The Master of Uradan

Chapter 87 - Wind Blade

Rohan took out a potion from his back and quickly drank it. Inside the leather bag hanging there, it was its most important belonging as well as a couple of weak mana potions. He had prepared this bag before leaving for the trip, as he wanted to be ready under any circumstances.

He let the empty vial fall on the ground and rushed toward his next target. Although the material used for the vial was without a doubt magical, Rohan wouldn't put back an empty potion inside his bag right now.

If he needed at some point to quickly take one to regenerate his mana, and he only caught the empty, that would be a ridiculous moment. He preferred to evade this situation and gave up the vial which fell on the rocky ground.

He had only killed three beasts, and none other had been killed by the nomads. At most, some of them were in a stalemate against the warriors or a large number of fighters, but it was only a question of time for them to be eviscerated.

The other beasts freely run all around while letting the blood flow after their passages. But Rohan decided to ignore them. He knew that they would kill more people because of his inaction, but he reckoned that the alpha was most important. Too many warriors were fighting it, and too many forces were used to keep it at the same place.

It was a selfish thought, and Rohan fully knew it. But in the end, a warrior was more useful than a normal person, he couldn't let them die like that.

Following this thought, the young warrior rushed toward the large beast, almost as tall as him, which was fighting in the center of tens of people. Among them, the clan chief Darias stabbed with his sword to the flank of the beast while Garrold, the stronger of the Blackwolf clan, simultaneously attacked the other side. But this dracass was faster than the others, and much smarter as well.

It leaped back and decided to not attack these two warriors. it concentrated his bloody claws on the other preys, far weaker, trying to slow him down. Blood was dripping against the ground from its body, and the red liquid flashed against its dark scales. It was unknown how many bodies there were lying there, dead.

Rohan dashed in this direction, preparing to enter this brawl. A scream echoed from his left.

Since the appearance of these beasts, everyone was screaming and yelling repeatedly. The shouts were omnipresent all around, but without any particular reason, this one attracted the attention of the young warrior. He turned his head and stopped in his tracks.

A little girl was crouching on the ground while crying out loud. Not far from there, a man was lying in his own blood, with his lifeless eyes still open. Rohan felt his heart crushed in his chest. He knew this girl.

It was one of the few he had played with. He had even encountered this man one day, he was sure of that. Elena. This name echoed on his mind as he looked at the dracass rushing to the small girl.

Rohan always had difficulties remembering the names, as well as the face of the people surrounding him. It wasn't that he didn't care about them. Or at least, he didn't think so. But not this time. The name of the little girl was engraved in his mind.

He couldn't do it. He was too far away to arrive in time. His mind spun as he stood there. His calm expression cracked under this horrific scene. The beast was only a few meters away from the blond-haired girl. In a second, she would be dead.

He didn't care anymore. He couldn't watch it. He lifted his left arm and pointed his palm toward the beast. He wasn't planning on hiding it anymore. He was who he was, and his power was his power. Rohan would use it and show its might to the world.

His mana boiled inside his mana stone. His body couldn't help but shiver under the excitement he was unconsciously feeling. Rohan willed the intangible force and directed it to coil around his arm. With a divine speed, mana entered the rune dissimulated by his sleeve.

He had never revealed his naked arm to anyone, as he didn't want to show them the rune that was inscribed on the inner side of his left forearm.

Before he had left Blanche, he had decided to fully engrave the spell on his arm. It wasn't a difficult rune as it was only a Beginner spell, but the pain he was forced to go through was simply terrifying. Even the construction of a meridian wasn't that painful. He had let his mana fuse with the wind element and had cut his skin deep enough to touch the bone underneath. Such pain wasn't one anyone could bear.

With control and precision that would let any Beginner Wizard rooted from shock, the mana dance on the rune and activated it. Once the mana had been fully integrated inside the whole runes, from the first strokes to the last one, the mighty spell took form in front of the stretched palm.

Nearly a meter-long blade hovered there. Because of the night, the almost invisible blade fully made of wind blinded in its environment. No one was watching him, but if the clan members had the time, they would only see this man with his palm open.

His eyes locked on the beast dangerously approaching the shaking and crying girl, Rohan flicked his wrist.

The spells made of wind were known for two characteristics. The first one was their almost invisible state, while the second was their speed. Although those spells were considered to be mildly strong, they were often privileged because they didn't make any noise, didn't smell anything, and in a tough fight, it was hard to catch their sight.

Compared to the lightning spells which were faster and stronger, the blue or purple arcs, as well as the thundering noise they produced, were far too catchy.

The wind blade cut through the void at a mighty speed, much faster than Rohan using his Charge skill. The warrior didn't simply wait there and followed suit at high speed.

The claws of the beast had already reached the girl. They descended from the sky and their metallic glows blinded the young girl. She closed her eyes as tears passed through, waiting for death to take her. Maybe it was what she wanted at the end.

But the blow never touched her. The Dracass let a terrible whine from the pain it felt. With a plop sound against the ground, one of its paws was cleanly cut from its body. It was the one it had stretched toward the fresh prey.

The dracass leaped back with its remaining legs as it glared at the man rushing from the side. It was now only standing on three, and there was also a deep cut on its face, made by the spell which had cleaved its limb.

It wasn't in a capacity to put on a fight against the stronger foe, and Rohan easily killed it. The strength of these beasts was their speed.. Without it, they were utterly weak.

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