In the battlefield in the sky, the five-meter-level light angel summoned by the Archbishop of the Holy Cloth found the leader-level beast.

Although the five-meter-level light angel far outnumbered the leader-level beast in number, there were more than just the leader-level beasts in the sky.

For a while, the sky beasts roared continuously, and the spaceships, airships, light angels, and beasts fought together.

The battle airspace was all over the sky of the Holy City. From time to time, there were burning airships, and the spaceships fell, and they fell into the city with a loud bang.

Blood and corpses fell from the sky, both human and beast.

When the beasts attacked, the people of the Holy City had already hidden in their homes. The outer wall on one side of the window was closed by a thick iron plate, so that the people in the house could not know what was happening outside.

Since the battle, the Holy City has been under martial law, and no one except soldiers is allowed to go out.


In the sky, the huge red dragon swung its tail and hit the five-meter-level light angel heavily.

The huge force directly caused the Light Angel to fly out, and with a bang, it crashed into a spaceship, and the hull was directly pierced. The Light Angel continued to crash into another spaceship before stopping.


With a roar, the black horn on the top of the red dragon's head flashed with a fiery arc.

The next moment, a fiery arc flashed, and a huge fiery beam shot out and hit the spaceship that was previously pierced by the Light Angel.

At the moment of the impact, the spaceship exploded directly, disintegrated in the air, and there was a rumbling explosion. The beam continued to crash into another spaceship that was hit by a hole in the Light Angel.


With a loud bang, the spaceship suddenly exploded, and the flames rose up with golden light, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

On the other side, a clumsy barbarian demon head was besieged by multiple Light Angels, and his body was covered with scars.

A five-meter-class light angel even stood on its back, holding a golden flame sword and slashing at the tattered flesh wing.

The Barbarian Demon Head wanted to get rid of the light angel on his back, and rushed through the sky, smashing the airship and even crashing into the spaceship.

The spaceship was directly broken in half by the Barbarian Demon Head, and the wreckage fell towards the Holy City amidst screams.


A few swords slashed down, the golden light was shining, and the entire left wing of the Barbarian Demon Head was broken at the root.

In the bloody dissipation, the huge Barbarian Demon Head let out a painful roar, and the huge body fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the light angel quickly broke away from the Barbarian Demon Head and watched the Barbarian Demon Head fall to the ground.


With a roar, the black horns on the top of the falling Barbarian Demon Head flashed with fire-colored arcs.

In the flashing of the fire arc, a huge fire-colored beam of light screamed out and enveloped the light angel.

The shield on the Angel of Light flashed only a few times, then collapsed in an instant, and the huge body of the Angel of Light was destroyed in the fire-colored beam.

After destroying the Angel of Light, the huge beam rushed out of the battlefield without any reduction in momentum.

Wherever it passed, whether it was a spaceship, an airship, or a strange beast, they were all destroyed and eliminated.

The falling Barbarian Demon Head fell on the roof of a tall building with a "bang".

The silver-armored soldiers on the roof who had no time to evacuate were directly smashed into meat paste, and the entire staircase collapsed more than ten meters. The huge impact force also caused the Barbarian Demon Head to lose his life and turned into a pile of rotten meat.

What surprised the soldiers in the city was that the strange beasts had clearly rushed into the holy city, but they seemed to only care about the fleet in the sky, and no strange beasts rushed to the ground.

There were obviously a lot of them, which could be said to be overwhelming, so why were they not interested in the city.

It is not entirely true to say that they were not interested. The strange beasts outside the city were frantically attacking the city walls.

In the battlefield in the sky, the battle has been going on. As the sunset on the clouds sets, darkness gradually descends.

"They are gone, they are gone..."

As the sky gets darker and darker, the alien beasts suddenly evacuate from the battlefield in the sky.

They abandon the enemy in front of them and fly in the direction they came from.

The alien beasts outside the city are the same. They leave behind piles of corpses and turn into a red tide to swarm in the direction they came from.

In the sky, the remaining light angels gradually dissipate in the direction where the alien beasts left. After nearly two hours of fighting, their number is only a few dozen, scattered in the sky.

And their results are also amazing. Seven leader-level alien beasts, four of which were killed by them, and only three leader-level alien beasts left with the beast group.

In the outer courtyard of the cathedral in the city, all the archbishops were pale.

The existence of light angels in the material world requires their mental power to resist the rejection of light angels by the material world. Without them, the light angels that appear in the material world in the form of energy will be expelled by the laws of the material world.


No, they didn't win, the battle has just begun.

As the monsters left, there were only a few airships left in the sky, and the airships began to lower their altitude and returned to their respective docks.

In the office of the leader of the Knights Templar headquarters.

"The fleet can no longer take off to fight, we can't bury all the airships. The total number of airships is less than a hundred, and two-thirds of the airships have been lost, leaving only a few hundred. If the monsters attack again, once the fleet takes off, it will be wiped out within half an hour. Leader, we must use the Holy Shield to protect the safety of the city."

Standing up, Peggy came to the window and looked at the brightly lit city outside.

In the darkness, many things are hidden, which makes the Holy City tonight seem different from usual.

Looking carefully, some figures can be seen cleaning the battlefield in the streets and alleys. The wreckage of the spacecraft that crashed in the city, the corpses of humans, and the corpses of strange beasts all need to be cleaned up.

Peggy said: "That's the only way, Morin, how many knights survived?"

Take off the bloodstained helmet, Morin said in a deep voice: "Only four knights have made contact, and they are all here. The others should have returned to the embrace of the Holy Light."

The battle in the sky is dangerous. Once the spacecraft is destroyed, it is basically the ship that is destroyed and the people who have died.

With a calm expression on his face, Peggy said calmly: "I will appoint a new senior officer as the Knight Commander later. No one of the thirteen Knights Templar will be missing. The Knight Commander will not board the ship in the future. Command on the ground. There will be no more air battles with alien beasts in the future."

Raising his hand, Peggy said: "Go, you must deploy your own defense areas. I have a hunch that tomorrow's battle will be more intense. Even with the protection of the Holy Shield, we must not be careless."


The five people at the table responded in unison and turned away.

Until he could no longer hear footsteps behind him, Peggy turned away from the window and walked towards the door.

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