My father, who had come to the annex in the capital after a long time, called me to the study room and said something unpleasant.

“Pardon? An audience with His Majesty the Emperor?”

The current emperor, Caesar’s father, had his eyes on me.

“N-No, I mean, why?”

When my pupils shook as if they were an earthquake going, my father looked at me with a rather puzzled expression.

“Did you not expect this?”

“I didn’t expect it’d be His Majesty in particular…”

“He probably wants to congratulate you on the subjugation of the beasts of the East Island.”

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t it have ended with the party to be held in the spring?”

“Do you not like it?”

“This can’t be good.”

“But since you’ve decided to step in ‘here’, you will have to go through it someday.”

My father gave me advice with a rather stern expression.

By ‘here’, he was probably referring to the political arena. Thinking of the things I had done without consulting my father, I kept my mouth shut.

“I am very happy that you are actively doing something, but I never thought that it would be a political battle.”

“No, I… I guess I was swept away…”

It’s all because of Hamilton! Hamilton kept pushing me!

“Helena, can’t you choose a more peaceful life?”

“What kind of life do you mean? The kind of life where I read and learn to embroider? Father, can you imagine me sitting learning to embroider?”

“Still, politics…”

He didn’t even say he could imagine it even as mere empty words… How mean.

“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything and went chasing around. But it’s too late for me to back out now.”

My father let out a deep, deep sigh.

“Then let’s make at least one thing clear.”

“What is that?”

“Are you willing to become the crown princess?”

… Uh, it came out.

I smiled bitterly before answering.

“Do I have to answer now?”

“Viscount Noct is anxious. If you’re willing to do that, Peresca will go on a slightly different path than before.”

He came back to the capital to help Caesar, but in the first place, Father was far from politics.

If it weren’t for me, Father would have returned to his estate after Caesar became emperor.

But once I become the crown princess, the Peresca family will not be able to get out of politics.

Just as there is now the Valer family behind the empress, they must support me.

“Will you stop at the level of keeping the Brandes in check as a candidate for the crown princess, or do you really have the heart to be one?”

Crown princess.

To be honest, I wasn’t really interested in it before. I don’t like bothersome work, and just the title feels like it is ‘full of troublesome work’.

But now things are different.

It’s just that…

“I haven’t received a proposal yet.”

Don’t laugh. I’m serious.

“There are a lot of people asking me if I want to be a crown princess or not, but that person hasn’t proposed to me yet.”

“… Uhm.”

My father groaned with a vague expression.

As if he had never thought that his daughter would pursue free love.


In the carriage going to see the emperor, I sat staring endlessly at the ends of my shoes.

Agoth, who was sitting across from me, noticed my condition.

“Lady, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m just a little nervous.”

Nervous? Me?

I couldn’t help but laugh. How could I be nervous about meeting the emperor? This me?

But soon, I found out why.

The me in my past life and the me now are different.

“If I make a mistake or look hateful… It’s gonna hurt my family, isn’t it?”

I have so much to lose right now.

It’s not a matter of just risking my own body like before.

“Don’t worry. If something happens, I will turn everything upside down and then run away with my lady. How does that sound?”

“Wow, that’s reassuring.”

“The lady is not the only one who protects us. We are also determined to protect you.”

Agoth said with a determined expression.

Caesar had told me not to do it alone. To rely on him. And to give him a chance.

Because you said so.

Because you said so, I’ll try to trust my people a little more.

“Thank you, Agoth. For relieving my tension.”

As I said with a smile, Agoth nodded her head with a happy expression.


After going through strict security and several layers of gates, I was able to reach the front of the room where the emperor was.

Caesar, who had been waiting for me in front of the door, greeted me.

“Welcome, Helena.”

Caesar was dressed in a black suit. He looked clean and sharp. His voice was more polite and heavier than usual.

“I didn’t know Your Highness was coming too.”

“Because His Majesty isn’t the only one behind that door.”

Oh, is the empress here too?

“I  can’t let Helena go into the enemy camp alone.”

