The Medical Guru

Chapter 1336 - Chapter 1336 Will You Become a Holy Doctor Soon?

Chapter 1336 Will You Become a Holy Doctor Soon?


The market was in total chaos. Just then, the officers’ reinforcements arrived. A fleet of police cars quickly entered the traditional Chinese medicine market. Going by the list from Fang Qiu, they began to pick up the herbs and arrest suspects!

Some owners hastened to close their shops and switch their goods to genuine medicinal herbs. However, they were caught red-handed.

Some closed their doors and were ready to escape.

In the end…

The police still managed to catch them.

A cat-and-mouse game began. In the market, those medicine merchants who sold genuine medicinal herbs watched them. Without hesitation, they recorded the whole process on their mobile phones.

Hearing the commotion many people outside the market also rushed to shoot videos and uploaded them online.

Not long after…

The law enforcement process was over.

One-fifth of the wholesale-retail stores in the Chinese Medicine market in Jiangzhe City were shut down. In addition, these stores were all sealed to prevent people from sneaking in to change their goods.


Looking around, Fang Qiu saw one-fifth of the stores in the market had been closed. He couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing, “One-fifth.”

This traditional Chinese medicine market was big.

It could be said that it provided Chinese medicinal herbs to people within the province and throughout the country. People from other places who needed Zhebawei, the most famous mixed herbs in Jiangzhe Province, would come here to buy it.

Due to the endless and large stream of customers, this Chinese medicinal herbs market was a large-scale type. There were more than one hundred wholesalers of Chinese medicinal herbs.

One-fifth of the stores might not sound like a lot, but it was hard to believe that so many stores were selling substandard medicinal herbs.

The arrest of owners selling fake herbs was over.

At the request of the police, Fang Qiu went to the Public Security Department of Jiangzhe Province with them because he had to make a statement.

In the Chinese medicinal herbs market, the other store owners watched Fang Qiu and the law enforcers leave and there was a chill in their hearts.

“Fortunately, I don’t sell fake products.”

“It’s better to do business honestly and earn money in a safe and steady way.”

“Herbs of poor quality can kill people.”

“I’m lucky. I never dared to sell shoddy drugs. Selling counterfeit commodities can bring in big money, but I feel too uneasy and guilty to do that.”

“Fang Qiu seems to be very determined to improve the Chinese medicinal herb markets. He even came to check the stores here in person.”

The owners had a heated discussion.

Fang Qiu announced that he would lower the prices of the whole Chinese Medicine market. The news displeased these owners. But somehow, they felt Fang Qiu had done an excellent job in cracking down on counterfeit goods.

This way, these merchants selling fake and inferior goods would be driven out of the market and that would give them more room to do business.

On closer inspection…

In the entire Chinese Medicine market, those merchants that sold the shoddy herbs had the best business. It was because their medicinal herbs were cheaper than the genuine ones. Besides, because they were willing to use counterfeit products, they always had an adequate supply of herbs.

After they received those low-quality goods from these wholesale stores, these purchasers would sell them at the same price as the authentic ones. Therefore, it would be more profitable for them to purchase goods from these fake and inferior merchants.

And now…

Once these people who sold these fake products were caught…

Their regular customers would be divided among those merchants who only accepted certified Chinese medicinal herbs.

This time…

Fang Qiu was both loved and hated by those merchants who sold authentic Chinese medicinal herbs. On the one hand, they hoped Fang Qiu could continue fighting against counterfeits. On the other hand, they didn’t want Fang Qiu to interfere with the prices of Chinese medicinal herbs.

Apart from these situations…

As the attack on merchants of counterfeit products ended…

Some busybodies, who had recorded this event, publicized the related videos on their phones, one after another.

“Breaking news! Fang Qiu showed up in the Chinese medicinal herbs market in Jiangzhe City. There, he assisted the law enforcers to crack down on the fake and shoddy goods sellers. In one go, they caught one-fifth of the merchants who sold them in the Chinese medicinal herbs market. Notably, Fang Qiu stepped out voluntarily and told the law enforcers, ‘I’m Fang Qiu. I’ll take full responsibility for my words.’ His declaration made my blood boil! He is awesome to the extreme!

As this video went viral…

It immediately caused a small-scale but lively discussion.

“Did Fang Qiu go to the Chinese medicinal herb market to purchase herbs?”

“They deserve it! Those black-hearted merchants who sold counterfeit products should be arrested and severely punished!”

“Fang Qiu should have gone there to survey the Chinese medicinal herbs market. After all, he had just held a press conference, where he announced that he would reduce the prices of Chinese medicinal herbs by half.”

“The reality looks dreadful. I can’t believe so many people are selling shoddy drugs in the Chinese medicinal herbs market. Otherwise, how could Fang Qiu take down one-fifth of the merchants in the whole market at one time?”

“Why do I feel we can trust no one but Fang Qiu? Without him, we would have lost all faith in Chinese Medicine doctors and traditional Chinese medicine.”

The press conference was still a hot topic on the Internet with many people still having animated discussions about it.

Therefore, the news of Fang Qiu catching counterfeiters in the Chinese medicinal herbs market did not go viral initially. It only gave rise to a lot of discussions among many netizens.


Everyone thought Fang Qiu just happened to catch a batch of merchants selling fake goods when he visited the traditional Chinese medicine market.

However, the next day…

Another video popped up on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, Fang Qiu appeared in the Chinese medicinal herbs market in Zhongzhou Province. Then, like in the Jiangzhe market, many stores that sold counterfeit herbs in the Zhongzhou market were sealed, and their owners were held in custody!

