"Finally melted."

Ye Youran looked at the pool of red liquid in front of him.

Ye Youran was extremely excited.

This is the earth turning impression of the work of goblins and monsters day and night after three days.

This thing seeps into people. Ye Youran doesn't even dare to touch it.

Even with the last experience, ye Youran is still counselled at the moment.

Just, there is no time for ye Youran to hesitate.

Because ye Youran has been here for three days.

I don't know how long it's been outside.

If the Wuyuan meeting outside starts.

Ye Youran even abstained.

Ye Youran is always eager to kill the medicine King Sun Simiao in the arena.

For this purpose, ye Youran worked hard for a long time.

If you miss this opportunity, ye Youran will regret it.

Therefore, ye Youran opened the glazed gold body and swallowed the fiery red liquid without hesitation.

Don't mention the bitterness.

And the pain this time is greater than the last time.

Because last time it was just the base of the heavenly king tower.

That's just a little. After melting, it's about the capacity of an egg.

But this time it was a real turn of the sky. After melting, it was twice as big as the fist.

Ye Youran needs three full mouthfuls to take it.

Ye Youran's body festers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then it heals and festers again.

But the benefits are also visible to the naked eye.

Ye Youran could clearly feel that his glazed gold body began to frantically absorb the energy of turning the sky.

It also absorbs the damage of the body and returns all the absorbed energy to ye Youran's body.

Ye leisurely's body and viscera began to be crazy and powerful.

When all the energy is absorbed, the pain of death and life finally disappears.

Ye Youran's Glazed gold body barely entered the real third level.

At this time, ye leisurely's cultivation finally broke through.

Ye Youran successfully broke through the initial stage of the realm of golden immortals in Da Luo.

Da Luo Jinxian is the mainstay of the fairy world.

The strong in golden fairyland are as many as ants in the fairyland.

Only when you get to the real Luo Jinxian can you be a real strong man.

However, this breakthrough made ye Youran happy and sad.

Fortunately, ye Youran's strength has become stronger.

The worry is that future breakthroughs will not be so easy.

Last time it was just the base of a heavenly king tower, which made ye Youran's Glazed gold body enter the second state.

This time it was a complete turn of the sky, and the energy was ten times that of the last time.

But ye Youran can enter the third level.

It can be seen that each breakthrough of the glazed golden body requires ten times the energy.

In this way, if ye Youran wants to enter the fourth weight of the glazed golden body.

At least ten ancient treasures of heaven turning printing level are required.

That's a real ancient treasure!

Even the Immortal Emperor will be jealous of the baby, ten such babies, this is not a small wealth!

Even the ordinary Immortal Emperor can't take it out.

Ye Youran wants to raise ten complete ancient treasures, which is definitely not a thing overnight.

"It seems that the future breakthrough must be hard practice. It is unrealistic to rely on this shortcut."

Ye Youran thought regretfully in his heart.


However, ye Youran regretfully got up and was ready to leave the war temple.

Ye Youran suddenly felt a strong pain.

A huge and astringent message poured into ye Youran's mind.

The message is too big.

Even with Ye leisurely's soul strength, it's unbearable.

Ye Youran hurried and his head was about to explode.

Fortunately, this pain comes and goes quickly.

It was only a few breaths, and ye Youran came back.

"Nine turn Qigong?"

After recovery, ye leisurely found it in surprise.

There was a complete strange skill in his mind.

The name of this skill is called jiuzhuan Qigong.

This is a subsidiary skill of glazed golden body.

It turned out that when the glazed golden body reached the second level, every time it was raised, there would be a magic power or skill.

The last time ye Youran broke through the second tier, it was instrumental.

You can turn the magic weapon of casting glazed gold body into an attack.

With his magical powers, ye Youran can simulate the complete heavenly king tower to attack.

Although the power of the simulated heavenly king tower can not be compared with the real heavenly king tower.

But it's also extremely powerful.

Now ye Youran can also simulate the sky turning print to attack.

Now it's jiuzhuan Qigong, which is the third level of glazed golden body. It opens an auxiliary skill.

In fact, this nine turn Qigong is also chicken ribs.

It can't increase ye Youran's attack power.

It's just a skill of hiding breath.

The only commendable thing is that once the nine turn Qigong works, even ordinary immortal emperors can't see through Ye leisurely's cultivation.

It's just that this thing may be good for the first time.

But once ye Youran shows his strength, everyone will know ye Youran's cultivation.

At that time, ye Youran doesn't care to hide his cultivation.

"Grandma, the skill is good, but I've never seen such chicken ribs. The person who created this skill is just hot chicken."

Ye Youran couldn't help cursing in his heart.

If you can choose, ye Youran would rather change one, even if it is an ordinary skill.

It's just that this thing is a skill derived from the glazed golden body.

It's impossible to change.

And for now, it is still useful for ye Youran.

Ye Youran has just broken through the initial stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

No one knows the news yet.

It can just hide Ye leisurely's cultivation. When necessary, he may be able to catch the enemy by surprise.

Therefore, ye Youran immediately sat cross legged and carefully understood jiuzhuan Qigong.

Because this skill directly appears in ye Youran's mind.

It is not difficult for ye Youran to understand.

In just ten minutes, ye Youran basically mastered it.

Ye Youran didn't know until he really mastered it.

This nine turn Qigong can not only hide the function of breath.

It also has a small but wonderful function.

That is the leisurely breath of the leaves.

If ye Youran uses him to hide his breath, even the Immortal Emperor can't see through ye Youran's cultivation if he doesn't check it carefully.

But if ye Youran uses him to amplify his breath.

Ye Youran can let himself exude the flavor of the later stage of the realm of great Luo Jinxian and even the strongest at the peak.

This function also has no practical effect.

However, in some specific times, it may still be possible to bluff people occasionally.

"It's time to go. I don't know how long it's been outside."

Ye Youran put away the goblin monster and turned to the gate behind him.

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