Caesar whispered in a voice only I could hear. The words made me smirk.

“Then I will leave my back to you.”

“It is an honor. I’ll risk my life to protect it.”

Caesar’s eyes narrowed and smiled. His red eyes lit up.

I went into the room under Caesar’s escort.


At the innermost part of the room.

On the other side, separated by a gold line. A middle-aged man with a dignified atmosphere was sitting next to the empress.

If you ask me, I’m sure that’s the emperor.

But I was very surprised to see that face.

‘Hey, why don’t you look alike at all?’

Except for the color of his eyes, he was a person who surprisingly had no resemblance to Caesar.

Since Caesar resembled Erez so much, I had assumed that the emperor must have resembled Erez.

‘The Greys’ dominant gene… is hiding from its own people?’

Caesar, you were born with a good combination.

“Helena Peresca, the daughter of Peresca, greets His Majesty the Emperor and Empress.”

Even though I was surprised, I still had to greet them.

I lowered my knees before straightening them out as a greeting. When I peeked up and looked ahead, the empress was looking down at me with a smile.

“Sit comfortably. I just wanted to have a chat.”

I smiled and sat down at the prepared seat, and Caesar, after a brief greeting, sat down next to me.

‘You said you called me to chat, but I am seated so far away.’

I thought as I looked at the emperor sitting far away.

Seriously, what common topic could you talk about with a young lady of a duchy, enough to call them for a private conversation? He was just saying it.

“I have heard of your performance in Vandarium. It’s a great merit for you to take care of things that the imperial family couldn’t take care of.”

“The Peresca is Your Majesty’s loyal servant. I just did what was due.”

As if he was satisfied with my answer, the emperor’s expression softened.

“I have also heard that you’ve been teaching the crown prince swordsmanship. I am really curious about your skill.”

“My sword is used for Your Majesty’s feat. If you call me when you need me, I will run to you without delay.”

“Haha, I have never seen such a strong and reliable person among my company. Isn’t that right, Empress?”

The emperor sought the consent of the empress. The empress answered the emperor’s words with a graceful and harmless smile.

“It is true, Your Majesty. Because the princess is so talented, it makes me worry.”

She said something with a smile on her face as if it was a compliment, but it was far from a compliment. Noticing this, Caesar asked the empress.

“What are you so worried about?”

“There were a lot of people praising the princess. Don’t you think, Your Majesty?”

She didn’t say that for me to listen to. She said that for the emperor to hear. Don’t be so loose, be wary of the princess.

Caesar smirked at the empress’s words. As he smiled coldly, he somehow became unfamiliar.

“Naturally, because the princess is helping His Majesty’s reign. It won’t be good if the public sees the old caring so much about the young.”

Wow, how straightforward.

The Empress, on the other hand, was good at scratching people while smiling.

“What are you saying? Of course, I should be worried about it. Isn’t the crown prince’s judgment clouded by just hanging around the princess?”

“Ah, are you talking about my judgment that brought this talented person, whom no one knew about, to the Imperial Palace?”

Don’t fight over me. It’s very uncomfortable right now.

“Oh, the crown prince speaks as if I was jealous of the princess. There is no doubt that the princess is an excellent talent.”

As the emperor’s expression gradually became uncomfortable, the empress said as if taking a step back.

“Your Majesty, the princess’s merit is greater than that of other nobles. The party alone is too small.”

“I see. So, Empress, what kind of prize do you think is appropriate?”

“What about granting a fief and conferring a title? Since she has a great merit for subjugating monsters, I don’t think a fief will be too much.”

… Mmm?

Wait a moment. This woman, do you want to send me away to a fief!?

“Since she’s so devoted to Your Majesty, I’m sure the princess will not reject it, right?”

Oh, good heavens. 

Of course I’d be bothered if you’re trying to send me out.

“Your Ladyship, the authority of the fiefs belongs only to His Majesty.”

Then, before I could answer, Caesar spoke to the empress. He was smiling, but his voice was cold.

At those words, the empress also flinched a little, and her eyes that had been smiling widened.

