The Medical Guru

Chapter 1424 - Chapter 1424 Each Displaying Their Magical Treatment Methods

Chapter 1424 Each Displaying Their Magical Treatment Methods

Before the patient…

Sam took a deep breath and gently stroked the liver model with both hands.

His actions made him look like…

A stargazer…


He touched the pottery liver model. Instantly, streams of the Qi of Heaven and Earth around him slowly moved, like wisps of smoke rising continuously from the village chimneys. Seemingly attracted by something, they surged from all directions and converged into a flow.

As he twisted with his fingertips…

The activated flow of Qi of Heaven and Earth began twirling around his fingers. It passed through the earthen liver model raised by his left hand before his chest. Then it flowed toward the patient’s chest.

As soon as they touched…

The Qi of Heaven and Earth naturally poured into the patient’s body. The treatment began.

Fang Qiu sensed these steps.

He was even more amazed.

The traditional medical skill of Hinndu was to stimulate the Qi of Heaven and Earth by making dolls. As for the Egyptt doctor, he used ancient incantations to treat patients. Now, he was surprised to see this Babyloon doctor treat his patient in a way similar to astrology.

In comparison…

It seemed only Chinese Medicine was frank and straightforward. Never had it involved in those mystic rites and ceremonies!

“How do you feel?”

While mobilizing the Qi of Heaven and Earth to treat him, Sam asked the patient.

“Not bad.”

The patient spoke up, “The pain is relieved.”


Nodding with satisfaction, Sam continued driving the Qi of Heaven and Earth to cure him.

Five minutes later…

“My chest doesn’t hurt anymore.”

The patient’s eyes suddenly lit up. He cried out in surprise, “I feel very comfortable now. Something pressing down on my chest made me very uncomfortable. Now, it seemed to have completely disappeared.”


Sam stopped, putting away the liver model in his hand. He turned his head, his face full of pride as if he had won a great honor. At this time, Fang Qiu had returned to the diagnosis desk table and sat down. Glancing at everyone, Sam finally fixed his eyes on Fang Qiu and gave him a challenging look.

Around them…

All the onlookers and patients looked at Sam in astonishment.

So did the reporters.

The therapy cost him as long as five minutes, but unlike Arya’s treatment for a cold, Sam was dealing with cardiovascular problems. The fact had not been confirmed, but judging from the patient’s physical condition, they knew it should be the case.

It was widely known that cardiovascular diseases were difficult to be cured. It was even more challenging to let the patient fully recover.

Despite all difficulties, Sam gave the patient a speedy recovery in five minutes.

Though everyone was in shock, Fang Qiu looked calm.


The young man suffered from cardiovascular disease, but it was not serious. Since he stayed up a long time without sleeping at all, his cardiovascular function was impaired, causing a slight obstruction.

When a Chinese Medicine doctor treated this patient, he would not recover so soon. Instead, the doctor would write a prescription and let the patient return to take medicine. Besides, he would tell the patient the hazards of staying up late and the possible serious diseases caused by it!

In this way, the patient would no longer stay up late or do anything harmful to his body.

Sam had cured the patient. However, before the treatment, he arrogantly told the patient he could go on staying up late when being cured. That was completely against the original intentions of doctors.

Therefore, Fang Qiu had an extremely low opinion of him!

“Let me do it.”

The South Murica representative of traditional medical skills was Antun, who had a big belly. He suddenly strode forward and said, “I can also show you something impressive. You will know how powerful our traditional medical skills are!”

As he said that…

He took out a pile of things from his backpack.

Everyone saw a tree root about 30 centimeters long. It was tied with black and white cloth strips and a bell. Besides, there was a bottle of water, a hollowed-out wood ball, and a few leaves.

“What’s troubling you?”

He walked to those patients who were lining up for treatment. Among them, a middle-aged man frequently rubbed his head with a deep frown. Antun went straight ahead and dragged the man out of the line, asking, “What ails you??”

“I have a headache.”

The middle-aged man wrinkled his nose in pain, looking very miserable.

“Let me help you.”

Antun pulled the patient to the clinic hall’s center and asked him to sit cross-legged. Then, he put the small wooden bowl before him. After that, he grabbed the small wooden stick with the bell, spread his legs, and danced around the patient.

At a glance, he looked like those frauds in the countryside of Huaxia. They claimed they could pray to gods by dancing and chanting to dispel evil or cure diseases.

When Antun jumped up and down…

He was still holding a leaf in his hand.

He kept chanting something speedily in a high-pitched voice.

The onlookers saw this.

They were flatly taken aback.

“In such a dramatic gesture?”

Some time ago, a few doctors stood there and cured their patients. Compared with them, Antun danced in an overly exaggerated way. Somehow, the others found this scene hard to accept.

However, particularly excited and curious, these reporters quickly focused their cameras on Antun. Each of them started taking photos and videos frantically!

