Nurse Xiaoling herself is very lovable.

And ye Youran knows that she is quite backbone.

Even in the face of director Liu Xue, she can not flinch.

After resigning, the affiliated hospital called again and she refused.

Although life was difficult, she didn't bow to life.

Such a weak woman who doesn't let men in the military country now forcibly kisses a strange man for her innocence.

It's really embarrassing for her.

Ye Youran held her petite and trembling body.

Deep remorse in my heart.

So that ye Youran's tone towards brother Chao has become very tough.

Why does the old saying that ye Youran only gets angry at the crown and becomes a beauty exist.

Now he is willing to fight against the world for nurse Xiaoling.

If this super brother is still fooling around.

Ye Youran doesn't care if he is a condemned prisoner.

Beat it.

"I believe it. As long as I'm still in this detention room, no one dares to touch you."

To Ye leisurely's surprise,

His warning did not irritate Chao Ge.

Instead, brother Chao smiled and went back to where he had been before and sat down.

Hearing what brother Chao said, the dozen prisoners around him dispersed bitterly.

In fact, the dozen prisoners were more nervous than ye Youran.

Especially after seeing the end of killing pig Liu.

They really dare not face ye Youran.

"Thank you."

Ye Youran hugged brother Chao.

Although this super brother looks bad.

But it's easier to talk than ye Youran thought.

After thanking brother Chao.

Ye Youran walked to the corner closest to the iron gate and said to a thin prisoner:

"Brother, borrow a place."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

The thin prisoner hurried away.

Ye Youran asks nurse Xiaoling to sit down with her back against the corner.

He sat next to nurse Xiaoling.

From beginning to end, nurse Xiaoling held ye Youran's arm tightly.

I dare not relax for a moment.

Fortunately, things have finally calmed down.

Nurse Xiaoling calmed down a little.

"Thank you. I don't know how to thank you."

Nurse Xiaoling wiped the tears from her face.

He whispered to Ye leisurely.

If it weren't for ye Youran, she couldn't imagine what she would end up like.

"It's all right. Speaking of it, you're implicated by me again today."

Ye Youran said with a wry smile.

Last night, because of Ye Youran, nurse Xiaoling lost her job in the affiliated hospital.

Today, because of Ye Youran, nurse Xiaoling's stall is gone.

And went to the police station.

Ye Youran almost doubted whether he was a broom star, which brought bad luck to nurse Xiaoling.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry."

However, when ye Youran felt sorry for nurse Xiaoling.

Nurse Xiaoling suddenly burst into tears again.

Constantly apologize to ye Youran.

"What's the matter? I should be sorry for you!"

Ye Youran said to nurse Xiaoling in a puzzled way.

"It's all because of me that you offended brother Chao. I'm really sorry."

Nurse Xiaoling sobbed. Ye Youran saw guilt, fear and remorse in her eyes.

"It's all right. As long as I'm here, I'll never allow anyone to bully you."

Ye Youran quickly held nurse Xiaoling in her arms and whispered comfort.

The little woman was really scared today.

"Ye Youran, shall we stop sleeping tonight? Before we go out, we must never sleep. We must always stay awake."

Nurse Xiaoling did not calm down because of Ye Youran's comfort.

On the contrary, he became more and more frightened.

"Why don't you sleep? Are you worried that they will bully you while we are asleep?"

Ye Youran asked.

"No, ye Youran, don't you understand? You have offended brother Chao. He is likely to kill you."

Nurse Xiaoling explained in a low voice.

"Why did he kill me?"

Ye Youran didn't understand.

In fact, ye Youran and Chao Ge have no positive conflict.

He's not going to kill himself, is he?

"If he kills you, he can prolong his life!"

Nurse Xiaoling explained in fear.

With nurse Xiaoling's whispered explanation, ye Youran finally understood why nurse Xiaoling was so afraid.

I finally understand why Chao Ge can become the king here. Everyone is so afraid of him.

Because he's on death row.

A condemned person is anywhere, whether in a detention cell, a detention center, or a prison.

He is the absolute king, the earth emperor.

Let alone ordinary prisoners.

Even prison inmates have to be wary of capital criminals.

It may not be polite, but at least the prison head will never want to offend the death penalty.

Because the condemned man is a dying man.

No one wants a dying man to die with resentment against himself.

This may be superstition, but it is also human nature.

After all, no matter who he is, he is full of awe of death.

In port x, when the police go out to catch prisoners, they need to worship Guan Gong before they go out.

That's why.

And the most important thing is.

The condemned prisoner already knew that he was doomed to death. He dared to kill anyone.

The law can no longer restrain his behavior.

Even some abnormal murderers, morality can not become his lock.

He is a man who really doesn't want life.

On the contrary, who dares to kill him?

Whoever kills him will die.

And he killed someone. It's just a big deal.

On the contrary, the death penalty murderer, although the outcome is still only one death, but it can prolong his life.

Because any criminal case involving death needs the approval of the Supreme Court.

Cases are reported layer by layer.

After going to the Supreme Court in Beijing, after verification and approval, we have to feed back layer by layer.

This process takes a year and a half or even more than two years at the fastest.

If you encounter some special cases with great impact and complex cases.

This process may be longer.

Even two or three years, three or four years.

In other words, every person killed by a condemned person.

Can at least prolong his life in prison for more than a year and a half.

Therefore, many executed prisoners themselves have plans to kill in their hearts.

Who dares to provoke him?

Like super brother.

He's not the best beater in the detention room.

However, even a strong man like pig killing Liu dared not provoke him.

Because no matter how ferocious he was, Liu only dared to teach him a lesson and did not dare to kill him.

On the contrary, super brother can kill him recklessly.

Liu Zaiqiang has to sleep when he kills a pig.

If super brother suddenly kills him while he is not paying attention or sleeping.

He can prevent the first day of junior high school, but not the fifteenth day.

So as long as brother Chao is still in this detention room for a day.

Everyone should always be on guard against him, beware of him and dare not approach him.

Even have to keep trying to please him.

"I see."

When ye Youran heard this, many doubts in his heart suddenly came to light.

"But how do you know all this?"

Ye Youran suddenly asked.

These things are unwritten rules.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to know.

At least ye Youran doesn't know.

"One of my cousins committed a crime a few years ago and went in for three years. He told me when he came back."

PS: the fundamental purpose of Qu Yue's writing this chapter is not to instigate people to commit crimes, but to let all readers have a sense of awe and be a good citizen who abides by discipline and law. Life is short, cherish the present.

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