The Medical Guru

Chapter 1495 - Chapter 1495 He Can be A Highly-skilled Doctor

Chapter 1495 He Can be A Highly-skilled Doctor

After the ten highly-skilled doctors determined the therapy…

Then, they personally decocted the herbs for the patients.

After the patient took the medicinal potion, the ten highly-skilled doctors observed him outside the isolation room. They wanted to see this patient’s changes and if he was getting better.


After they waited for a long time, nothing happened.

It proved that there might be something wrong with the prescription made by the ten highly-skilled doctors.

For a moment…

The ten highly-skilled doctors couldn’t help frowning.

They made this prescription after a lengthy consultation. No one had expected it to be ineffective.


They were all highly-skilled doctors.

There were only 51 highly-skilled doctors in Huaxia and the world!


In the rescue station…

The local official found Fang Qiu.

“I heard that your medical skills are the best in Huaxia. I’ve also heard about what you have done in Murica. Please go out and see that patient as soon as possible.”

Fang Qiu was diagnosing his patient. Hearing that, he instantly found another Chinese Medicine doctor to take his place. Then, he went out with the local official.

Fang Qiu didn’t ask any questions.

Since the local official had come to ask for his help, the consultation of the ten highly-skilled doctors did not work.


Outside the isolation room, the ten highly-skilled doctors frowned. Seeing the local official coming out of the rescue station with Fang Qiu, they couldn’t help smiling wryly.

Of course, they didn’t blame the local official. After all, they didn’t cure the patient in the first place.

The earlier they found a cure for the infectious disease, the better.


The local official certainly would take the initiative to invite Fang Qiu over.

Soon, Fang Qiu and the local official came to the door of the isolation room.


Fang Qiu first nodded to the ten highly-skilled doctors. Then, he entered the isolation room and felt the patient’s pulse. Meanwhile, he performed the Four Methods to Diagnose a Disease.

The examination was over.

Fang Qiu also frowned.

He walked out of the isolation room.


Yi Banxian stepped forward and handed Fang Qiu a prescription, saying, “This is the prescription that the ten old guys worked out together. Is there any problem?”

Fang Qiu took it and had a look.

There was indeed nothing wrong with it, but why was it ineffective?

Fang Qiu felt extremely puzzled.

Looking at the prescription made by the ten highly-skilled doctors, Fang Qiu was lost in thought.

Of course…

He was not thinking about why this prescription was ineffective. Instead, he had been flipping through the ancient prescriptions in his mind. While searching among these prescriptions, he constantly combined the same type of prescriptions.

Seeing that Fang Qiu was deep in thought, they didn’t want to disturb him and waited quietly.

After some time…

Fang Qiu pulled himself out of his thoughts.

“Seniors, I want to change the prescription.”

Fang Qiu said.


Hearing this, the ten highly-skilled doctors frowned in unison.

In Chinese Medicine, there were rules for changing prescriptions.

It was natural for a master to change his disciple’s prescription. Doctors with superior skills could also alter the prescriptions of the less competent ones. However, how could a young man modify the prescription of many experienced Chinese Medicine doctors? Besides, they were all highly-skilled doctors.

That didn’t sound right.


The ten highly-skilled doctors also knew why Fang Qiu made such a request. He didn’t mean to offend them but did this to heal the patient and find a cure for this disease. Therefore, after a start, they let go of the negative thought.

“How do you want to change it?”

The highly-skilled doctor Li Zhengtang came forward and said, “During the consultation, we discussed for a long time and made this prescription. After all, there is no precedent for such a contagious disease.”

“Change it.”

The highly-skilled doctor Bu Chunqiu nodded and said, “Write down the prescription in your mind and let us old guys study it.”


Without hesitation, Fang Qiu found a piece of paper and a pen. Quickly, he wrote down the prescription he thought of and handed it to the ten highly-skilled doctors.

As soon as the ten highly-skilled doctors got the prescription…

They gathered together and began to study it.

However, some highly-skilled doctors kept nodding during the process, while some repeatedly shook their heads. There seemed to be both reasonable and unreasonable points.

They studied it for a long while.

“Young man, come here.”

Yi Banxian waved to Fang Qiu and asked, “How did you come up with this prescription? What’s your treatment idea with this prescription?”

“I combined ideas from the ancient book of prescriptions that Yu Qing gave me and made this prescription.”

Fang Qiu replied, “Here’s what I’m thinking. The rhizome of Chuanxiong, mahuang, bugbane, radix Puerariae, purple perilla, the root of Dahurain angelica, and rhizoma cyperi have distinct medicinal fragrances. They can stimulate the flow of vital energy, resolve the exterior, and dissipate cold.”

“When peony is added, the prescription can gather yin energy and suppress sweat. With the rhizome of wind-weed, it can treat yin deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and nourishing the blood. The pathogenic heat would be harmful to nutritive Qi. Thus, we should add the root of herbaceous peony to regulate and nourish the blood. In addition, the root of large-flowered skullcap could clear dryness-heat while the root of licorice could reconcile various ingredients…”

Fang Qiu explained in detail.

The ten highly-skilled doctors listened carefully.

The more they heard, the more firmly they believed Fang Qiu’s words.

Fang Qiu explained the property of medicine and the auxiliary functions of each medicinal herb in his prescription. Moreover, the functions of different compatibility of medicines did not conflict. Instead, the effect of these medicines was enhanced.

After that…

The ten highly-skilled doctors looked at each other and kept nodding.

They could tell that…

Fang Qiu made this prescription based on the strengths of all quarters.

