Black armor guards are not pure creatures, and there are also a small part of machinery and a small number of electronic devices in the body.

When that fluctuation swept across his body, Li Meng obviously felt that the electronic equipment in his body was down, and although he was stimulated by biological energy, he started working again in less than a second, but the feeling at that moment was obvious.

This let Li Meng know what that fluctuation really was, it was the electromagnetic pulse, the enemy of all electronic devices.

At this time, Li Meng understood why human beings have the technology to build mobile fortresses, but use such backward weapons, all this is due to foreign beasts, Li Meng never expected that foreign beasts can release electromagnetic pulses.

This ability is definitely a nightmare for humans, the more advanced the weapon, the easier it is to be restrained, in this case, weapons without any electronic equipment can better deal with alien beasts.

It's incredible that organic organisms can have such abilities,

and it's completely impossible according to human cognition.

At this time, in the area of the nuclear explosion, a new situation occurred.

The EMP did not have any effect on the group in the sky, the group of bombers was evacuating, while fighters were hovering at low altitude.

When the rumbling explosion sounded, the red earth completely boiled, and countless red figures poured out from the mountain of meat, and they came in groups, as if the river valley of the diverted river gathered at one point, and finally formed a huge red tide, sweeping towards the east.

Some red figures flew into the sky, entangled with low-altitude hovering fighters.

It was the red bat, the flying species in the alien beast, a few days ago, in casual conversation, Chen Tianyou talked about a book of alien beasts given to him by new humans, and all the species of alien beasts Li Meng knew, of course, there were only three alien beast species seen.

The most common red dog, the red lizard, and the red bats seen today.

Red bat, as the name suggests, its body shape is very similar to a bat, full of red, the body is covered with scales, the size is a little larger than the red dog, although it is very similar to a bat, but only the body is like, the red bat has a dog head like the red dog.

Don't look at them as just a creature, but the flight speed is not slow, and the low-altitude hovering fighter is shot down from time to time, and it hits the ground and explodes in the humming engine roar.

"Hihe" mobile fortress, command hall ....

"General, the red tide is approaching, it is already very close, about ten kilometers..." Listening

to the report from the observer, Yan Zhenhai's face was only solemn.

This is not a war of annihilation, let alone an encounter battle, and fighting with foreign beasts is not his goal.

With a slight gloomy face, Yan Zhenhai said in a deep voice: "Order the fighters to immediately withdraw from the battlefield, the artillery array to fire freely, let the mobile fortress move, and fight and retreat, not too fast, advance at a speed of forty kilometers per hour, let the red tide follow, attract their attention, and buy time for the ground troops." "

As one order after another was issued, outside, on the edge of the moving fortress, twin turrets raised their thick barrels and aimed them to the north.

"Boom..." The

thick muzzle shook violently, the flames spewed out, and in the rumbling shelling, the fiery red bullet marks flew into the sky, spanning a distance of more than ten kilometers, and fell towards the red tide that was attacking.

"Boom..." There

was a sudden explosion on the street, in the ruins, in the red tide running on the snow.

The flames burst, the ice and snow soared into the sky, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye swept around.

None of the alien beasts within a radius of 20 meters at the point where the shell landed survived, their bodies were torn apart and turned into golden flesh and blood, and the alien beasts with a radius of 50 meters were even turned on their backs and flew away by a powerful shock wave.

Dozens of shells, spread over a large area, although they caused damage to the alien beast, but for the entire red tide, it was not worth mentioning, and it was impossible to stop the red tide for even a second.

For a time, the sky shells roared, the rumbling explosions sounded non-stop, the flames burst, the rolling mushroom clouds rose, and on the eastern river, the shelling sound was wave after wave, endlessly....

Under the shelling of the mobile fortress, a torrent of red rolled towards the artillery fire.

Just when the red tide was less than seven kilometers away from the Jianghuai Canal, the mobile fortress on the river moved, and in the characteristic roar of the steam turbine, thirty-two pairs of huge tracks rotated, carrying the huge moving fortress on the river surface, faster and faster, along the river to the northeast.

In the sky, the bombers had returned home and were circling over the mobile fortress, lining up to land.

Farther away, amid the humming roar of engines, the fighter had withdrawn from the nuclear explosion area and was approaching in the direction where the mobile fortress was located, followed by a dense red figure.

That's red bats, thousands of red bats....


In the fortress, a piercing air defense siren suddenly sounded.

Throughout the upper floors of the mobile fortress, a large number of anti-aircraft turrets rose from below deck.

In the oval-shaped turret, through the glass window, some soldiers in white camouflage uniforms can be seen inside.

Although the mobile fortress was moving, it was much slower than the units flying in the sky, and after a while, thousands of red bats chased the fighters and pounced on the mobile fortress.

For a time, the sound of gunfire and cannon resounded all over the world, above the mobile fortress, fighters and red bats were entangled, chasing each other, and the anti-aircraft turret in the fortress shot out a series of fiery red bullet marks, looking at it from afar, dozens of fire dragons rushed straight to the sky, strafing the red bats in the sky.

Under the strafing of the metal storm, a large number of red bats fell from the sky, some fell into the mobile fortress, and some fell into the river.

More fighters were caught by red bats, and once caught by red bats, in just a few seconds, the fighters would be torn apart and fall to the ground.

On the upper surface of the mobile fortress, a large number of red bats pounced from the sky and pounced on the anti-aircraft turret, as well as the main battery turret, tearing and biting with their claws and sharp mouths....

Under the tearing of the red bat, the seemingly solid anti-aircraft turret was torn alive by the red bat, and once the turret was torn, the soldiers inside would not have any possibility of survival.

Just as the moving fortress on the river gradually moved away and fought with the red bats in the sky, the red tide in the ruins also poured into the river, like a red wave sweeping down the Jianghuai Canal towards the mobile fortress.

"Boom..." Where

the red tide passed, the shells whistled, and the shelling of the red tide by the mobile fortress never stopped.

The flames were surging, pillars of snow rose up into the sky, and powerful shock waves swept around...

Although the main cannon of the mobile fortress is very powerful, the number of alien beasts is greater, and the red torrent is all over the river, and everywhere it passes is red, it is several kilometers long, and at a glance, the river is red.

The attack of the main gun of the mobile fortress did not slow down the red tide even a little, and the distance between the two sides became closer and closer.

Just when the red tide was less than two kilometers away from the mobile fortress, on the outer wall at the bottom of the mobile fortress, as well as on the outer wall facing the red tide, under the sound of machinery running, the deck opened and one turret after another was raised....

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