This is the existing resource point, in more than three hours, a total of more than a thousand corpses were dug out of the snow by the imperial pikemen.

Looking up at the sky, the sky was still cloudy, the clouds were very low, and the sky and the earth were dark.

"Let's go, let's go back.

Saying that, Li Meng turned and walked towards the stairs, stepping on the footprints when he came.

When he stepped on the stairs and left the river, his steps suddenly lightened, Li Meng walked up quickly, left the stairs for a long time, and walked towards the entrance and exit of underground logistics.

Just walking at the entrance and exit to the underground logistics, Li Meng stopped, and in his helmet, the expression on his face was thoughtful.

The number of imperial pikemen is still a little small, only fifty people, something should happen this afternoon, enough manpower is needed to calm the scene, fifty people is undoubtedly not enough.

Thinking of this, Li Meng's mind moved, and he opened the item page.

After the information update, the information of the items that can be redeemed on the item page is more comprehensive.

Resupply requires resource points, and the required resources are also revealed.

Take the Imperial Lancers, for example, four resources are needed, biological resources, iron resources, water resources, and fiber resources.

Biological resources: -20 iron resources: -5 water resources: -5 fiber resources

: -5

Imperial archers are the same, there is no difference in the materials needed, the same three resources are needed, but the values are different.

Biological Resources: -20 Iron Resources: -4 Water Resources: -5 Fiber


: -


"You can't just exchange melee classes, ranged classes can also be exchanged. Seeing

this, Li Meng muttered in his heart.

As for the quantity....

"Exchange Imperial Lancers× 100, -1000 resource points, -500 iron resources, -500 water resources, -500 fiber resources, wormhole opening, light teleportation start, countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

As the words of 2020 fell, there was no sound, no rumbling scene, on the streets around Li Meng, a white light suddenly emerged from the void, and steel bodies suddenly appeared on the snow-covered streets.

This scene is very magical, unbelievable, and beyond the scope of human cognition on earth, and beyond the understanding of science and technology.


they shouted in unison as soon as they appeared, holding spears on their chests.

It seems to be a military salute, at least in their opinion.

Looking at the steel body on the street, Li Meng was very satisfied, with these soldiers, in the shelter, he was no longer invincible, and the next step was to find a way to upgrade the commander level.

There is not much water and iron resources, and there are only more than a hundred points left of the two resources.

These two resources are not difficult to obtain, ice and snow are water resources, Li Meng's only thing to do is to take a thing to load them up, and then teleport, if Li Meng stands in front of a pile of snow mountains, pointing to the snow mountain to lock the target, 2020 is refusal to lock, if Li Meng stands on the ice, pointing to the ice under his feet to lock the target, 2020 will also refuse.

There are rules for the use of optical teleportation, as for what rules, Li Meng does not know, but 2020 knows.

As for iron resources, it is better to get, the piles of small mountain bags on the street are all vehicles, Li Meng can get a lot of iron resources as long as he walks by the vehicle.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be too obvious, you must ensure that there is no one around, just like now, if you are seen, some things do not make sense, for the current human beings, letting them contact too advanced technology, will only bring themselves trouble.

"Exchange Imperial Archer × 20, -300 Resource Points, -80 Iron Resources, -100 Water Resources, -140 Fiber Resources, Wormhole Open, Light Teleportation Activation, Countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..." As the sound of 2020

fell, on the streets outside the Imperial Pikemen, a white light emerged from the void, and steel bodies suddenly appeared...

Compared with the Imperial Lancers, the Imperial Archer is no different from the Imperial Lancer, but different in weapons, the Imperial Archer's weapon is a black iron bow, with a bag of iron arrows behind his shoulder, the number of iron arrows is thirty, and a short sword is hung around his waist, about half a meter long.

Without Li Meng making a sound, the imperial pikemen and imperial archers around Li Meng moved and began to line up.

After a while, amid the sound of Zheng Zheng's footsteps, behind Li Meng, they listed a phalanx.

The Imperial archers are in front and the Imperial Lancers are behind.

See this, Li Mengdao;" Let's go, let's go.

Saying that, Li Meng walked down the slope towards the logistics below.

Seeing this, the imperial archers and the imperial pikemen changed formations, and the four of them were in a row, following Li Meng, forming a marching column.

Looking back at the movement behind him, Li Meng muttered in his heart.

It seems that in the brains of these androids, the master brain in the advance base of the Black Flag Empire implants a lot of military knowledge, which makes these android soldiers so rigid, and every move gives people a strong military temperament.

When entering the logistics and returning to the passage, the cold wind was no longer there, and the body suddenly warmed, and the temperature difference was too big to make Li Meng feel a trace of warmth....

When Li Meng returned to the trading area with the imperial pikemen and the imperial archers, the sound of footsteps and the surging steel body suddenly attracted a series of stunned eyes.

It was not early, and outside the gate of the restaurant, a group of people were waiting.

"Lee Meng is back, he's back. The

movement in the trading area attracted the attention of everyone in front of the restaurant gate, and when they turned to look, they saw a approaching iron army, the sound of footsteps, the dense figure, the expression on their faces was only surprise, and their eyes were only incredulous.


only that, but among those soldiers, there were some different steel bodies, and they held iron bows in their hands.

Seeing this scene, everyone in front of the restaurant door had different expressions on their faces and were silent.

Where did these people come from?

Those people standing in front of the door of the restaurant, Li Meng also saw, there were Zhu Wei, Meng Wuwei, and Cheng Shenghu.

For the task of finding someone, Cheng Shenghu completed it very well, at least there were enough people, and at a glance, there were more than thirty people in front of the door.

"Follow me.

When he came to the crowd, Li Meng said, without pausing in his steps, and walked towards the door of the restaurant.

Seeing that the commander was coming, the imperial pikemen guarding the gate hurriedly opened the gate.

Seeing this, everyone followed behind Li Meng and followed Li Meng into the restaurant.

Outside, the Imperial pikemen, the Imperial archers stood in line in front of the restaurant, forming a phalanx.

After entering the restaurant, in the hall on the first floor, Li Meng took off his helmet, threw it on the sofa, and sat on the sofa.

In the hall, everyone looked very restrained, standing in two rows, looking at Li Meng on the sofa.

Raising his head slightly, Li Meng's gaze swept over everyone one by one, looking at each of them.

There are men and women, and the clothes on the body are different, but they all have a common feature, that is, they are wearing very thick, men naturally needless to say, no matter how beautiful women are dressed in such a dress, it is difficult to show their beauty.

However, then again, most people's appearance is invisible, deeply buried in the hat.

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