Before, ye Youran just heard that the world was full of darkness.

But ye Youran never thought of it.

One day he himself will encounter such unfair treatment.

This makes ye Youran almost explode his lungs.

But nurse Xiaoling is right.

A hero does not suffer at present.

It's not time to break your wrists with the old patrol.

So ye Youran can only take nurse Xiaoling in.

When I walked in, the first thing I saw was a dark corridor.

This is the place where the police station temporarily detains prisoners.

Go into the corridor where the air smells rotten and musty.

There are small black houses on both sides of the corridor.

There are some people in both small black houses.

The one with the largest number is about a dozen.

All men.

The prisoners opposite are women, old and young.

But there are only four people.

It seems that men and women are held separately in this detention room.

This makes ye Youran feel at ease.

After all, nurse Xiaoling is a woman. It's more or less inconvenient to be locked up with a group of big masters.

As ye Youran and nurse Xiaoling walked in.

One of the detention rooms where male prisoners were held suddenly seethed.

Although nurse Xiaoling is not a country leader.

But it is as beautiful as the little sister next door.

When the animals saw nurse Xiaoling, they immediately began to swear.

Some even blatantly whistled and molested nurse Xiaoling.

Scared, nurse Xiaoling hid behind ye Youran, trembling with fear.

"You two go in."

The old patrolman opened the detention room with the largest number of detainees and shouted to ye Youran and nurse Xiaoling.

"Aren't men and women held separately? What do you mean you want us to go in?"

Ye Youran turned back and asked the old patrol faintly.

That cell is full of men.

If nurse Xiaoling is imprisoned, it is no less than a sheep into a tiger's mouth.

Ye Youran has always stressed that he should not kill easily.

He doesn't want to be a killer.

But the old patrolman is provocating ye Youran's psychological bottom line little by little.

It also erodes Ye's leisurely reason.

The killing in ye Youran's chest is almost uncontrollable.

"If I want you to go in, get in and I'll smoke you again."

The old patrolman raised his baton and was about to pull it off.


However, the old patrolman raised his baton.

Ye Youran took the lead and slapped him out.

The slap landed on the old policeman's face.

The crisp crackle immediately quieted the small black room, which was still noisy.


Too fierce!

The old patrol was beaten in the face.

Everyone in this cell knows.

The old patrolman is a bully in the police station.

Because he has a nepotism with the head of the police station.

His attitude towards prisoners is very bad on weekdays.

But no one dared to resist him.

Now he was beaten in the face by Ye Youran in public.

With this, many prisoners admire ye Youran's courage.

Of course, they also know that ye Youran will suffer.

Beat up the old patrol, is that good?

"Attack the police, you fucking dare to attack the police, and you are the opposite."

The old policeman was stimulated by the burning pain on his face.

He roared angrily, and the baton in his hand finally fell on Ye leisurely.

In fact, he didn't really want to beat ye Youran before.

He just wanted to scare ye Youran.

Because as long as you enter the detention room, you don't need him to teach ye Youran a lesson.

Naturally, someone will teach ye Youran a lesson for him.

But unexpectedly, he lived all his life and no one dared to beat him.

Today, ye Youran slapped him in public.

This is outrageous.

However, the old patrolman pulled off a stick, but ye Youran stretched out his hand and took the stick in his hand.

At this time, ye Youran is about to be dazzled by anger.

Holding the baton in one hand.

Ye Youran's other hand clenched his fist.

A punch was thrown at the old policeman's face.

With the strength of Ye Youran's fist, he still shot angrily.

If the punch is solid.

I'm afraid the old patrolman will die most of the time.

At least he can't keep the bridge of his nose.

However, when ye Youran's fist was only an inch away from the bridge of the old policeman's nose.


Nurse Xiaoling exclaimed and hugged ye Youran's arm.

Although nurse Xiaoling is a common people.

But the TV dramas and movies she watched since childhood have taught her a truth.

Attacking the police is a big crime.

The most important thing is that it can be killed on the spot.

This is the police station. If ye Youran makes things big.

That's a matter of life.

At this time, the old patrolman widened his eyes in fear.

At that moment, he almost thought he was going to die.

At this time, I looked at the fist in front of me.

The old patrol didn't dare move.

Between the wriggling of the larynx, the cold sweat murmured.

"Rabbits bite when they are anxious. Don't force me."

Ye Youran strongly supports that trace of reason.

Slowly put down your fist.

But he still killed the machine and faintly shouted to the old patrol.

Feel ye Youran's killing eyes.

The old policeman was filled with fear.

But he forced himself to say calmly:

"You... You'd better not mistake yourself. This is the police station, not where you can mess around."

Although the old patrolman's words sound a bit tough.

But with his expression of fear, there was a smell of ferocity and cowardice.

Ye Youran took a cold look at the old patrol and didn't speak again.

Let go of the baton.

Then he took nurse Xiaoling's hand and walked into the detention room.


As soon as ye Youran entered the detention room, the old policeman immediately closed the iron door.

As if afraid that ye Youran would rush out.

"You guys, take good care of them. Don't make trouble. The camera here is broken. I'm going to call someone to repair it. Be obedient. I'll add dinner to you tonight."

The old patrolman looked at the people in the detention room and said vaguely.

However, as long as a normal person can hear it.

The underlying meaning of this remark is already very obvious.

Be obedient and repair ye Youran. I'll have dinner tonight.

Most importantly, the old patrolman also deliberately accentuated the words "the camera is broken".

It's not clear to tell the prisoners.

Do it boldly. Anyway, without a camera, everything is dead.

Ye Youran suddenly became angry.

Hit the iron door with a heavy blow:

"Yes, I knew I just beat you to death."

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