead.

His eyes widened. His jaw almost hit the floor as he thought back at this creature with a large wound and its heart missing. Dark scales were forming its whole body while four limbs with terrifying claws were lying there, inert.

"Say, your beast there, does it have a long tail with a pointed tip?" He remembered the creature he had seen. Most importantly, he remembered the information that was written in the notebook he had discovered near the body.

"Yeah! So you also have this creature in the north!" Deidros smiled as if he was the happiest man in the world. Daina could only shake her head on the side.

Without bothering with these people, Rohan sharply turned around and stride in the direction of his horse. Since he had plundered all the belongings of the wizard, he had already read this notebook. It was the personal research he had done on this beast, which was named dracass.

The two siblings shared a look as the warrior left in a hurry, and as if their minds were connected, they both decided to follow after him.

While Rohan was reaching his horse to take a look at the book, the two chiefs and their advisors were still talking.

"We can't continue this path! It is far too dangerous, what do you want, to kill everyone?!"

"The print was there for at least a few days, the pack is probably not there anymore! And we can't go back now!"

"He's right. If we take another path right now, we will be undeniably late for the gathering, it isn't a good solution either."

They were all in the middle of the camp. There wasn't any separation between the two camps anymore, as the group was divided with the one who wanted to continue and the other, who wanted to take another path.

Suddenly, from the crowd standing around the leaders talking, a man yelled his opinion.

"We should continue forward! The gathering is the most important at this point!" With this man voicing his opinion, other people began to shout as well, that they should continue. It didn't take long before the situation almost became a brawl.

Seeing this, the man who had first yelled watched with a smile. All he had to do was to make the critical difference with his voice as well as some others, and now he was sure the chief clan would choose the only solution he had.

Curiously, the division between the ones searching to continue and the others wasn't centered around their strength, and even the warriors were with a different opinion. No one was a fool, and no one believed they could fight the beasts.

They all knew that if the clans met a pack of dracasses, almost none of them would be able to survive.

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