"The term"divine punishment" was coined by a church organization called Freemasonry, and has appeared frequently on global online platforms recently."

The chief of staff stood beside him and explained.

"Masonic? Church organization?"

The commander-in-chief became more and more confused as he listened.

He seemed to be waiting for the chief of staff to continue explaining.

"T&T Prime Minister, this church organization called Freemasonry, claims to be a believer in God. The god they are talking about refers to the mysterious power behind the alien beasts. This organization has been officially designated as an evil church organization by the Eastern Xia Kingdom"

"The human-faced monster that appeared before is also related to this church?"

The commander-in-chief asked

"That's right!"The chief of staff nodded.

At this time, the five-star general sitting next to him stood up and said:"The question now is, should we reinforce South Korea?"

After all, South Korea is a good dog for them. The Free Federation has stationed more than 10,000 troops there.

In order to maintain the interests of the Free Federation in South Korea, it is right to send mecha troops to fight there. Choose.

According to the information given by Dongxia Kingdom - the strange clouds in the sky above Renchuan City are constantly expanding, and the divine punishment mentioned by the Freemasons will come. This is a big crisis, and there is a high probability that there will be a large number of aliens. The beast appears from the passage.

There will definitely be a war!

"General Michel, how many mecha units do we currently have? How many can be transferred within a week?"

When you launch a war, the generals like it, and the arms capital likes it.

Generals and soldiers get a quick promotion path.

The country can also gain a good reputation for protecting its allies.

At the same time, it can attract a"sponsorship" from its allies.

This sponsorship is mainly from South Korea. Goryeo's departure!

Since everyone is happy, of course it should be done.

Less than an hour later, the top general of the Free Alliance, Five-Star General Michel, held a press conference to announce.——

"According to our GPS satellite detection system, a huge cloud wormhole appeared 10km above the city of Inchuang, our ally in South Korea, and is currently gradually expanding. There is a high probability that it will reach the maximum size in a week"

"In order to protect the allies from the threat of invasion by Wanxing, the Free Alliance will send mecha troops to Ninchuan Special City!"

As soon as this news came out, the Internet was all abuzz.

Especially people from South Korea were jumping up and down.

"Originally, we were very worried and scared when we heard the news that the huge cloud impulse was coming. I didn’t expect that the Free Alliance Army would come to protect us!"

"There is a Free Alliance mecha unit, so don’t worry!"

"The Freedom Alliance will once again protect our South Korea!"

"Did you hear that? Dongxia Kingdom actually wanted to send troops to join the war here, but our leaders refused! LOL!"

"We have the protection of the Free Alliance! There is no need for Dongxia Kingdom!"

"Dr. Xiao’s ancestral home is obviously in our ancient Goryeo. Why doesn’t our country extend an olive branch and recruit him?"

"What's the use of recruiting? Turn around and go to the Free Federation!"

"That's different, the Free Federation is a free country. And they are our allies in South Korea, so it’s no big deal."

The comments made by South Korean netizens on the external Internet were ridiculous.

And they were quickly transferred to the domestic network.

Domestic netizens almost laughed like crazy.

They have long been accustomed to the shamelessness of South Korean people.

Compared with those on the Internet During the carnival, Xiao Qiqi, an internet-addicted girl who surfed the Internet intensively every day, was banned from using the Internet.

Not only that, but there was also a special guardian accompanying her.

Qiqi hugged Chen Youchu's legs and said coquettishly,"Sister Chen." , good sister, just let me play on the computer for a while!"

Female Major Chen Youchu pointed at the thick pile of genetic biology worksheets on the table and said with a serious expression:"You haven't finished your homework yet.

Qiqi pouted and said angrily:"I'm only seven years old, and you asked me to do such a difficult exercise!" It’s so bullying!"

Looking at her aggrieved look, she seemed to be about to cry.

However, Chen Youchu remained unmoved.

"If other children are seven years old, they will definitely not be able to do these exercises, but you are a genius. You are needed for the next step of optimizing the genetic enhancement solution. You will definitely be allowed to use the computer by then."

"snort! Originally, I wanted to introduce you to my father and ask you to be my mother. I didn’t expect you to bully me too, I hate you!"

Qiqi put her hands on her hips, pretending to be angry.

But in fact, those sneaky eyes were quietly glancing at Chen Youchu's expression next to her, preparing to take advantage of her.

However, she could not see any expression on Chen Youchu's face. Variety

"Stinky girl, don’t you know how much trouble you’ve caused?"

At this time, Xiao Ziang pushed the door open and came in. He was about to get angry when he saw his daughter Qiqi taking something out of the drawer and stuffing it into his hand quite angrily.

"Let me play on the computer for an hour!"

Xiao Ziang frowned when he saw what his daughter handed over.

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