Facing Cheng Shenghu's cautious gaze, Li Meng was a little surprised by Cheng Shenghu's eyesight.

There is no doubt that Cheng Shenghu already knew that he was looking for some elite, some useful people, to manage the shelter.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said: "Go, find all those people you have in mind, find a good prize, find a good one..." Facing Li Meng's

meaningful gaze, Cheng Shenghu smiled and quickly said: "Understand, understand, you can rest assured, you will definitely not let you down, that... So I'm going?" With

a wave of his hand, Li Meng said: "Go, bring them to me before noon

..." "Understand, understand..." After

a nod and a bow, Cheng Shenghu hurriedly left and flew out.

Looking at the door that had been closed by Cheng Shenghu, Li Meng took off his helmet, put it aside, and took a deep breath.

"2020, the commander's level can be improved?" Before

this, Li Meng did not hear the prompt of 2020, although he asked so, Li Meng had already thought of the result.

Sure enough, in the back of his mind, the voice of 2020 sounded.

If the corresponding conditions are not met, the current commander level is "zero".

Li Meng said helplessly in his heart: "Can't you give a little hint, if you know the commander's requirements for upgrading the level, I also have a general direction..."


wait, the request information is being sent, sending successfully, receiving the message, accepted, resource page generation, territory page generation, item page update, relevant information has been entered, commander, please pay attention to view..."

Hearing this, Li Meng's eyes lit up, and he quickly opened the resource page and the territory page.

Li Meng didn't expect that his complaining words would have such a big effect.

In his heart, Li Meng has a conjecture about the existence of 2020.

2020 should be the main brain in the forward base of the Black Flag Empire, even if it is not, it is the AI that the main brain shunts out, the existence of 2020 is equivalent to an examiner, the commander is evaluated, all actions of the commander are seen by the main brain of the forward base, and the rules are not spotless, otherwise, his complaint will not bring such a good result.

In Li Meng's eyes, two blue pages gradually appeared in the air.

One is a resource page with a large introduction, which roughly means the existing resource values of the Black Flag Empire Forward Base.

There are many classifications of resources, a dense column ....

Biological Resources: 762

Iron Resources: 638

Copper Resources: 1000 Silver Resources: 1000 Water Resources: 868

Fiber Resources: 986

Rubber Resources: 1000

and so on....

There are many, no less than a hundred, and most of the resources are valued at a thousand, and it is clear that this thousand is the value of the base resources of the new commander ....

Seeing this, Li Meng muttered in his heart.


, if all commanders inherit the same base, even if the previous commanders fail, the resources should be left to be correct, and the values will not be neatly all thousand.

Also, where is the forward base of the Black Flag Empire

, near the earth

, or somewhere in the vast

universe? If it is too far, how huge should the energy used for transmission be, and how does the base operate?

Ignorance of the universe, ignorance of civilization, and ignorance of science and technology made Li Meng think blindly in his heart.


Taking a deep breath, Li Meng shook his head, put aside the cranky thoughts in his heart, and looked at the territory page.

The territory page is a map, only a small area on the map is lit, the rest of the place is gray, zoom in, Li Meng suddenly found that this small area turned out to be Qing'an shelter.

Under the location of Qing'an Shelter, it is naturally not visible on the map, but Li Meng saw the building on the ground, a shopping mall covered with snow, in the shopping mall, there is a high-rise building just above the Qing'an Shelter, it is the only high-rise building in this mall, with fifty floors, very tall, spectacular, is a luxurious commercial residential building.

The area shown on the map was small, and Li Meng calculated it, only revealing the entire mall, and the area outside the mall was gray.

There were also a few lines of information on the side of the map, in Chinese characters, and Li Meng got some information.

The area shown is Li Meng's existing territory, and there is only one way to expand it, and that is to place landmark sensors.

There are five categories of landmark sensors....

Micro landmark sensor rod small landmark sensor tower

, medium landmark relay station

, large landmark sensing satellite

, each landmark sensor shrouded in a different range, the range of the micro sensor rod is five kilometers in radius, there is a miniature hydrogen battery, which can provide the miniature sensor rod

to work for ten years.

The small landmark sensor tower has a radius of 50 kilometers and contains small hydrogen batteries, which can provide ten years of operation of the small landmark sensing tower.

The range of the medium-sized landmark relay station is a radius of 500 kilometers....

Large landmark sensing satellites have a radius of 5,000 kilometers....

As a "0" level commander, Li Meng can only redeem the miniature landmark sensing stick.

This thing is very useful, it is not only a signal transceiver device, but also emits a pulse wave, similar to radar, but more powerful than the radar known by Li Meng, can form a graphic picture, what surprised Li Meng even more is that its pulse emission direction is a spherical, underground, sky, are within its shrouded range, even the thick earth can not block the penetration of pulse waves, that is, as long as it is within the coverage of the surface sensor, Li Meng can monitor every place in the territory through the map.

On the map, Li Meng also saw the requirements for the commander's level increase.

First level commander

: territory: 100 square kilometers subjects: 10,000 troop units: 1000 Second level commanders: territory: 10,000 square kilometers people: 100,000 troopsNumber of units: 10,000 Third-level commanders

: territory

: 100,000

square kilometers

Subjects: 1,000,000 Troop Units: 100,000 Level 4 Commander: Territory: Livable Planet× 1 Citizen: 10000000000 Troop Units: 1000000 Level 5 Commander

: Territory:

Habitable Planet×5, Star System Multiplied by 5

Citizen: 100000000000

Number of troop units: 100000000

"..." Looking

at the series of values, Li Meng chose to ignore it.

Now he is a "0" level commander, the road has to be taken step by step, the meal must be eaten bite by bite, for now it is still to put the target on the first-level commander, and then step by step, level after level improvement.

The landmark sensor rod has no commander level requirements, it can be exchanged, but the price is more expensive, one one costs five hundred resource points, and it has to consume more than ten kinds of resources, although the resources consumed are not much, but this resource point is not easy to obtain.


if thinking of something, Li Meng picked up the helmet that was set aside and put it on his head, and quickly got up and stood up.

"Twenty people left, the others come with me..."

With that, Li Meng hurriedly walked out.

Seeing this, the imperial pikemen in the hall and corridor quickly followed.

For a while, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded in the hall.

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