No one expected that there would be such a dramatic scene in the end.

Originally, people thought Qiu Jing was well deserved first.

As for ye Youran, no matter what his ranking, it is worthy of respect.

Because no one can really achieve all-round development.

It is understandable that ye Youran can make achievements in so many aspects, even if he is slightly weak in refining.

Unexpectedly, ye Youran could turn over the salted fish and tie for the first place with Qiu Jing.

Therefore, with the announcement of moqiuqizong, many people looked at ye Youran in disbelief.

After a few seconds of silence, many famous weapon refining masters or weapon sects rushed to the arena.

They need to personally verify whether what Mo Qiu said is correct.

Although you can be trusted, it's too strange.

If you can't confirm it yourself, many people can't believe it.

Including old man Yan, who is so excited at the moment.

Originally, he thought ye Youran had little hope of getting into the top three in the weapon refining competition.

As one of Ye Youran's personal teachers, he also feels that his face has nothing to do with it.

In addition to ye Youran, other weapon refining talents in the war god academy almost ended in failure.

I think refining weapons is really not good at ares college.

It is precisely because of this that old man Yan really has high hopes for ye Youran.

Unexpectedly, leisurely gave him a great surprise in the middle of despair.

Therefore, old man Yan almost flew to the arena at the fastest speed.

One is mo Qiu's new fish intestines sword.

"Really, really, really."

After the examination, the old man was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Even if you look carefully, you can see the tears in the old man's eyes.

After old man Yan, more and more weapon refining masters and masters began to test.

The results obtained are indisputable and prove once again that the authority of Mo Qiu is beyond doubt.

At this time, sun you's face was as gloomy as water.

He clung to the iron whip in his hand.

Because no one cares about him and the immortal tools he refined.

Sun Yu couldn't accept the second place. He thought Youran was at the bottom. He could comfort him a little.

Unexpectedly, his second place was still there, but ye Youran changed and came to the first place.

He lost to ye Youran again.

"Damn, damn!"

The anger in sun you's chest was unusually high.

He can't accept it.

He should have been the protagonist. He has prepared for more than 100 years.

Want to be a blockbuster in the Fifth Academy.

However, ye Youran suddenly appeared in this session of the five academies.

Ye Youran seems to be his nemesis, pressing him everywhere.

"I'll kill him. I must kill him."

Sun you forcibly suppresses the impulse to kill ye Youran now.

But in the next battle, he will never allow ye Youran to continue to live.

As long as ye Youran is alive, it is his shame and a nightmare he will never let go.

Of course, no matter how unwilling or angry sun you is, no one will pay attention to him at the moment.

Everyone's eyes are on ye Youran.

Even Qiu Jing has received little attention.

Because Qiu Jing is a well deserved master in refining utensils, but ye Youran develops in all aspects.

It is even more difficult for ye Youran to achieve such an achievement in refining utensils, at least in the eyes of others.

So ye leisurely is like a dazzling star at the moment.

All the light of genius was covered by Ye Youran.


The scene could not be calm for a long time, but the result could not be changed.

Finally, ye Youran and Qiu Jing tied for the first place.

Different from sun you's resentment, Qiu Jing came to congratulate Ye leisurely.

After the refining competition, the beast control competition will follow.

Animal control division is also a major profession in the fairy world.

However, there are fewer animal controllers in the fairy world than weapon refiners.

And almost all of them are concentrated in the northern region.

Because there is an animal Theological Seminary in the northern region, the animal controllers in the fairy world are almost concentrated in the animal Theological Seminary.

In fact, the position of animal controller in the fairy world is still very low.

For some practitioners who do not have other special talents, such as rebellious blood or constitution.

It's best to take the way of animal controller.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to catch up with such a gifted genius.

As for the position of the animal controller in the fairy world, the reason is that the animal controller relies on external forces after all.

What fairyland people advocate more is their own strength.

Therefore, as long as they are not desperate, they generally will not take the road of animal control division.

And it's also risky to become a beast controller. If your cultivation is too poor, it's difficult to catch a powerful Guardian beast.

Even if their cultivation has been stagnant, and the strength of guarding divine beasts is getting stronger and stronger.

There is also a certain risk of autophagy.

This time, the beast controller competition is simply more powerful than guarding the divine beast.

In other words, the participants put their guardian beasts out to compete.

And the host doesn't need to play.

The strength of the guardian beast will directly determine the strength of the beast controller.

So the animal controller is actually the most relaxed game.

There's no need for contestants.

Not many people participated in the animal control division competition.

Sun you, bu Dong, Ming Wang and others did not participate.

Because they're not animal controllers.

But every college will have several animal controllers.

Finally, many people participated in the animal control master competition.

Most of them are geniuses of the animal Theological Seminary.

As for other colleges, almost only three or five people attended.

There are relatively few war Seminary, because there are only two people in the Academy.

Just to everyone's surprise.

Ye Youran was also one of the two participants in the war god Academy.

"Lying in the trough, don't tell him that he is not only an alchemist, but also an animal controller."

"Oh, my God! Ye Youran even signed up. What is he doing?"

"There's no reason, all-round talent! He's all-round development!"

"It's impossible. People's experience is limited. Few people can choose two or three occupations. How can he still be an animal controller?"

"I feel like I've lived on dogs for more than a thousand years."

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