The Medical Guru

Chapter 1803 - Chapter 1803 Does Fang Qiu Participate in the Training?

Chapter 1803 Does Fang Qiu Participate in the Training?

“Do I have to attend the training?”

Hearing the saleswoman’s words, Fang Qiu was even more curious.

“It’s just running a franchise store. Why is the franchisee required to join the training?”

Fang Qiu wondered.

What was the so-called training like?

“Of course, you have to be trained.”

With a natural smile, the saleswoman said, “Wuji Health Products Company is very famous in the industry. You may think it seems easy to become a franchisee of our health products store. But in fact, in case of your intention to become a franchisee, you are required to go through our company’s training. You cannot get the franchise of our Wuji health products until you are confirmed to be qualified.”

“Where am I going to be trained?”

Fang Qiu asked.

“Well, if you’re sure you want to become a franchisee, you have to pay me part of the deposit here. After that, I’ll arrange for you to participate in the training.”

The saleswoman said.

“Okay, I am in.”

Fang Qiu immediately nodded and asked, “How much deposit is required?”

“The franchise deposit is 7,500 yuan.”

The saleswoman pulled Fang Qiu to the cashier counter of the store, handed Fang Qiu a form, and said, “Please fill in this form accordingly. After you pay the deposit, I’ll take care of the rest.”

Fang Qiu immediately began filling in the form.

Of course…

The content was all made up casually on the spot by Fang Qiu.

He handed the completed form to the saleswoman.

“It’s a little late today. Please leave me your phone number, and I’ll contact you tomorrow morning,” the saleswoman took the form and said.

Then she asked, “How would you like to pay the franchise deposit, by credit card or cash?”

“By cash.”

Without hesitation, Fang Qiu took out a stack of one-hundred-yuan bills. After taking out 2,500 yuan, he handed over the rest of the money to the saleswoman.

“Done. Please go back and wait for the notice.”

After receiving the money, the saleswoman said with a satisfied smile.

Fang Qiu left.

That night, Fang Qiu received a text message from the saleswoman.

It clearly mentioned the time and place of the meeting tomorrow in the text message.

“Time: 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.

“Place: The base of Wuji Health Products Company, Jiangjing.”

The base was located in a building in the suburbs of Jiangjing.

At four o’clock the next morning.

Fang Qiu’s cell phone rang.


Fang Qiu answered the call.

“Good morning, Sir. May I know if you are Li Xin, a new franchisee of Wuji’s health products recommended by Ms. Huang?”

A voice was heard from the other end of the line.

“Yes, I am.”

Fang Qiu immediately responded.

“Okay. Please come to the meeting place that Ms. Huang informed you right now. We’re leaving in an hour.”

Fang Qiu heard the urging voice from the other end of the line. “There’s only one meeting a month. If you miss it this time, you’ll have to wait until next month.”

“Okay, I’ll be right there.”

Fang Qiu, who was in the middle of the morning exercise, put away his cell phone. Then he disguised himself a little bit and headed to the appointed location quickly.

When he arrived at the place…

Fang Qiu found that it was not an address of the company at all.

Instead, there was only one bus. On the bus window, it was labeled, ” Wuji Franchise Group”.

Fang Qiu got on the bus.

Fang Qiu chose a seat in the front row and sat down.

After waiting for ten minutes, others arrived one by one and filled up the seats on the bus. At five o’clock in the early morning, the bus set off.

As soon as the bus started the engine, a woman who had been sitting next to Fang Qiu stood up.

With a microphone in her hand, she began to talk like a guide of a tour group.

In general, the content she talked about was similar to what Fang Qiu had heard yesterday in the health products direct-sale store. She kept praising the Wuji health products.

It was not just this woman.

When the woman finished speaking, the man in the next seat stood up to take the microphone and started his speech.

In this way…

People on the bus took turns to give a speech.

“As a veteran franchisee of Wuji Company, I have made a lot of money, but for me, what I really want is not to rely on Wuji to make money. I have always thought that the most important thing is to make myself and the people around me healthy.”

There were many similar speeches, and many people said that they had really obtained health after joining Wuji Company.

After these veteran franchisees finished speaking…

All the newcomers, including Fang Qiu, were asked to stand up and talk about their experiences. Even if they stammered and uttered out a few sentences, all the people on the bus would burst into warm applause under the organization of the veteran franchisees and cheer, “Good! Very good! Excellent!”

Fang Qiu saw it clearly. Influenced by the enthusiasm of these veteran franchisees, the other newcomers who got on the bus for the first time like Fang Qiu became confident soon, as if their vanity had been satisfied.

It was just like this along the way.

They finally arrived at the destination.

After the bus stopped, Fang Qiu found that it was a factory that looked very common and remote, and It didn’t look like a big company at all.

“Next, I’ll show you around our Wuji Museum and production workshop.”

