Mo Weinong didn't know what was happening outside the palace, and even more so, didn't know that Xiao Bai was very, very close to her.

Her plans to conceal the old man's ability to pass on inner strength to her and stay away from Emperor Xuanwu completely failed with Little White's appearance.

She was only called out a long time ago in front of the Deng Mama's resentful eyes.

"Miss Weinong, if you don't get up now and delay the time to pay respects to the Empress, you will be laughed at if word of this spread."

Deng Mama rubbed her face to wake her up, and at the same time, he took out clothes for her to wear.

Mo Weinong secretly sighed, and allowed the Deng Mama to do what he wanted.

When he finished dressing up, Mo Qianzhu who was in the other room also came over.

After having their breakfast, the two went to pay their respects to the empress.

"Are you used to living in this palace?" the queen asked.

Even if he wasn't used to it, he still had to be used to it. Mo Weinong and Yue Yang smiled and nodded, but their line of sight landed on a little girl who was sitting beside the empress.

The little girl looked to be only eleven or twelve years old. She was pretty, but her demeanor was especially dignified. A slight smile graced her lips, and she looked about forty to fifty percent similar to the empress.

Mo Weinong guessed that this should be the Empress' only child, the Emperor's fifth daughter, Princess Jianyou.

Mo Weinong remembered that there was also a Princess Jianyou in the Han Dynasty, but her identity was not as valuable as this person in front of him.

Emperor Xuanwu had many sons and daughters, but still no direct son. The empress had had no children for many years, and after giving birth to a princess, her body became ill. She would never have another child in the future.

It was a good thing that Great Xuan Country had never been a great place to go to, and thus, the pressure on the Empress lessened.

However, to her, having no son was still a little lacking in confidence. If it wasn't for the fact that the Emperor Xuanwu highly valued her and forbade other concubines from underestimating her in the slightest, and even made an example out of several years ago, the empress would probably find it difficult to take even a single step in this palace.

Just on this point, Mo Weinong had a good impression of the Emperor Xuanwu.

The Queen saw her glance at Princess Jianyou and smiled. "... I have heard quite a lot about the Female Envoy Mo passing the inspection, and I am very impressed with you. In the future, if you want to stay in this palace for a period of time, you should be able to interact and chat with Jieyu. "

Hearing that, the Princess Jianyou stood up from her chair, and said to Mo Weinong: "I am still young, and still don't understand many things, if there is anything I do not understand, I hope that you can enlighten me."

"En..." The princess' words are too serious. " Mo Weinong blushed with shame. Teach him something?

Yes, although she believed that she understood a lot of things, but … I shouldn't be able to teach the princess.

Mo Qianzhu looked at Mo Weinong with a bit of envy, but didn't say a word when she sat at the side.

Not long after, Princess Le Chen came over and paid respects to the Empress. She then took her bag with her and went to see her room with Deng Mama.

When he came out again, he was still holding a few books in his hands.

The Queen and Mo Weinong talked for a while, when the Emperor sent a message that the palace for learning was ready for the three girls to go over.

It was the Deng Mama who led the three of them out of the Queen's palace after bidding farewell.

Princess Jianyou also wanted to go, but in the end she still stayed to chat and laugh with her mother.

As Mo Weinong walked, she looked at the few books in Princess Le Chen's hands and asked curiously, "What are these?"

"These are the books that my father and brother gave me about the Great Lie. However, as you know, they are all martial artists, so these books are not local culture. The contents were all about the deeds of the's brave generals. Some of the history were related to them, and there were even changes in the Great Lie's royal family. I don't know if it will help you with what you're about to learn, but it's better than nothing. "

"Oh?" Mo Weinong was a little interested, as she took out a book from her hands.

He flipped it open and took a look, and found that the contents were very interesting. The brush tip was even more humorous, and with just a few jumps, he had already depicted the image of a famous general in Great Lie, giving him a very vivid image.

It was no wonder that the unsatisfied Jing Ninghou Palace father and son would read such books. Indeed, it was much more interesting than the written Four Books and Five Classics, as if it were a book.

After looking at it for a bit, Mo Weinong was attracted by the story of the great general in the book, especially her strategy and ability to defeat the enemy.

This made Mo Weinong, who was originally a spy, feel a little more admiration and reverence in her eyes, and her footsteps unconsciously slowed down. From walking behind the Deng Mama to now falling behind Mo Qianzhu.

Princess Le Chen called her a few times, but when she spoke with Mo Qianzhu later on, she didn't pay any more attention to her.

As a result, when Deng Mama turned left at the fork in the road, Mo Weinong still walked straight ahead of him.

By the time she looked up from the passage she was holding, there was nothing in front of her.

Mo Weinong blinked her eyes. Not only were there no Deng Mama s in front of him, there weren't even any ordinary palace maids and eunuchs present.

This place... It was rather desolate.

Just as he was thinking about this, he suddenly heard laughter in front of him, accompanied by a few muffled grunts.

Mo Weinong frowned, the palace was a mess. She did not know what was going on in front of her, but she was not a nosy person, so she kept her books and turned to leave.

Who would have thought that Deng Mama would rush over with Princess Le Chen and Mo Qianzhu after just taking a few steps.

Seeing her, she heaved a sigh of relief, "Miss Weinong, why did you come here? I thought something happened to you. "

Mo Weinong coughed lightly, a rare look of embarrassment on her face. "I took the wrong path for a while, so I'm preparing to return now. Let's go, it's getting late."

The three of them nodded. Deng Mama sighed again and turned to lead the way.

He had only taken two steps when the laughing sounds started once again.

When the few of them heard it, Deng Mama's expression changed as he looked towards the source of the voice.

"What is that sound?" Why are there even cries of pain? " Mo Qianzhu asked curiously, and subconsciously walked over.

Just as she took a step, Mo Weinong stopped her. She was startled, and looked at her with a puzzled expression. Seeing Mo Weinong shaking her head at her, she suddenly realised that this was the palace and not someone she could casually walk around in.

Thinking of this, Mo Qianzhu broke out in a cold sweat.

Only, Mo Weinong was unable to hold Princess Le Chen back.

At this moment, Princess Le Chen had already walked over, her brows knitted tightly.

Deng Mama wanted to call her back, but seeing her expression, he silently sighed and followed him.

Over there... If he went any further, he would find himself facing the cold palace.

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