Under each Immortal Emperor, there will be eight heavenly statues.

These heavenly deities helped the Immortal Emperor manage such a big Kingdom, and also supervised the mortals in the jurisdiction of each king country.

And behind every God, there will be such a big family.

The Immortal Emperor of the southern region is called Nanli Immortal Emperor, and the Zhenjia and Liujia under his seat are one of them.

The earthquake of the earthquake home is like a dazzling star rising slowly.

The earthquake family is trained as the next generation of heirs.

It is also one of the rare evil geniuses in the southern region.

Less than a thousand years old, it is already a terrible existence in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian.

It is precisely because Zhenyuan has amazing talent and strong background, so he has attracted much attention everywhere.

Even in the seminary of war, he can almost cover the sky with one hand.

Most teachers are afraid of him and even flatter him.

Therefore, over the years, no one has dared to choose the four remaining caves on the mountain where the earthquake far away cave is located.

"Teacher, thank you for your advice. We have our own discretion. Go and help you first!"

Facing the teacher's kindness, ye Youran politely asked him to go first.

The teacher obviously saw ye Youran's intention to dissuade him.

So he nodded and left on his own.

His duty is to lead ye Youran and them here to choose the cave.

Now that his work has been completed, he has no right to interfere in where ye Youran chooses.

"What do you mean, gentlemen? Choose here or go somewhere else?"

After the teacher left, ye Youran asked Hong Meng and Bai Zifan.

"Of course it's here. I think your boy has already seen that it's different from the ordinary cave?"

Bai Zifan said to Ye leisurely with a smile.

Ye Youran and Hong Meng smiled knowingly.

In fact, whether ye Youran or Hong Meng.

Which of them is not amazing?

Except ye Youran, they all respect their status and grow up in flattery.

They have been crowned as demons since childhood.

Zhenyuan wants to occupy such a good place to practice. How can they agree?

"Yes, this mountain is different from ordinary mountains. The heaven and earth aura here is more rich. Cultivating here is more efficient than other caves."

Ye Youran said noncommittally:

"Since we can't do anything about us in the war god academy, we don't need to be afraid of him. One day, when our cultivation improves, why should we be afraid of a mere shock?"

In fact, no matter ye Youran or Baizi, they all see it.

Zhenyuan's hegemony is not just that he occupied the whole mountain in pursuit of Guanghan fairy Liu Yan.

But because he made all elite disciples dare not touch here in the name of pursuing Guanghan fairy Liu Yan for better cultivation.

After all, no matter how rich the aura of heaven and earth is, it is also limited.

The more people practice here, the more heaven and earth Aura will be consumed.

Then everyone will naturally absorb less.

"In that case, I'll choose first. I'm the body of heaven's fire. The Guanghan palace of Guanghan fairy is full of cold air. I'd better stay away from her! I choose not to move near the Ming Palace."

Bai Zifan pointed to the cave on the far left, thought for a moment and said:

"I am Tianhuo physique. In the future, my cave will be called Tianhuo temple!"

Bai Zifan said and flew up with a big hand. On the plaque above the cave, he left the words "Tianhuo divine Palace".

"I don't like women. I choose to be close to the heavenly fire temple."

The little monk Liujing said the same and flew up.

His cave was next to baizifan, and he wrote the word "Zixiao baocha" in Buddhism.

"Only women and villains are difficult to support in the world! Hong Meng only wants the perfection of martial arts all his life, and doesn't want to pay attention to the love between children and women. Ye Youran, then you will be affected and get close to Guanghan palace."

Hong Meng chooses the Zixiao treasure Temple next to little monk Liujing.

He named his cave: King Li hall.

Simple and rough, but it's appropriate.

Hong Meng is indeed a natural divine power. Few people can resist his fist in the same state.

"Then I have only this one left."

Ye leisurely was helpless. He could only be the Guanghan palace next to the Guanghan fairy, and behind the Guanghan palace was the palace of the Ming Dynasty.

Ye Youran thought about it and gave his cave a very low-key Name: Yangxin hall.

People in the fairy world are too impetuous.

Ye Youran also began to realize that he had been influenced by the values and world outlook of the fairyland.

Although these effects are not necessarily bad.

But ye Youran hopes he can keep his heart.

At least we should keep in awe of life.

Of course, for those who want their own lives, ye Youran is still willing to kill them according to the values of the fairy world.

"Well, Ren Yingying, clean up here!"

Ye Youran took Ren Yingying to his heart nourishing hall.

Everything here is quite complete.

Although it is a cave, there are still many talented earth treasures planted in front of the cave.

Although the value of these genius treasures is not very high, they have a beautiful effect.

In the cave, there are closed rooms, cultivation rooms, alchemy rooms, weapon refining rooms, Biwu platforms and so on.

And living things.

It's just that no one has lived here for many years.

So there is thick smoke.

The cleaning work, ye leiran, was naturally handed over to Ren Yingying.

"Why am I? Do you really regard me as your servant girl?"

Ren Yingying was almost not angry.

She's in Juling city. She's a golden lady.

When is it her turn to do such heavy work.

"If you don't, I can only report to the college and persuade you to retreat."

Ye leisurely shrugged.

Ren Yingying is his entourage.

If ye Youran is not satisfied with his entourage, he can be driven away at any time.


"What are you? You're just an entourage."

However, just when Ren Yingying wanted to say something more.

Outside ye Youran's cave, Bai Zifan and Hong Meng came together.

Because their cave also needs cleaning.

They let their entourage clean the cave, and they came to ye Youran as a guest.

"You... Are so hateful."

Ren Yingying's eyes were red with anger.

"Hey, hey! What do you mean we're hateful? Don't forget, there are still bets between us. Let's give it to Lord Hong first."

Hong Meng said with a bad smile.

Before assessing elite disciples, they had a bet with Ren Yingying.

Now ye Youran and they have been selected as elite disciples.

And Ren Yingying is just their entourage.

Whose talent is higher, win or lose.

According to the gambling agreement, Ren Yingying calls ye Youran and others.

"You... You can't think about it."

Ren Yingying roared:

"My talent is not lost to you. I'm just hurt by this bastard. He made me lose my qualification for the examination. Our bet doesn't count. Unless... Unless we compare again."

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