The Mech Lord

Chapter 78 - 77: Mission

"How is it?" The Doctor asked Leo as the prosthetic was installed into his body.

"It hurts a bit," Leo replied with a frown as sweat slid down his forehead. It was hurting like hell if he was honest about it.

The mechanical arm was black in color with a shiny texture to it. It weighed almost the same as Leo's other arm. It looked a bit cool at least in Leo's eyes. He was a machine freak after all.

"You will need some rehabilitation and time to get used to it," The Doctor said with a calm look as he noted down a few things. "I will leave you for now. You better come next week to let me see your progress. And, we will discuss any problems that may arise in course of these few days then."

With that Viona gave the Doctor a nod and the two of them left the place.


"You guys are back?" Vanessa smiled seeing that Leo and Vionna had returned. She was usually lazing around in the house. Leo really didn't know if she actually had any real job or not.

"Wow! That looks cool! I want one too!"

Her words really made Leo speechless.


Viona's fist immediately landed on her head. "Do you think it's a joke?"

Vanessa looked at her feeling wronged, but didn't dare to complain after seeing that menacing glare on her face.

"Where is Amelia?" Viona suddenly asked, looking around. She couldn't seem to find her. She must have returned from the Academy by now.

"She caught something on her way, and is busy playing with it. You know how she can be with cute things." Vanessa shook her head. She was feeling pity for the little kitten.

"I am going to my room." Leo decided to take his leave. He was planning to go and watch that recorded footage and deeply analyze it using Arthur's help.

He then walked upstairs, and as he was about to enter his room, a voice entered his ears.

"Stop it! Stop it-nya!!"

"Someone help me-nya!!"

It immediately stopped Leo dead in his tracks. He couldn't help but gulp as he finally released the thing that he had been forgetting these past few days.

He immediately backtracked his steps and came in front of Amelia's room. He hesitated a bit, but finally knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, Amelia came up and opened the door.

"Hmmn? Do you need something?" She looked at Leo wondering what he was here for.

"I got my arm." Leo showed his prosthetic arm to her as he tried to look over her shoulder.

And, surely he saw the little guy on the sofa dressed in a frock which was most likely taken off from the nearby teddy bear. She really had turned him all girly.

"Leo! You are finally here! Help-nya!" Aiden immediately came to life seeing Leo standing at the door.

'I will draw her attention, you try to get away.' Leo immediately passed the message onto him mentally using the Arthur's help.

"It's good that you got it. Does it hurt?" Amelia asked as she touched the arm.

"Ahh!!" Leo let out a groan as he immediately went down on his knees. It really scared Amelia there. And, she panicked.

"What's wrong?! Are you fine?!" She looked at Leo with a nervous expression on her face. She really was scared and almost about to scream for mom when Leo stopped her.

"Don't call for mom. This pain is normal." He caught her wrist and shook her head. "Besides, she might scold you for touching it."

Amelia's expression immediately changed on hearing that. She really didn't know how to feel when he cared about her like this while she was trying to live up to their past rivalry. It certainly was getting complicated.

It seemed as if she was the bad one here. She was still holding onto their past grudges and feud while her brother didn't even remember it. But, that was the reason it was hard for her to change.

Unlike her brother, she still remembered everything. Hence, it wasn't easy to let go.

"I am fine now. I will go and rest in my room." Leo got up, but staggered.

"Careful!" Amelia immediately supported him and gave him a shoulder as he was about to fall. She then helped him up to his room.

"Thanks.." Leo smiled at her as she let him down on the bed.

"It's fine," Amelia shook her head, and closed the door before leaving

A second later, Leo immediately got up as that painful expression on his face vanished out in thin air.

'Did you make it?'


[Hurry up and open the door before she realizes it-nya!]

Leo immediately went up and opened the door and the next instant a flurry little creature dashed into the room at the speed of the light.

"Are you alright?" Leo asked as he closed the door and turned around.

"Alright, my ass! I thought I was going to die-nya!" Aiden screamed in anger. The last few days had really been tough for him. From little kids to birds to parking lots to pet beasts. Each hurdle was tougher than the other.

He really was close to having a nervous breakdown here.

"Why didn't you come to get me?!!" Aiden glared at Leo.

"That...actually.." Leo forced a smile on his face. He couldn't possibly say he forgot about him.

"Tsk..anyway, I have a bad news." Aiden shook his head and looked at Leo with a frown on that cute little face.

"What's wrong?" Leo asked him in confusion.

"I overheard the Teachers. They are planning to set up a special class for the students with lower grades overall-nya." Aiden looked at Leo with a grim face.

"So?" Leo asked him in confusion. His theory grades were really high so it shouldn't be a problem.

"Well, a few good students are also to be placed in this class to act like a leading figure. And, I heard my name in the list as well. Professor Benard recommended me since I have forgotten the basics with the loss in memory. So, he thought it might be a good way for me to get back at things." Aiden sighed as he fell flat on the bed.

Troubles didn't seem to be stopping for them anytime soon.


"Common Sis! Don't be like that!" Vanessa pouted at Viona as she tried to snatch the remote away from her.

It was then that her smart link flashed with a notification and her expression changed.

"Go, it seems you have your boyfriend missing you," Viona teased her.

"Hmph! I will come back in a second. And, I don't have a boyfriend!!" She glared at her before shooting off towards her room.


As soon as she shut the door to her room, the expression on Vanessa's face completely changed and she flicked the screen out of her smart link letting it float in front of her.

A man dressed in a White gown stood there on the screen. His face was covered in a veil and he seemed to be giving out a holy feeling.

"Your next orders are here. A trace of the Demon King's Will has been felt in Gloria. You are to discover and report any information related to it."

Vanessa's eyes constricted and the next instant a cold chilling light flashed within them.

"May the Goddess of Light bless your soul and lead you to success." The man on the screen chanted in a soothing tone and Vanessa went down on one of her knees.

"You have placed a heavy responsibility on me, and I wow not to fail you, Lord Bishop.." Vanessa looked at the person with calm and determined eyes.

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