As the center of attention…

Antun didn’t care about what others thought. He performed passionately until the dance ended. Meanwhile, he stopped chanting. When he walked to the patient, he put the leaf into the small wooden bowl filled with water.

“Drink it, and you’ll be fine.”

Antun pointed at the water in the wooden bowl and told the patient.

“A leaf?”

The patient raised his bowl and asked.

“Drink it together with the water.”

Antun replied casually.

It seemed the patient could no longer endure the terrible headache. Therefore, he raised the small wooden bowl without asking any more questions. Then, he threw his head back and gulped it all down in one go.

Everyone stared at the patient.

After drinking the water, the patient let out a long breath and put down the wooden bowl. His brows had tightly furrowed because of the unbearable pain, but they gradually became smooth.

After a while…

“It doesn’t hurt anymore?”

The patient patted his head in surprise, and his eyes opened wide in astonishment. Then, he stood up joyfully and said, “I feel no pain. My headache has gone!”

Everyone heard his words.

They all nodded with understanding, seemingly not surprised at all.

It seemed the treatment result was not as eye-catching as the process!

Like the previous doctor…

Just when Antun finished curing the patient…

He immediately turned to stare at Fang Qiu provocatively!

Opposite him…

Fang Qiu remained calm and collected.

Although he didn’t show it on his face, Fang Qiu sort of approved this treatment. After watching the few doctors’ performances, only this one could be considered normal — the Qi of Heaven and Earth directly touched the human body.

Fang Qiu felt the change when Antun began to dance. As he danced, the surrounding Qi of Heaven and Earth surged over and poured into the leaf in his hand. Then, when the leaf was put into the wooden bowl, it led the Qi of Heaven and Earth into the water.

When the patient drank the water, he took in the Qi of Heaven and Earth Antun had gathered!

It was indeed the only therapy in which the Qi of Heaven and Earth touched the patient’s body.

With a smug look, he glared at Fang Qiu aggressively. Antun put away his tools on the ground and returned to where he stood.

Naturally, everyone’s eyes fell on Antonio, the Mayia descendant of ancient medical skills!

Three people arrived.

Two of them had shown their medical skills. It should be his turn now.

The reporters turned their cameras on him.

Fang Qiu also looked over curiously.

The ancient Mayia civilization had always been mysterious and attractive. So, what about its medical skills?

Fang Qiu had learned about the Mayia civilization in history class.

In his memory…

The history book recorded that Mayia Medicine had its origins in Mexicco. It was also called Indane Traditional Medicine.

In Mexicco, there were 10 million Indane people used to receiving Mayia Medicine.

Mayia Medicine had a mysterious wizard feature.

According to the records…

The natural philosophy of Mayia civilization believed gods created humankind after building the world. Gods lay restraints on human souls, while the wind between heaven and earth restricts human bodies. Therefore, human diseases are the punishment from gods, the invasion of wind, and the accumulation of negative emotions!

Based on the three factors, Mayia Medicine was born.

In the historical records…

Mayia Medicine contains many methods, including the light stone diagnosis, crystal ball diagnosis, egg diagnosis, and incense-burning diagnosis.

Some records of these methods were in history books, but none were completely recorded.

It was because these diagnosis methods were all regarded as witchcraft.

Just because there were no more records…

Fang Qiu was curious about them.

He knew what had happened to Mayia Medicine. Since Spyain conquered Mayia in 1521, it violently destroyed its culture and books. Then, the teaching of Mayia Medicine went underground and gradually declined.

It had been about 500 years.

What Mayia Medicine had changed into?

In the clinic hall…

Antonio came out. After putting his tools in place, he went straight to the queue of patients. He saw a person who looked dreadful and seemed to be in pain. Without asking any questions, he pulled him out, took him to the clinic hall’s center, and asked him to sit down.


Antonio sat down before the man. From the tools he had prepared in advance, he chose a smooth stone and placed it between him and the patient. Then he narrowed his eyes and stared at the stone intently. It looked as if he was sensing something or communicating with the stone.

This situation lasted for 30 seconds.

Then Antonio raised his head and said to the patient, “I already know what’s wrong with you. You don’t have to say anything. Just let me treat you.”

After that…

Antonio took out a thorn made of a wild turkey bone. First, he took off the patient’s upper clothes. Then he gently pricked the patient a few times and performed bloodletting.

Blood began to gush out from the patient. At this moment, he picked up a piece of yellow paper and soaked it with the patient’s blood. Then he returned and sat cross-legged again before the patient. After taking out a copper container, he put the yellow paper into it, lit it up, and let it burn!

When the paper was burned out…

The wounds he made on the patient’s body had all healed. The patient, who had a painful look, stood up in surprise. Glancing around the crowd blankly, he asked, “I’m all right now?”

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