The Master of Uradan

Chapter 94 - Target

It didn't take long for the group to reach the stone palace, and after approaching the large entrance, one of the guards walked forward to stop them.

"Clan chief Darias." He slightly bowed his head, and after lingering his eyes on Garrolds and the empty arm, he looked back at Darias. "Are you here to announce your representative for the gathering?"

As Darias was the clan chief of the Blackwolf clan, virtually everyone on the Barren knew of this man. After the leader simply answered the questions of the guard, this one led them inside the building.

The interior was also made of stone, while torches hung on the wall to light the building. It was only an imposing palace, and for Rohan, it was far from being as incredible as the mansion of the noble he had seen countless times.

The floors and the walls were made of the same grey stone, probably coming from the mountain, while the doors were made of brown wood. Albeit the crudeness of the place, the architecture wasn't that different from the houses that could be found on the other side.

This city should have been made with those cities in mind.

They climbed a stone staircase, and before long, they found themselves in front of a closed door. The guard simply knocked three times, and after he heard an answer, he opened the door. He didn't enter and let the group pass before him, he wasn't planning on entering after them.

The scene nearly made Rohan spat out, as he truly didn't expect that. A woman was sitting behind a desk with countless sheets of paper all around the wooden furniture. She had a feather in her hand and was writing something, without caring about the group waiting in front of her.

Where did those people find the ink and paper? Did they have some links with the countries of the other side?

Darias wasn't going to interrupt her in whatever she was doing. He wasn't foolish enough to do that. This woman was one of the advisors of this clan, and she was also a rank 5 Beginner Warrior.

Rohan was eyeing her with widened eyes when he discovered her strength. He was stronger than a normal rank 5 Beginner Warrior, so he should be stronger than this woman with her blond hair with a few white strands here and there.

He knew that there was probably an Advanced warrior somewhere, but seeing this warrior with his own eyes was still a shock. There were several millions of people outside, and he couldn't help but think that the proportion of warriors out there was higher than the duchy of Barnes.

Of course, it was simply a misconception he had, as the number of clans without any warrior was far higher than what he was thinking. It was just that he was lucky enough to only meet the stronger clans with warriors in it.

After a time, the woman finally lifted her chin and looked at the group standing in front of her.

"Clan chief Dairas, what a pleasure. I believe you are here for the gathering. What do you have for me, then?" She asked with a small smile, clearly waiting for something.

"Advisor Alma, It is indeed a pleasure. I brought with me a little something for the Bluekraken clan chief, I hope he will like it." He took a step forward and presented to the woman an item.

It was a red precious stone, and Rohan reckoned that this thing should even be valuable in his kingdom. He still had some copper, iron, and gold coins in his bag, remnants of what he had earned from his master in Blanche. Maybe he could buy it here at a small price to sell it when he would go back?

"Ho, interesting! I believe he would be happy indeed. I think you want to have Garrold to represent you, like always, right?" She snatched it before putting it away and went back to business in only a few seconds.

"No, Advisor Alma. This time, it will be someone else, his name is Rohan." Darias turned his face to point at Rohan who was listening behind.

The woman looked at him with her brows furrowed.

"Are you sure Chief Darias? He doesn't seem like he is that strong, you know? Even if Garrold had his arm missing, he can still fight I am sure."

Rohan stared at this woman as he suddenly understood something. When he had seen this warrior sitting there, he had immediately felt that she was a rank 5 Beginner Warrior. He had thought that it was because he had opened his fifth meridian. From the look of it, he was the only one that was capable enough to sense the strength of a warrior.

While Rohan and company were talking with the woman, inside a large tent in the middle of the countless clans all around, a small gathering was taking place.

They were all sitting on the floor, with a man presiding over the reunion. His brown beard reached his chest while he had no hair on his head. he was the leader of the Greencobra clan, one of the clans residing inside the internal ring.

The other members of this gathering were all leaders as well, but each of them represented a clan living in the external ring.

The man with the black beard took the initiative to talk.

"This clan is now pretty much finished. The resources they should have on them will be enough for everyone even if we share everything."

"But everything is pointless, we can't steal anything in this place. Or are you asking us to die?" One of them frowned.

"Who is talking about openly fighting them? We only need to send some people in the night, kill them, take everything, and that's all. Remember that there are only a few people in their clans. Even Garrold is now crippled! What do you want?"

"Then how should we share the resources at the end?" A woman stroked her chin as she thought about the risk.

"That is simple, 40 percent for me, 60 percent for you all." The man grinned as he answered this question. He was the one providing the plan, so it was a given, he would have more than them. It was even a good deal from him.

"Preposterous! Do you think you can rob us like that?" A man furiously stood up as he pointed his finger at this leader.

"A little reminder that you all are here after I invited you to talk about plundering the Blackwolf clan. Since you are all here, then it meant that you were ready to do it." His icy stare fell on this man. "Now is too late to give up. Don't forget where you are."

The man sat down immediately. Everyone cursed inside their mind. Now that they were here, it meant that they knew about his plan. It was obvious that the leader of the Greencobra clan wouldn't let one of them spill this plan to the great clans.

They all acted together, or they will die here.

"Now that everyone agrees to follow my plan, we will attack at night. Let's discuss the plan, you will all receive something!"

The only reason he had made those weak clans participate was that he was too afraid of the great clans. Now, even when the massacre will be discovered, he would be able to put everything on those stupid clans.. A smirk appeared in his mind.

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