Just after noon, in the ruins outside, a bloated sled appeared on the slope at an unknown time, approaching the mall where the shelter was located.

In the carriage, through the thick glass, Di Ren, dressed in a black suit, quietly looked at the snowy scene that kept sweeping backwards outside.

Except for one building that is mostly buried by snow, all there is a white world of ice and snow.

He shouldn't have come, because he was a staff officer for the Mobile Fortress of the Thunderfire.

But he came, not for him, but for the 10,000 people of the Qing'an Shelter.

Although there are many underground people in the mainland of China, there are not many shelters with a population of 10,000, and you can count them on ten fingers.

The people of the underground do not produce, they are completely dependent on the rotten resources in the ruins to survive, and the larger the population, the more difficult it is to survive.

A few decades ago, there were many large shelters like the Qing'an Shelter, but in the past few decades, these shelters have either fallen apart or been destroyed for various reasons, until now, shelters with two thousand people can be called "big shelters", and shelters with more than 10,000 people are even few.

"Counselor Di, it's just a shelter with a large population, so why do you need to personally contact those dirty and smelly guys? You'll stay in the car for a while, I'll go, I see those guys can't make any waves, leave it to me. "

He came, but not alone, and in the carriage there were more than twenty soldiers in black combat uniforms besides him.

The soldiers were armed with rifles, helmets and various electronic devices on their helmets.

The person next to him was the captain of this action team, named Chen Li, the armed forces of the mobile fortress of the "Thunder Fire".

Retracting his gaze from the window, looking back at Chen Li beside him, Di Ren said indifferently: "Your task is to protect me, I will do other things, do not act rashly without my order, this time it is just contact with them, it doesn't matter if it is successful or not, understand?"

Grinning, Chen Li said with a big grin: "Okay, okay, you have the final say." "

In the ruins, the sleigh cart goes all the way, and in front of it, the huge mall is already close at hand.

Qing'an Shelter, Governor's Mansion, Governor's Office....

I don't know what news I got, Qian Yuting hurriedly returned to the office, and the expression on her face was only excited.

"Adults, they are coming, they are new humans, new humans have what we need, adults have to meet them."

Glancing at Qian Yuting, who looked a little happy standing in front of the desk, Li Mengduan sat on the chair behind the desk, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

This was news that surprised Li Meng, new humans should not appear, should not...

For decades, the people of the Qing'an shelter never knew about any new humans, let alone the existence of other shelters, and in this case, the new humans could not have known about the existence of the Qing'an shelter.

But the new humans came and found the Qing'an shelter.

How did the new humans find here?

It will not be the people of the Yingjiang shelter, because the people of the Yingjiang shelter do not have the opportunity to go out and make contact with new humans.

Is that them?

Li Meng thought of the Daguan Shelter, which has frequent contact with new humans, and the Daguan Shelter also knows about the existence of the Qing'an Shelter, and only the Daguan Shelter has this condition.

With a slight frown, Li Meng asked Qian Yuting, "How many of them are there?"

Hearing this, Qian Yuting hurriedly said: "Not much, just about twenty people, it is said that they came in a vehicle that can drive on snow, they are just outside, outside the entrance and exit of underground logistics, they asked to see the adults."

At this time, Li Meng was reluctant to contact the new human being, because it was not yet the time, but Li Meng also knew that since the new human race had come, he could not see it.

Leaning back, Li Meng said indifferently: "Then see you, bring them in..." The

joy in her eyes flashed, and Qian Yuting heard the sound and moved, turned around and left in a hurry.

For new humans, Qian Yuting has always been very curious, curious about their lifestyle, and envious of the environment in which they live.

As human beings, the people of the Qing'an Sanctuary can only live underground, but they can live on the surface and live in a mobile city.

There is law, there is order, and there is civilization, how can this not be envious of her?

At this time, outside, on the slope outside the logistics exit, the sled car that Di Ren was riding on stopped on the snow.

Standing next to the sleigh car, under the protection of the squad, Di Ren looked curiously at the steel figures outside the underground entrance.

The armor is very exquisite, which shows that the casting process of the Qing'an shelter is good, which is rare, Di Ren has been to a lot of shelters, knows the living conditions of the underground people, among the polluters, the scientific and technological strength of the underground people is the worst, is really back to the primitive society, only the wanderers and the mountain city people still retain a certain technical strength

, although the wanderers also rely on searching the resources in the earth to survive, but they at least have the ability to repair mobile vehicles, and the mountain city people are not to mention, The technology is stronger, of course, it is far worse than the government that represents the power of the mobile city.

Only the underground people will do nothing, if it is not for the new humans, the wandering people, the underground people will return to the cold weapon age, such as these people in front of them.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement at the entrance, and surrounded by a group of imperial pikemen, Qian Yuting, who was dressed in a black coat, walked out of the shelter.

Looking up, looking at the sleigh on the snow, and the soldier in black combat uniform in front of the car, when his gaze moved to Di Ren, Qian Yuting's eyes lit up even more, and he hurriedly greeted him.

Coming to Di Ren's body, Qian Yuting smiled slightly, stretched out her hand, and said in her mouth: "I am the secretary general of Qing'an Shelter "Qian Yuting", welcome your arrival..."

Glancing up and down at Qian Yuting, Di Ren muttered in his heart.

Among the underground people, the posture of the woman in front of her is quite good, whether it is dressed or posture, it makes people look very comfortable.

Looking down at Qian Yuting's outstretched hand, Di Ren took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket and slowly put them on his hand.

After putting on the gloves, Di Ren stretched out his right hand, held Qian Yuting's hand, and said indifferently: "Di Ren

, new human..." If it was someone else, the act of wearing gloves was undoubtedly very rude, but the person in front of him was a new human, so Qian Yuting didn't care.

Letting go of Di Ren's hand, Qian Yuting smiled slightly and said, "Lord Governor is waiting for Your Excellency in the shelter, Your Excellency, please..."

Lord Governor?

A trace of disdain flashed in Di Ren's eyes, it was ridiculous that a small underground citizen dared to call himself the governor.

Although he thought so in his heart, Di Ren did not show it on his face.

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