The expression on the angry big-headed alien beast's face changed.

"Chi Chi Chi——"

The voice issuing combat orders also changed.

Rage mode is triggered because his life is threatened.

The tank-shaped alien beasts let out a uniform, dull roar, seeming to express anger on behalf of their commander.

The 12 tank-shaped alien beasts in the front row accelerated and ran

"Dang Dang Dang——"

The huge weight and high-speed running made the ground shake.

The cloak around the neck of the tank-shaped alien beast suddenly stood up, cloned towards the head, gathered into a cone, and sprinted forward.

It's like 12 giant awls, thrusting forward.

The Free Alliance mecha on the opposite side had no time to brake, so it had no choice but to fight head-on, and immediately rushed forward waving the giant sword on its arm.

The sharpness of the giant sword is obvious to all.

But the driver's operating skills are not very good.

In just one encounter, six dragon-slaying warrior mechas were pierced by the awls of the tank alien beasts, and were immediately dismantled and dismembered.

The whole process took less than ten seconds, and the giant swords of two Dragon-Slaying Warrior mechas were broken on the spot!

The remaining two Dragon-Slaying Warrior mechas evaded in time and passed through the gap between the alien beasts.

Only then did he suffer no damage.

As for the two Optimus Prime mechas designed by Xiao Ziang and manufactured in the Eastern Xia Kingdom, they not only blocked the attack of the two tank-shaped alien beasts in front of them, but also split their cloaks that were closed into awls and ripped open their heads on the spot!

It is clear at a glance which of the two mechas is superior.

However, the moment the tank-shaped alien beast's head exploded, a large amount of dark green liquid spewed out, dyeing Optimus Prime green.

"Zi La La——"

The white gas produced by corrosion rises in large quantities.

The commander of the Free Alliance Army felt his heart skip a beat.

It’s over!

Optimus Prime's mecha is going to be corroded!

This scene was all captured on film.

Didn’t miss a beat!

At this moment, netizens watching the live broadcast were stunned


"Is there no hope for us humans?"

"This is the Free Alliance Army! Even they were defeated!"

"Don’t we still have Dr. Xiao?"

"But the Optimus Prime mecha was also designed by Dr. Xiao! Even the strongest mecha can't stop the evolved alien beast……"

"It’s over! It’s over! Completely finished!"

"Divine punishment! This is true divine punishment! The power of the Lord finally comes to the world! Human beings who have committed heinous crimes will face judgment!"

"grass! Where did the lunatic come from upstairs?"

"I am most annoyed by these religious lunatics!"

"Since ancient times, our country, Dongxia, has only focused on man's victory over nature! What a bullshit god! Lord of the bullshit! Upgrade to kill the god! Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!"

"Yes, as long as we unite together, we can still be saved!"

"You Dongxia people are too optimistic! And you are blindly optimistic! The end of the world has come, let's enjoy ourselves while we can.……"

"no! What would be the result?"

"Even the strongest Free Alliance Army in the world was defeated! Who can resist this legion of divine punishment? It’s over, Smecta!"

"Bagaya Road! This is not true!"

"Nuclear weapons! We still have nuclear weapons! Nuclear weapons to cleanse the land!"

"No, absolutely not! If nuclear weapons are used to cleanse the land, our capital of South Korea is too close to the center of the explosion, so that’s not allowed!"

The clamor for using nuclear weapons to cleanse the ground is getting louder and louder.

The eyes of the leader of the Freedom Alliance sitting in his office were dull, and soon, an angry expression appeared on his face

"fxxk, how could this happen!"

The commander's roar echoed in the office.

But no one could answer his question.

No matter how he roared, he could not change the fact that the mecha troops they spent huge sums of money to build were completely wiped out!

The entire office There was silence.

The footage they were watching was shot by the Free Alliance Army.

The live broadcast had many angles and was more detailed than Qiqi’s live broadcast..

The drone in the sky turned at an angle.

The Free Alliance drone captured the picture - above the western sea, the Y-6 Magic Plus transport aircraft flew over the battlefield.

In addition to the five-pointed star, the painting on the transport aircraft was.

And 81!

Anyone with a little bit of common sense would know which country this is from.

The rear hatch of the transport plane opens - a mecha jumps out!


Optimus Prime, painted in red all over, landed!

An Optimus Prime!

Two Optimus Primes!

Three Optimus Primes!


The 12 Optimus Prime mechas lined up in a straight line, flashing giant swords with cold light. Without exception, they all turned towards the enemy.

"The first mecha squadron of the Eastern Theater Command has arrived!"

On the empty west coast, this voice spread a long distance!

At this moment, people were excited!

Here it comes!

The next battlefield is handed over to the First Mecha Squadron of the Eastern Theater Command!

It is handed over to the Optimus Prime Mecha of Dongxia Kingdom!

Leave it to the combat power created by Dr. Xiao!

Barrages are flying in Qiqi’s live broadcast room.

"This is Dongfanghong!"

"coming! It's our turn to go to war!"

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