The Master of Uradan

Chapter 92 - A City Made Of Rocks

At the foot of the mountain, was where the Bluekraken clan was living. Surrounding the whole place were countless smaller clans with their big tents bursting with people and activities.

The difference between those people and the area where the great clan was living was obvious to everyone. The first ones were living in their tents all around the rocky area, while the camp of the Bluekraken clan wasn't composed of tents. Even calling it a camp was wrong.

It was a city. The crude buildings were made of grey rocks, and although weren't as refined as the houses Rohan had seen in his country, it was without any doubt much more comfortable than the large tents. It also reminded everyone that while they were walking around all their life, the members of the great clans had an easier life.

Hundreds of thousands of people were moving all around, all members of the smaller clans. Since the gathering was made here, the four large clans were also probably in this city, while virtually all the clans could be fully seen.

From what Rohan could see from the inside of the cart, it wouldn't be impossible to say there were millions of people there, as the area taken by the tents was incredibly large. This surface was probably even greater than the one taken by the capital of Prasthana.

The thirty karags entered the area and went to find a place to put their camp. As Darias was on the front, with his face visible for everyone, the infinite crowd around them was looking at them all.

Fingers pointed at them, and shock could be seen on many nomads out there. Darias was the great leader of the Blackwolf clan and was thus well known. But the pitiful amount of people coming with him could only mean one thing. His clan had fallen!

But the situation was only this one, only words of curiosity. Anything could happen in the Barren Lands, and the number of members inside a clan wasn't what mattered the most. What was important was the strength of this one, and that would need to be investigated.

Because of this, some members previously strolling around rushed back to their camps to inform their leader. The whole place was thus sent into chaos as the news of the Blackwolf coming with only thirty or so karags was released everywhere.

Clans of the external or internal rings alike, they were all interested in this news. The fall of a clan was always funny to watch for the large clans of the internal ring, while the clans of the external ring would fight to be the ones responsible for the fall.

As the Blackwolf clan walked toward an empty area, countless people were following them, keeping an eye on the strength they still possessed. Darias knew perfectly it would happen, but he couldn't do anything about that.

The clan stopped there, and without caring about the spectators acting like dracasses, they began to set up a camp.

Everyone left the carts and took out their tents to put them around there. In this place, there was no need for the fences since the fire snakes only lived in the desert and the other creatures wouldn't dare to come near so many humans.

Before this terrible night, all tents were generally separated by family members and allowed six or even seven to sleep inside at the same time. But now, the tents were simply shared among them, without familial bonds.

Even the onlookers could feel the tension crushing them as those members of the Blackwolf clans were installing their tents. But although they were filled with sadness, that didn't stop the members of the clan from being lively.

However, what made the crowd burst in a loud uproar was the sight of one man. He was previously known as the strongest of the Blackwolf clan, but he was now crippled: he had an arm missing.

This sight made members of the different clans run back at the best speed they had. They knew that now was the end of this clan, they would fall! For many years, they had been an overlord in their region, the resources they had on them shouldn't be low. Since they now didn't have the strength to protect it, doom would fall against them.

While craziness was taking over the people looking at them, the members of the Blackwolf clan merely glanced at those future enemies without caring more.

"Elena, took out this part and sank it on the ground." Barulf was looking after the little girl as she was helping him to install their tents. Even Rohan was helping on the side, as he also used this one to sleep.

Elena only nodded before doing as she was told. She hasn't uttered one word since that day.

Inside the cart, a young man was taking out the important parts and bringing them. It would be used to lift the skin and the fur for making the tent stand up.

The four of them were inside the same carts for a few days, and they also slept in the same place. Because of that, Rohan felt that they quickly created good bonds between them.

Life in the Barren Lands was tough, and everyone knew it. They all had to live through a terrible event, but they will not let themselves die like this.

Such a mindset was for Rohan something worthy of respect.

"Okay everyone, continue to install everything. For those who need to accompany me, we'll go announce our presence. Let's go without wasting more time, the other clans are already sharpening their claws."

""Yes clan chief."" Even Rohan yelled back at Darias, and without hesitation began to walk toward him.

Before long, a small group was ready to set off and headed toward the city of the Bluekraken clan. Since they appeared on his lands, the clan must present their goodwill, as well as give a little something to them.

But the most important point was to announce their participant which will represent them. That was why Rohan was following them.

Darias was taking the front while directly behind him was Garrold and a couple of other members followed as well. Rohan was among them.

They walked the large area and before long, they entered the city made of grey rocks. The houses weren't tall and only were one-story buildings. While it was only crude for the son of a count, the other clan members looked around with desire in their eyes.

It wasn't the first time they came here, but each time they had the chance to see the city of one of the four great clans, it made them almost desperate to become a member of one of these clans.

Unfortunately, it wasn't something easily done.

They kept walking through the street, bypassing many people strolling around, as well as a place that greatly surprised Rohan. It was a market, he couldn't be wrong.

The more he saw the people walking around while some others had put on stalls to sell whatever they had, the more Rohan felt that it made sense. Several thousand people were living in the same area. It was a given that such a system would be made at some point.

The only difference with the market Rohan knew was that they didn't pay with currency, they were bartering.

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