Unicorns are naturally the nemesis of nightmare beasts.

The two most frightening killing moves of the nightmare beast failed in front of the unicorn.

The power of fantasy cannot confuse unicorns.

Its Hellfire was extinguished by weak water.

Facing the lightning power of Unicorn, the nightmare beast was bombed stiff.

The fierce collision of the unicorn left a blood hole in the nightmare beast with its unicorn.

Finally, the nightmare beast was trampled by the unicorn.

And all this just happens in an instant.

This change is really too sudden.

Suddenly to unbelievable.

It is clear that the nightmare beast is stronger, but in just a few battles, the nightmare beast was defeated by the unicorn.

And this is not over yet. The unicorn obviously has the heart of a beast that must kill a nightmare.

Therefore, the foot stepped on the nightmare beast, and the single horn on the unicorn's head flashed the power of lightning again.

The power of lightning gathered in the sky. The unicorn wanted to summon the power of lightning to blow the nightmare beast alive.


Suyutong felt the fear of the nightmare beast.

Because she has the same mind with the nightmare beast, although she has not yet reached the point where she can really communicate with her mind and spirit.

But they already have the same heart.

The fear of nightmare beast has been felt by Suo Yutong.

She wanted to admit defeat, but it was too late.

Nightmare beast is her best friend and her proudest comrade in arms.

Even for animal controllers, guarding divine beasts is no less than relatives.

Seeing that the nightmare beast was dying, Suo Yutong rushed to the Unicorn with her life.

"Pony, stop."

At this time, ye Youran also felt the killing intention from the unicorn.

In fact, ye Youran has no good or bad feelings for sayutong.

Ye Youran is not a murderer. He knows what guarding the beast means to the animal controller.

Ye Youran only wants to win the animal control competition, not to destroy the future of an animal controller.

Therefore, ye Youran also doesn't want the unicorn to really kill the nightmare beast.


However, the unicorn seems to be out of control.

In the face of Ye Youran's command, the color of struggle appeared in his eyes.

But the unicorn did not hesitate and continued to summon the power of lightning.

This time, it will condense the power of lightning to the strongest.


When you see a unicorn, you have to go your own way.

Ye Youran cursed in his heart.

It's too late for Suo Yutong to make a move. She's a talented animal controller.

But speed is not her strength.

Therefore, ye Youran shot, and ye Youran summoned the iron wing in an instant.

And opened the glazed golden body.

Ye Youran gave full play to the speed.

The moment is over the unicorn.


At the moment when ye leisurely appeared, the power of lightning on the sky finally condensed to the extreme and bombed down.


Ye Youran immediately screamed.

His back was covered with flesh and blood.

Even the iron wings are lax.

Unicorn is doing its best without any reservation.

Its strength is stronger than when the early leaves take it leisurely.

Ye Youran still has some deficiencies in defending against such lightning attacks with colored glass and gold body.

Unless ye Youran opens the body of the ancient devil.

However, the ancient devil's body is ye Youran's biggest card.

Ye Youran won't use it easily.

"Hiss ~"

See ye leisurely fall from the sky.

The unicorn immediately gave a cry of worry.

Then he quickly gave up the nightmare beast at his feet. The Unicorn with four hoofs immediately used his back to help ye Youran.

Unicorn wants to kill nightmare beast, but it doesn't want to kill ye Youran.

As its master, ye Youran's nature will focus on ye Youran.

In theory, it cannot betray any of Ye Youran's instructions.

But in order to kill the nightmare beast, it desperately resisted ye Youran's order.

But when it saw that ye Youran was accidentally injured by himself, it was more nervous than anyone.

"Ye leisurely."

At this time, all the nervous Ye leisurely flew to the arena at the fastest speed.

Especially guijianchou and baizifan.

They fly to the Unicorn with concern and want to check ye Youran's injury.

But when the unicorn faced them, it immediately made an aggressive gesture.

"Pony, stop. They are all my friends. Go back and have a rest!"

At this time, ye Youran endured great pain. Under the resistant eyes of the unicorn, ye Youran finally took the unicorn back to the nest.

"Ye Youran, are you okay?"

Ghost sees sorrow and then comes forward. He wants to cross into Xianyuan sect leader ye Youran to heal his wounds.

"No, I'm fine."

Ye Youran raised his hand and refused.

Ye Youran's injury looks very sad, but it's not very serious in fact.

Because ye Youran is the body of ancient demons. Although it has not been opened, ye Youran's physical quality is still here.

In addition, ye Youran opened the glazed golden body at this time. The glazed golden body can absorb part of the body damage.

Therefore, such an injury poses little threat to ye Youran. It only takes half a day to fully recover.

"Er! Did I read it wrong? The animal controller was accidentally injured by his own guardian beast?"

"Is this acting? Why don't I believe it?"

"I've never heard of a beast controller who can't control his guardian beast. Is the master-slave contract in vain?"

Seeing ye Youran so desolate, many people in the audience said they couldn't understand it.

Because it can't be believed at all!

Of course, it's just that ordinary people can't believe it.

Some people can be trusted.

"Shut up and don't gossip if you don't know anything about the animal controller."

Suddenly, a thunderous sound came from the rostrum.

Then a tall, middle-aged man flew up.

This person is the vice president of the animal Theological Seminary, and also SA Yutong's personal teacher - Luther, a generation of master of animal control, known as water ghost Luther.

The water ghost Luther looked around the scene coldly and said:

"The third kind of beast is the most difficult to subdue, because it can violate all the orders of its master at some time. No one knows the reason, but this is the natural privilege of the third kind of beast."

Luther then turned to ye Youran:

"Ye Youran, although I don't know why your Unicorn suddenly violated your order, as the personal teacher of Suo Yutong, thank you for your mercy and justice, and saved my disciple's nightmare beast."

Water Ghost Luther still has some reputation in animal control world.

Only the real master of animal control knows what the guardian beast represents to the master of animal control.

If ye Youran hadn't worked hard to save Suyutong's nightmare beast before.

Suyutong's life is ruined.

Without the nightmare beast, Suyutong will be nothing.

At this time, Suyutong also took back the injured nightmare beast and sincerely thanked ye Youran:

"Thank you."

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