The Medical Guru

Chapter 1281 - Chapter 1281 Ten Gurus!

Chapter 1281 Ten Gurus!


When he heard this, Fang Qiu, who was about to escape, stopped instantly.

At this time…


As expected, one of the six Nirvana gurus moved and instantly darted off at an astonishing speed.

Fang Qiu looked in the direction where he went.

Shockingly, he headed for the Hippo tribe!

“Damn it!”

With a cold snort in his heart, Fang Qiu ignored the five Nirvana gurus who were about to surround him. Instead, he shifted aside and summoned forth all his strength.

Like a heavy iron ball fired from a cannon, he shot toward the man who was flying away.


The five people discerned his intention.

In unison, they rushed at Fang Qiu as they attempted to stop him!


They weren’t fast enough.

Even Venerables couldn’t catch up with Fang Qiu. As incompetent gurus, how could they make it?

A few seconds later…

Fang Qiu darted toward the back of the guru who was on his way to slaughter the tribes. With a wave of his right hand, he mobilized all his internal Qi and gathered forth an all-conquering Qi power that delivered a mighty punch to the guru’s head from behind him.

But right at this moment…

The guru abruptly flashed aside to dodge his attack. Then he immediately summoned all his strength to stall John Doe while waiting for the five companions behind them to catch up.


Fang Qiu would show no leniency toward him.


The second the man turned around, Fang Qiu pounced on him. He swung his right arm and raised his fist wrapped in immense energy and mercilessly shoved his fist into the man’s abdomen like dropping a bomb.


There was a loud sound.

The guru had just released all his Qi power, but when Fang Qiu’s punch fell, his eyes bulged like that of a toad. As he looked at Fang Qiu, his eyes narrowed sharply. The tremendous force from Fang Qiu’s fist didn’t send him flying. Instead, it ran through him, as the impact was focused on one point.

His lower abdomen looked fine and was not even bruised.


The considerable force that passed through his body shattered his Dantian, viscera, and everything else in there.

Before the guru could gasp in shock…

He collapsed to the ground and lost all his vitality!

Just then…

“Swish, swish, swish… ”

The harsh sounds of something breaking through the air came.

The five gurus caught up with them at lightning speed, rushed up to Fang Qiu, and besieged him.

Without pause…

They surrounded Fang Qiu and launched an all-out offensive against him. From five different directions, they frantically attacked Fang Qiu with incomparably fierce energy Qi.

“Oh, crap.”

Fang Qiu burned with anxiety.

He could kill a guru with ease. Finishing off two gurus was not difficult for him, and he could seek every opportunity to wipe out three gurus. But how could he win when there were four or five gurus?

A boxing expert hardly needed to break out in a sweat to defeat ten ordinary people. Also, he could easily handle another boxer who was slightly weaker than him. But if he fought against five people alone, wouldn’t he be beaten to death?

No matter how peerless he was, he couldn’t fight against hopeless odds!

Besides, they were experts who were at the same level as him.

This desperate situation struck fear into his heart.

Fang Qiu quickly turned around as he tried to search for an opening to break the siege.

But before he could find a way out, the five gurus had already come near and charged at him.

There came continuous sounds of crackling.

Five different kinds of energy smashed wildly into him, each of which carried devastating energy Qi — they were delivering vital blows to bring Fang Qiu down!

“Damn it!”

With a curse in his heart, Fang Qiu unleashed a layer of internal Qi, which condensed into an energy shield around him. Meanwhile, he summoned his Divine Sword and slashed hard at the most potent guru. When the sword Qi erupted, he quickly turned around to resist the attacks coming from other directions.


These energy attacks came rapidly. Even though Fang Qiu had tried his best to react, he failed to block all these blows in the first place!

“Bang, bang, bang…”

His sword Qi warded off one attack, and he waved his sword to block another. Fang Qiu dodged nimbly and managed to avoid the danger.

But just as he escaped unscathed…

Streams of energy from the three parties collided with each other. Immediately, an exceedingly lethal energy Qi erupted and instantly caused an explosion.

The eruption of the all-out energy from the three gurus collided with each other!

Even Fang Qiu couldn’t get himself out of this without avoiding getting injured.


Following a loud explosion, Fang Qiu was knocked into the air by the terrifying energy Qi caused by the collision of the three energy streams.

Fortunately, with his energy shield, Fang Qiu only suffered a slight injury.

In the next moment…

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

The five gurus lost no time in surrounding him again and launched a new round of fierce attacks!

Fang Qiu’s face clouded over.

He quickly put the backpack on his back to his chest to protect the pills. Then he summoned all his strength and frantically fought against the vicious attacks of the five people.


The five of them were overly cunning.

They wouldn’t get anywhere near Fang Qiu. Each time they were within two meters of Fang Qiu, they would deliver a nasty blow, slashing at Fang Qiu with their powerful energy Qi. Then they withdrew quickly.

They repeatedly assaulted and retreated.

Fang Qiu could only focus on resisting their attacks. When they released their energy, they were very close to Fang Qiu. Therefore, he could hardly keep himself away from their attacks. The only way was to block them head-on.

