Xiaoyao immortal wants to see himself. Ye Youran has guessed a general idea.

At the beginning, Xiaoyao fairy looked for herself for the sake of weak water beads.

He even gave ye Youran a soul jade slip, hoping that ye Youran would recognize the Lord and crush the jade slip to contact him.

The purpose is to ask ye Youran for some weak water, which is said to be used for his granddaughter's cultivation.

Previously, ye Youran vomited 3000 weak water in the animal control competition, which must have attracted the attention of Xiaoyao fairy.

Therefore, he wants to see himself. Needless to say, ye Youran knows that he came for the weak water.

"Ye Youran, I warned you not to provoke Xiaoyao immortal. Did your boy offend him?"

Ghost sees sorrow and takes ye Youran to the third floor of the war god Academy.

On the way, he asked Ye leisurely.

"I didn't offend him."

Ye Youran said with a wry smile.

Xiaoyao fairy is asking for ye Youran, but ye Youran knows the specific reason, but ye Youran didn't say it.

In fact, when ye Youran found Xiaoyao fairy in the arena before.

He just wanted to talk to xiaoyaoxian.

Only in the animal control competition, ye Youran was injured by his unicorn.

This time, even if xiaoyaoxian doesn't find himself, ye Youran may take the initiative to contact him.

"You didn't offend him. Why did he come to you?"

Ghost sees sorrow and obviously doesn't believe it.

"How do I know? Why don't you ask him?"

Ye Youran gave a careless look.

It's not that ye Youran doesn't want to tell the truth.

Ye Youran really has a plan. Ye Youran doesn't even want to be known by him.

"Hum! You'd better give me some peace, or you won't know how you died."

Ghost sees sorrow and says to ye Youran unhappily.

How dare he ask Xiaoyao fairy?

That's an antique that can be as famous as the dean of the war god Academy.

The most important thing is that Xiaoyao fairy has a strange temper and is both good and evil.

Today's war theological seminary is an eventful time. I don't want to get into trouble.

But ghost sees sorrow also worried about ye Youran's safety.

So he chose the place where ye Youran and xiaoyaoxian met in the arena on the third floor of Ares mountain.

There are half withered sword immortals here. Don't worry about carefree immortals.

Ye Youran knew what ghost saw sorrow was thinking, and didn't point it out. She smiled and followed ghost saw sorrow behind her.

Soon ye Youran was taken to the arena on the third floor of Zhanshen mountain.

In the arena, the half withered Sword Fairy was tasting tea.

And in front of the half withered Sword Fairy is the carefree fairy.

And it seems that half withered Sword Fairy and Xiaoyao fairy are still old acquaintances.

They talked and laughed while drinking tea.

Ghost saw sorrow and did not enter the arena.

Because it was a dialogue between the two great immortal emperors, although he was the vice president of the war god Academy.

But without the permission of the two immortal emperors, he did not dare to approach, so as not to disturb the two immortal emperors' Yaxing.

Ye Youran came forward alone and saluted respectfully:

"Young ye Youran, I've seen two predecessors."

Even ye Youran needs to remain humble to the strong at the Immortal Emperor level.

Of course, it also depends on who you are to. Ye Youran doesn't need to be humble to a strong Immortal Emperor like Nanli Immortal Emperor.

"Brother ye, we meet again. Come on, sit down."

Seeing ye leisurely coming, the half withered Sword Fairy said nothing, but Xiaoyao fairy was very enthusiastic.

The Immortal Emperor has no shelf at all. He asks ye Youran to sit beside him.

"Thank you, master."

Ye Youran knows what the purpose of Xiaoyao fairy is, but ye Youran doesn't lose etiquette.

After all, the strong Immortal Emperor deserves ye Youran's respect for his accomplishments.

"Little brother ye, don't be a stranger. I didn't expect that little brother Ye has grown to such a point in just a few years. It's really gratifying!"

Xiaoyao fairy was amiable and made no secret of her appreciation for ye leisurely.

