Under the moon, ye Youran felt no pain.

However, Liu Yan's ice and snow magic power can not be underestimated.

The falling snow is burning ye Youran's body, so ye Youran must not wait to die.

Although ye Youran is not disturbed, he is like the God of war.

"Look, I broke your ice."

Then ye Youran raised his hand, and a huge heavenly king tower appeared above ye Youran's head.

Ye Youran didn't control the king tower to attack Liu Yan that day.

But hit him heavily at his feet.


The terrible explosion moment broke Liu Yan's immature ice area.

Even a huge pit appeared in the arena.

However, at the moment when the cold ice was broken.

Liu Yan smiled.

Her face was very white. She smiled strangely. Ye Youran had a creepy feeling.

Then she sipped:

"The cold current is surging."

The sound hasn't fallen yet.

Liu Yan disappeared.

She disappeared in place and could no longer be seen with the naked eye.

But ye Youran can clearly feel her.

Liu Yan turned into a breath, which was extremely cold.

It can't be seen by the naked eye, but it can be felt.

Liu Yan, who turned into a cold current, was so fast that he came to ye Youran's face in an instant.

At this moment, ye Youran felt a strong sense of crisis.

Even ye leisurely faintly felt that his neck was cold.

Between life and death.

Ye Youran knows that Liu Yan has come to him.

Maybe his head will move next moment.

Liu Yan is also really crazy. In order to kill ye Youran, she doesn't hesitate to lose her source.

Even if she really killed ye Youran, her cultivation will regress a lot.

This is the cost of consuming the source and even burning the potential.

However, her price is doomed to be in vain.


At the critical moment, ye Youran gave instructions to the goblin beast without hesitation.

Goblin and ye Youran have already formed a tacit understanding of conditional reflection.

Goblins and monsters spit out a lot of inner earth magma without hesitation.

The magma in the center of the earth is burning nine days of mysterious fire.

The magma in the center of the earth formed a huge fireball, which wrapped ye Youran and Liu Yan.

Because Liu Yan is close at hand.

Ordinary people's eyes can't see her, but goblins and monsters can feel her.

Wrapped by the magma in the center of the earth, ye Youran is safe and sound.

Because goblins and monsters will never hurt ye Youran.

But Liu Yan was different.

Wrapped in the magma in the center of the earth, she immediately had nothing to hide.


A shrill scream came out, and Liu Yan's body immediately manifested itself.

Like ye Youran, she is in the magma of the earth's core.

Her body has been ignited.

Ice holy body is a very powerful constitution, but fire is her biggest nemesis.

In the magma of the earth's core, she immediately fell into a coma after screaming.

"Admit defeat, I admit defeat for my granddaughter."

At this critical moment, the old antique of the Liu family on the podium stood up in horror and shouted angrily.

The young man of the Liu family is not good, but he has high hopes for Liu Yan.

If this is not the martial arts meeting of the Fifth Academy, he must kill ye Youran himself.

But it doesn't matter what you say now. The important thing is to protect Liu Yan.

The martial arts association of the Fifth People's court is allowed to kill.

It's legal to kill before your opponent admits defeat.

After the opponent is unconscious, the opponent's relatives can admit defeat instead of the opponent.

Although this is also a great blow to the reputation of the Liu family, for the sake of Liu Yan, the old antiques of the Liu family can only admit defeat instead of Liu Yan with shame and anger.


Ye Youran glanced at the Liu family antique on the podium.

But ye Youran finally put away the goblin beast.

Originally, ye Youran didn't want to use the card of goblin monster.

But it was too urgent before.

Ye Youran didn't expect Liu Yan to have a card to incarnate cold current.

If it weren't for goblins, ye Youran might be dangerous.

However, Liu Yan himself reached the point where the oil ran out and the lamp dried up when he used several cards in a row.

As soon as he was burned by the magma in the center of the earth, Liu Yan immediately fainted.

Although ye Youran wants to kill Liu Yan.

But ye Youran doesn't want to be eliminated.

In fact, Liu Yan is definitely not ye Youran's opponent

But ye Youran can't use too many cards in order to hide his strength.

Liu Yan's cold current magic power was really beyond ye Youran's expectation.

So the previous situation was really dangerous.

However, looking at Liu Yan, who was burned black and had been in a coma, ye Youran just took a faint look.

Then he turned and got off the arena.

As for the hostile eyes of the Liu family and Liu Yan's so-called flower guards, ye Youran ignored them all.

If this is not the martial arts meeting of the five academies, ye Youran must stay until the end to deal with sun you.

Maybe ye Youran would not hesitate to violate the rules and kill Liu Yan.

to have a tender heart for the fair sex? That is not ye Youran's principle of treating the enemy.

Liu Yan's immortality is purely her luck.

If you meet her next time, ye Youran doesn't mind killing her.

A person who wants ye Youran's life will never be soft hearted.

Because ye Youran will not allow the history of sun you's killing ye Youran to repeat itself.

But this time ye Youran didn't kill Liu Yan, and she also paid a very heavy price.

She is the source of her own injury, and her cultivation will fall back.

There are also some meridians burned by Jiutian XuanHuo.

If the Liu family wants Liu Yan to recover completely, it will take a lot of price and time.

This is her own fruit!

The game continues.

Soon another round of competition was over.

This time, the top seven were selected.

After drawing lots again, ye Youran met a genius from the seminary of medicine.

This time, the wheel is empty. Mingwang is far away.

Ye Youran's opponent is a genius of the Theological Seminary of medicine. He is also the peak cultivation in the realm of golden immortals.

The strength should be similar to Liu Yan.

However, Liu Yan's fate is in front of him, and it seems that Yao xianzunzhe, vice president of the seminary of medicine, and ye Youran have a holiday.

Therefore, after that genius met ye Youran, he fell without fighting.

Therefore, the top four were born soon.

Ye Youran's opponent fell without fighting, and ye Youran won.

Not moving, Ming Wang shook far away, so he also won.

Sun you also won.

The last one is Li Tong, the son of King Li, the first genius of Li Theological Seminary and the only son of the dean of Li Theological Seminary.

Among the top four, ye Youran and bu Dong Ming Wang Zhenyuan are both talents of the war god Academy.

Regardless of the final outcome, the Ares academy will be in the limelight again.

Sun you represents the seminary of medicine, and Li Tong, the son of King Li, represents the seminary of power.

Among the top four, there are only three colleges left.

Suyutong of the animal theological seminary was eliminated first because she met ye Youran.

The genius of the seminary has also been wiped out.

The next championship competition between the five academies will be born from these three academies.

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