If the medicine immortal is selfish, it is true to protect his shortcomings.

Ghosts are famous for protecting their weaknesses.

Especially after decades of hunting down a vicious organization in the fairy world in order to seek justice for an ordinary student in his college.

The escort of ghosts and sorrows has become famous in the fairy world.

It can be said that it is also because of ghosts and sorrows. When students of war god college go out to experience, they often have more confidence.

Ye Youran is regarded as the future of the war god Academy.

Now ye Youran has won a high honor for the war god Academy.

Ghost sees sorrow. How can ye Youran suffer the loss of the immortal?

What's more, ghost sees sorrow and has great feelings for the Ares Academy. The medicine immortal has provoked the authority of the Ares Academy in public more than once.

Where can I bear to see sorrow?

Therefore, ghost saw sorrow and threatened to beat the medicine immortal all over the ground.

Domineering, that's called a side leak.

Even ye Youran was staring at the ghost at the moment.

The old devil is usually calm and wise, but he doesn't advise at the critical moment.

This is very good for ye leisurely's appetite!

In the face of ghosts and sorrows.

The medicine immortal doesn't dare to speak.

Because the medicine immortal is a herbalist, he can get rid of ghosts and sorrows for several blocks in his attainments in alchemy.

But when it comes to fighting, few people in the same realm can be the opponents of ghosts and sorrows.

Otherwise, why did you become the vice president of the war god academy?

To the peak of heaven's realm like ghosts and sorrows.

It's almost difficult to achieve a higher-level battle.

But guijianchou can. In the face of ordinary strong people in the early days of Xiandi, guijianchou dare not say that it can be easily defeated.

But it is more than enough for ghosts to escape from the strong in the early days of the ordinary Immortal Emperor.

The medicine immortal did not have such confidence, and naturally did not dare to really come forward to accept the challenge of ghost sorrow.

"Hum! Ghost sees sorrow. Don't think this is the home of your war Theological Seminary, so you can show off your strength to our medicine Theological Seminary."

The medicine immortal's face was green and red. His eyes turned and looked at Nanli Immortal Emperor:

"Nanli Immortal Emperor, the martial arts of the five academies should be compared with real talents and real strength. This ye Youran won the genius of our school of medicine and theology with tricks. I don't think it's right. I hope Nanli Immortal Emperor can allow the genius of our school of medicine and theology to have another formal written test with him."

The medicine immortal did not dare to face the battle.

He had to leave the Immortal Emperor to ask for help.

Because nanlixian emperor is the master of the southern region.

Nanli Xiandi is also the most powerful person on the scene.

As long as the South leaves the Immortal Emperor to speak, even the ghost sees sorrow, and even the war god academy will never dare not obey.

Most importantly, the medicine immortal has always heard that there is no harmony between the war Theological Seminary and Nanli Immortal Emperor.

Maybe Nanli Immortal Emperor will help him.

"If you lose, you lose. If you win, you win. Stratagem and wrist are also part of your strength. The martial arts competition of the five institutes is not just the power of a simple reckless man. I don't think it's necessary to compete again!"

However, the medicine immortal found the wrong person.

Nanlixian emperor did not agree with the war god academy, and even had the intention of annexing the war god Academy.

But the war theological seminary is, after all, a college in the southern region.

You can play whatever you like. You still need to be united externally.

What's more, this is a live game in the whole fairyland.

Justice is in the hearts of the people, and the victory or defeat is determined.

Nanli Immortal Emperor dared not risk the universal condemnation and let ye Youran compete with Bao Wenjie again.

Otherwise, countless people will poke the backbone of Nanli Immortal Emperor.

Nanlixian emperor would not do anything that would undermine his dignity.

Even Nanli Xiandi's heart also hopes that ye Youran will compete with Bao Wenjie again.

It's better if ye Youran is killed by Bao Wenjie, then it's all over.

But nanlixian emperor could not do so.

"Hum! It's just a clown. He doesn't admit when he loses. He deserves to be the vice president of the seminary of medicine."

Ghost sees sorrow and hears words. It's rare to have some good feelings for Nanli Immortal Emperor.

At the same time, ghost's mouth is also very poisonous.

Mercilessly against the medicine immortal and the medicine Theological Seminary!

"Ghost sees sorrow..."

The medicine immortal glared at Ye leisurely.

He is a famous person in the fairy world.

With that superb alchemy technique.

Even ordinary immortal emperors should be polite in front of him.

When would anyone dare to be so disrespectful to him.

"OK! This is the martial arts meeting of the Fifth Academy, not a quarrel meeting. Let's continue the competition quickly! Don't delay the afternoon competition."

The vice presidents of other colleges finally stood up.

It was planned that the top three would be elected in one morning.

But it's already noon.

The freshmen's game is not over yet.

Now there are only war Theological Seminary and medicine Theological Seminary left in the top three.

All the elite freshmen of the other three colleges have been eliminated.

Therefore, they have lost interest in the competition of new elite disciples.

I still look forward to the competition of old elite disciples in the afternoon.

Because only the competition of old elite disciples will have the opportunity to win honors for their three colleges.

Although the medicine immortal is selfish and arrogant, he does not dare to provoke public anger.

So he sat down angrily.

GUI jianchou, as the vice president of the war god academy, is the host of this session of the five academies.

Naturally, we can't be too unreasonable.

Therefore, ghost saw sorrow began to announce that ye Youran won.

Next is the challenge.

Ye Youran is the first and Bao Wenjie is the second.

The little monk Liujing of lunkong can choose to challenge ye Youran or Bao Wenjie.

If little monk Liujing challenges ye Youran and defeats ye Youran.

The little monk Liujing is the first, ye Youran the second and Bao Wenjie the third.

If little monk Liujing fails to challenge ye Youran, he needs to challenge Bao Wenjie again.

And if little monk Liujing challenges Bao Wenjie directly.

If you win, ye Youran will be the first, little monk Liujing will be the second, and Bao Wenjie will be the third.

If the challenge to Bao Wenjie fails, ye Youran is the first, Bao Wenjie is the second, and little monk Liujing is the third.

After ghost saw sorrow's inquiry, little monk Liujing chose to challenge Bao Wenjie without hesitation.

This is also the inevitable result, which is not unexpected to anyone.

Little monk Liujing is unlikely to provoke ye Youran, a fellow disciple.

Moreover, little monk Liujing knew more clearly that he was far from ye Youran's opponent.

While little monk Liujing challenges Bao Wenjie, he has a great chance to win.

Because little monk Liujing has the body of the real Buddha and the divine beast white tiger as the guardian.

As long as little monk Liujing plays steadily and follows Ye leisurely, it is not difficult to defeat Bao Wenjie.

But what ye Youran doesn't know is.

Originally, the battle between him and Bao Wenjie was not noticeable.

However, it was caused by the medicine immortal and ghost sorrow.

The whole fairyland pays special attention.

Including those old elite disciples in the war god academy, they also came out one after another.

Among all the old elite disciples, one looked at ye Youran with surprise.

Then he whispered playfully:

"So you're not dead, ha ha, interesting, really interesting."

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