Of course, ye Youran can't be proud of her pet.

Because ye Youran always remembers that ghost sees sorrow and says that carefree immortals are both good and evil.

The strong always have a strange temper.

Xiaoyao immortal can be extremely kind to himself, and may turn his face at any time and kill ye Youran on the spot.

So ye Youran said respectfully:

"The elder has a bad reputation. I don't know why the elder wants to see the younger generation?"

Ye Youran naturally knows the purpose of Xiaoyao fairy.

But ye Youran must pretend to be stupid at the moment.

Because each other has their own careful thinking, who speaks first, who loses first.

"Brother ye, you are so forgetful! My granddaughter practices a skill and can't break through it. Brother, I hope brother ye will give generously and give me some weak water to practice for my granddaughter, even if I owe brother ye a favor."

Xiaoyao fairy smiled and said to Ye leisurely.

But as soon as he said this, ye Youran was shocked.

This is the Immortal Emperor! I don't know how old it has been.

His name is ye Youran, little brother Ye. Ye Youran can accept this. It's a polite name! It's no big deal.

But he called himself brother.

This is the rhythm of being brothers with ye Youran!

An ancient Immortal Emperor who only has the edge of face actually took the initiative to call ye Youran brother. What's the situation?

"Little guy, the favor of the carefree old ghost is still worth a few money. If it's not too difficult, you can give it to him!"

When ye Youran was shocked beyond measure.

The half withered Sword Fairy suddenly spoke.

And ye Youran doesn't know if he is an illusion.

When he looked at the half withered Sword Fairy, his dry face suddenly blinked.

It seems to be sending a message to ye Youran.


Ye Youran recovered and coughed twice to hide his surprise.

In fact, ye Youran also knows how valuable the human feelings of Xiaoyao immortal are without the half withered Sword Fairy.

That's the favor of a real Immortal Emperor!

It's just that human kindness is just a bad check.

Ye Youran is no longer Wu xiaamun. He easily believes in some people or some promises.

Ye Youran considered his words and said:

"Master Xiaoyao, of course, there's no problem if you want weak water."

Ye Youran deliberately squeezed out a look of embarrassment and said:

"But I can't recognize the Lord, but I was recognized by the unicorn."

Xiaoyao Xian said unexpectedly:

"I know that unicorns like holy things. Should weak water beads be swallowed by unicorns?"

Weak water is the water of the Milky way and the moat of the heavenly court in ancient times. It is extremely holy.

Unicorns like holy things and swallow weak water beads, which is expected by Xiaoyao fairy.

"Master, you are really smart."

Ye Youran flattered without showing any trace, and then said:

"So the younger generation wants to give the elder some weak water, but the elder also knows that the unicorn fought with the nightmare beast in the beast control competition and consumed the boss. Now it is cultivating in my animal nest and can't get weak water for the elder for the time being."

Ye Youran said, then patted his chest and assured him:

"If you don't mind, after the martial arts meeting of the Fifth Academy is over, the unicorn will recover. I'll make it spit out weak water and give it to you. Do you think so?"

Ye Youran said it sincerely.

But both the half withered Sword Fairy and the carefree fairy looked at ye Youran strangely.

This kind of lying with eyes open is good for children.

What is the unicorn and nightmare monster war? It costs a lot?

It's clearly a unicorn beating the nightmare beast. The unicorn doesn't consume at all, okay!

However, neither the half withered Sword Fairy nor the carefree fairy is a child.

They soon saw that this was ye Youran's delaying words.

As for the purpose! obvious.

"You little fox, ha ha! Well, who calls me brother? I have a request from you! Let's make a deal."

Xiaoyao Xian suddenly said with a smile.

At this time, ye Youran was really relieved.

"Shit, they are all Millennium foxes. What Liaozhai do you play? I'm scared to death."

Ye Youran thought so in his heart, but said respectfully:

"Thank you for your understanding."

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