Chapter 319

  Feng Shuangshuang has been feeling uneasy ever since she heard the new transfer student's name was Feng Ling.

As soon as get out of class was over, she came over to find out what was going on in the name of going to the toilet.

 Unexpectedly, I actually saw Feng Ling.

I saw her sitting at the back of the classroom with headphones in her ears, wondering what she was listening to.

There was no one around. Just like before, she still looked contemptuous of everything, which was annoying.

 But that face was clearly more refined than the one he had appeared two years ago.

With just one glance, Feng Shuangshuang understood in her heart that the gap between herself and Feng Ling was huge.

“Shuangshuang, what are you looking at?” Qin Yiyi happened to come out of the bathroom and saw Feng Shuangshuang.

 “What are you looking at at the end of the crane?”

“No, I just saw an acquaintance.” Feng Shuang frowned, her expression a little ugly, “Feng Ling, she is my biological sister.”

"What?!" Qin Yiyi couldn't hold it back and shouted, "How could that happen?"

 One is in the top three of the grade, and the other is in the last grade. They don’t look alike, no matter how they look at it?

Feng Shuangshuang struggled to smile, "I didn't believe it at first, after all, Lingyang High School is not accessible to ordinary people.

 You also know that my father is remarried and Feng Ling’s mother has no money. "

Qin Yiyi covered her mouth and said, "Ah, then her mother won't sell herself.

 Nowadays, there are many women who have sold themselves for money. Otherwise, how can we explain the source of this tuition fee? "

Feng Shuangshuang pursed her lips and smiled reluctantly, "Okay Yiyi, stop talking, Feng Ling will not be happy if she hears this.

 Let’s go to class. "

"Tch, you dare to do it yourself, but are you afraid of what others will say? You think about others, they might just use the money happily." Thinking of this, Qin Yiyi looked down on Feng Ling even more.

 She turned around and walked towards Class 1, so she didn't see Feng Shuangshuang's successful smile.

She glanced at the girl by the window and slowly smiled, "Feng Ling, it's enough for the Feng family to have both Feng and Feng."

 Two years ago, I let you go, but why do you have to appear in my life again? In this case, no wonder I am unjust.


Feng Ling's school life had been quiet for less than two days. The news that Bai Shuang had prostituted himself for a girl was spread by unknown sources. Later, there were even several versions.

The most serious thing is that Bai Shuang has accompanied no less than fifty men in one year, and is a veritable **** and prostitute.

In Class 19, Feng Ling held her bag on one shoulder and looked down at the messy desk that had been pranked by someone. Her eyes were cold and she asked, "Who did this?"

"Hey, isn't this Miss Feng? What? After such a thing, Miss Feng still has the nerve to do it."

Shen Ping is the study committee member of Class 19. Because he always ranks first in Class 19, he doesn’t look down on other people in Class 19 at all.

 Feng Ling’s desk is his masterpiece.

Feng Ling glanced at him, then turned to look at Ning Luo in the seat in front of her, "What's going on?"

“Feng Ling, don’t you know? It’s spread all over our school forum. They say your mother is..."

“Pop.” Before Ning Luo could finish his words, Feng Ling opened her phone and within a few seconds, she opened the Tieba forum.

 Suddenly, the situation changed, and everyone felt that the air pressure around Feng Ling suddenly dropped.

The girl slowly raised her head and glanced at Shen Ping, her sinfulness reaching the extreme.

 “Who does the things on the Internet?”

Shen Ping was startled by her appearance, and then thought, what can a woman do to him?

He pushed up his glasses and said righteously, "What? You feel ashamed? If you feel ashamed, tell your mother not to go out and sell it. You have already sold it, and you are afraid that we will say...ahem...!"

This woman is simply shameless and has no sense of shame that a woman should have! !

 (End of this chapter)

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