The scene, and even all the immortals who are watching the live game at the moment, can't believe their eyes.

They really can't believe that this is just an elitist disciple's Alchemy competition.

If even elite disciples can lead to Dan robbery, doesn't it mean that the elite disciples are a real alchemy master?

Even the master of alchemy, in today's era, many people have never attracted Dan robbery in their life.

Ye Youran actually led to the Dan robbery that never happened in a thousand years.

No matter how shocked they were, Dan robbery came down.

But it's just a robbery. It's not a robbery.

Therefore, the intensity of Dan robbery is not very great.

But at this time, ye Youran consumes a lot.

Therefore, in the face of the Dan robbery bombed down, ye Youran was not surprised.

When ye Youran is ready to rise up and resist, he must not let Dan rob and destroy the juxia pill he has worked hard to refine.

GUI jianchou and others came back to God first.

"Open the array quickly. Ye Youran consumes a lot and can't face Dan robbery alone."

At this time, GUI jianchou and others are more worried than ye Youran.

Jiupin pill is rare for thousands of years. Ye Youran's juxia pill may become a good story.

It is also an honor of the Ares Academy.

However, Jiupin pill can be regarded as a real finished product only after going through the pill robbery.

Therefore, we must not let ye Youran's efforts fall short.

Fortunately, this is the arena.

There are many arrays in the arena.

There are many defensive arrays.

Guijianchou and black widow and others made reasonable moves and opened several arrays.

Under the protection of the array, the three pill robbers came down, and ye leisurely lifted the Xia pill unharmed.

After the three disasters, the three colored glow came and integrated into the juxia pill.

This kind of juxia pill is the real juxia pill. The glow is colorful and beautiful.

"Well, it's successful. It's really successful."

"Genius, this is the real alchemy genius."

"I didn't expect that the war god academy, which has always been famous for fighting, could cultivate such alchemy talents."

"The reputation of the theological seminary has been greatly damaged this time. In addition to the Theological Seminary, the future alchemy genius may also consider the war Theological Seminary."

See juxia Dandu robbery finished.

Many people at the scene were very excited.

Because this is destined to be recorded in history, they can see it with their own eyes.

It's also a great honor.

Moreover, ye Youran's feat has brought immeasurable benefits to the war god Academy.

Generally, when students apply for the college, they will give priority to the college suitable for themselves according to their talents.

For example, Hong Meng, who is born with divine power, will give priority to applying for the central Theological Seminary if there is no accident.

And baizifan, the body of heaven and fire, if he hadn't been for ye Youran, he would certainly have applied for the instrument Theological Seminary.

But now it's different. From now on, those alchemy talents in the fairy world should consider the war god Academy in addition to the medicine God Academy.

For the Academy of war gods, this benefit is due for thousands of years.

"Do you remember the gamble between ye Youran and Nanli Xiandi?"

"Yes, I'm too excited to forget this stubble."

"Whip, that's a real artifact! Nanli Immortal Emperor has lost a lot this time."

"Ye Youran is also very deep in the city. It is because he has real talent and learning that he makes a bet with nanlixian emperor."

"Will Nanli Immortal Emperor really give up the whip? And the hundred life reincarnation pill of the medicine immortal, that's the supreme treasure!"

"In full view of the public, they should not dare to repent! Just, does ye Youran really dare to accept it?"

After the crowd calmed down, they began to speculate again.

Originally, they thought ye Youran was just a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers.

Now he knew that ye Youran had severely calculated Nanli Immortal Emperor.

But, dare to calculate Nanli Immortal Emperor, perhaps Nanli Immortal Emperor scruples about his reputation and will not repent.

But after all, it is the personal weapon of the strong of the Immortal Emperor.

Ye Youran should not be so ignorant of current affairs. Dare to accept the whip of nanlixian emperor!

Because not everyone can take the weapons of the strong Immortal Emperor.

If ye Youran really took it.

Even if Nanli Immortal Emperor didn't fight ye Youran, countless people in the fairy world would want ye Youran's life.

Because a whip is enough to make many people take risks.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't need to say more about the victory or defeat!"

Ghost sees sorrow and now flies proudly to the arena.

He looked at the Jiupin juxia pill in ye Youran's hand and said to the medicine immortal with a sneer:

"The medicine immortal, should the promised bet be cashed?"

Ghost saw sorrow and didn't expect that ye Youran would give him such a big surprise.

Not only can you get an ancient treasure for nothing.

Most importantly, you can also get Baishi reincarnation pill.

With this hundred life reincarnation pill, ghost worries and promotion to Immortal Emperor is just around the corner.

The current situation of the war god academy is special, and the whereabouts of the dean is unknown.

There is only one and a half withered sword immortals, but there are still too few strong ones.

If he can be promoted to Immortal Emperor, the war Theological Seminary can be tougher in the future.

Not to be afraid all day now.

"Hum! I didn't expect you to have a good disciple in the war god Academy."

The medicine immortal's face is hard to see at the moment.

But after all, he is a figure with a head and a face in the fairy world.

Most importantly, he is also the vice president of the seminary of medicine. He represents the whole Seminary of medicine.

The reputation of the seminary of medicine must not be damaged by him.

Therefore, the medicine immortal did not dare to go back even if he wanted to.

He can only throw the Baishi reincarnation pill and the ten thousand boundary compass to the ghost with great heartache.

At this moment, if the medicine immortal didn't bear it, he was afraid to spit out a mouthful of blood.

If he had known this, he would never have dared to gamble with ghosts.

It was precisely because of this heartache that the medicine immortal looked at Ye leisurely with murderous eyes.

It's all this little bastard. He must die.

It is not just because of him that the medicine immortal has suffered great losses.

The most important thing is that there is a genius like ye Youran in the war Theological Seminary, which is definitely not a good thing for the medicine Theological Seminary.

However, ye Youran turns a blind eye to the murderous eyes of the medicine immortal. Instead, he looks at you with a smile.

The medicine immortal honored his gambling agreement, and then it was Nanli Immortal Emperor's turn.

Therefore, at the moment, not only ye Youran, but the eyes of most people in the audience fell on nanlixian emperor.

Everyone wants to know whether Nanli Immortal Emperor will keep his promise.

"Well, I have such a genius in the southern region. Why not worry?"

But Nanli Immortal Emperor didn't seem to be angry at his failure at the moment.

Instead, he said gracefully:

"Although I am an Immortal Emperor, I must not break my word. This whip has followed me for tens of thousands of years and has been silent for tens of thousands of years. It's time to find its real owner."

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