As this news came out…

The topics about Fang Qiu cracking down on counterfeit herbs began to heat up on the Internet.

“This kind of thing doesn’t happen by accident. I think Fang Qiu did all of this on purpose. After he was done with one market, he would leave for his next target. He is dealing with these markets one by one.”

“It seems that he did it on purpose.”

“It’s going to be a wonderful show. Those merchants who made money when they sold inferior drugs must have caused great harm to many patients. It’s time to discipline them.”

“That’s right. I support Fang Qiu!”

Apart from these people…

Chinese medicinal herbs wholesalers located in other provinces and cities also saw the news online. All of a sudden, they could no longer sit still.

Those who sold inferior goods wasted no time closing their stores and hid all their counterfeit stocks. They feared Fang Qiu would suddenly appear in their stores one day.

There was a Chinese medicinal herbs market in one provincial capital city in Huaxia.

A person lived near the distribution center of Chinese medicinal herbs. From the news online, he learned that Fang Qiu had been fighting against the sale of sham herbs. He instantly went to the Chinese medicinal herbs market. As he strolled around this Chinese medicinal herbs market, he started taking videos.

As a result…

After he walked around the market, he found a large group of shops that belonged to these merchants in this market were closed.

He immediately uploaded the video he had just taken. Meanwhile, he notified the local police station, the National Medical Products Administration, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Fang Qiu, and the Three Billion Foundation.

He added, “My home is next to a Chinese medicinal herbs market. Look at the situation here. When the news of Fang Qiu’s crackdown on fake herbs spread widely, lots of merchants in this market immediately closed their stores. These medicine shops were still open a few days ago. Because these businessmen feared Fang Qiu would turn up, they closed their stores. I wrote down the names of these closed drug shops in a small notebook. Later, I will expose them on the Internet. Everyone, you have to pay attention to these stores when buying medicine in the future!”


As soon as the video was released on Weibo, it attracted a large number of netizens.

It added fuel to the flames of Fang Qiu’s anti-counterfeit action!

More and more people joined in to talk about it on Weibo.

“Haha, well done.”

“Brilliant blogger, I give you a thumbs up!”

“This time, in the traditional Chinese medicine market, all these black-hearted merchants will tremble with fear wherever they hear any news about Fang Qiu, their enemy. Fang Qiu has done a good job.”

“Well, everyone, hurry up and visit your local Chinese medicinal herbs market. Record the names of all the closed pharmacies. Remember not to buy medicine from those drug stores in the future. If you take shoddy drugs, you will be doomed.”

“Let’s boycott fake drugs together. We should post online all the names of the closed shops in the Chinese medicinal herbs market!”

Amid lively discussions…

Spontaneously, netizens began to boycott those black-hearted businessmen who bought and sold substandard herbs. Those who frequently consulted Chinese Medicine doctors and used traditional Chinese medicine became the fiercest critics.

Somewhere else…

While his action was heatedly discussed online, Fang Qiu went to the third provincial-level Chinese medicinal herbs market.


Upon arrival, he found no one in the Chinese medicinal herbs market. All the shops that sold fake medicine were closed.

Some stores were still operating. Each store only sold genuine medicinal herbs. Owners of these shops had never adulterated their goods by adding cheaper ones to make more money, let alone selling fake and low-quality products.

Fang Qiu knew he had achieved his goal.

He intended to punish a few as a deterrent to others.

Although his initial goal had been achieved, Fang Qiu didn’t stop there. He still went on visiting markets in different places.


He finished checking all the Chinese medicinal herbs markets in the country. When he found that all stores that carried shoddy products had closed, Fang Qiu ended his inspection trip with satisfaction.

On his way back…

Fang Qiu logged into his Weibo account with his phone and released a new post.

“#Anti-counterfeiting Combat of Traditional Chinese Medicine#My first trip to crack down on counterfeits is over for the time being. But in the next three months, I will occasionally go to each traditional Chinese medicine distribution center. Bosses who persist in selling fake products, do be careful.”

He published the new post on Weibo.

It immediately attracted a large number of passers-by and Fang Qiu’s fans.

“Well done!”

“Please pay attention to your safety. These people who make money against their conscience are evil. Since you have ruined their road for gaining monetary profits, they will find an opportunity to harm you.”

“Thank you for cleaning up the traditional Chinese medicine markets. You have created a secure and clean environment for patients like us. Thanks to your efforts, we feel safer when using traditional Chinese medicine.”

At the same time…

Countless Chinese Medicine practitioners, famous or not, reposted and liked it crazily to support Fang Qiu and his actions in cracking down on fake drugs.

Fang Qiu was still a young student, but seniors in the Chinese Medicine industry no longer treated him as a junior, based on his excellent performance in the past two years. Instead, they regarded him as a pioneer and hoped he could lead the Chinese Medicine industry to stride forward on a road full of hope!

In the northeast area…

“What a brilliant brat!”

Holy Doctor Chu saw the news online and gave a satisfied nod. Then, he called Xu Miaolin.

Right away, Xu Miaolin picked up the call from his father-in-law.

“Greetings, Mr. Chu?”

Xu Miaolin grinned and asked, “Are you thinking of me, your dear son-in-law?”


Holy Doctor Chu snorted and said, “I just called to tell you that Fang Qiu is an excellent student. It’s a pity for such a bright young guy to learn from you. It’s better to let me teach him!”

“Oh, but you never know. It won’t be long before I become a great instructor like you.”

Xu Miaolin replied with a smile.


Holy Doctor Chu’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and asked, “Will you become a holy doctor soon?”

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