We spent the night together.

I get confused in my own room when I come back.

By the way, Master Clark went to work. They're busy. If you're busy, I want you to stop bothering me.

Yesterday sucked. I was mouthed in a face other than my mouth as it was, whispered love, stroked my body, and wondered if my head would boil.

You can predict what happened to me like that.


It was totally overheated. I couldn't stand it.

As a result, I didn't mean to, but I stayed close to Master Clark.

I'm telling you because it's important, Master Clark didn't hand cage me as declared. Thanks to this I slept easily until morning.

And busy Master Clark left early in the morning whispering love to me.

Thankfully, I was able to come back to my room without anyone ever being like Clark last night.

Ugh, and I sigh. I should have slept well. What is this fatigue?

I get up from the chair I was sitting in and try to move the table.

"No, no, no, no."

Heavy against appearance!

"What are you doing?

It was Maria who came into the room with a troubled face. Pulling a cart with breakfast on it. Speaking of which, you're hungry.

"Maria, can you help me?

"Why do we need to move the table?

Tilt your little neck. The gesture is so cute.

"To make this hidden door unusable."

"Do you have a hidden door!

I got sparkly eyes as soon as I could.

"I knew there was a castle like that!

Yeah, yeah, but I don't care about that right now.

"It's a classic move if you pull out a book!

Maria pulls through Master Clark's diary looking excited. Moving door. Maria with shining eyes.

"It's open!

"Yeah, you know that a lot."

"It was obvious!

That Maria could tell at a glance was still a trap. I'm sad that I'm easily caught up.

Put me down feeling unbroken, Maria peeks into the next room.

"This looks like someone's room."

"It's Master Clark's room."


Maria opens her eyes in amazement.

"Were you in the next room the whole time!?

"No, I don't know when they will, but you had Master Clark yesterday."

Maria, uh, turned the book back and closed the door, making a loose voice in between.

"Awesome love"

"Don't tell me!

"So, did you come to this room? Were you there?

"Don't ask!

Maria's curiosity cannot be suppressed by holding her ears and shaking her head.

"Enough, make it breakfast!

With that said, Maria will probably get ready. She is loyal to her work.

"So why did you try to move the table?

"I tried to hold onto it so the door wouldn't open."

To answer honestly, Maria looks sorry.

"Isn't it boring to have this door because of it? I'd rather stay that way."

"You're enjoying my situation, aren't you?

"The love story of the aristocratic royalty is very appealing to those of us who work below."

"I don't know. I don't know!

"Please provide a great topic!

"No, absolutely!

"First tell me what happened yesterday!

"I won't tell you!

"No need for your wife!

Maria swells her cheeks. Pretty, but I don't teach you anything. 'Cause when I tell you, I'll definitely bella talk to my work buddies. Don't say another word, ma'am.

"I'll do it alone, that's fine!

I try to move the table with yelling. It only works a few millimeters at a time. My arm pulls.


Maria opens her mouth after she has cleaned up her breakfast.

"You're usually like a monkey, but you're basically a small animal, right?"

"What do you mean!

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