In this case…

Even if Fang Qiu had plenty of chances to fight back, his counterattacks would be knocked away by their strikes.

“Withstand the attacks of four gurus, and kill one first!”

They exchanged dozens of moves.

The anger in Fang Qiu’s heart soared.

He knew that if it went on like this, he would be exhausted to death, no matter how sufficient internal Qi he had.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, Fang Qiu knew Nirvana Organization must have begun a large-scale search for him. Now five gurus came at him. If he delayed any longer, there might be six, seven, eight, or even more gurus!

At that time, he would be screwed.

Thus, he had to end the battle quickly!

Seized by a sense of urgency…

Fang Qiu secretly gathered all his internal Qi and locked onto one guru with his Divine Consciousness. Just as this guru rushed forward to launch a fierce attack, Fang Qiu suddenly sent out an overwhelming burst of sword Qi to take him down.


When the man saw this, he flashed aside to dodge.

After all, he was a guru. Although Fang Qiu’s sudden and violent outburst caught him off guard, he managed to stay away from most of the sword Qi. The sword Qi didn’t hit him head-on, but his whole arm was cut off with a crack.

And over at this end…

“Clap, clap, clap…”

The fierce attacks of the other four gurus landed on Fang Qiu ruthlessly.

One mighty force came after another. The four beams of energy shattered Fang Qiu’s shield of internal Qi and thumped against Fang Qiu before exploding with a bang.

The collision of four energy streams caused a terrifying explosive force, which instantly sent Fang Qiu flying.


On the verge of falling onto the ground, Fang Qiu turned around and immediately stabilized himself. He landed on his feet and looked grimly at the five gurus. His throat moved, and he couldn’t help but open his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this…

The five gurus exchanged glances, their eyes glittering.

Once again, they resumed their joint fierce attacks.

At this sight…

Fang Qiu gritted his teeth and quickly stepped back.

In such a situation, the only thing he could do was flee!


He had killed the guru who was going to slaughter the tribes. As long as he led the remaining five people away, those tribes would be temporarily safe.

If he didn’t lure these people away, the tribes on the grassland would inevitably become Nirvana Organization’s targets. At that time, all the people in those tribes would die!

Fang Qiu had no option but to slow down when escaping.

If he tried his best to escape, he could get rid of all the five gurus in a short time, but he didn’t dare to do that.

Once he shook off the five gurus and these people couldn’t get him, they would turn to attack the tribes.

This was contrary to Fang Qiu’s original intention!

If the lives of people in the tribes on the grassland had not been at stake, he would have escaped long ago. How could he have been injured?

“Lure them away first. Then I must make a breakthrough in a quiet place to become a guru!”

As he ran, Fang Qiu thought to himself.

Since he had just become a Half-step Guru after his re-cultivation, he couldn’t fight against so many gurus. In Africo, a great many people were determined to hunt him down. In the following days, he would have to face many more enemies than these few gurus!

He couldn’t avoid it, so he could only confront the challenge.

The only way to deal with this crisis head-on was to break through and become a guru!

Once he became a recultivated guru, he would no longer fear these unqualified gurus and dared to fight no matter how many of them came at him!

With the Seven-storey Tower he obtained from the relic, he only needed a quiet and safe place to break through and reach the Guru Realm.

On the grassland, a hair-raising cat-and-mouse game was going on!

While he made his getaway, Fang Qiu would soon lead these people away from the grassland.


“Swish, swish, swish… ”

Another wave of ear-piercing sounds tore through the air.

He turned his eyes and looked around.

Four more people rushed over from four different directions.

“More gurus!”

Fang Qiu’s face instantly turned deathly pale.

Five gurus were chasing after them, but now four more gurus were coming fast.


Judging from their auras, none of them were Venerables!

How many such gurus did Nirvana Organization have?

Fang Qiu was greatly taken aback in his heart.

At the same time, he felt a great sense of crisis.

Nine gurus…

Although he had chopped off the arm of one guru, he would die under the siege of nine gurus!

Would he resign himself to this tragic end?

Of course not!

Fang Qiu reached his top speed as he tried to shake off all these people.

Unfortunately, it was already too late.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Amid the whizzing sounds and before Fang Qiu could fly out, the nine people had already surrounded him.

“Phew, phew…”

Panting heavily, Fang Qiu loosened his right hand and brandished the Divine Sword in his hand.

The nine people saw this.

They eagerly jumped on him.

They did not want to give Fang Qiu any chance to survive!

“Grand Hand of Destruction!”

When the nine people attacked, Fang Qiu immediately unleashed the most potent power, attracting all the Qi of Heaven and Earth within dozens of kilometers around him in an instant, which then condensed into a protective layer of internal Qi around him.

When the nine people approached him…

“Great Hand of Formlessness!”


A furious roar was heard.

Fang Qiu suddenly threw a palm strike.

It was a combined attack of the Great Hand of Destruction and Great Hand of Formlessness.

In an instant, a terrifying energy erupted, which shocked everyone. The blast sent a giant mushroom cloud into the air that violently knocked everyone back.

After pushing all the people far away, Fang Qiu made his getaway, leaving a shadow as he quickly fled into the distance.

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