"Little leaf, can I ask, who do you learn this medical skill from?"

In the house of old man Wang, old man Wang suddenly solemnly asked ye Youran.

Pan Yueming's condition is almost better.

After ye Youran gave her another injection in two days.

Should be able to completely recover and leave the hospital.

Ye Youran's medical skills won countless applause.

Even pan Yueming cried and said he would be a cow and a horse for ye Youran.

And let Niuniu kowtow to ye Youran on her behalf.

But ye Youran refused.

But ye Youran cured a rheumatic patient who had been paralyzed for many years.

And the news that you can get out of bed immediately caused a sensation in the whole affiliated hospital.

Even many patients or their families came to hear the news.

They all hope that ye Youran will pay a lot of money to treat them.

But ye Youran knows.

His medical knowledge is certainly rich.

However, the "great hero" who can cure pan Yueming is not him.

But the medicine gas in his body and the medicine gas of Agkistrodon halys gall.

Now ye Youran has almost no medicinal Qi in her body.

So he is helpless for other patients.

Even if it can be cured, there is no support of medicinal Qi.

Ye Youran can't let anyone, like Pan Yueming, make an immediate improvement in his condition.

Plus ye Youran is too tired now.

He still has gunshot wounds.

So I had to decline one by one.

But those patients and their families are too enthusiastic.

So Mr. Wang had to go home immediately in front of Ye Youran.

Even President Chen Zheng wants to invite them to the office.

And Wang Yan came back with ye Youran.

As for Wang Dapeng, he still has a lot of work to do.

Even Liu Xue and Shen Conglin, two medical scum, need him to plead guilty.

As for others, including Lu Xuan, they all go home, go back to school, go back to school.

After all, Mr. Wang likes to be quiet. He doesn't want so many people to make noise in his house.

What ye Youran didn't expect was.

After Mr. Wang returned home, the first thing Mr. Wang asked about his teachers.

"Mr. Wang... Oh, no! Teacher, if someone asked, I would say I learned from my grandfather."

Ye Youran is still not used to calling old man Wang.

But after all, he has promised to worship teachers, so this name naturally needs to be changed.

Ye Youran hesitated and continued:

"Since the teacher asked, I can only say that I don't know who I'm learning from."

Ye Youran's words stunned both master Wang and Wang Yan.

I don't know who to follow?

There's something mysterious?

"Well, behind my village is a large mountain. When I was ten years old, I followed my grandfather into the mountain to collect herbs. I found a thatched house in the mountain. There lived an old Taoist priest. After my grandfather asked me, I knew that the Taoist priest's name was wise. He traveled all over the world. When he arrived at the mountain, he felt that his time was coming and settled down in the mountain ……”

Ye Youran talked about an experience for many years.

This experience is true, which is no secret in ye Youran's mountain village.

It was really another Taoist name in those days. The wise Taoist priest lived in the mountains.

Since the discovery of the Taoist priest.

Many villagers have sent some food and clothing to the wise Taoist priest.

Because the wise Taoist priest really has superb medical skills.

Many villagers who have a headache, cold or fall and bite will go up the mountain to find the wise Taoist priest.

He can almost cure the disease.

Later, when ye Youran went up the mountain with some little friends in the village.

If you encounter rainy days, you will hide where the wise Taoist priest is.

Even ye Youran was naughty when she was a child and made trouble with her family. She often ran to the wise Taoist priest.

I'm familiar with the wise Taoist priest.

But the wise Taoist priest really has a short life.

In less than a year, he was sitting.

In order to commemorate him, the villagers also set up a monument in the mountain.

There are four words in the inscription.

"So you learned medicine from him?"

Master Wang did not doubt him and asked.

"Yes, he did teach me a lot of traditional Chinese medicine, but I was still young and didn't take those things seriously."

Ye leisurely said half truely.

This experience is true, but ye Youran studied medicine with the wise Taoist priest.

That's completely fabricated.

Because a 10-year-old child, how can he calm down to learn traditional Chinese medicine?

Even if I did, it was more than ten years ago.

What should be forgotten has long been forgotten, and what should not be forgotten is almost forgotten.

But this half true and half false statement convinced old man Wang.

"No wonder you have such medical skills at a young age. It turns out that you have such luck."

Mr. Wang sighed:

"But the wise Taoist priest must be a master of national medicine. He will give you everything before he dies. He must also see that you have this talent and wisdom since you were a child."

Master Wang's words immediately made ye Youran blush.

The so-called talent and wisdom is a joke.

If he didn't get the golden recipe by chance, he wouldn't be a fart now.

Of course, I have lied at this time, and now there is no proof.

Ye Youran naturally can't tear down the steps.

I had to harden my head and say:

"It's a pity that I only know the title of wise Taoist priest. I was very young at that time, and I didn't worship a teacher. I didn't call him master when I died, and I didn't wear hemp and filial piety for him. I haven't told anyone, even my family. Now I think I'm really an asshole."

Ye Youran's last words seem to be filled with emotion.

In fact, he also deliberately revealed some obscure news to Mr. Wang.

Anyway, no one can trace what happened more than ten years ago.

Leisurely is not afraid of being tracked down by anyone.

Because what he just said has blocked all the flaws.

"I can't say that. After all, you were young at that time. What do ten year olds know?"

Wang Yan comforted by his side.

In order to transfer ye Youran's "self blame and sadness", Wang Yan quickly changed the topic and said:

"By the way, ye Youran, how's the gunshot wound in your hand...?"

"It's all right and it doesn't hurt. It's Monday tomorrow. I'm a little tired. If there's nothing else, I want to go back to school and have a rest."

Ye Youran goes down the slope and wants to leave.

Because ye Youran is very uncomfortable here.

I'm also worried that Mr. Wang will keep asking endless questions.

Much is lost. If you say something wrong, ye Youran is afraid that he won't come back.

Most importantly, ye Youran's body is now empty.

Not only the medicine is empty, but also the stomach is empty.

He's really starving.

However, at this time.

A doorbell rang suddenly.

One of the servants hurried to open the door.

It was Anne who came in through the door.

Annie is cheerful. As soon as she enters the door, she smiles and says:

"Ye Youran, look what I brought you."

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