There seemed to be reasonable and unreasonable aspects. But after they listened to his explanation, those unreasonable points surprisingly became reasonable. As for those reasonable things, they became even more credible to them.

This discovery lit up the eyes of the highly-skilled doctors.

“I think this prescription is pretty good.”

Yu Qing made no attempt to hide his admiration for Fang Qiu and said, “We can try this prescription!”

“Sounds not bad.”

Bu Chunqiu also nodded. He looked around at the others and asked, “What do you think?”

“That’s it!”

Yi Banxian said, “The ten of us have been studying the case for so long, but we haven’t found anything useful. The prescription has practical concepts and steps for treatment. There is no need to doubt it. The result will come out after we try it, right?”

After he said that…

The other highly-skilled doctors nodded in agreement.

Seemingly, when facing such a contagious disease, all the highly-skilled doctors chose to focus on the disease. No one cared if a young junior surpassed them.

After they confirmed it…

Fang Qiu went to get the herbs from the rescue station.

Then, he decocted the potion himself!

Half an hour later…

The medicinal potion was ready. Fang Qiu poured out a bowl of it. After cooling it, he sent it to the isolation room and asked the patient to drink it.

The ten highly-skilled doctors observed the patient’s condition outside the isolation room through the window.


All their faces were full of expectations. They were looking forward to seeing the remarkable effect of Fang Qiu’s prescription.

If it didn’t work, they might not prevent the expansion of the disease in time.

The patient finished drinking the potion.

Fang Qiu immediately walked out of the isolation room and watched with others.

Five minutes passed by, but nothing happened to the patient.

After five minutes…

The patient’s complexion began to change. He looked better and better. Gradually, his color rose.

When everyone saw this…

They became more anxious to see the good result.

Obviously, the prescription made by Fang Qiu began to take effect. However, this small effect was not enough to fully prove that the prescription was effective. Whether it worked or not depended on the situation later.

Fang Qiu immediately went in to examine the patient.


After the examination, he found that his prescription was indeed effective.

The patient was much better, and his physical condition was improved continuously.

When Fang Qiu was aware of this…

He immediately smiled and waved to the ten highly-skilled doctors outside the isolation room.

Seeing this, the ten highly-skilled doctors also walked in.

Full of curiosity and expectations, the ten highly-skilled doctors took the patient’s pulse to examine him.

But before the ten highly-skilled doctors finished their examination, the patient sat up on the bed. He was no longer as powerless and painful as before. Instead, he thanked Fang Qiu with tremendous excitement and happiness.

When doctors checked up on him again…

He was alright!

The patient had completely recovered.

This time, the ten highly-skilled doctors were all surprised. No one had expected Fang Qiu’s prescription to be so effective.

Of course…

The ten highly-skilled doctors generously delivered all kinds of compliments to Fang Qiu.

“No wonder you are called a miracle-working doctor. Well done.”

Yang Juanyong laughed and said.

“In reality and name, he is the most outstanding talent of the younger generation in Huaxia Chinese Medicine. He is the hope of our Chinese Medicine.”

Yi Banxian said.

“I thought you were only good at boneset, but I didn’t expect you to be an expert in utilizing herbs.”

Li Zhengtang also said with a gratified smile.

“This prescription is excellent.”

Zhou Shizhan, the highly-skilled doctor, patted Fang Qiu on the shoulder, saying, “Merely because of your excellent skills in choosing medicinal materials, you can be a highly-skilled doctor.”

Before that…

Zhou Shizhan had witnessed Fang Qiu’s profound understanding of poison. With his remarkable ability to make prescriptions, Fang Qiu could credibly be called a highly-skilled doctor.

“Besides his ability in choosing herbs, he can be regarded as a highly-skilled doctor because of his excellent acupuncture skills.”

The highly-skilled doctor Yu Qing said.

When the others heard that…

They suddenly remembered something. Not long ago, Fang Qiu cured a patient with the long-lost flying acupuncture method of flying needles driving Qi. With his impressive acupuncture skill and profound study in acupuncture, he was qualified to become a highly-skilled doctor.

The local official had invited over many Chinese Medicine doctors and doctors of brightness for help. When they heard those highly-skilled doctors’ compliments for Fang Qiu, they couldn’t help looking at Fang Qiu enviously.

In their eyes…

Every talent with great fame must be worthy of the name.

Since Fang Qiu enjoyed such a great reputation, he must be a talent of immense capacity.


The ten highly-skilled doctors wrote a new prescription based on Fang Qiu’s prescription. It could strengthen people’s bodies to prevent the spread of the plague.

After they finished writing the prescription…

The ten highly-skilled doctors handed over the two prescriptions to the Huaxia leader.

When receiving the two prescriptions, the Huaxia leader was amazed. It was difficult to define the plague, and he didn’t hold out much hope for a cure for this infectious disease. He only hoped that his people here wouldn’t be infected.

Even though he knew Fang Qiu was here, he didn’t expect anything like this. After all, how could the plague be handled so easily?

But against all his expectations…

The treatment for this plague had been successfully developed.

Without hesitation…

And pleasantly surprised…

The Huaxia leader handed over the two prescriptions to the Phlippeanes authorities and asked them to treat patients with the two prescriptions.

These Phlippeanes officials were also afraid that the plague would spread. Therefore, they immediately began to use the two prescriptions from Huaxia upon receiving them.

As expected, these methods worked.

In this case, the news that the Huaxia rescue team found a solution to the plague immediately spread to all the other medical aid stations in Phlippeanes!

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