The Medical Guru

Chapter 1476 - Chapter 1476 Someone Is in the Water!

Chapter 1476 Someone Is in the Water!


Nourished by internal Qi, the internal injury in Bu Chunqiu’s lungs began healing gradually.

At the beginning of the treatment, Bu Chunqiu kept coughing. Then, he coughed less and less. In the end, his coughing miraculously stopped.


Fang Qiu withdrew his palms from the highly-skilled doctor Bu Chunqiu’s back and smiled, saying, “Senior Bu, I think you won’t cough again.”


Bu Chunqiu was slightly stunned at his words. Then he noticed he seemed to have stopped coughing.

Before the treatment…

He would cough violently after a few words.

But now, a few minutes had passed, but he had no intention of coughing.

Could it be that he was fully recovered?

Bu Chunqiu and other highly-skilled doctors were stunned. Yi Banxian even stepped forward to feel Bu Chunqiu’s pulse.

“What a brilliant guy!”

Right after taking his pulse, Yi Banxian widened his eyes. Surprised, he looked at Fang Qiu and said, “The invisible injury on Old Bu’s lung is gone?”

Hearing this, everyone went forward to measure his pulse.

After their thorough investigations…

They confirmed the highly-skilled doctor Bu Chunqiu’s internal injury had been cured.

“Ahhh, I’ve been recuperating for many years but didn’t get any better. How did you make it?”

Bu Chunqiu asked in surprise.

The others also watched Fang Qiu curiously.

Around them…

Other members of the medical assistance team also came up. All their eyes were focused on Fang Qiu’s face when they waited for his answer.

“Well, I used Qi.”

Fang Qiu hurriedly explained, “Qi was added to the treatment. Others mobilize Qi in humans with medicine, needles, or chiropractic. But because I have practiced Qi, I can directly mobilize it.”

When the ten highly-skilled doctors heard his words…

They suddenly understood it and looked at Fang Qiu with appreciation.

“A young talent indeed .”

Bu Chunqiu exclaimed with joy.

It was his old weakness for many years. But with a few moves, a junior cured it. Bu Chunqiu felt delighted and proud.

It meant the bright future of Huaxia Chinese Medicine.


The highly-skilled doctors praised Fang Qiu in their hearts.

Doctors in ancient times might mobilize Qi in Chinese Medicine. However, Chinese Medicine had declined, and various medical skills had been lost. In recent hundreds of years, no one could cure diseases with Qi.

He didn’t expect Fang Qiu to be so potent.

Not to mention other things…

He could cure diseases with Qi.

These highly-skilled doctors would admire him for this skill alone.

After all, Qi could not be easily gained at will. It required talent and the great power of determined will!

“Is there such a way to treat patients?”

“I’ve long heard you let the whole world know the existence of Qi. But we have never felt Qi, not to mention utilizing it.”

“Yeah. Enlighten us on the spot. Shall we learn it?”

“I also want to study the method of practicing Qi.”

The other 19 members of the medical assistance team came forward, asking for advice.


Fang Qiu and the highly-skilled doctors began explaining the Qi in Chinese Medicine to these people. It was a medical aid team of thirty people. When team members communicated with each other, the academic atmosphere was electric.

Over there…

Thirty members of the Western Medicine team came over.

They were surprised to see Fang Qiu cure Bu Chunqiu’s hidden disease. Such a disease was almost incurable in Western Medicine.

If they had to treat it, an operation was necessary.


Fang Qiu just made a simple move and cured the disease without medicine.

They were amazed at Chinese Medicine’s magic power.


Out of curiosity, these Western Medicine doctors stood aside, listening to those Chinese Medicine doctors discussing their academic issues. The more they heard, the more astonished they became.

Soon after…

It was time to board the plane.

There came the staff of the airport and the emergency management. With their cooperation, everyone began orderly boarding the plane.

At the airport…

Many reporters had been waiting to take photos when Fang Qiu and the others boarded the plane.

These doctors walked out of the VIP lounge at the airport.

Without a doubt, the whole Chinese Medicine team was exposed to all the reporters’ cameras. At once, these reporters waiting for them began taking photos deftly.

Of course…

As reporters, they were focused on photographing the popular Fang Qiu spontaneously.

All photos centered around Fang Qiu.

Fang Qiu was highlighted in their pictures.

In particular, Fang Qiu had been considerate and modest to these elders. These reporters recorded all the touching moves Fang Qiu had made unintentionally.

Soon after…

These photos were all uploaded to the Internet.

In addition to the photos, reporters interpreted Fang Qiu’s various small movements. They rained praises on Fang Qiu and especially commended his respectful and modest attitude toward the seniors.


Numerous netizens reposted these photos.

Many people commented on these pictures.