After entering the factory…

They were led to walk into a room.

In the room, it displayed various praise reports about Wuji’s health products, as well as various magical effects and so on.

After visiting all this, Fang Qiu and the others were taken to the workshop.

The factory staff were working on a production line right now.

It seemed that this was the only production line in the whole factory workshop.

There was no detailed introduction.

After a simple tour of the production workshop, everyone was taken out.


Fang Qiu and the others were taken to a classroom-like conference room and began to have a meeting.

They hadn’t even had breakfast yet.

After entering the conference room, those people began to talk about how good Wuji’s concept was and how effective the products were in various ways of exaggerating, sensational, and exciting.

In the morning, they emphasized that health was the most important thing.

But here, those who just bragged excitedly began to constantly advertise that Wuji could easily help people realize their financial freedom and reach the peak of their lives and careers.

In the meanwhile, they shared various magical stories throughout the conference.

After those few leaders finished speaking, they began to incite everyone to call out slogans, applaud, and dance with them.

The entire atmosphere was simply exaggerated good!

The meeting lasted for a few hours.

Finally, they had a very simple breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone was called to gather together again and continue the meeting.

When the evening came…

They stopped to have dinner.

After dinner, they continued to have the meeting.

The meeting finally ended at past 10:00 p.m.

Everyone was very tired.

When they were assigned to their rooms to rest, those so-called “veteran franchisees” and “tutors” came to the room where Fang Qiu and others spent the night, asking them to share their feelings for the whole day.

After they shared their feelings respectively, those “veteran franchisees” and “tutors” gave them comments.

Early the next morning.

They were woken up to continue the meeting, which lasted until sunset. Then the group of people got on the bus again to go home.

Of course…

On the way back downtown, they had been sharing and giving speeches.

Fang Qiu noticed a few people, who were not good with words when they came here yesterday, became very active on the return bus. They looked not tired at all and were talking about their feelings in giddy moods.

As for the practice after the training, Fang Qiu heard it clearly after a whole day’s meeting.

To put it bluntly…

They needed to pull more people to join in.

As a newcomer, if Fang Qiu pulled two people to pay the franchise fee, he could get a reward of 910 yuan once. If these two people pulled another two people in, Fang Qiu could get another reward of 910 yuan twice, which was up to 2,730 yuan. With the extra 3,000 yuan called the “cost return prize”, he could get a total of 5,730 yuan soon.

In this way, Fang Qiu could earn back more than half of the 7,500 yuan franchise fee he paid at the beginning.

Later on…

When Fang Qiu’s lower-level franchisees developed new memberships and the one who developed Fang Qiu to be the franchisee got the reward, Fang Qiu could obtain commissions according to certain conditions and proportions, which was what those veteran franchisees called “take 10% from the upper-level and 20%, 50%, and 80% from the lower-levels.”

Use Wuji Company insiders’ metaphor…

It was like building a toll station on the road. All passing vehicles had to pay the toll for it!

Among them, there were also various bonuses, up to dozens of items.

Besides, there were also grades of managers, senior managers, crown managers, and so on. They used all kinds of methods to arouse the public emotions, luring them to completely enter a state of excitement because of their imaginations.

Fang Qiu found such advocacy and incitement terrifying.

This was totally brainwashing!

Back in Jiangjing…

After getting off the bus, Fang Qiu took a taxi back to college.

On the way to college…

Fang Qiu logged into Weibo with his cell phone and posted an updated Weibo, “I participated in their training meeting and was almost brainwashed!”

For such a training meeting…

Fang Qiu truly felt that the brainwashing tactics of the Wuji Health Products Company were really powerful.

Based on Fang Qiu’s personal experience this time…

No one could stand such brainwashing at all, whoever it was. As long as one was involved in it, he would soon completely fall into it.

It felt no different from a pyramid sale.

With Fang Qiu’s updated Weibo released…

It immediately attracted a lot of netizens to leave messages in the comments.

“What? Even Legendary Fang Qiu was almost brainwashed!”

“In my opinion, we should congratulate this health products direct sales company for getting Legendary Fang Qiu involved.”

“Why does it sound so scary?”

“How dare they brainwash Legendary Fang Qiu? They are so awesome!”

With the heated discussion on Weibo…


This matter went viral on Weibo.

When the owners of the health products direct sales companies in the market saw this sudden hot topic, they were all dumbfounded.


“Fang Qiu participated in the training!”

“Which company held the training? How ignorant they are!”

For a moment…

All the health products direct sales companies started an investigation one after another.

These direct sales companies all knew very well what the situation was like in such a meeting. In case it was exposed by Fang Qiu, they would be all doomed.

In the meanwhile…

Fang Qiu also knew very well that these direct sales companies held such a meeting to exaggerate the therapeutic effect of the health products and then hook the participants with profits. If the participants wanted to make a fortune quickly, they would naturally bite at the bait.

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