Outside the golden body hall, it looks like a palace made of loess.

But after entering the gate of the hall.

The scenery inside is very different from that outside.

It was a long tunnel.

It's like a cave.

It's dark inside. I can't see my fingers.

Moreover, the tunnel is very long, and there are many signs of fighting along the way.

There are still a lot of bodies in the tunnel.

I don't know whether these bodies were injured by the mechanism of the tunnel or killed each other for the sake of treasure.

Soon, ye Youran and the three of them reached a mountainside.

There are many stone gates in the mountainside.

The stone gate is tightly closed, and I don't know where the other end of the stone gate leads.

There are many people gathered here. Some people have obviously chosen a stone gate to enter.

But more people are watching here.

Because many people chose the stone gate and screamed not long after they went in.

It can be seen that those stone gates are very dangerous.

No one dares to be careless about things related to their own lives.

So these people are waiting.

Waiting for others to explore the way and find a relatively safe way.

"Ye Youran, what should I do? Which stone gate should I choose to enter?"

Mrs. Ya also had no idea. She habitually asked ye Youran.

Ye Youran's strength is stronger than her, so she is willing to listen to ye Youran's arrangement.

"Little master Liujing, which stone gate do you think is better?"

Ye Youran thought for a moment and asked the little monk Liujing.

Ye Youran is not familiar with it at all.

Ye Youran naturally doesn't know which stone gate to choose.

"Benefactor Ye is a person with great luck. I listen to benefactor Ye's arrangement."

The little monk said with a smile.

It seems that he is very confident in ye Youran.

This makes ye Youran a little embarrassed.

But ye Youran thought about it and was calm.

As little monk Liujing said.

Ye Youran has had good luck since he soared.

Being surrounded by so many immortals in the soaring pool, ye leisurely can escape from the sky.

Moreover, ye Youran seems to have good luck on the way to the golden body tomb.

So ye leisurely thought and picked up an oval stone from the ground.

Ye Youran spins on the ground with a stone.

The oval stone finally stopped, and the thinner end just pointed to an insignificant stone gate.

There is a word written on the top of the stone gate: death.

There are eight stone gates, each with a word on it.

It's arranged according to the eight gates of Qimen dunjia.

They are rest, life, injury, Du, Jing, death, shock and opening eight doors.

Ye Youran is not familiar with Qimen dunjia.

But ye Youran knows the basic knowledge of Qimen dunjia.

For example, opening, resting and giving birth are three auspicious doors.

Death, shock and injury are the three evil doors.

The last Dumen and Jingmen are flat doors.

In principle, it should be relatively safe to choose to open the three auspicious doors of rest.

Of course, many people have chosen these three auspicious doors before.

But without exception, all of them screamed. It can be seen that the three auspicious doors don't seem safe.

What makes Ye leisurely embarrassed is.

He chose death by luck.

No one dares to choose the death gate, because you know it's a fierce gate by name.

"Little master Liujing, look at this..."

Ye Youran looked at little monk Liujing with some hesitation.

"Emptiness is color, color is emptiness, emptiness, emptiness, emptiness, emptiness and emptiness. Everything has its own number."

Liu Jing said quietly.

Ye Youran has heard a lot about the similar wheels of Buddhists.

Listen to the little monk, I'm still willing to respect Ye leisurely.

In that case, ye Youran simply did not hesitate.

Ye Youran's previous dialogue with little monk Liujing also attracted many people's ideas.

But ye Youran chose the dead door.

They looked hesitantly, but did not dare to go in with ye Youran.

Ye Youran is too lazy to take care of them.

After pushing open the stone gate.

Ye Youran walked in.

"Be careful."

However, ye Youran just walked in.

Ye Youran sipped.

Because another arrow suddenly appeared out of thin air and shot at ye Youran.

Ye Youran's reaction was not bad.

One body is to grasp the arrow in his hand.

After landing, ye Youran was on guard, but there was no danger.

Then the three continued to deepen.

Ye Youran and others didn't go in long.

Many people in the mountainside began to choose the same Death Gate as ye Youran.

Because there is no scream of Ye Youran and others, at least it shows that the dead door is safe.

Ye Youran and others heard the noise behind.

But ye leisurely and they are too lazy to pay attention.

The three of Ye Youran continued to move forward, and soon those behind caught up.

The whole tunnel is filled with people.

And the danger never reappeared.

Just when ye Youran and they guessed where the dead door led.

Suddenly, the earth collapsed.

The ground of the whole tunnel suddenly disappeared.

Ye Youran and others were all quenched and fell to the bottom of the tunnel.

It seems that there is a bottomless abyss below.

"Ah! It's dead. It's dead."

"I knew I wouldn't listen to the little monk's nonsense. I chose the dead door. Isn't it self seeking death?"

"It's over, it's over, we're all going to die."

Everyone panicked.

Because there seems to be no end below, everyone keeps falling.

Even ye Youran is no exception.

It is reasonable to say that in the fairyland, as long as the strong in the real fairyland can fly in the air.

Maybe the flying distance can't be too far, but ordinary cliffs can't fall dead. The strong man of real fairyland is right.

But it's different here.

It's dark here, and it seems that there is a huge force attracting them below.

Even ye Youran couldn't get rid of such attraction, and he kept falling.

Even ye Youran's iron wing can't stabilize his body.

Still falling uncontrollably.

I don't know how long it took.

Ye Youran, they finally stopped and fell.

All fell into a cave.

This is a huge cave. It is no longer dark and bright as day.

Ye Youran and others fell seven meat and eight vegetables.

Many people also broke bones like mortals and lay on the ground crying.

Ye Youran and little monk Liujing were not hurt.

So they were the first to stand up.

"This... There are so many treasures."

Ye Youran was shocked.

Even the six clean little monks are stunned at the moment.

The cave is very long, as if you can't see the edge at a glance.

On the stone walls on both sides of the cave, there are many treasures hanging.

Among them, the most are immortal tools, and some genius earth treasures whose names are unknown to ye Youran.

Even there are many cultivation skills.

More and more people find the treasures in the cave.

He cried out in ecstasy:

"I'm rich... I'm rich. This is a mysterious immortal weapon."

"The Yellow level immortals are valuable. The lowest level here are Xuan level immortals!"

"Look, Xiandao boxing manual, this is a Xuan level skill! What a big hand."

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