Except Baibao Pavilion, I'm afraid no force has the courage to auction artifacts.

In the fairyland, the top is almost an artifact.

There are few artifacts in such a big fairy world.

Even if there is, it is either incomplete or there is no driven decision.

But even so, artifact is still the existence that attracts countless strong people.

Even if it is an incomplete artifact, if you can understand a trace of ancient Dharma, it may be other insights.

It has benefited a lot.

Therefore, anything that can touch the artifact is valuable.

Ye Youran and others know now.

No wonder this baibaoge auction will attract so many people.

Even almost all the eight families were shocked.

Moreover, it seems that the eight families are trying their best to take the artifact as their own.

"Well, no more nonsense. The artifact at this auction is a weak water bead jointly worked by the water gods in ancient times."

Uncle Fang asked the maid to take out the weak water drops.

Hearing the name of weak water bead, many people at the scene couldn't sit still again.

"It's actually a weak water drop, a life artifact made by the ancient great God water god!"

"Weak water is also heavy water. This is the best in the water!"

"Let's not talk about the power of this weak water drop. If it falls into the hands of the master of refining utensils, the immortal utensils made by quenching utensils with weak water must be upgraded to a higher level."

"Good thing! Good thing, this thing is definitely the supreme treasure that the master of weapon refining tried his best to obtain."

Everyone was excited.

Between heaven and earth, there are many kinds of fire, such as three flavor real fire, six flavor real fire, and even nine sky Xuan fire.

Water is also divided into many kinds.

One of the most famous is weak water.

Ye Youran, the name of weak water, has heard of it even in the world.

Weak water 3000, I only take a ladle to drink; 800 quicksand boundary, 3000 weak water depth; Penglai is inaccessible, the weak water is 30000 miles, and so on.

Weak water is the same as Jiutian XuanHuo.

It is a treasure with huge energy and very stable energy.

It's also powerful to kill the enemy.

It's easy to flood a city with three thousand weak waters. The dark fire is ruthless. It's not difficult to burn the world.

The difference is that Jiutian XuanHuo is a treasure for alchemists.

Weak water is also rare for a tool refiner.

There are 3000 weak water in this weak water drop, which is certainly of high value.

Uncle Fang gave everyone a little shock time, when everyone gradually settled down.

Uncle Fang shook his head and said:

"It's a pity. Although this weak water drop is rare, I haven't obtained the driving excavation of Baibao Pavilion, and it seems that this weak water drop has intelligence and can choose its own master, but can't recognize its master passively. Therefore, whether this weak water drop is destined to you depends on your luck."

Uncle Fang took it lightly.

Then the auction was announced.

This time, the auction is special, that is, there is no reserve price, and each price increase is no less than 1000 high-grade immortal stones.

Uncle Fang's move is brilliant.

It took a lot of time to pave the way for the rarity of this weak water drop and how much Baibao Pavilion lost for it.

For the shortcomings of weak water beads, it is a word.

Then he deliberately did not set the reserve price for bidding.

In this way, we can mobilize the enthusiasm of all the people in the audience.

Let everyone participate in the bidding of this weak water drop.

If this can make the atmosphere of the scene more warm.

When people are impulsive, they can often bid higher prices.

This man is old and refined. Maybe he's talking about people like Uncle Fang!

But this is understandable. After all, Baibao Pavilion is a place to do business.

Businessmen pursue profits, which is an eternal law.

"I have a thousand high-grade immortal stones."

"I'll pay two thousand."

"Five thousand."

"Ten thousand."

There is an endless stream of people bidding.

Especially in the hall on the first floor and the hall on the second floor, the bidding is very fierce.

The price of weak water beads also rose all the way, and soon rose to a high price of 45000.

But at this price, there is almost no bidding on the first and second floors.

The only thing left is the third floor.

This weak water drop is unique and priceless.

So no one can estimate its price.

It depends on how much courage and wealth you have on the third floor.

"Zeng Fei, how much can my Baibao black card overdraw?"

When LV Yan and Liu Rufeng and others competed fiercely.

Ye Youran suddenly turned back and asked Zeng Fei solemnly.

If ye leisurely doesn't move, it's definitely a lie.

There are so many people on the scene, and no one is not eager to get this weak water drop.

Ye Youran was not prepared to bid.

Because ye Youran knows that he definitely doesn't have so much wealth.

Unless he takes out all the treasures in the golden body hall and sells them to Baibao Pavilion.

Not to mention the large number of these treasures, it will certainly expose the fact that the golden body hall is on ye Youran.

Ye Youran is really not safe with such a treasure.

Therefore, ye Youran had a little regret at the beginning and was not prepared to bid.

However, I don't know why, ye Youran knows that the unicorn is very excited in the animal nest in the sea.

Ye Youran has not yet established the ability to communicate with it.

But ye Youran can feel it vaguely.

The unicorn seemed eager to get the weak water bead.

Therefore, ye Youran wants to try.

Try how much his Baibao black card can overdraw.

It's a big deal. Just give it back to Baibao Pavilion slowly.

"Do you want to bid for this weak water drop?"

Zeng Fei looked at ye Youran suspiciously.

No one can predict the final transaction price of this weak water drop.

Does ye Youran really want to get it?


Ye Youran nodded.

"If I guarantee you, you should get 50000 at most."

Zeng Fei hesitated and said.

Then she reminded ye Youran:

"But elder martial brother ye, I suggest you don't have to bid! Because not only the eight families are coming today. As far as I know, some hidden forces and the 18 princes of the southern empire are also coming."

Zeng Fei said, lowering her voice and saying:

"The eighteen princes of Nanli Immortal Emperor, I don't need to say more about the wealth! But they haven't opened a bid. If they want this weak water drop, it's not impossible to auction a high-grade immortal stone of one or two million. It may even be higher."

Zeng Fei's words immediately stunned ye Youran.

Then there was some frustration.


No matter how rich ye Youran is, he can never be richer than Nanli Immortal Emperor.

Ruled the whole southern region for so many years.

No one can predict how much wealth Nanli Immortal Emperor has accumulated.

It's hard for ye Youran to get the weak water drops from these big men!

Unless those big guys don't bid with ye Youran.

However, just when ye Youran was ready to give up.

Little monk Liujing, who followed ye Youran and never spoke, suddenly said:

"Almsgiver ye, if you really want to, then bid boldly! I wudangzhao is willing to give you 100000 high-level immortal stones."

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