The Mech Lord

Chapter 2 - 1: Space Accident



"This is not a drill"

"The Arora reactors have malfunctioned, exceeding temperature limits. Please, follow the emergency evacuation procedure! I repeat follow the emergency evacuation procedure!"

Red lights flashed throughout the spaceship as the announcement went off. Chaos soon filled the ship. People began to scream and rush towards the evacuation area. Some pushed and some pulled attempting to get ahead of others.

Leo who had been sleeping in his cabin immediately woke up upon hearing the sirens go off. His gaze met with Kale who just dropped down from the upper bunk. They could understand the look on each other's faces.

"Get your stuff, we need to leave," Kyle said with an urgent voice and the duo immediately began to pack their stuff.

Arora reactors malfunctioning was no joke, if it exploded, nothing would be left unturned in the radius of a thousand miles and everything within a hundred miles would be vaporized.

Leo's hands moved quickly and efficiently as he picked his things whilst Kyle just just picked his bag and turned it back into a capsule and put it into his pocket leaving behind everything else which was lying around in the room.

"Move! Move!" Kyle urged Leo as he swiped his card to open the gate and rushed out joining the crowd which was hurrying off towards the evacuation area. Leo immediately followed behind as well and the duo began to push their way through the crowd.

"You left behind all your clothes and accessories…" Leo said as he looked at Kyle doubting that he might have forgotten about it in a hurry.

"Life is more important than those things….I can buy it again…" Kyle shook his head without an ounce of regret.

"You kidding me? The values those things are more than my net worth. I am going to get it back." As Leo was about to turn around, Kyle grabbed him and pulled him along, "You are coming with me!"

Leo looked behind towards their room with a dejected face but do nothing as he couldn't even budge his arm in Kale's grip and only sigh "We shouldn't have come here in the first place."

"Who was the one eager to have a look at the sceneries of Andromeda?!" Kyle glared at him.

"Y-You! I have always wanted to see Atlantians from the very beginning. It was only because of you flaunting how beautiful Andromeda was that I changed my mind." Leo replied not backing off even an inch.

It had been two weeks since they left earth and were wandering around like nomads seeing sceneries all around. Who would have thought that when they would end in this mess when they finally decided to return?

"Do you think I am interested in sightseeing? I only brought you because you sulked and sighed the whole god damn time after failing your test!" Kyle grumbled.

"Oh great! Now I can't even feel sad for my misery." Leo rolled his eye at his remarks.

The duo continued to bicker as they reached the evacuation area.

The place was in utter mess. The hooting sound of the sirens continued to ring and the crowd of people scrambled towards the evacuation shuttles like mice fleeing from the predators and it had become even more difficult to find a path.

When Leo and Kyle finally entered one of the shuttles after a tussle with the crowd, they found all the seats full. The Pilot of the evacuation shuttle immediately made an announcement from the cockpit when he noticed there were still people trying to come in.

The evacuation shuttle only had about 50 seats excluding the pilot's seat. It wasn't possible to carry even a single extra person.

"Please calm down everyone! We have enough evacuation shuttles and crew members to safely evacuate everyone. This shuttle is already occupied, please proceed to the next one."

After hearing him speak, people immediately left and the gates closed. Leo and Kyle could see the shuttle launching off into space through the glass pane and hurried up towards the next shuttle.

"Proceed to the next one," the pilot's voice sounded and the shuttle took off as it was full once again.

They hurried towards the next one and it was full as well. They could feel the temperature rising in the spaceship. The Arora reactors were reaching their critical limits, the entire ship will blow up when the reactors couldn't hold the energy stored within which would result in a gigantic explosion.

When the next two shuttles turned out to be full again, Leo and Kyle became anxious and sweat started to form on their forehead as they moved towards the next one.

"Hurry in! We still have one spot left," the pilot's voice sounded. Just as Kyle was trying to process what it meant. He felt an impact on his back and was thrown in the shuttle.


He looked at Leo with one of his legs raised half of the way into the air as the doors closed.

"Wait! My friend is still outside!!" Kyle shouted as he looked at the pilot.

"You don't need to worry there is still one of the evacuation shuttles left. Everyone will be safe. We have taken into account the number of passengers. So please Sir, take your seat." The pilot replied as he began the procedure for launching off.

Even though he was anxious, Kyle had no choice but to believe in the Pilot's words and took his seat.


On the other side, Leo moved towards the last evacuation shuttle.

"Please let me have a seat and not be full…" He was afraid and kept mumbling as he entered the last shuttle.

It indeed had empty seats. Hell, even the seat of the pilot was empty.

"I am dead." Leo felt it was the end and started to sweat buckets. The temperature was rising which was already making him sweat and coupled with this situation, he was scared and he felt like he would lose all the water in his body.

The evacuation shuttle was entirely empty. Not a single shadow of a person could be seen.

At this moment, hurried footsteps sounded and another person came running into the evacuation shuttle. Leo could tell at a glance that the person even though shared a resemblance to a human actually wasn't one. He had a smooth white skin with refine blue eyes and silver white hairs, even though Leo believed himself to be quite a dashing guy, he was still lacking in front of this alien race.

"Where's the pilot?" The stranger asked with a worried look. He wasn't doing any better than Leo, no he was actually even worse. His body was drenched in sweat.

The next instant, his eyes fell on the empty pilot seat and he froze.

"Don't worry, we will definitely make it alive…" Leo said as he grabbed his shoulder and tried to comfort him even though he himself wasn't sure about what was going to happen to them.

He really wanted to cry.

Suddenly, the entire spaceship began to quiver and fear gripped the duo's heart. They felt their hearts being clenched by the imaginary grim reaper hovering over their head.

When they were about to lose hope, a person in a pilot's uniform entered the shuttle carrying a helmet in his hand.

The man looked like an angel in the eyes of the two.

'I am saved!!!' The duo simultaneously screamed in their minds.

"Sorry for being late…I was in the washroom and was unable to come out. I hope you understand.." The pilot apologized with a silly laugh almost flaring Leo and the alien guy in anger Those two were here dealing with life and death and this guy had the balls to say he took his time in washroom. Not to mention, the grin on his face almost made the two beat the hell out of him.

"Hurry up, we need to leave before this thing explodes…" The alien guy said seriously as cold sweat poured down his forehead and Leo couldn't help but nod after him vigorously. The two didn't want anything but to leave as quickly as possible.

"Is it only you two?" The pilot asked as he checked the hallway and indeed Leo and the alien guy were the only ones left. It seems that the number of passengers on the ship was less than the amount of their maximum capacity.

"Well then," the pilot said as he closed the gate and a cold smile suddenly leaked out on his face.. "It seems there will be two causalities during this incident."

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