“It’s just an opinion.”

“I know. But I am afraid that many talkers will gossip that Your Ladyship is overstepping His Majesty’s authority.”

The empress did not answer. Caesar did not stop there and spoke to the emperor.

“Today is a meeting for friendship, not discussion. Moreover, Your Majesty. The princess is my swordsmanship teacher. It is not right for her to be away from me.”

Way to go! Well done my disciple!

The expression on Caesar’s face and the way he spoke was incredibly reliable.  I was so glad Caesar was here with me.

“The crown prince is right. It’s not something we can talk about here.”

The emperor ruled in favor of Caesar.

“It is. I was ahead of myself, Your Majesty.”

At this point, the empress did not insist on her will. She was a woman who knew when to hit and bent.

‘Enemy camp, for sure.’

I sipped my tea, remembering what Caesar had said at the door. It was the first time in my life that I had such an uncomfortable tea time.

It would be better to subdue 100 beasts.


“Princess Peresca.”

After the audience with the emperor, I was walking down the hall with Caesar, when the empress called me from afar.

As the empress approached, Caesar sneaked up and stuck close to me, as if trying to protect me.

I glanced at Caesar, who was not hiding his bloodthirst, and then turned to the empress.

“Yes, Your Ladyship.”

“It was nice to see you after a long time. Oh, surely you won’t pay attention to what I said out of anger, will you?”

The empress said with a smile. As if Caesar’s bloodthirst didn’t matter.

“I am well aware of your concern for me.”

“I’m glad you understand. Unlike a certain someone.”

Having said that, the empress smiled brightly at Caesar. Caesar responded with a threatening smile.

“I hope Your Ladyship will also understand that I spoke out of concern for your reputation.”

“Of course. Who else thinks about this mother other than the crown prince?”

Well, he certainly “thinks” about her. Thinking to be more alert.

“Come to my place sometime, Princess. Since you’re my son’s teacher, I’ll have to thank you as a mother.”

“I’ll be glad to receive it, Your Ladyship.”

“Come with the crown prince too. In fact, when Young Lady Brande heard about the return of the crown prince, she couldn’t sleep at night wondering how he was doing.”


Yulika. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen her in a while.

“When Young Lady Brande is brave enough to make eye contact with me, I’ll give her a visit.”

Caesar said sarcastically.

“Don’t criticize the girl too much, Crown Prince.”

“What do you mean “criticize”? I wasn’t criticizing her, I don’t even know her.”

What a sharp cut.

Since the empress did not object, the conversation ended there. The empress left the hall first, leaving me and Caesar behind.

“Yulika… What is she up to these days?”

As I stared at the place where the empress had left, I mumbled that casually.

Caesar let out a long sigh at my words.

“Why are you curious about Yulika Brande, Master?”

“Oh, sorry.”

Brande was from the empress’s side, therefore, Caesar’s enemy. Of course he wouldn’t like it if I showed interest.

However, the reason Caesar didn’t like it seems a little different from what I expected.

“It’s easier to keep men in check, but I don’t know what to do with you being friendly with girls.”


“Ha. Agoth alone is enough, should I be on the lookout for Yulika Brande as well?”

“What? Are you jealous?”

“The person I like is interested in someone other than me. Of course I’d be jealous.”

He was saying that he liked me so naturally, like breathing.

I turned my head away from Caesar to hide my burning face.

‘Agoth was right.’

I can now see the black heart trying to monopolize me. I didn’t expect he’d get jealous of the same sex as well.

Well, it’s not like I hate it.

“Then, as an apology, would you like to have dinner at the duke’s estate?”

I endured the embarrassment and made such a suggestion.

Caesar was more delighted than expected. It was hard to believe that he was a person who was exuding a such bloodthirst a while ago.

“Will you be making it yourself?”

“I can’t cook.”

“It’s alright. If it’s what you give me, I’d even eat poison.”

Caesar said with a smile. It sounded like a joke, but it must be true.

I was moved by Caesar’s determination and slapped him on the arm. As expected, you naughty boy.

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