The Mech Lord

Chapter 102 - 101: A Boss

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Leo and Harry arrived in the class and a lot of students were missing. Almost 90 percent of the class was absent. And, that was very low considering to the fact that most of the other classes had almost 50 to 70 percent of attendance, and the top classes actually had almost everyone present.

"Where is Paul?" Harry asked as he looked at Biggie. Paul couldn't be found anywhere as well.

"Her returned," Biggies said with a helpless smile. "He says if he is given an option between classes and free time to sleep, he would definitely chose the later. So, he did it.."

Leo's face twitched.

[That guy sure doesn't care about anything but sleeping-nya.] Aiden was really speechless.

"It's good for him I guess. He would have been the most vulnerable person in the entire Academy since he sleeps anywhere.." Harry shook his head.

Leo definitely couldn't deny that.

"Tsk..a bunch of p*ssies, look at all of these empty seats.." A person suddenly spoke as he walked into the room.

This guy has long spiky hairs going down below his neck. There were a few cuts on his face, and his fists were wrapped in bandages. It was obvious from one look that this was the guy who got into a lot of fights.

He was the self declared top dog of the class. Every class had such personalities, and this was the guy for their class.

His name was Billy Trevor. He was a Demi-Human, more specifically, a Werewolf.

He was one of the few Cyan Colored energy users in the class, and was definitely stronger than the most.

It was said that he was reaching around Lv 16 or something.

It was almost same at the Levels of the other top dogs. But, there was major difference between this people. For example, a Lv 16 Cyan Rank Skill user, would definitely be defeated by people of the same rank but with a higher Color Skill.

You got the picture, right?

The top classes had people with Black, White, Silver rank skills, etc. There was no way that they would be match for them.

Billie seemed to be in a bit of a bad mood as he looked at the remaining students. He then went up to the Instructor's podium, and addressed the class, "This is pathetic…I am not sure about what you guys feel. But, I don't like how this is going."

"I don't deserve to be in this class filled with losers." His words sure got on everyone's nerves. But, no one dared to refute him.

"Isn't he here because he is a loser as well?" Biggie asked with a smile. He really didn't seem to be reading the situation here.

"Ssh!!" Harry immediately shut his mouth, and slightly turned his head to look at Billy with a pale face. Luckily, he didn't seem to have heard them.

"Do you have a death wish?" He asked the big guy.

"Is he that strong?" Leo asked in surprise. He had scanned Biggie as well, and this guy was around Lv 12, his skill unknown meaning it was at least red or above.

"Don't you guys know, he has the potential to be in the top class. But, his bad behavior and lack of background has got him down here." Harry informed the two.

"Besides, the day the list came out for out section, he challenged everyone for the position of the top dog, and beat the sh*t out of them. So, don't mess with him."

[He is right, even I have heard of this guy. It seemed he had challenged that b*stard Graylock once. But, there were no results as the fight wasn't official and the Disciplinary Committee stopped them. So, it didn't come to any conclusive end-nya.]

'He is definitely strong then..' Leo's curiosity was piqued. He definitely wanted to see how strong this guy was.

'Arthur, Scan him.'


Name: [Billy Trevor]

Lv 17: [Elite]

Green Rank Skill: [Blood Moon]

Race: [Demi-Human]

Comprehensive Body Assessment: [E+]


Strength: 155

Agility: 179

Stamina: 142

'His stats are pretty uneven. His agility has pushed him to the rank of Level 17, but if averaged, he should be around Lv 15.'

[True. Besides, he has a green rank skill. That definitely is limiting his potential-nya.] Aiden said with a sigh. His situation was kind of similar to him in a way, but not as bad.

Suddenly, Billy turned his head towards Leo and his eyes met with him.

It lingered at him for a few seconds before going in another direction.

"I can't change my class to a better one . Hence, I have decided to make it into a better one. From now on, I am the Boss. You will all listen to me and follow me. Those with problems can come and meet me."

"So, let me hear, is there anyone with a problem here?" He asked in a loud voice while glaring at everyone.

No one seemed to have the guts to even meet his eyes, much less open their mouths and objects.

"Good, follow me and I will not treat you as an enemy. I won't aim for your points. That's a promise." He looked at everyone with a serious look on his face, "We will make those other classes, and the Instructors who put us in here with the tag of losers, eat their own words."

"So are you with me!!" He asked, looking at the people around.

"Yes!!!" Harry screamed at the top of his voice.


He was the only one to open his mouth.

Others still seemed hesitant about all of this.

"Uh.." Harry's mouth suddenly closed and he looked at the class who were staring at him. That certainly was awkward.

"Good! That is what I need for everyone.." Billy looked towards Harry with a smile on his face. "What's your name?"

"Harry…Harry Ruse.." Harry replied with a forced smile on his face as sweat began to appear on his forehead.

"I need people like you. From now on, you will be my right hand man. You will help me rebuild this class.."

Harry's face immediately turned pale. He just wanted to stay at one corner of the class and blend into the wall. He was supposed to be a ninja, remaining in the shadows and not in the light.

This was not his Ninja way!

'This is not possible! I have to refuse!'

"Where is your answer?!"

"Yes, Sir! I will follow you!" Harry immediately shouted and gave a salute as if this guy was his superior in the Army.

Leo looked at the guy, and definitely could see him cry internally.

"Congratulations, Right hand man." Leo poked him.

Harry immediately glared at him. This was what one called rubbing salt on one's wound. This wasn't something friends were supposed to do!! This was treason!! An act punishable by Seppuku!

Leo smiled looking at the fellow grinding his teeth at him.

Harry suddenly released a smirk as an idea popped up in his head. He then turned his head towards Billy and immediately spoke up, "I already have a suggestion for improvement of the class, Boss!"


"What is it?"

Billy looked at him with interest, definitely not expecting him to give out something so quickly. He only had planned to let his idea out, and then plan it all a bit later before starting to work on improving the class.

"I think we all know about this person here.." He suddenly pointed towards Aiden. "He is an excellent person when it comes to study, and not only that, he is also a person known for his grit and courage all through the Academy. I think it will be a very good option if we pick him to be one of the leaders and if possible.... to be your left hand. He can serve as a good example for the amount of hard work and determination one need to have.."

Leo's face immediately sank.

He definitely hadn't expected this guy to bite him back, and drag him down. This was definitely not what friends should do!

"Well, I certainly can't deny that.." Billy looked at Leo with a serious look on his face. He was definitely waiting for an answer.

[This is the reason I didn't make friend-nya.] Aiden seemed a bit proud of himself.

"Don't refuse. I am too afraid to be with that psycho alone.." Harry lightly muttered with a smile on his face.

Leo, who was thinking of refusing with by making his skin thick, suddenly stopped. He was in a dilemma. He was still feeling guilty for putting Harry through the Library incident, but didn't want to get into this. In the end, the guilt finally took over.

He forced a smile on his face and just nodded.

"If everyone is helping, I would like to help too!" A voice sounded from their side.

Both Leo and Harry wanted to slap their forehead when Biggie volunteered for service. This guy was really too simple. He just wanted to be involved with everyone like a child who was seeking attention.

It seemed that another new chapter was going to begin for Leo with so many previous chapters yet to close.

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