“Fang Qiu is nice and very modest. I wish them a safe trip! They can save many more people.”

“All nationalities should confront natural disasters together. I bless them and pray for the people in the stricken area!”

“Huaxia is such a country full of love. That’s why I love my country so much. I wish my compatriots all the best. I hope you can save more people.”

This time, the comments were very positive.

No troll dared to argue against them at this time.

In addition to praising Fang Qiu, everyone prayed for those in the disaster area.

After all…

The disaster brought by the super typhoon was awful.

On the plane, they stopped talking and took a rest to adjust their state.

Whether Chinese Medicine or Western Medicine doctors…

Everyone on the plane knew very well: their combat would begin once the plane landed. It would be a battle against death. Therefore, they had to adjust their state and go all out to fight!

A few hours later…

The plane landed safely at an emergency airport set up temporarily.

Since the spacious airport was built in a high place, the super typhoon had not done very much harm to it.


This group got off the plane and boarded the transport plane sent by the Phlippeanes government. They could clearly see everything on the ground through the plane’s windows.

Almost all the coastal areas below were submerged by the water.

Ocean waves smashed cars and houses.

Some buildings had even collapsed into fragments, and everything was scattered about in a mess. They could only see a scene of complete devastation. This place looked less like a city than a ruin.

It looked as if this city had gone through a war without gunpowder.

As Fang Qiu saw these scenes, his heart sank.

A natural calamity…

It was even more terrifying than a war,

Why would a lot of people think wars shouldn’t exist? The universe seems to be quite ruthless to living beings. How could humans initiatively start wars?

Not just Fang Qiu…

Others also watched these tragic scenes with sinking hearts.

No one had expected it.

How could a typhoon cause such terrible consequences?

“Hello, dear members of the Huaxia rescue team. I’m a staff member of the emergency department in Phlippeanes. You can call me Jacques. On behalf of all the people in Phlippeanes, I sincerely thank you for your rescue mission.

“Thanks for Huaxia’s help.

“But the typhoon has just passed this area. It might move to other places. You might be in danger since we can’t predict its direction.

“I hope all of you take extra security precautions. Thank you again.”

Someone on the transport plane broadcast in unskilled Huaxia language.

After that…

A middle-aged man with a very high forehead came out. He greeted and thanked everyone.

Just then…

“Someone is down there.”

Fang Qiu had been observing the situation on the ground. Suddenly, he frowned and said, “Someone is in the water below!”

When everyone in the cabin heard his words…

They were stunned.

People sitting by the windows looked down but found no one.

“Believe me. Someone is down there.”

With a deep frown, Fang Qiu said, “I saw it clearly. Lower the plane to save the person.”


Members of the Huaxia emergency management department believed in Fang Qiu. No one saw the person, but since Fang Qiu was so sure, it was improper to deny it. Immediately, a man stood up and approached Jacques to communicate with him.

When Jacques heard the words of this official from Huaxia…

He was also surprised. In a hurry, he walked to the window and checked the situation. However, he couldn’t see anything at all.

“There is a person. You must lower the place without delay.”

Fang Qiu was anxious and said, ” A human life depends on us. We could save him!”

Jacques heard this.

He had no choice but to ask the pilot to lower the plane and let it hover over this area.


As soon as the plane flew lower, everyone saw a person in the water lying on a branch of a big tree. It must be the typhoon that pulled up the large tree by the roots. This person seemed to be holding something in his hand.

“Do you have a parachute?”

Fang Qiu asked when seeing the person.


Jacques also said anxiously, “This is an emergency transport plane. It is not equipped with parachutes.”

Everyone heard this desperate answer.

They were instantly dumbfounded.

How could they save the person without a parachute?


Since they had already seen this situation, they couldn’t just watch the person die, could they?

For a moment…

Everyone frowned and began to think of a solution.

Just then…

“I’ll go!”

Fang Qiu thought he couldn’t wait any longer. At once, he stood up and said, “Captain, please lower the plane and try to get as close to the ground as possible. This place is covered with seawater. When the plane is close enough to the water surface, I can jump off it.”

“Are you crazy?”

The Huaxia official suddenly panicked.

How dare he let Fang Qiu jump down like this?

“It is okay.”

Fang Qiu shook his head and said, “We have ropes. I can go down by pulling the rope. When the plane descends to a certain height, I can go down a distance with the rope. Then, I believe I can reach the person.”


Fang Qiu rummaged through the supplies brought by the emergency management. He found a strong and long rope from them and fastened it to somewhere.

“After I save this person, please pull me up.”

With this…

The plane descended again.

The typhoon had destroyed almost all the high-rise buildings in this city. Therefore, the pilot in command of this transport plane dared to lower it to about twenty meters above the ground.

Fang Qiu grabbed the rope and jumped down!

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